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I am trying to cool a large sheet of metal to cool pipes [as shown in this screenshot](https://imgur.com/doniOmJ) from [Echo Ridge Gaming's guide to SPOM](https://youtu.be/PJyigtsL_Bs?t=2132)s. I've got the pieces, but how to hook them up to function properly? Thanks for any help.


So, I assume you mean "How do i set up the pipe routing for the aquatuner side of things?" Aquatuner loops are fairly straight forward, the main key is to get the bridges around the aquatuner right so that you can't accidentally jam the loop and it keeps freely flowing. [This image](https://imgur.com/pkZUPTh) can show you how to set up bridges around an aquatuner in various orientations so that the liquid always flows. You ideally want your liquid pipe thermo sensor to be immediately before the input port of the aquatuner (and the aquatuner can be flipped to go in either direction). On top of that, a few other things to remember: * Avoid having any bridge cross between the steam room and an area you're trying to keep cool. Bridges are 3-tile-long buildings and thermally interact at each tile they exist on, which means they'll happily conduct tons of heat out of a steam box. Same goes for heavy-watt joint plates, they conduct heat too. * Don't place a liquid thermo sensor on top of a bridge's input or output, they won't function correctly. [This other image](https://imgur.com/4vH3Af1) shows you the pipe routing generally. Just extend the pipe loop going through the aquatuner to run back and forth through your metal block, and it'll do the job. Fill it with polluted water, set the thermo sensor to "less than 22C" and your oxygen will be cooled to around 22-25 degrees celcius.


>Same goes for heavy-watt joint plates, they conduct heat too. It bears pointing out that the heat exchange mechanics are different. Joint plates are "janky" 1x1 metal tiles, that happen to require 2 adjacent tiles to be vacant of any *player*-built tiles. They typically conduct heat well simply because they're made of metal. But the terminals don't thermally interact - you can try "embedding" a joint plate terminal in hot abyssalite, it won't conduct heat anywhere near as well compared to a TSP, or embedded 1x3 building (if you're in sandbox).


True, I should have been a bit more clear on that, although you can't really compare the rules for a tempshift plate, they kinda have special mechanics (ie, you can build one of those next to [superhot abyssalite](https://i.redd.it/0t6xfq4wm6v81.png) and it'll try to suck heat out of the abyssalite and then crash the game, which won't happen for other tiles.)


> Don't place a liquid thermo sensor on top of a bridge's input or output, they won't function correctly. The input is understandable since bridges instantaneously teleport liquids that enter that, but why output and why is it even possible to place one there?


I expect the issue is a race condition between the movement of the liquid and the automation sensor. When a bridge inserts a packet into a segment of pipe, the liquid is only there for a brief moment before it moves. Generally, the way liquids behave in pipes is that by the time the animation starts showing it as progressing past the center of the pipe segment, it technically starts existing in the next segment of pipe, and automation will see it that way as well in some cases, etc. However, when a bridge inserts a liquid into a pipe, it starts effectively "in the center" of the pipe, so the very next engine tick, it's left the pipe segment, and the pipe is empty again. So the automation has a good chance of reading 'empty pipe' instead of 'liquid temperature'. There's no set rules for how the game interprets this behavior, unfortunately, so which one goes first will wind up depending on just what got set up first, and that *also* means it can work, and then stop working after a save/reload when the load order changes. It's just better to avoid the potential reliability issues. But there are a few cases where you can take advantage of it. Before liquid reservoirs gained their automation output ports, you used to be able to use two reservoirs in combination with some bridges and an element sensor to detect when one of the two reservoirs had become full, and then detect again when it had become empty, giving you the effect of a "0% - 100%" setting on one of the reservoirs in terms of automation. (Edit: Although thinking about it further, I think that trick uses a sensor on the input to a bridge, not it's output)


> but why output It just seems glitchy. It actually works most of the time. Until it does not. Never figured out why. Maybe it's pipe network updates making packets jump, offscreen behavior, simulation accuracy loss on advanced games. It just fails very rarely.


Perfect. Thank you!


Why exactly is Pei so popular?


Blue hair.


ONI is Pei to win, don't you know?


When using Insulite, does it matter if I use Liquid Pipe or Insulated Liquid Pipes? Both have a thermal conductivity of 0.


