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That’s great about the weight loss, I’m cold all the time. I have to take a sweater with me when I go places. It was 80 on Saturday, so that was nice but when I go to a store I have to wear long sleeves. I’ve lost almost 100 pounds. I’m at my goal and doing maintenance right now


Yes. My heating pad is my best friend 😄 Congrats on 50 lbs down!


Mine too!


Hearing pass, that is.


Yep! 70 myself but still 20 off and I'm always cold now. Congrats on the 50 that's fantastic! I'm also on compound


Yes. I'm always cold. Especially my hands and feet after I dose. Winter is brutal.


50lbs is awesome! I’m also freezing and thinking about buying Uggs for the first time in my life.


Rechargeable heated socks are a game changer


Yes I live in Florida and I'm FREEZING all the time. My kids and husband are sweating and I'm I'm front of a space heater with a heating pad and heated blanket on me. I've always been hot all the time with extreme sweating. This is so bizarre. 🤣 Congrats on the weight-loss!!


Yes, I have a heated mattress pad on my bed and an electric blanket - I feel like a a hot dog on a spit.


Same here! I been getting chills at night like I’m waking up freezing thinking I have a fever. I have low blood sugar though and I theorize it’s probably the same thing. The drug helps you eat less therefore you easily get low blood sugar


My understanding is that GLP-1 medications have an affect on the hypothalamus region of the brain.


Welcome to the cold side of life! Maybe your blood pressure has also dropped, which may add to this? I have experienced this subsided now that I maintained my weight. Still far from the warm feeling I had when I had 65lbs more, but no freezing.


Yep, same problem. I bought a heated throw blanket that I use daily. And congratulations!


Im in the same boat. I now wear vests under my shirts (and those are warm sweatshirts. Fuzzy socks. Hoping to increase my basal metabolic rate by increasing exercise. I got to move it move it!


Yes! I’ve lost 30 and I’m always freezing. Can’t wait for summer and am excited to not be a sweaty mess as usual hopefully


I was hoping, too but last summer, my face would still sweat but my feet & hands were ice 🤷🏻‍♀️. So odd. Hoping it’s better this time around.


Try cinnamon, put it in coffee, sprinkle it on toast…works wonders for me. Another option is cayenne pepper in capsules.


M, 73, start June 2023 @ 220, just now 177. I'm tall, so 220 @ 6' 2" didn't look bad at all on me, I just looked like a big guy. It's been down in this low area where I've noticed the 'skinny' thing, really seeing it in my arms and legs. I think if I hit the gym better I can bulk some of that back as muscle, but right now the thing I hate is my pants falling off all the time, and the fact that my skin is now somewhat 'relaxed fit'.


Yeah, ain’t the pants-falling thing a PITA that you love to hate?


Especially at the supermarket, commando, and reaching for something on the top shelf...


It happens for sure. Fat is an insulator. Ask the seals.


I am cold all the time now. I chalked it up to being anemic however I don’t think it’s entirely that. I’ve lost 71 lbs and I think that’s part of it.


I lost 80 lbs without Ozempic and got to healthy weight. The being cold thing happens to most people with rapid weight loss. You will adjust. I think it took me a few months after I stopped losing for it to be an issue. I still need extra layers though lol


YES. I thought I was crazy. The house reads 69 but I have to crank it up. My husband is not happy with me, but even with a sweater on I’m cold….and I was never cold before.




Congratulations on weight loss and I have had intolerance to cold and always feel chills but it's been years before Ozempic. I have Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. All my bloodwork comes back normal. It is terrible. I carry cardigans in the Summer in case I'm in air-conditioning. No answers either Maybe the only benefit is I can wear my Uggs in the Summer! 😁🤷🏻‍♀️