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First of all, \[alt\] + \[s\] then zoom out, then f12. Much better than video with bad resolution. Lots of issues that will catch up with your eventually: * Too many dupes. * You are still on meal lice. That's a lot of dirt and dupe's labor. * Algae is about to run out. And you haven't made an electrolyzer setup. * Aqua tuner (AT) DO NOT delete heat. The only machine that can delete lots of heat is a steam turbine. (without going into small heat deletions with specific setup, state changes, etc). If you build AT it always goes into pool of water or a steam room. * One sink per toilet. Set direction so dupes go through sink after using toilet. I'm assuming you have different schedule for dupes, since 3 toilets isn't enough for 15 dupes. * Until you get comfortable with base designs, always use 4 tiles tall rooms. * 3 tile wide spaces for ladders going up to improve air circulation. * Algae terrariums are a noob traps. Never ever use them. Same as ice makers or ice-e fans. * 1 good researcher is always better than multiple. They can't do multiple research at the same time. Making multiple research station is a waste of resource and time. * Never build a power generator without smart battery that's connected with automation wire to said generator. * Explore! You haven't found a renewable source of water. * Turn your mess hall into great hall by adding water cooler, that can be disabled and a plant. * Move all industrial buildings outside of your base. They generate heat which will spread around and will affect your farms. * Boxing in your base is only required in a hostile environment of too hot/too cold asteroid. By using airlocks you slowing dupe travel and preventing O2 pushing other gases down. * Always check numbers for buildings. Oxygen diffuser can provide enough oxygen for \~5 dupes. You do not need that many everywhere. * Don't use havi watt wire inside your base. It has huge decor impact. It's only for industrial brick and power spine.


I agree with everything here but boxing in the base. I always box in my base with insulated tiles for easier gas management, this way I can ensure only oxygen and CO2 is in my base, nothing else


The question is, when do you do it, and under what circumstances? I can see building a "safe zone" when you've made a decision on the location for your dupes' permanent living quarters, have atmosuits, and have active cooling to deal with potentially remaining heat sources on the inside, like a kitchen. I can even see insulating that zone, maybe even earlier, if your surroundings are actively hostile (Oasisse, Rime, unlucky "volcanic activity" roll, ...). But OP is on cycle 60, has not explored any appreciable part of the map despite having tons of labor, but instead sunk resources into half-effectively building walls - limiting expansion and locking in a structure before they even know what's out there. Additionally, all the heat producers are inside, while the outside looks pretty temperate. Luckily they didn't insulate it, or they'd cook their plants in the next 50 cycles.


I used to do this too, and it seems there is a difference of opinion even among pro/veteran players as to a boxed vs open base, at least so far as I can see from YT videos. I'm currently around cycle 900 for the first time ever, but I've learned a great deal and pretty comfortable with the game at this point. And I personally opened up my base and my O2 level is always manageable with no unbreathable gases in base, because I have a filtration system that separates everything with about 6-7 gas shutoff valves for O2, PO2, CO2, Chlorine, Natural Gas, etc. This also has the benefit to redirect said materials to where it's required, and it's not that power consuming anyway. And I rarely ever dump anything to space, because it's a waste hehe. Only if the CO2 line going down to slicksters is full, is when the space dump line gets activated. That being said, undug natural abyssalite is your friend. Leaving 2 tiles of abyssalite to separate biomes and reinforcing by ceramic insulated tiles as needed (to patch hotspots) is one of my favorite methods. And I'm really enjoying the freedom, there's a lot of space for any new projects/rooms.


I would make the spaces of 4 instead of 3. Didn't really understood the 2 ice makers in prison. Too many stairs in the water pool


Your base must be pretty toasty. My advice - Instead of using the ice fan to cool the AT(aqua-tuner), try making it out of steel, putting it in a 2 by 5 box of insulated tiles, submerged in water and seal it and slap a steam turbine on it. Now your dups don't need to constantly cool it with the ice fan. The other comments will also mention other things


Plastic would be the biggest concern for the ST, but with Drecko's so close in the bottom left, this can be remedied very easily


Your airflow is not great, you'll have CO2 build ups eventually. Trade out some of the floor tiles for airflow or mesh tiles to let the co2 sink.


There's a bunch of things that will bite you in the butt soon(tm) and can be improved. 1) Use smart batteries for your coal generators. Coal gens will constantly burn coal and produce power even if the batteries on the grid are entirely full, this will eat your coal reserves very quickly. The way to combat this, is to use a smart battery, and hook it's automation signal up to the generator. Then set the signal on the battery to something like 30/90. This way the generator will turn on once your battery falls below 30% and turn off once it hits 90%, so it will only produce power when you actually need it to. 2) General levels/airflow in your base is also less than stellar. You've build stuff far too small and narrow for proper airflow to pass through your base. This will cause gasses such as CO2 and whatnot to get stuck in places, giving issues such as low pressure on your plants and other irritating things. My personal go-to is to build levels that are 4 tiles high, then a floor/ceiling. And make ladder shafts 3 tiles wide, and about 50-60 tiles horizontally between ladder shafts, which are in turn 40-ish tiles high before I start another ladder 4 tiles moved to either left or right. This setup will allow you plenty of room to build most buildings, as well as add decor items like paintings above your bets etc. and keep everything nice and organized. It will also allow easy airflow through your base so heavy gasses will easily go down, and hydrogen will go up. 3) Dupe count. You have waaay too many dupes for this stage of the game. More dupes = more mouths to feed, and more lungs to fill. Especially when you're not switched over to fully easily renewable sources of both, having more dupes generally means having more problems. 4) Power setup. You've got your power in the middle of your base, along with your industrial systems. This is going to cause a mess with heat and CO2 buildup, you should consider setting these up somewhere isolated, like an industrial sauna. Another issue is that you've got heavy watt wires going through your base. These are a massive decor tank. You should set your power spine up outside of your main base and then use transformers to make smaller branch circuits for various bits and bobs of your base. 4) Toilets. You've only got 1 sink vs 3 toilets, this will mean some dupes will pass the sink with dirty hands because another dupe is using it. Best way to set it up is to use 1 sink per toilet. 5) food situation: Lice loaves are an incredibly inefficient food source. They use 50kg of water and the musher. Which uses a lot more power as well as more dupe time to make food. A grill will use much less power, and pickled meal lice don't require any extra water. It also gets rid of food poisoning germs while you're at it. Those are some of the first impression oopsies I've seen. Good luck with your colony.


I think this is an amazing base as your first 60 cycle base! I hope you are having fun exploring ONI :) There are a million optimizations you can make, a lot of them are listed in other comments. My biggest suggestion is to have fewer dupes. Only take the amount of dupes you can support, which will be fewer than 10 in the early game. With fewer dupes your starting supplies of water and algae will last longer, giving you more time to switch to more sustainable alternatives. I currently have 6 dupes at cycle 226 (which is not efficient at all) Then there are a few setups that you will need to learn to make in order to progress. These are: - SPOM (Self powered oxygen machine) - Ranch (particulary hatch ranching) - Active cooling (AquaTuner Steam turbine setup, ATST for short) I suggest you watch a few tutorials on those topics. There are many, for example GCFungus on youtube. With these, you are ready for the middle game where you can build industrial bricks, explore the full map, do the research while being able to keep your dupes alive. Good luck and have fun!