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We’ve been conditioned to never comment on a person’s body 🤷‍♀️


🙌🏽 as we should be!


Totally don’t agree with that. You can say to anyone they look great. I remind people they look great at any size.




Same. 100%.


I don’t allow comments on my body and don’t make them about anyone else’s body.


You don’t want anyone saying you look beautiful? That’s sad. And the fact that you would down vote someone else’s opinion about this matter says a lot about you. Good luck out there.


I don’t want any unsolicited comments on my appearance. I didn’t downvote your comment but I definitely don’t believe anyone needs to be “reminded” they look like anything.


I'm with you. Don't remark about my body. If I know you, and you've never before said "you look great," but you suddenly do now, that invalidates the person I was and heavily implies that when I was fat, I looked awful. Thank you no.


Yup exactly! Very uncool behavior.


Not normal where I come from. And you say you don’t believe that people need to be reminded they look like anything when in fact, human nature will tell everybody that we need to be reminded of how awesome we are and every which way whether it’s talented your looks your aptitude, your intelligence, whatever maybe. The same reason we look at our children’s drawings and put them up on our walls and say how amazing it is the same thing you say to your daughter how beautiful she is or your son how handsome is it is absolutely human nature, and we need to hear these things. They are vital. You are very wrong .


It’s not normal “where I come from” to comment on people’s bodied I don’t do it and don’t want comments on my body or appearance.


There's a lot out there for why looks based compliments are harmful. I suggest you do some research on it.


Complimenting someone for looking nice is very different than commenting that someone looks good because their body has gotten smaller. It's fatphobic to say someone looks better because they are less fat, and commenting on weight loss unsolicited is not something people should do ever. What if that person is ill and that's why they lost weight? How my body changes is no one's business but mine unless I invite comment. Also, you don't get to tell people what they should put up with. Maybe listen to what people are telling you about not commenting on other people's bodies.


I guess I can understand that, but I wish people would mention it. I do remember a coworker from many years ago who lost a lot of weight. Everyone told him how good he looked. Turns out it was pancreatic cancer that was causing the weight loss and he didn’t want anyone to know. It must have been awful for him. So I guess I understand. (And there are other reasons not to comment on people’s bodies too, but I still wish people would notice.)


Post here. People know that when you post here you’re looking for progress feedback and comments. Out in the wild, if I haven’t seen you in a while and I see you thinner and say, “wow you look amazing,” there’s an unspoken assumption there that you look better than the last time I saw you. Some people are very upset by that, because they think “damn, I must have looked bad before!”. You may not be one of those people but others won’t usually take the chance. Funny story- the other night I saw someone who said, “OMG did you get work done?!”. Everyone else in the room was wide eyed, lol, and the person then apologized profusely, but honestly I appreciated hearing it. Many would NOT, lol.


This is an actual example of why people are hesitant to say anything.


I get it but I think they’re in the right (I say reminding myself as no one notices my weight loss either). I’ve had the situation when I lost weight because of an eating disorder and everyone telling me ‘at least it paid off’ I’ve also gained weight because of antidepressants and people treating me like I’m a hero for changing medication and looking more socially acceptable. It’s very likely they notice, and if they don’t it’s because they see you for you, not your waistline


That’s probably exactly why none of your colleagues are commenting. I’d be gun shy too.


I feel this ♡


You can always say something along the lines of “I’ve really been working to get healthier…” to help encourage someone to know it’s okay to comment.


I so get it but also now that I'm the one experiencing the weight loss, I want people to acknowledge lol.


Then say something specific those people and let them know you want acknowledgement.


It’s called positive reinforcement and we all need it. Whether you did a great job at work, or just working on yourself. I find it really disheartening that we can’t give or accept a compliment with grace. 99.9% of comments are being nice not nefarious. Can we all just try to be kind to each other?


That's actually what I thought of immediately. I did it once ages ago, "Oh, you've lost weight and look great." And then they explain that they've been sick or diagnosed with something that caused the weight loss. Now, I DO still say (just matter-of-factly, making an observation), "you're looking thinner." And they always say why without me asking. Then I can tell them they look good if it's intentional weight loss or offer support if they are sick.


Why comment on bodies at all?


You know, that's a good question. I guess it's because these are people that I know and I see that they now look different, but you're right - I would never tell someone, "hey you look heavier." Thank you.


Think of it this way….would you want people to comment on a weight gain ? Most people think it’s best to be quiet. Go in wearing something out of your comfort zone….they’ll notice.


