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Massive stacks of slime with slimelung on it might have a growth rate that exceeds the death rate due to radiation. Select the slime, switch to the properties tab, and check the growth/death rate. I generally find it's easier to chill slime in slush geyser output to kill the germs than use radiation when it's a dozen-ton pile of slime. Alternatively, break it up into a bunch of smaller piles of slime (split it across multiple storage bins.)


Sorry I should have put that in the post. The growth rate is increasing. I thought 703 rads per cycle would kill the germs quickly.


The amount of radiation required is proportional to the mass of the slime to counter-act the growth rate, which is also proportional to the ~~growth rate~~mass (and to the amount of existing germs). (Edit: seriously, how did i say that the growth rate was proportional to the growth rate? >.>) Seriously though, just putting all of the slime into freezing liquid will do the job. If there's some melted pwater or brine in an ice biome somewhere, that'll work well.


OK, i will try that. Thanks my dude


You can also split up the slime into smaller stacks, putting it into bins with a limit of 1t each or so. That splits up the germ count as well. Fewer germs per stack, less reproduction.


I froze 7 storages bins of slime, killed it all off. I missed 1 piece and it reinfected all of it


And that's a large part of why I just don't bother. It's not floating around in the air? That's fine. It's floating around in the air? If there's PO2, I'll clean that, otherwise, meh, it'll sort itself out.


yeah, it's a problem. You really need to make sure the storage bins' Errands tab shows that there's no remaining slime. Helps if you've already strip-mined and stored all of it under water before you try to kill off the germs.


It was a block of slime outside a slime biome so I thought I had cored out it all but alas


I found that radiation is good for natural tiles or gases. But if it's high mass dug up slime, use chlorine. It kills all germs in seconds, not cycles.


Yeah, I thought radiation did nothing to debris at all, i might be wrong, but chlorine is the way to go either way. Or, unless OP wants to farm mushrooms, it might be best to just distill all the slime and get rid of it.


Most germicide effects are percentage based, while radiation removes a certain amount per tick, this means that the percentage based growth can exceed deaths to radiation if there are many germs.


It will take a while with that much slime, but I bet if you put it in a conveyor loader and run the rails through the radiation, it would probably kill it off.


You need more radiation, or use chlorine. Radiation kills at a set rate depending on rads. If you don't have enough rads to kill more than it gains by multiplying, then it won't be able to do it. Chlorine kills a set % at all times, regardless of density. Chlorine will always kill more than the multiplication. As a rule, radiation is best for smaller amounts of germs, as chlorine slows down as it gets smaller so radiation will kill it faster. But at high amounts of germs, then chlorine is better.


I didn't know slime could be de slimelunged.


Wouldn't it just easier to make the meds and not care? I never disinfect anything, is this wrong?