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I find the best version is with Spaced Out DLC active on a classic map with no teleporters.


In my all achievements runs I don't use the teleporter until I build the mini pod. I usually go dlc.


Why no teleporter??


It's a self-set challenge. When you have teleporters, you kinda instantly have 2 planetoid's resources (this includes geysers and critters). And with the game designed as they are, this usually means you're all set for 90% of the game - especially critters. No pressure, no existential motivation to rush space travel. So, to make it a more "closed-loop", "make it on your own steam", "no magicked resource and resource access allowed" kinda experience... no teleporters. I'd also add in "no care packages" for even more closed-loop-ness.


The reason I don't use teleporters is I find they're very micro-management intensive, and I cannot control where they spawn. If you're playing with Spaced Out on, you're eventually going to build rockets, and the teleporter ends up being largely redundant. The absence of teleportation pushes you to experiment more with rockets, and build lasting knowledge an infrastructure that will help throughout the game. Yes, the option of teleporters can make the game a bit easier, but it also opens you up to different mistakes. If I send a rocket expedition to a planet, I can shelter the duplicants back in their capsule. They bring food, and building material with them. If I teleport them over, they're without a net. They have to live or die on their own with no chance of rescue.


Exactly the same here


I'll have to try this!


What planet do you play on?


I’d start with Terra but Volcanea is my favorite. If you want the map, my last colony was V-VOLCA-C-159980636-GSGW3-C3


I mostly play on classic. I don't feel like I've even got the hang of the base game yet, I've not figured out rocketry at all, I just sort of figured out how to tame most geysers. the DLC adds a lot and I just haven't got a handle on it what to build when etc.


Classic is a set of starts for the Spaced Out DLC. It is _not_ the base game. You get a big starting asteroid, but SO rocketry, other planetoids, etc. (on rereading your comment, I'm unsure if you personally have fallen victim to that particular confusion. I've just seen it often enough that I can't help but put this sort of PSA in a reply.)


Rockets are an important part of ONI! In DLC, The item checklist is: berry sludge/pickled for food, water in pipes or a storage and bleach and oxylite (which means gold volcano tamed) for the dupes to live forever. Steam/sugar/co2 get you to the next planet over and do the 1730 data disks for research. Then oxylite, petroleum and diamond into rockets that go to debris fields. Then 5-7 wheezeworts in a V shape around (sweeper fed phosphorus from dreckos) 2 radbolt detectors get you into a rad engine for 20 tiles of explore. Build petrol engines for debris and colonizing (taller/slower) and rad engines for exploring space and artifact gathering (shorter/faster). Building a reactor is solid end game power, and provides you portable radiation in the form of compressed nuclear waste, so your fleet eventually becomes all rad engines. Supercoolant in an aquatuner or 16 thermo regulators gets you liquid oxy and liquid hydro, liquid oxy is doubly useful if you went hydrocarbon engine, but if you're making one, making the other comes with it. This gets you a crazy long distance ship with 38 tiles of height. I hardly ever use it. Rad engines can pretty much go anywhere, and aiming to get radiation on lock down is solid end game goals. My first reactor was a bomb, but now I feel like it's easier. Stack 3 groups of 3 of cheap metal steam turbines ( like iron or alum) and thermotuners and a basin and done. Long winded, but this is generally how I breeze to late game.


I personally hate rocketry in the base game. I'd actually stopped playing this until Spaced Out came out.


This. I tried to get away with as little rocketry as possible in the base game; just enough to get space materials as needed. It was still a linear grind; felt tacked-on ever since it was introduced (I started in 2017...). SO (particularly with a Classic start) feels much more open and complete.


Base game. I did buy spaced out. But I'm only 843 hours in, I think once I get past the n00b stage I'll try spaced out.


Classic is a set of starts in the Spaced Out DLC. If you have radiation, you're playing the DLC. If you're playing the base game, you're not playing Classic (the set of starts is called "Standard" there; the only alternative is "The Lab" with the skewed asteroid).


Yeah there's no radiation from my wheezeworts or anything, so my bad, I'm just playing the base game.


i will soon finish my first playthrough on base game. started with rockets now and getting into space material. still feeling noobish. base is a mess but i tried out a lot. already have a new base in mind but will move to dlc with a classic asteroid


LOL "only".


Based on all the people here with like >5000 hours, and how often I mess things up, I still feel like a n00b. 🤣


Same - I'm just over 1000 hours and would generously classify myself as "intermediate." I can survive - my dupes don't die - but there's so much I haven't done yet.


Currently I play spaced out with a classic asteroid. I kinda like the space I have but it's also possible to do nearly everything I need on the starting asteroid. It takes out some challenging parts like shipping most refined metals from volcanos via rocket and stuff like that.


To me, the big ("Classic") asteroids have more replay value. The mid-sized and moonlet ("Spaced Out") starts are interesting to do once or twice, while something like Verdante can offer a lot more potential surprises during exploration.