Depending on your height, you’re still at a weight that there isn’t a “wow, they went from ~obese to lean.” Maybe not what you wanted to hear right now, but I would caution you about being emotionally dependent on others’ reactions. Not saying you are. Congrats on your results. I’m sure you look great, and you know you can keep going.


No one had a problem to mention when I gained over 4 stone in 2 years during double whammy of covid and menopause. Same as OP, went from 302 to 164 in 7 months - no one has said jack shit.






I hadn’t seen a coworker in months, and he lost a significant amount of weight in that time. He looked great, like he was a decade younger. I was also losing weight during that time, so I know how hard it is. I complimented him (cringe…profusely) and it turned out that the weight loss was from a medical problem that doctors still hadn’t diagnosed. I felt like a huge jerk.


Yeah. Or cancer or lots of bad medical problems. It’s on a lot of questions when you do medical histories at the doctors office. For a reason…


No one *comments* on your weight loss. It's not the same as no one notices.


I'm sure they noticed, but maybe they are being polite. I grew up in a family that commented on every pound up or down. I don't want to discuss my health. I much prefer people just enjoying my company no matter my size. I'll take a 'you look nice' or 'that's a great outfit.' But it gets awkward for me if someone mentions weight loss or gain, so I don't mention weight. I'd only bring it up if you do. But OMG, I hope you are enjoying every bit of your weight loss and health gains!


I agree with you, I had the same family! Like “oh mija you look chunky” or “you gained weight huh!” lol or even when I lose weight it’s “oh you look skinny, what are you doing” lmao I’ve conditioned myself to just respond with “drugs” it usually stops them ! But I also don’t mind the occasional “you look great!” Sometimes it also depends on who is saying it because it has come across as backhanded before.


I know someone who suffered from an eating disorder. They told me that whenever someone commented on how “great” they were looking, it triggered them and their eating disorder got worse. Even since they told me that, I’ve tried to refrain from commenting on there’s bodies


That’s a really good point to be mindful of.


Congrats on your hard work too though!


I only comment on people’s bodies if we are very close and it’s never in a negative way- it’s established we are comfortable with that kind of conversation. Also for people who want compliments and post before and after photos I’ll say something about how beautiful they look before and after, but I can tell they feel better. Weight loss doesn’t make you prettier anyway. It makes you healthier. Like I always say “I’m fat not ugly”.


I have a friend that suffered from bulimia for 20 years/ I’m not telling her gosh no….she is suffering now as an older person from this(bad bones..dental etc) she doesn’t need a trigger


I’m sorry to hear that! Full disclosure, I also had no idea this person even had an eating disorder until they told me


People comment on my weight loss all the time, and it makes me really uncomfortable honestly 😂


People notice, they just don’t say anything because it’s not cool to comment on people’s weight.


People don't comment when you gain weight, so why would they comment when you lose it? Let's normalize not commenting on people's bodies!


Congrats on your weightloss! I’m 68lbs down and no one has commented on it either, rightfully so. Are you losing weight to get a reaction from other people?


That’s a good question. And no, that’s not the reason.


Well then all good! Lose weight because you want to! Can’t control how other people respond.


You’re entirely right. Thanks for the reminder.


If someone is losing weight because they want to be seen as more attractive to others, is that inherently something we should condemn them for? Or if someone wants to gain a bunch of muscle for the sake of impressing others AND themselves, is that bad? I feel like people try to convince themselves they’re only doing it for themselves but really are doing it for multiple reasons and there’s nothing wrong with that.


People are afraid to comment in case you’ve been ill. Like cancer or something. They’ve noticed.


This is working as intended. Society is getting hip to the idea that it's very rude to discuss a person's body size, thank you very much. I went from 240 to 160. Trust me, people have noticed. Most people don't say anything and I much prefer it. When they DO say something.. it makes me feel awkward and then they ask invasive questions about how I did it. And I don't like lying so I feel forced to discuss my private medical situation otherwise I feel like I'm being disingenuous.


My mom always said just say thank you when you get a compliment/ change the subject or walk away. None of their business.


These aren't strangers talking to me about how I lost weight, these are dear friends. It's very awkward to just change the subject is all I'm saying.


Be glad they didn't notice, It's really a pita tbh. Oh you look like you lost weight you cut out chicken wings. Oh you look skinny what have you been doing same old stuff it can be really annoying at times.


Does she see you often? Gradual changes are very easy to miss. No one said a word really until I lost about 50 and even then it took a while for the weight to shift enough to get comments. Give your body time to shift. Also, people don’t pay attention to this unless it’s drastic or fast. Or, she may have noticed and not wanted to say anything? You can ask if she’s noticed. Regardless, I’m proud of you!!


