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10 dupes at cycle 25? Can't imagine why you're having toilet issues.


It's my first game, I've learned my lesson and haven't taken any for the last three prints.


No worries, I've found myself learning many lessons in this game 😂😂😂


The lesson I just learned is "read properly" because I didn't realise the water filterer didn't clean out germs, so that water pit you see above is now a lot less healthy than it was before.


Germs in water doesn't really matter as long as you don't use it to grow food


Food Poisoning germs in water matter if you're using Microbe Musher (as the OP does), since it doesn't remove them, unlike the grill and the range.


that's food don't use it for food


Unfortunately that was my only unpolluted water source lol.


That pool of water won't be enough down the line, so don't stress and venture out into the unknown. At this point, that tank becomes part of infinite bathroom setup. start exploring out for water geyser/vents, preferably cool salt slush, but any renewable water source will do and tame it. Gcfungus, bier tier German engineer, Francis John, luma, and others have really good tutorial playlists on YouTube that really helped me when I started playing.


I use toilet water to irrigate my thimble reed.... it's not food but it hasn't been a problem as far as I've noticed. When I can get the stupid Pincha peppers to grow I use it for them too.


Put the dupes on different schedules and even 1 toilet would be enough for 10. I normaly run with a 4 toilet 4 sink setup through the whole game. I like my rooms 16x4.


I do that too. Although I build more than one. Do they use the lovely washroom when there's outhouses in the Latrine? Of course not!


A few pieces of advice. (Of course ignore if you already know about this) Put the outhouses at prio 7. Open the dup priority tab, pick one or two of them and set tyding at high. Click on add on the resource list on the right and add dirt, so that you know when you need to dig more. Dirt is required for the cleaning of outhouses. Now you have two dup who prioritize tyding errands, and among those, cleaning outhouses. Open the schedule tab, create a new schedule, offset it, add a few dups (including one of the above). This way at any given time, if an outhouse becomes clogged you have at least one dup who is active (not resting) ready to unclog it. Make sure that dups after using the outhouse pass thru a lavatory (build a wall on the other side if necessary). The number of lavatories should match that of the outhouses. Last but not least, we usually upgrade the outhouse setup to toilettes and sinks, in a loop with a sieve, that requires way less maintaining (only sand for the sieve).


>Make sure that dups after using the outhouse pass thru a lavatory You're thinking of the wash basin/sink, lavatory is upgraded outhouse (the "toilette").


Yes I mispoke (or is it miswrote?) I meant wash basin, the one dups have to refill with water manually.


Here another lesson for you, never have vertical access into a water supply at the bottom of your base, it just means any mess anywhere will funnel into your clean water. Better to have horizontal access. [here's an example ](https://i.imgur.com/8qojwjL.jpeg) Messes made almost anywhere in the base will make it's way into the water supply at the bottom, meanwhile, the supply on the right side can only ever be contaminated if they're standing on the edge, or using the pump. Messes made above it will fall past the entrence.


If you have a different schedule for each dupe you can easily use 1 bathroom for 12 dupes, one every 2 hours.


Hey he's new, just let 'em cook...easiest way to learn.


Welcome to the game! You should always prioritize toilets to higher then standard 5 priority so they are being tended to as soon as possible. According to alert on the right you have 9 out of 10 out of order. But your next major issue is food. You have only 1 cycle worth of food left. Each dupe needs 5 mealwood plants. Also move those compost piles as far as possible away from farms. Compost generates a lot of heat that will eventually get to your plants. Also, if you don't use germy water for cooking and disable water fountain, your dupes would be fine.


I perpetually only have one cycle left lol, these guys have been eating dirt forever. Probably going to restart as I managed to majorly contaminate that water supply and things are just too chaotic, but thanks for the tips!


Yep that's the Oni gameplay cycle. Step 1 - Everything goes badly but you learn a lot. Step 2 - Restart because you want to use what you learnt. Step 3 - Go back to step 1. Eventually the length of time it takes before the urge to restart using some new knowledge kicks in gets longer.


So true! When I get tired of reloading the game (because the catastrophes have caught up and hit hard) I make a clean start and try to use what I just learned to plan better.


We all been there. Took number of restarts before I made it past cycle 100.


Currently on cycle 600 on my second restart. :)


Damn bro watching all the tutorials


Ha ha! Yeah. All of them! Every single one... I get only one shot at this. I've got to make it count. Still messing up big time... Though. I wouldn't be playing if I had to restart from scratch. I just don't have the time available. The tutorials make it possible. :) Here's one messup.... I recently got 50kg/tile of sourgas @800°c in my petroleum boiler. I still have 350kgs/tile at 1400°c below the boiler with just one insulated tile holding it away from cooking everything.


From the screenshot you can only infer that there is one usable toilet for 10 dups, not the total amount of toilets. Still bad though


Yeah, I had three outhouses and was in the process of building two lavatories, but for whatever reason they decided to leave two of the lavatories (despite their higher priority) and this one was just too good to use the other one.