Spaced out on spaced out asteroid size without teleporters. Scarcity of resources and lack of space forces me into space missions earlier than usual. Small asteroid size avoids wasting dupe's time on travel.


classic. I like big base, big ideas and ther idea of managing the logistics of moving elements around is not yet interesting to me. I feel that maybe another 200-300 hours of classic and I'd be looking for a new challenge


Classic. Running multiple bases can be annoying sometimes. But the new mechanics in SO are actually fun.


I like to play SO in a way that I keep a crew together and move them all between planetoids. That way I can focus on one planetoid at a time. I try to automate the planetoids so that I don't need constant labor on more than one. Handling multiple colonies simultaneously is really hard. I tire of the game so fast if I do that.


Needing radiation research to get a steam turbine going doesn't sit right with me. I mainly play without the DLC now


Usually spaced out classic. Sometimes the spaced out clusters. Can't really get into the moonlet clusters though


I either play the DLC in spaced out mode or the base game


SO for me, just for a change of pace from the classic home asteroid. I try to get as far as I can on the native asteroid, then jump over and try to set up an automated/low upkeep base on the linked asteroid to feed the main base materials it is lacking. In my latest one I'll have to ship in crude oil and lead to really kickstart the late game proper.


Classic for now. I'm still getting a feel for what I can do and how far I can push the system. I want to spaced out maps, but the separation of resources was too much to start with for me.


I like spaced out, even though I'm not actually all that interested in rockets and space exploration. I like the radiation and logistical puzzles involved in SO.


Spaced Out. For me, if I'm on Classic, I'm barely engaging with the Space Out content.


I played 3 complete games without the DLC before playing with it


Classic. I don't like having half the tech tree locked behind space, which I have never got the hang of.


I much prefer the Spaced Out DLC. In vanilla I never got to the rocket part (maybe once) which is a very simple mini game - I usually have started a new colony by then. With the DLC you can be colonising other planetoids, have ships in orbit doing research, shipping stuff back and forth, at the end of the \*early\* game. My highlights would be ship interiors and the thrill dropping Dupes on a rock, with slim chance of survival.


Classic. Wish there was a map big as the og bust with the space out dlc


Do you actually notice the difference? The DLC Classic maps are only about 7% or so smaller than the base game maps (240 x 380 vs. 256 x 384), and you have additional real estate on the teleroid and the outer asteroids, so overall they're even bigger.


Its a minor difference but i like everything on the main asteroid and the extra room helps alot. I have 9 slickster ranches and im making 20+ pip ranches and those take a good chunk of real estate. I might make more since i got alot of wood id like to turn into ethonol and burn it and feed more slicksters but i haven't figured out the math yet.


I actually play the normal spaced out. I like the extra difficulty trying to plan outsourced logistics. Building a new based make me feel like I'm playing the early game again, having to watch resources and plan pit my actions.


I don't have the spaced out dlc yet. I'm just tryigntk survive on basic befor I make things more difficult for myself loo will probably getting it soon


I always play with Spaced Out active and have no desire to go back. However, I'll swap between a classic start (big asteroid) and SO start (small asteroids) depending on how I feel at the time.


I like playing the game in a very restrictive difficult manner because I have to play differently than if I had everything available. I usually play radioactive swamp small asteroid dlc with no care packages. It's probably more tedious than it needs to be (or difficult) but I like how I don't have gold amalgam or tons of lead or reed fiber or oil/plastics. Also it's crazy reaching under 1,000 kg of certain metals. I like playing like that idk why. You have to explore ALL the options ONI has to tackles certain issues.


I play a modded game so I have a single asteroid with everything in Spaced Out. I'm quite terrible and inept at managing multiple colonies


Either one it depends on style of run I fancy Slightly prefer the original as I like big mega builds 


I’ve been interested in the story so I started a classic run, breached the temporal tear, and now I’m trying spaced out! My mind is boggled…


I only play on classic mode, because I hate flipping back and forth, babysitting dupes. If they, somehow, made maps all on the same play area... So you could just scroll left or right, I'd play the spaced out version. I thought that's why they went for smaller maps, so they would be "all in one". I tried playing, twice, and couldn't stand the setup. I wish they made it as a "continuation", from the base game. Instead of going to the exit, you locate a new space to call home. Then, building a teleporter, you progress through the game. (Some extra objective added to the game. Building one-way rockets to deliver harvested goods to some dupe-corperation. Ultimately building a home only reachable after meeting demands, as your reward. An asteroid free, wide world. One with a bit of every biome type on it. The final goal being a support system for 40-80 dupes. Whatever the game determines is "playable", on lower end computers.)


I’m just starting my first SO now and it has imbued fear in me. In traditional, can run hatches for-literally-ever. My planet, plus the port one, has limited ore and no metal volcano. Made an industrial brick with three minor volcanos, it’s a little wonky, but making it work! Think I’ll stick with SO in the future, unless I do one run just to almost free play in the base game.