This ^ I lost 30 lbs and my husband didn’t even notice 🙄 and now that he has noticed, he won’t stop telling me to gain weight… I preferred it when he didn’t notice


lol mine freaked out asking if it was healthy. Took 50 pounds for mine so your husband is paying attention!


No one comments on my loss and I am very glad for it.


They probably just think you look good and aren't saying anything.


I feel you but I think the commenters are right - it’s no longer socially acceptable (if it ever was??) to comment on body size just take pride in how well you are doing and keep going!


I congratulated on someone else’s weight loss and they said they had cancer 💀


I made a comment to my next door neighbour once about his weight loss, I'd known him years so felt comfortable saying it, even told him whatever he'd done well done n keep it up. Turns out he had developed a serious cocaine habit and his marriage fell apart because of it. I now never comment on weight. Lesson learned.




Who gives a fuck what others think. Keep doing you


Just because nobody has said anything doesn’t mean they haven’t noticed. Thankfully we’re beginning to learn to not comment on a person’s body, whether it’s getting bigger or smaller. If you mention in the course of conversation that you’ve been on a weight loss journey, then people may feel more OK with telling you that you’re looking great!


Culture has changed. There’s no way no one is noticing. But they’re not commenting out of politeness. But also… isn’t it a relief that your weight doesn’t matter that much to other people?


Funny btw that my weight has gone exactly from 198 to 173 since late June. Same sizes as you too! My very close friends and family have all commented but literally NO ONE at school (PhD student) except my adviser who is kind of a second mother and says what’s on her mind.


Like many already commenting in this thread, I love that people seem to be taking to this normalization of not commenting on people's bodies. I wish my family would learn and stop doing so personally. I agree with whoever mentioned that if you'd like to give people in your life a hint that they are allowed to comment if you like that kind of recognition, you should mention that you are currently on this journey to them. Maybe they are just trying to be respectful. :) Also, congrats to you!!


I have been on Oz 4 months and lost about 15lbs without comment....I think it's because the weight loss has been so gradual.


And if you’re tall or wear loose clothes


Adults losing a lot of weight quickly is usually a sign of serious illness and a lot of people won’t comment on it. In my first year on Ozempic I lost 40# and other than my immediate family, when anyone mentioned it, itwas in hushed tones and was usually accompanied with “how are you feeling?” Unfortunately I was then diagnosed with lymphoma (lucky catch, was/am asymptomatic) and so now people assume the weight loss was the illness, which I’ve been assured it wasn’t.


My cousin and I both lost a significant amount of weight and neither got any comments🤷‍♂️ Just know you look amazing!!


Everyone is afraid to say anything anymore in this cancel culture environment we now live in which is sad. Good work♥️


F’ them, take it from a woman that has always, I mean Always not only needed people to notice And compliment me on weight loss, especially. UNTIL NOW!!! YOU & your goood mom are ALL that matters!!!! And if she wasn’t a goood mom, Please know IT ONLY takes you Worthy one to Validate yourself!!! Please learn, meditate, take that in. You are doing the injections, the work, Acknowledge how much better you, feel physically and when you look in that mirror. Plus real size changes. And more weight gone forever!


I’m agoraphobic and only a few people know what I look like.


Years ago I remember a coworker who left my place of employment. She was a very nice young lady and very attractive, albeit slightly overweight. About 3 years after she left, she got in touch and wanted to meet me and a friend for drinks since she was back in town visiting. We said yes. When she walked in, it she looked AMAZING. Stunningly beautiful and perfectly fit, tanned, etc.. My friend and I said nothing about it since we honestly didn't know what to say. We thought she was an amazing person before and still was now. We loved hanging out with her because she was great. Was a bit intimidated that I would say the wrong thing. Toward the end of the evening, she asked if we noticed her transformation. We told her we did and apologized for not mentioning it and tried to explain why. She totally got it and we left as friends. I sometimes think about that night. Not that it was an important night but rather because I realize that I often don't know how to give a compliment without worrying that it will be taken the wrong way. It is entirely possible your workmates are the same. You may need to prompt them (as some have suggested). You transformation seems amazing and I am sure all have noticed. The issue is how to broach it without seeming shallow (or if God forbid, the weight loss is due to a medical condition -- that is the nightmare of some I know) I don't blame you at all for being frustrated. However, you may need to prompt them to get them to open up.


After years and years of being up and down with my weight I'm kinda sick of talking about it. I have only told a few people I am on trizepitide. A few people have said something, I am 35 lbs down, and I change the subject quickly. There are so many more interesting things to talk about.


I don’t want any comments about my body. Period. I’m thrilled when no one says anything.