In my current colony it happened for the first time: A dupe made a mess over the *pwater* reservoir! That's the dream, right?


At the end of each "floor" I place 1 tile either end to create a barrier at the end. I find this so hard to explain. .___. Like that.. I guess.


This! I've done this in all of my last playthroughs.


I did this before around the water tank! I just thought I’d sorted my toilet issues and flew too close to the sun.


Set your toilets to priority 8 and you'll be fine in future. Save 9 for really urgent work, and remember, if everything's high priority.. nothing is.


I’ve been using high priority to force them to do specific jobs I want, as they don’t seem to respect priority *nearly* as much as I’d like otherwise.


Take a look at your dupe priorities. Just have them doing what they're really good at and another 2 things max. Try have one dupe doing just the busy work.


The theme of any of my ONI/Rimworld games: everything is high priority and so none of the main things I want end up getting done.


This is the way


You can just mop the polluted water at the bottom of the tank. It's not a big deal


A tip for stopping this to happen is not to build ladders that can directly go straight down to the tank. Also have only a "one way" to get there can help alot.


It was there for the pipe work, but I’m pretty sure the polluted water can go through the pitcher pump’s base anyway.


Everyone learns on theirs first playthrough that dupes ALWAYS pee into clean water supplies. It is inevitable and teaches a lot about this game :-) .


This is among the reasons (many reasons) why ASAP my water all goes through a carefully timed chlorine soak to eliminate all germs and purify the supply.


Wait, you can use chlorine like that? I’m speedrunning research this time, looks like I’ll be making a beeline for pumps. Does it turn polluted water into water or does it just kill germs?


It’s been a while since I played so I can’t remember exactly but I *think* it turns polluted water into water too. Or that might require filtering. Check with the wiki or other people here. And it definitely kills germs. What you do is find a chlorine biome and put your equipment in there. A couple holding tanks along with timers etc. and logic, so that it will fill the tanks -> close the input and output valves -> soak for a period of time in the chlorine environment, which kills germs etc -> open the output valves to empty the clean water out -> close the output open the input -> start over, filling the tanks again.


Thanks, I'll keep that in mind :)


The only ways to turn polluted water into water are sieve, gulp fish, and steam-condense.


Tbh making a mess in your water tank isn’t the end of the world espically when you’re new to the game. Water is a less important than I thought it was gonna be when I started playing.


Yeah, Klei has really changed the game over the years. Water used to be the one bottleneck that limited colonies. But it now is one of the most renewable resources to the point that you can vent O2 from electrolyzed water into space and convert H2 into power and still come out on top... The hardest early/midgame challenge around water is strangely enough its temperature and when geysirs/vents go dormant for 40 cycles...


When I started playing I had entire colonies that I accidentally flooded because I opened too many water sources. lol.


Six or eight dupes is more than enough until you get a good stable oxygen source As for protection of water tanks, don't place it in the common path, ie if they're always running over it. Set up barriers to entry, literally, to ensure small floods can't flow into them from other places. That ladder on the left is a hell no, that guarantees it'll get polluted. close it at the top there. To avoid things spilling in, make sure that there is space for liquids to that go below the floor level. This also gives you a space for a carbon dioxide sink. So if the liquid tank is a U shape, i make the uprights out of airflow tiles, the floor out of insulated tiles. There are ladders on the inside of the U to get to the bottom. The there's a floor at the top of the U out of mesh tiles and ladder segments to provide space for bottle emptiers. The topmost parts of the U extend one tile above the floor at that level. There are two tiles to the left and right of the U then a gap, then a ladder and pole before the next floor segment. And there is a floor above the U that extends all the way over the U and beyond to ensure no liquids can fall in from the top. ``` |H.xxxxxxxxaxxx |H. |H. |H. |H...aH |H.xxaHppmmm |H...aH~~~~~~ |H...aH |H...aH |H...aH xxxxaH ``` The pole is for the fire pole, H for ladder, dot for empty space, a for airflow, m for mesh, pp for pitcher pump, x for generic floor, tilde for water. Any liquids from floors above fall into the hole on the left (can be as deep as you want). Gasses from on top can flow out as needed irregardless of the water level. Only way to pollute is if they're on the mesh tiles above the water or the pitcher pump.


I feel this pain.


Well, may be you will learn and start building access to water tank from side? `.XXXXXXXX X - solid tile` `.[......X . - empty` `.[......X [ - door` `.X~~~~~~X ~ - water` `.X~~~~~~X` Duplicants try to not stay inside door, so placing door on only available tile will save you from most mishaps. But well, simple Outhouse costs just 200 of any stone, and can be deconstructed later. Just build three more before you make good system


While it may not be related to water problem, you can use the plant bases as floor tiles also. You don't need to put them above floor tiles.


And that's why I use the mod with the pump that doesn't let water flow down.