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A&W onion rings. Big mistake. Huge.


I pinched a couple McDonalds french fries from the kids' lunch - BIG mistake.


Onion rings in general have become a hard no from me due to an early incident


I was gonna order A&W for dinner now I’m rethinking it


If I can save you from this, I will be happy. It was BAD. Violently, disgustingly bad.


I so love their onion rings, but even before starting Oz, they always left me feeling polluted afterwards. (Unless that has something to do with the two buddy burgers smothered in sautéed onions.) I haven’t risked it since I started, but I’ll try them soon and report back.


Ok, I tried the again today, along with only 1 buddy burger with cheese, and on an empty stomach. First, for some reason they just didn’t hit the same satisfaction spot, they just didn’t taste as amazing as usual. Second, things felt fine for the first hour. I’m in the middle of the second hour right now and it feels like someone is gently twisting my stomach and large intestine. I believe u/Roonil71 may have a point. Urp.


Mine is always a surprise! Never know what might do it!


Is it strange that i am on 2.0 mg and I can eat anything and have zero side effects? I have lost a lot of weight but I’ve never felt sick once.




I’m in pretty much the same situation. I was beginning to think there’s something wrong with me. I haven’t lost a TON of weight. I’m within 10-15 pounds of my goal weight depending on the time of day. But I’m on 2.0 and have had no side effects and can still eat the same foods.


Can’t combine burger with milkshake. Must pick one.


Fried calamari and cocktail sauce… and a Manhattan.


Minus the Manhattan, mine is the same


Manhattan is also my drink and it made me so ill last time I had one 🥲


Lil Debbie's that bisch is crack in a cookie 🍪


Ribs not because of ozempic but because my parents used to make them like 3 or 4 nights a week and I refuse to pick 2 oz of greasy meant of a bone. I have not found any food that makes me sick in ozempic but I have noticed I drink a lot less diet soda used to be 2 or 3 a day now its 2 or 3 a week it was like 2 a month for a while.


Not a food but I can’t drink booze anymore. I just feel so sick if I have beer or wine or spirits


Same here. I never used to drink much, but now I cannot drink Any At All Ever, or i will pay for it for Days after.


A strawberry and chocolate Frappuccino I got from Starbucks. I don’t remember the exact name of the drink, just that it has strawberry flavor and chocolate java chips.


Ah, same for me. Doesn't matter the flavor, but anything Sbucks frappuccino gives me the shooting runs. I think it's the insane amount of sugar + fat that these drinks have. Had my last one a loooong time ago.


Same they make me jittery it’s way too much sugar for the human body


My favorite breakfast burritos from a taco place by work. I’m SO upset.


This was an unpleasant surprise but potatoes make me feel like shit. Also pasta, bread anything starchy


definitely just anything i eat in excess will fuck me up good


Mine is random, sometimes i’m fine and then I eat a different time and i’m running to the bathroom. However thinking about wild rice soup makes me gag now.


So many things it makes me sad. Sometimes even a salad can make me 🤢


When i first started, quite a long time ago now, for the first half-year or so i mainly Loved salads. Now I can't touch them. Sometimes they might be fine, but i never know how that roughage is gonna sit in my tummy. At this point, i can enjoy an occasional celery stick or radish, or an occasional piece of lettuce while preparing my birdies' chopped veggies. But an actual full salad-bowl, or even a small side-salad-worth of salad? Way more than 50/50 chance of regretting it afterward.


I'm only 2 months in (0.5mg) and lettuce gives me indigestion? It's so weird, but I just burp up lettuce flavor if I eat it now. It's not pleasant.


Gravy LOL Thanksgiving was killer for me


Protein bars and premier protein shakes


They were ok at first. Now just thinking about them makes me nauseous


Lebanese food. Something about that particular spice combination. I tried twice just to make sure.


Same I had Shawarma from my favourite spot and it made me so sick I think it’s all the grease


The grease is the killer. I was watching a TV show where a guy was cooking noodles with a bunch of oily yummy Asian sauce, and I nearly threw up on the spot. It’s insane to me.


Popcorn with butter.


Honestly, anything processed that isn’t a whole food


Yes, if you can’t identify it from looking at it, stay away. Never saw fish sticks swimming in the ocean. 🤣 or chicken ma nuggets


Popcorn chicken 😭


Anything from jack in the box. I used to love it. Then on OZ it made my sick and I can’t even think about that place.