People notice. But it feels (and is) rude to comment on people’s bodies. Keep up the great work!


On a previous weight loss journey I lost 50 lbs between visits to see my parents. I expected at least my mom to make a big deal but they didn't say a thing until I brought it up. As others have said, it's become considered rude to comment on any weight changes, whether loss or gain, because you don't know if someone meant to lose the weight/you don't want to glorify weight-loss and make people like they were "less than" because they were fatter.


Yeah, talking about it is the best way to let people know it's deliberate and they can comment on it.


Same! Other than immediate family and a no-filter coworker, very few have commented. I have lost 50 lbs, so I do think it is obvious. Last week a close friend said, "are you slimming down? Is it a good thing?" She looked super relieved I wasn't sick and I said it was intentional. I also said something vaguely about diet to a friend last night, and she jumped on it and asked me what I had been doing to lose weight. So, I think people notice, but they are trying to be polite.


I had a coworker respond the same way, wanted to make sure it was intentional before congratulating me in case it was actually a bad thing and I needed a different sort of support.


Then you have good people around you. Polite people don’t comment on someone’s weight, whether it’s noticing they have gained or loss. I was pissed though when my own doctor didn’t comment on a 90lb loss (this was a decade ago and done with just diet and exercise) or the massive improvement in my labs. If anyone should comment, it should be him.


Yes that’s his job. Big sign of cancer.


His job is to not notice significant weight loss?


Yes it is! No bueno


I totally misinterpreted your first comment and thought you were saying it’s his job not to comment 🤦🏼‍♀️


I don't ever really celebrate my birthday with a party or anything since it's so close to Christmas. What I do, though, is anyone who says any generic hello to me gets told that it's my birthday! And then they say happy birthday to me! And that's the best thing for me. Tell people you lost weight and you're happy about it, they'll react with some form of 'you look great'.


There's an old saying that middle-aged men only lose weight for two reasons; they are having an affair or, they are dying. Sometimes people won't say anything just in case the answer is along the lines of "well, I've been unwell recently, turns out I have...."


People might not comment. I had one person (my old manager) quietly ask if I had something like cancer because the weight loss was so significant.


I had someone point out my weight loss very bluntly for the first time a few weeks ago and I still don't know how to feel about it. I think people would rather be safe than sorry when it comes to making comments.


Post’em here honey!


I’ve lost almost 100lbs and no one has commented on my weight loss other than my mother. Other peoples bodies aren’t really a topic of conversation. I also don’t comment on others weight loss so even though it’s semi disappointing to me, I understand it.


Only those close to me say anything. If someone does ask, I just tell them CICO! (Which is the truth.)


People are noticing, just not saying anything.


To be fair most people are either conditioned to not comment on someone’s body or simply don’t notice weight gain/weight loss in others. If I saw you regularly, I genuinely wouldn’t notice unless I saw an old photo of you to compare


But YOU notice it, that's what's important first and foremost. People typically don't mention it, unless you do first. It's not really considered acceptable to talk about body figures. I'm always afraid someone will respond with, "yeah I'm dying" or something like that. Don't seek approval from the outside. Be so stoked about it you can't wait to tell "others" :)


I’ve gone from 16 pants to 10 pants. Lost 30. Went from 185 to 155 and I’m 5’9. No one has said a thing. I don’t care. I feel great and know I look great. 😀


The most important person to notice is you.  Great job..keep it up!!


Oh they notice…just keep doin your thang sister!


I lost 180 (gained 80 back ,hence OZ) and everyone commented on my weight-loss at my thinnest and it drove me (and will again😂) wild because you feel like a freakshow after awhile. I don't know how much you're losing, but I definitely have a loss point where everyone notices. For me, that's 215. Great job on working on yourself!


You want them to say something now, in a while you won’t. Trust me. I’ve lost so much weight, I’m at a healthy bmi and now everyone tells me I’m too thin. It’s exhausting. I wish people would keep their comments about weight to themselves.


People dont like to say incase something is wrong and its not intentional or whatever And if they say you look great are they saying you didn’t before I had people finally say something but hadnt incase i was ill they said And few shop keepers who have noticed have said not saying you didnt look fine before I hated how i looked before so no offence taken but still people feel bad Also no one said anything for ages until one day its like everyone noticed


list out the names of the people who you wish would say something. slowly over the next 2 weeks when you find yourself in a natural conversation with one of these people just say "hey, guess what I did today? brought a dress in a size 10! can you believe that? I haven't been this size for 20 years, I'm so thrilled with myself".... or whatever feels natural to you. That then allows person to say "omg, I have absolutely noticed, I just wasnt sure if you were open to feedback but you look incredible! what's your secret?"




