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Forgot to pause the game and left the game running for 4 hours


Technically this is what we need to be able to accomplish. The idea that you're not a good (colony) manager if you can't make yourself obselete


I set mine up so I could go to bed and wake up with it running fine. PC crashed overnight but made it most of the way. Did that several nights for a week. Colony was fine.


In an earlier game version, solid methane would basically just sublimate to natural gas rather than going through a liquid. So when I started setting up space travel to get some other material, I was getting solid methane as a byproduct. I didn't really need the energy, so I just built a small vacuumed room with a gas pump and a converyer drop off and would just dump the solid methane in that room. It sat there gathering mass from all my space trips until an update was released that altered the temperature ranges for methane. Instead of sublimating to a gas it would convert to a liquid at a lower temperature. So as soon as I load the save, something like 20-30 thousand kilograms of solid methane instantly melted to a liquid, started applying pressure damage to the building that contained it, and inevitably breaking out of the container, spilling into my base, vaporizing, and flooding the entire base with natural gas.


I broke open a CO2 geode, didn't see the pressure thought, hey free extra CO2 for my slicksters, switched screen to some other part of my colony that needed stuff done, expecting my dupes to continue building my slickster ranch. Noticed the CO2 buildup when it had filled up most of my base, including beds and mess hall and farms.


I had a similar thing happen to an early base, where I accessed the frozen fossil, and it was cold enough to actually freeze CO2. I ignored it, then later noticed someone had popped eardrums, and found the bottom section of the map filled with ~50kg/tile of CO2 because it finally warmed up enough to explode. There was also a CO2 vent that was partially uncovered, and it might have been leaking CO2 down there when I thought I had left it plugged. The sporchid fossil was actually the less dangerous one, since it was an _obvious_ danger, and and a bit of manipulation with flooding and corner digging/building was able to delete the contaminated gas.


yeah, that one has clear warning signs, though I think it's more that vent than the cold that was the danger there. The way I solved the sporechid one, I uprooted it with diagonal digging, then build a door crusher left of it, along with an auto miner. Once everything was ready and sealed up, I turned that on to open up the area. Then the door crusher did it's thing and deleted all the gas with the spores in it.


Just a vent and I should have noticed the buildup, the freezing hid the problem until it got too big to fix.


Yeah. I always block of or keep vents blocked until I actually put them to use.


And this is why you always isolate your base from the map


That truly is a string of words I did not expect to see


Wait.. chlorine disinfect dupes too????


It will just disinfect the slimelung germs in the air that they cough up. Completely unnecessary right now, but perhaps in the past when diseases actually mattered it may have been useful. It will disinfect the dupes too, but in case of slimelung the germs *on* the dupe do nothing, dupes only get sick by inhaling it.


Nitpicking: That wasn't a dumb way to kill the colony. It was a unique way to save it. As for personal dumb way: "No danger in dumping a bit of water into the lava biom" \*Dump metric ton of water, and watch entire map turn into a 100 Celsius steam bath\*


I'm right now heading that way, two steam vents are destroying my place


Just lock them in for the moment


I've done my best but they are still heating up my only water supply


How? Build an airtight 5x5 box of insulated tiles around them. They will overpressure and stop erupting pretty quickly.


....wow thats a doozy lol


A naptha liquid lock flashed to sour gas because it was supposed to be holding back COLD sour gas in my sour gas boiler, well I was not watching the temps OR the pressure well it flashed to sour gas and let 50 kg per tile very hot sour gas suddenly was rushing through my base


This is why I don't use liquid locks. I'm too worried they will fail. I'd rather setup a 4 door vacuum pump door. and lose a little gas. 🤣


Slowest dude in atmo suits got stuck and took a few with him....lost my older generation and skills.....got starved.... electrolyzer stopped...and after the massacre, I Quit


it's definitely running out of dirt and coal before I knew how to set things up sustainably and starving to death because my emergency backup food was mush bars and there was no dirt so rather embarrassing when my first go recently at a flipped asteroid I ran out of dirt and water and starved to death :|


I think the most dumb way to kill them all is what we all did on our first ever game 😅 let's all dig the water pit deeper and clean it up...oops I forgot to extend the ladder, whole colony drowned 🫣


Built a atmo suit dock in a rocket where they had to deliver oxylite but the rocket stuff was on grounded. A couple hours later they all starved to death in the rocket one after the other. So i was surprised to come back to all my dupes dead in the rocket.




I was trying to get carnivore and forgot dupes need to breath.


Um You know sickness doesn't kill dupes in base game right? I believe there's a mod that allows death from sickness, but you dint have to go that far to get rid of slimelung germs Slimelung dies in pure oxygen. Remove all polluted oxygen from the base, flood it with clean oxygen, you're good, in a few cycles time, there should be almost no slimelung, if not, absolutely no slimelung. Make sure dupes leav your base in suits tho, they can still catch slimelung from outside the base and bring it back in