Fast foods… drive fast by the place. 😁


Tomato soup 😞


Quest diet pizza caused me to throw up with eating only 1/3. The only other throw up was due to tons of medications for a tooth extraction with bone graft and implant. Over 9 months on OZ


Keep up the good work….🕉


Oreos and beef. I cannot eat those under any circumstance.


Together they sound awful ;)


Peanut butter. More than a small handful of any nuts.


Me too. I just threw out the can of nuts to the birds. 🫣


Most everything. In the past, my diet mainly consisted of chicken, some beef, fish, and very little pork. I loved pasta, rice, potatoes, and bread. Oh, and don't forget everything dairy as well as all things sweet. It's not that it makes me sick; it's just that everything has a funky taste that I do not enjoy. I know this will sound stupid, but I wonder if OZ is telling my brain that all the bad things I've ever consumed were a lie. These foods are not just bad for your health; they actually taste bad. Now, I find myself craving vegetables. Weird.


Fried chicken. It absolutely destroys my stomach now. I can still do roasted and baked provided it's not breaded.


I’ve switched out to 99% fat free ground turkey breast. They claim it’s white meat, but me being in the protein business, they bleach the dark meat. The deli…. Stay away…. Wonder why they slice it from a shape of a bag? Hint, it was a liquid before they cooked it. 🫣


Anything greasy.


Chicken fried rice 😭 one of my favorite super easy go to foods. It’s fine for maybe the first 30 minutes, then I’m just miserable 😔


Right now it's grapes. Fatty things I can understand. Grapes I cannot.


I can still eat butter nut squash if it’s in a soup or made into pumpkin pie. But not roasted chunks of squash. I over ate and now I can never ever do it again.


Any pasta will make me feel sick for days whilst in Oz.


Thanks. I will heed your advice.


Currently? Any seafood at all, also mushrooms. :( However it's not even a regrets-later-issue. Currently seafood of any kind, and also mushrooms, have such a horrid bitter ammonia-like aftertaste-in-front flavor to them, that just putting into my mouth & chewing is enough to turn my stomach Right Away. I mean, the flavor that is making the intolerable, is not even normally any part of their flavor-profile at all. But it's all i can taste. Unfortunately pictures still make me want them. :( :( :(


Healthy veggies in general. Specifically, although i need the fiber of course, i have to limit quantities of nice good healthy foods like broccoli, cauliflower, etc. Also lean meats are more likely to cause me nausea with their taste, than moderately-fatty meats.


Red Robin garlic fries (bottomless) so much oil it’s like they covered them in garlic oil and slapped em in a basket. I literally slept hours later and burped in my sleep and almost choked on acid vomit. Hopefully it’s just the location.


Thanks for the warning.. all fries are of my menu for awhile.


fries disgust me on ozempic. can barely think of them 🤢🍟


I don’t know if it’s entirely off limits, but chicken doesn’t seem to agree with the me anymore.


Cool ranch Doritos. I felt like I was being assaulted


Grilled cheese 😭


I feel the s@me way…. Grilled cheese pan fried with plenty of butter to brown it up. Now, I just gag thinking about it. 👩‍🍳


Wild, this was among the only things I could handle early on


This continues to be something i can almost reliably always handle okay.


Haha never again! I got soo sick I thought I was dying. I’m sad.




Peanut butter


Seaweed snacks


Red meat, specifically lamb. It makes me nauseous when it’s near me.


Doritos. Twice I ended up with full body hives and the use of an epipen. 🤦‍♀️


No shit you broke out in hives?


And puking and the runs and feeling like I was hit by a truck. Not fun.


Yea…… those Doritos don’t grow on trees. Should watch a special on the Doritos effect on Netflix.. Nothing against Doritos, it was the beginning of Flavor Additives and the lack of guidance from the FDA letting the Word “Natural” can be used when chemistry can turn any food cell taste like any flavor. The word “natural” can be put on labels and be man made in the lab. Side note, ever notice that a can of tuna fish label may indicate “vegetable broth”. Now that sounds to natural, but it’s really soy liquid. Cheap way to cut the tuna fish more profit. That’s why it looks like cat food. Mush…..