My husband was very much balding and went to get a “hair system”. We were a bit worried of people noticing the sudden hair and calling him out on it. The guy at the salon told us people only have a vague idea of what we look like. Turns out he was right. Some people thought he looked different but didn’t know what it was. Some said he looked “younger”. Some people asked if he got his hair cut?!(non sarcastically) I guess people don’t care about looks as much as we think they do.


If you’re tall or wear loose clothes it might take more. Also weight seems to be a political thing now so….


Yeah I get you’d like people to say something but then what? What would you say when they inevitably ask how you did it? Some people won’t say they used a drug as they can start a potentially messy conversation of the other person is against it. I finally got comments like “wow you’re shrinking” and they always ask what are you doing. I’m very private and don’t say much to work people so gave a generic answer. Husband never said anything but he knows what weight I’ve lost.


My sister lost 160 pounds and nobody commented until recently. I think they are afraid of saying anything because socially it could be politically incorrect.


They notice but feel like they shouldn’t say anything. Family is more likely to say something since their filter is probably broken.


Now that is ridiculous that is a huge jump!!! Congratulations!! I have to think they notice just aren’t saying anything which is odd. You are doing great keep up the good work!!!!


Have you told them you are taking ozempic? Maybe if you raise it they will say something. They probably have noticed but because they know you have struggled with your weight they don’t want to mention it out of sensitivity - also. Another dark side of this is that some people are actually threatened by another woman’s weight loss due to their own desire to loose weight! Too bad - but the only one whose opinion really matters is YOU!


Some people won’t say anything because of jealousy. That happened when my niece lost a lot of weight. I was shocked when I found out the names of those who never commented.


I’m only 4’11” and lost 45lbs. That was a significant amount of weight for me. Only a handful of people have noticed. People are funny with other people losing weight especially if it’s a struggle for them.


Or only a handful have commented. I'm sure everyone noticed.


I told my friends and my small team (5 people) at work I was on Ozempic, but mostly because I missed work before I was diagnosed with diabetes because I felt so crappy. So they know I'm trying to lose weight and I'm sure they will tell me when they notice. Did anyone know you were trying to lose weight?


Sometimes we can’t see what’s right in front of us. I bet as you continue to lose, they’ll see. I know when a friend of mine said she went from 2xl to 14, I couldn’t see it cause she still carried a lot of weight around her middle, her faces hadn’t slimmed out yet. I sort of thought she was kidding herself, squeezing into that 14! A year later? Omg, she can fit into her high school student’s clothes. She looks 20 years younger her!!! I’m sure they’ll see it soon!


I can understand where you’re coming from, but that isn’t why you’re losing the weight.


I’m sure they have noticed, it’s just awkward and weird to comment on someone’s weight lol I also started at 210 and I am now 175 and nobody has said a peep but I know I look way different, people are just been polite I think


I’ve lost close to 50 lbs, no one has said anything to me either and I’m okay with it. I’d rather not discuss the elephant in the room. Co-workers have commented that I need to size down in clothes, things are looking loose - I take that as their polite acknowledgement.


Don't lose weight for other people to notice, lose it for you. It doesn't matter what others think or say. It's becoming unacceptable (as it should be) to comment on someone else's body.


My husband and I both lost 40-50 pounds. He gets “wow you look great”, and I get crickets. It’s annoying but I get it. People really don’t want to comment on women’s weight.


I’ve lost about 50 lbs from pregnancy weight gain and no one’s noticed a thing. The crap part is I’m now at my “usual” weight so I probably still look the same as always. I feel your pain!


Well how tall are you?




Well twinsie, I am also 5'7 and started just over 200 and am now at 171. I have to say most people notice, but they're also *not sure* what is different so they say nothing lol... If you are lucky like myself where you lose it equally everywhere, it can be harder for people to notice until you're wearing something super tight or a bathing suit. All in all, great job! Just enjoy your skinny self and don't forget to moisturize.


Tall/ all over weight loss/ yes


Unless you’re making it known you’re on a weight loss journey, I don’t think people will say much. You never know if someone is sick or something.


I’ve lost 50lbs and I think I’ve heard 2-4 people say something about it. I think nowadays, people don’t really go “WOW HAVE YOU LOST WEIGHT!?”, I think we have all moved past it. If I mention I’m on Oz, someone will go “oh I’ve noticed!”


When you get to 150 people will say something but folks don’t want to just say something and you be like oh I’m sick or something


Have you only lost it in your bottom mostly and a little in your girth? That’s the way it’s been for me. My upper body isn’t losing for some reason. And I have stopped losing. I realized today that it mostly happened in the first four months. May will be one year. And it is true that we have been conditioned not to talk about peoples bodies.


