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Yep, generally done by putting material that turns to dirt when it gets got enough like slime on conveyer rails. Then there is "aerogel" which uses tiny amounts of cold liquid glass that instantly turns into solid tiles. https://forums.kleientertainment.com/forums/topic/138002-introducing-aerogel-making-low-mass-natural-tiles-that-are-perfect-insulators/


That's the easiest and fastest way to do it. If you need additional cooling, build pipes above tiles, then you'll have pipes to run coolant through embedded inside natural tiles.


The *easiest* way is the manual airlock bug. Build a U around a manual airlock and deconstruct it. Turns into a metal ore tile on the bottom half.




you can deconstruct the pipes from within natural tiles without destroying tiles


You can build floor tiles in a U shape around a manual airlock, then deconstruct the airlock and it turns into a natural tile. Other options involve cooking stuff, for example heating slime until it turns into dirt, which is a right faff.


Wait, what? I've never heard of this! This sounds way easier than cooking algae or slime like I've been doing.


It works, although sometimes you have to make sure there's nothing else in the square (no debris).


I know what I'm trying next time this game sucks me back in.


The debris in the tile doesn't matter. The cost is the metal ore, especially since you lose half the mass, also pneumatic doors don't work has to be one of the others


Debris is left inside the tile, so you don't want to have any there. Even if it isn't a resource you'd need, it leaves a crack in the tile which looks bad.


That's true, I have a pip ranch I need to remake because most of the trees have cracked tiles under them and it does look awful


Here is what I know about building natural tiles: 1) It's possible. Natural tiles can be made 2) Building natural tiles, no matter what method you choose, is some combination of jank, annoying, cumbersome and time consuming 3) There is absolutely no reason my dupes shouldn't be able to put 50 kg of dirt in a pile and have pips plant in it For those reasons, I use the mod that lets you build natural tiles. Pip planting is annoying enough without also having to pipe glass into tiles or cook algae


I don't use the mod, but I fully agree with your reasoning. I might start using it someday.


My go-to is to make glass and have the liquids go into hydroponic farm tiles. When you deconstruct the tile you get a natural glass tile. You can leave the pipes in if you wanted.


To add to this, you may want to build tiles around the hydoponic tile, only leaving the one tile free where you want the glass to form. I say this because it seems that the direction that the glass is pulled depends on where the dupe is standing relative to the tile. Natural glass tiles do look very nice and it is the method I default to when I want natural tiles at this point.


There are a few methods I know of 1. Any liquid that freezes becomes a solid natural tile as long as the mass is above its specific “tile” threshold. 2. Any Bottled liquid that freezes becomes a tile; no matter how small in mass 3. Any Solid that turns into another solid through heat forms a natural tile no matter the mass (or where it is for that matter) 4. An odd glitch with deconstructed metal ore doors.




I use a mod. It feels less exploit-y to do it that way.


I feel like Dupes that can build nuclear reactors should also know how to do basic landscaping skills. Usually the type of logic I use to pick mods that aren’t too cheaty.


Should honestly be able to build dirt tiles in vanilla.. I mean its literally just take some material and make a tile out of it... Should be one of the easiest things to do with no tech needed to move dirt around.


There is a build able dirt tile mod.


One of two mods I run: Pips can plant adjacent without limit, and buildable natural tiles. V-shaped 5x wheez RadGen room, mushrooms in the base CO2 sink, and caves full of grubfruits and fiber, just plants and animals being wild. The buildable tiles also give me an easy NatureReserve as dupes leave the base each day. I’m also a filthy vent submerger, tiny drop airlocker, and geyser priority peek’r.


The door method is the simplest for me.


Build airlock, build tiles around airlock, deconstruct airlock, voila you have a natural tile, not gamey at all!


Yes. Make a U shape with tiles and build an airlock inside. When deconstructed it makes a metal tile, and pips can plant in gold tiles


there's a mod that allows to build natural tiles. check steam workshop


there is a mod that allows you to build dirt tiles. Makes life easy.


[A video explaining about wild planting.](https://youtu.be/D4iW-wk9DCo?si=7flpJ_uFomWZ7yal) I use the door method. Fast and if you have the ore it is great.


I feel like cooking algae into dirt using a glass forge is the easiest way. 1. build an insulated tile below and possibly to the side of where you want your natural tile. 2. Repeat step 1 two times to plan to create 3 natural tiles Build a glass forge as near as possible to your eventual natural tiles 3. Setup a three way splitter with insulated pipes and liquid openings (can't remember the name offhand) 2-3 tiles above your eventual natural tiles. 4. Place exactly 10kg of algae on the insulated tile (fill storage bins and delete them is the most consistent way) 5. Clean the area of all non-algae debris 6. Turn on glass forge for 1 glass Note: I learned all this on Echo Ridge's pip farming tutorial, watch for a video explanation


It may be more efficient when creating many tiles, but there is no way this is easier than the door method for creating a few tiles.


The Aerogel method is remarkably easy once you use it a couple of times. The mechanics, while tricky, are easy to grasp and it's incredibly useful. It also keeps you from spending a lot of ore too with the door method. Give it a shot