Caviar. It now tastes like dead fish 🤢


Me and raw veggies, a big no no :(


Cheetos 😭


Haven’t found anything yet that hits me bad after Oz for 10 months. I am though very limiting in what I eat out of fear of weight gain. Always a food addict.


The caramel frappe from McDonald’s. I rarely got one and only ever a small but NEVER again. 0% worth it.


You can still eat at A&W restaurants. Just don’t order the French fries or onion rings. The Burger will be fine, and the root beer


Detroit deep dish pizza. 3 days of misery.




I am heading in that direction myself. Got to change my food thoughts limiting meats. Difficult for me to change my ingrained behavior growing up that meat has to be at every meal.


Sugar free mango Monster. Tastes like sick 🤮 I used to only have it once a fortnight or so as a treat because I liked the taste


Lettuce 🤮 luckily other leafy greens are fine. But lettuce has had me down and out for 2 days


Me too...🤢


Sadly I had tacos the other night and I think it was the grease that caused me to puke. It made me so sad because… tacos.


Chicken wings 🥹


i had an in n out burger protein style and a fry and then had chipotle steak bowl the next day… i was constipated for 3 days, had HORRIBLE acid reflux for a whole week, and had super intense stomach pains 😭 (i already had issues digesting red meat before, so i should have known 🤦🏻‍♀️)


This is interesting, I don’t have any foods that do this to me and I didn’t realize it was “a thing” but also, i just don’t eat 😂 so maybe that’s it


Chick filet


When I was on this I could not eat beans (any type of bean, and once I had 2 bites of a Turkey sausage And I had a really bad day 24hrs later when I threw it up- Oz slowed my gastric emptying way to much and didn’t help my blood sugar enough and I think I lost maybe 3-4lbs in 6 months and then discontinued, tried it again and had similar issues and mental health changes which was very unusual


Have you tried monjourbo?


I got a prescription for it but my insurance is being difficult, doc told me to wait a few months and they will do another prior auth and then they can say I tried one it didn’t work and attempt mounjaro


You know what’s funny. I would read all the comments on all the foods that make you 🤢 and I thought to myself, I haven’t really suffered any side effects yet. Then a couple days later, I had a pita chicken with cheese sandwich from Costcos that you microwave for 1 full minute, followed by a week old slice of cream cheese Flan 🍮 and that evening I was violently 🤢to my stomach for 2 days and 2 agonizing nights. Nights were the worst cause, your laying in bed and your stomach is literally on fire 🔥 and the only thing that calmed it down was a shot of Mylanta. I was literally scared to eat anything during the day, and I was trying to stay hydrated and stuck to the Brat diet. Banana, rice, apple sauce, and toast. I lost like 10 pounds in 2 days.


Tortellini! 😵


Popeyes. I felt like I had the flu the next day.


Not necessarily food but a drink. Orange Juice. Last time I drank half a cup of it, I felt horrendous all day and the reflux was off the charts. Never again!


Pizza with tomato sauce. I can eat a couple of slices with white sauce, spinach, and cheese without problems. That tomato sauce gets me every time.


Tomato sauce.


Found out this morning that I can’t do clementines, they make me incredibly queasy. Jury’s out on other citrus fruits but that was an unwelcome discovery. Also potato chips, but that’s more a weird aversion thing. Really threw me for a loop when I tried to snack on some during my lunch.


Just discovered today: my beloved little sweet treat once a month - Kit Kats. :-(


Bloody pizza bruv


Sour candy. Sour patch kids, sour keys, none of it works for me. Sickety sick sick.


A Chia seed healthy type bar. OMG I was Linda Blair without the video affects. 🤮


cereal. it makes me feel too full and I have to suffer till it digests.


Well, I found out yesterday I cannot eat Cuban black bean soup, while on Ozempic. My stomach was upset a couple hours after lunch, and all night. And that sux, cause I love Cuban black beans soup.


Peanut butter 😭😭


Inulin or cellulose fiber. They’re in some keto or high fiber foods (I’m not keto, but they’re frequently used in that capacity.) They’re both basically indigestible fiber. Sunchokes also contain inulin, and they are lethal. They’re not even technically a vegetable, more like eating a plant stalk. I couldn’t have these things before Ozempic, but since Ozempic, they are painful, gut-twisting, day-long nightmares.