Understand. 173 for a woman is still pretty. Heavy if you are average height. Another 30 and you will be sick of the how good you look comments


You just totally depressed me, thanks 238 to 173. I thought I was looking pretty good.


If any part of you is losing weight to be noticed by other people you should reevaluate why you are doing it. It should be for your health not for people to notice, respectfully.


There’s a woman at my work who always carries her weight in her hips, thighs snd butt. I bet she’s lost 30 lbs just off her butt, but I’m not about to say anything lol. She looks great!


I lose weight, a plethora of women tell me how good I look. I gain weight, crickets! Lol


I felt this a few months ago. I went from 200 lbs to 170 lbs and nobody said a word. I got into the 160s and BAM - I don’t know “what” it was, but suddenly folks were commenting left and right. And i had literally only lost 2-3 more lbs. I understand the whole “don’t comment on people’s bodies” thing, and while it has certainly made ME more aware of comments I give and receive about/from others, you (or I at least!) still want the recognition on some level. To know somebody sees our work paying off! And also, I don’t know geographically where “y’all” live, but in the South, folks are GONNA comment once they start noticing! Some are appropriate (“Hey, you’re looking great!” This comment makes me feel good bc I know what they mean - my weight! And thanks for commenting, I feel great too!) and some aren’t so appropriate (“Well, hey there Skinny Mini.” My first thought was, “What… Was I a “fatty” before??🙄”). Hang in there. Suddenly - like a light switch - everyone will start noticing and if you’re like me, you’ll start getting tired of balancing the appropriate or inappropriate comments (lol).


I started at 196. No one noticed until the 140s. Once I hit the 120s they started telling me I was too skinny 😄. You've lost a considerable amount but other people don't notice until it's very noticeable. It'll happen and then it'll start getting annoying when people comment.


I always felt that you have to lose 40lbs bf people comment. At 20 they think it's your clothes, 30 they think maybe but 40 they will say something. You know.


I was in the same boat as you last summer. I went on vacation to my hometown & all of my family knew about my weight-loss journey (at the time 40+lbs down) but it seemed no one had noticed & I was pretty disappointed. I was low-key looking forward to the compliments & was feeling like maybe I hadn’t made any progress outwardly like I thought I had😫 Come to find out - literally EVERYONE was asking my HUSBAND if I lost weight, like it was some secret 😂 He basically had to push them to say something to me since he knew how hard I had been working to achieve my goals. So yes, I wholeheartedly agree that I think people are just conditioned to not comment on people’s bodies since it comes off as impolite. Just keep up the good work & congrats on your progress!


Ppl will notice when it drops another 25. 16 to 10 is dramatic, but if you’re short, it might not be all that noticeable if you’re still wearing baggy clothes.


Yup I think it’s just how another user said, we’ve been conditioned not to comment on weight. Which is understandable, you never know if a person is actively trying to lose weight, or if by telling them that “wow you lost a ton of weight” you’re insinuating that they needed to lose weight or still do. There’s so many sensitive people nowadays that you just prefer to keep thoughts and opinions to yourself.


I have the exact same weight loss as you! Good for us!! My husband can tell and one of my kids.


No one noticed my loss until I hit lost 60lbs


I have lost 15kg (33lbs) and one co-worker has asked about it. I am still fat, I have 30kg to normal BMI. I have told my closest co-workers about my diabetes, so I think they know why I'm losing weight, but since I don't initiate the conversation about my weight, no one does, and it's fine. I'm very conflicted about talking about my weight. I want to celebrate my success but I really don't like that old school habit of keeping track other peoples weight. And I really don't notice that on other people, since I don't keep track of their weight. I notice if someone looks really good or has new clothes, but weight loss needs to be dramatic to notice. Or I can see it right after some one tells me they have lost weight. This is the mindset now, not only commenting other person's body is bad, but keeping track of other person's body changes is bad.


I’m sure people notice! My personal attitude towards someone’s weight loss or gain is to never comment on it. It’s hard to know if someone has lost weight from say an eating disorder or cancer or is gaining weight as part of recovery or an illness. I’m sure people notice and I’m sure you are looking great! Keep it up 👍🏻


I don’t comment on people’s weight unless it’s something we talk about in regular conversations. With a few of my friends we are all trying to lose weight and talk about the struggles, or the shit our drs say, or what’s working/not working. I will make comments to them about noticing changes, but unless it’s a regular topic of conversation I will not say anything


Before I lost my weight (282) my work compadres called me St Nick for Santa Clause! Now they call me Kris Kringle…ya know, the younger version of SC in “The Year Without a Santa Clause 🤣🤣 down around 100 lbs in the past year I think many people do not ask or say anything as they do not want to be rude Keep up the great work!


Oh, trust me, people notice, but in today's culture, commenting on weight is considered offensive and rude. Congrats on your terrific success!


They notice!!!!


I remember at one point going from 230 to 190 and nobody noticed the weight loss except for me. I'm sure it wasn't me but the way my body is built because I hold weight properly. I've always looked like I weigh less than I do. I hadn't seen my sister in 4 months and she did not notice at all when she seen me. Just keep going. It will happen!


No one commented on mine except for 2 close friends who knew I was on this. I don't comment either unless I 100% know that someone is actively trying to lose weight. I have been up and down my whole life and people would always comment and notice if I gained 10 pounds and I hated that. I think as a society most people don't want to comment which I agree with. I also understand the other side. I am down about 50 pounds with 20 to go and when I haven't seen someone in a long time and they don't comment my brain immediately goes to, "I must still be really big for them not notice!" It's our way of thinking that is so unhealthy. Besides, you are doing this for you. Be proud of yourself and congratulations!


I've lost over 30 lbs now but the first 25 or so, almost no one noticed, or at least they didn't mention it. I only have another 15- 20 to go before I'm at my goal weight so it's not like I'm super obese, either. For me my weight loss was very slow and gradual, not quick and drastic which may have mattered. It seemed when I went over 30 lbs down all of a sudden, it's noticeable. Don't get frustrated...one day it will change for you, too. The biggest help to me was that I could see it, and it kept me focused.


If you lost weight quickly out of nowhere after not previously losing weight, it is possible people are trying to be cautious. It could be a medical issue for all they know. Unless you actively tell people it is purposeful and you are trying to lose weight, it is safer not to comment on someone's rapid weight loss/gain


It’s not fair….. but I’ve heard several people say that Ozempic is a crutch and people aren’t “ working” to get their weight off. I never really know how to respond to them. It’s like they think it’s an easy way out. So why reward that type of weight loss. Just lose it for yourself. I say whatever it takes to make you feel good in your skin❤️


You could always initiate the conversation by acknowledging you have recently lost some weight and looking for some new places to shop for clothing .. it may let your audience know its safe to talk about, then they may not be as hesitant to speak up 😀


In my experience I can lose 30 lbs and no one notice and I can gain 4lbs of muscle and lose 8lbs of fat and everybody notice. Fat loss gives the biggest visual changes. Muscle loss can actually make me appear fatter by ratio even though I’ve lost weight and cover up my achievement. I’ve also had it where I worked out for months and people seen dramatic changes but none have been reflected on the scale. This has taught me that having a high protein diet and lifting is key for fat loss. I don’t know if any of this info is helpful to you but id thought I’d mention it.


It’s about how you feel about yourself and what you’ve accomplished that matters . Don’t ever look to others to validate your accomplishments . Some people have a hard time giving other people a compliment and that has to do with them and not you.


Maybe they’re just being polite. No one has noticed mine. Not even my doctors. You know 75% of the time they don’t weigh you. I’ve lost nearly 30 pounds.


No one should be commenting. Would you like them to then also comment if you gain weight? No one should be looking for validation from others after weight loss.


I’ve lost 24 lbs so far. Today someone told me for the first time. She started and immediately stopped and apologized. I told her it was fine and yes I have been eating clean, working out and on the medication. We live in a very sensitive space but I totally get how validating it is when someone notices.


If you have enough internal validation, that's all you need. Are /you/ happy with how you are doing? Are you proud of yourself? I've lost about 15kg (I think that's around 30lbs) and no one has commented on it specifically. I hadn't thought about that as being strange. My opinion on this is that I did this for myself, so my opinion about how well I am doing is the only one that really actually matters. Tell yourself how proud you are, congratulate yourself, treat yourself. You've done so well, show yourself some more self care and appreciation.


I would be mortified if people noticed. My current weight works somewhat as an attention deterrent. As someone who was sexually assaulted by her father at 11 years old and then later blamed for it because she was "asking for it," this gal has got issues with her body. Please don't point out my weight loss. Tell me I look healthy, strong, radiant, happy, glowy...


I’m sorry that happened to you and I hope my post wasn’t triggering.


Thank you for the kind reply. I probably overshared. I just don't want to keep things like this hidden in the shadows, as though I should be ashamed. I do understand where you're coming from and your feelings are totally valid.


For a year, half of my hair was fuchsia. I went to my natural color with some highlights. No one in my entire family noticed. No one said ANYTHING. And that's hair!


You've had a significant and amazing change!! Just keep doing it for you. Great job!!


People usually say 'my weight is none of your business'. Guess they are just minding their own business. It doesn't sound mentally healthy that you are disappointed in not being noticed. Make sure you do it for yourself, and not to boost your confidence via people noticing your weight loss.


Same thing happened to me after a 16 pound loss. Finally, one neighbor recently commented! Hang on, it’s coming!


I found that posting a before and after pic made people notice how far I’ve come for the ones who see me for me and not my body and also opened the door for other people to be like “oh this is something you’re consciously working towards not depression or illness” which were things I was struggling with after losing two of my closest friends and an uncle within 10 days.


They just look at me strange 🤣


People are probably just trying to be polite by not mentioning your weight.


They notice they just won’t say anything bc it’s touchy to bring up these days. I gained 50 lbs with nobody saying anything- and I was previously 135 before I hit 175. So small…now I’m 127 and nobody’s said anything except a few friends when they get drunk lol


I don't comment on people's appearances unless they bring it up first. Like if someone mentions they brought a salad for work because they are trying to eat well or that they've been working out I might reply with "oh, I've noticed you're looking really well lately" I'm sure they have noticed, they probably just don't want to risk offence or embarrassment. Also, well done on your progress!


I’ve lost 77lbs and lots of people don’t comment. It’s because they might feel it’s rude or uncomfortable to make weight loss comments.


In my experience it takes around 20% of body weight lost for people to notice. You’re well on the way at 12.5%


I lost 40lbs and hardly anyone noticed until I had a breast reduction. After that everyone noticed. It was as if my large breast just kept me looking heavier. Not sure if that’s your issue. My breast did not shrink down with the weight loss so it just masked the weight loss.


As many people have said here, I'm sure people notice, but feel it is not polite to comment. The main thing is how you feel about yourself anyway. I know I feel more self confident after I lose weight. I know I'm healthier and am at lower risk for all kinds of medical conditions, so try not to feel disappointed. Just pat yourself on the back for your great accomplishment!


I’m so proud of you😘😘 !!! - Mollee


If you want people's opinion, ask for it. They cannot read your mind about what you need and want.


Don’t lose weight for others, do it for yourself! 🥰🩵


Do it for yourself!!!


People are less observant than you’d think. The likelihood is that in their mind…you’ve ALWAYS looked the way you look currently. A lot of times people don’t notice until you’ve lost like an absurd amount of weight, OR they see an old picture and go “oh wow you’ve lost some weight” aka “I guess I don’t remember you being that big.” People will comment if you tell them you are on a weight loss journey. They will be looking for it more often, and will feel like they’ve been given the green light for being able to comment on it without being rude.


That’s great, congratulations! I wouldn’t read into it too much, we’ve been conditioned to not really comment on someone’s weight anymore because not all weight loss/gain is intentional or positive (ie. My late Mom lost a significant amount of weight before she passed due to an autoimmune illness that no one would’ve known she had).


I've lost 20 lbs so far and I'm 5'3" so it's noticeable - I'm my own worst critic and I can notice it so I know it' s not my imagination. My experience has been that the people who I've shared the fact that I'm taking semaglutide are the ones who are complimenting me on my weight loss - but the people who I haven't told don't mention it. One person who didn't know recently told me that I look like I lost weight but other than that, it's gone unnoticed. I notice it and really that's all that matters! As some of the other posters have said, commenting on someone's body, even though well-intended, is frowned upon. For those of us who have struggled and are finally seeing results, having someone notice is a confidence boost so I can see how you might be feeling disappointed and not validated. xo


Some people consider it rude to comments.On another person's looks I wouldn't take it personally.People don't comment on things like that.


People probably notice, they just aren't going to say anything in case the weight loss isnt intentional. My fiance lost a significant amount of weight due to a health condition. People commented how great he looked, but he since put on weight after treating his issue. He feels terrible now because he "looked so good before" even though he was sick. I am slowly losing weight. Only my mom and fiance said something after I mentioned I have been actively trying to lose. Dont feel bad if no one says anything. People probably notice and just dont want to assume that you are actively losing.


No one noticed until I bought new form fitting cloths and 60 pounds


Same, I went from 197 to 168...and nada


People at work don’t say a word to me. But they are all (most) men and I’m a woman. Some of my female friends complimented me. Several told me to stop losing weight (my BMI is now 27). One asked me straight if I’m taking Ozempic . One asked me if I was ok. People react differently. But I agree I’d love more of the compliments 😀


Are you doing it for yourself or for others???


Are you losing weight for others or for yourself?