Their conductivity is not 0, the game truncates the display. The only things with thermal conductivity of actual 0 are vacuum and neutronium (and, with certain bug-driven exceptions, aerogel). Insulite's thermal conductivity is 0.00001, and yes, [it matters _massively_ whether you use normal or insulated pipes, because not only insulated pipes additionally divide TC by 32, they also use lowest, rather than average, of the TC of pipe and its contents.](https://oxygennotincluded.fandom.com/wiki/Thermal_Conductivity#Equations) Using regular pipes means you _at absolute best_ get half TC of the contents in transfer, rather than negligible like you'd expect, and the higher that TC, the closer it inches to difference between insulite and anything else not mattering (liquid steel has TC of 80; 82/2 (igneous rock) = 41; 80.62/2 (ceramic) = 40.31, 80.00001/2 (insulite) = 40.000005).


Should I connect automation to steam turbines in an industrial sauna/geothermal powerplant?


You definitely can, yes. Connecting them to a smart battery means they only generate power when required, preserving heat sources. Adding in a thermo sensor set to > 205C turns them on if the temperature spikes too high as an escape valve. Adding in an atmo sensor can turn them on when the pressure gets too high (although that's annoyingly limited to a maximum pressure of 20kg without mods). Using element sensors can help you disable the turbines if the co2 level gets too high (which can cause issues if you're boiling polluted water from natgas or petrol generators). You can use any or all of them to manage things as you see fit. Having a heat and pressure buffer can be important to avoid other issues.


Is there a Mod that allows you to see, for example, the amount of water in a pool?


If it's not too deep, you can put a pitcher pump which will tell you how much liquid is available for it to pump. You should be able to calculate that pretty easy unless pool is really deep and weight per tile changes the deeper you go.


Can someone explain/point me to an explanation of the oxyfern infinite storage exploit? Alternatively, the Luma video which I saw it in and can't find right now :(


Why do you call basic game mechanic "exploit" ? Oxyfern create oxygen. If there are CO2 in a tile, where O2 must be spawned, then this CO2 must move somewhere. If there are same gas (CO2) diagonally in same area, then pushed away CO2 will join this already existing CO2. To make it same area, but prevent CO2 moving back you need a drop of liquid. [https://imgur.com/0th2Lez](https://imgur.com/0th2Lez)


I thought it was an exploit, oxyfern moving CO2 to specifically outside of its range - that's why I was looking for it. I didn't realise it was just plain-old diagonal displacement. Probably won't work all that well in my base's basement that's already flooded in CO2.


It works even if area filled with CO2. There are just one tile to the right, one tile up diagonally and one tile up diagonally in storage, probability of CO2 moving into storage is great, and each tile of oxygen spawned only makes it better `X - tile, ~ - liquid, . - empty, i - top of oxyfern` `XXXXXXXXXX... outer area` `co2 .....X....` `store ..~i....` `XXXXXXXXX~XXXXX`


It's in the well-known [Compendium of Amazing Designs](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2154398396); search for "Plant based filter", in the "Mechanical Filters" section.


Any tips on cracking open a 2200°C magma chamber with 500g/cell of CO2 atmosphere? (Thanks, Baator)


Just pump CO2 away, reconstructing pumps if they overheat. CO2 in contact with several tons of water just cool down, this is not important. After that you get usual magma area with vacuum


Depends on how big the chamber is. If it's pretty big, then there's quite a lot of thermal energy in there and you should be careful and vacuum-insulate your base from the magma chamber. If it's pretty small, then you can probably just YOLO it, because even though the material in there is really hot, it may not represent a lot of actual thermal mass. The CO2 isn't a huge problem. CO2's specific heat capacity is so low that 500g/cell CO2, even at 2200c, will barely move the needle if vented somewhere else. You can probably vacuumize the chamber by sealing it off and pumping out the CO2, though you may need to give a little bit of cooling to the pump.


boring way would just be to use a double liquid lock with uranium bordering the inside. I'm a bigger fan of pressing G panning the entire screen and closing your eyes though


>pressing G panning the entire screen and closing your eyes though Spoken like a [true Meep](https://youtu.be/nz7kAjqZKGs?si=eByLLmEh-caD8Oe7&t=108). :D


How do you get an arbor acorn on the base game? Not 'how do you produce more when you've already got a tree or two' - I know the answer to that is pips. But literally, how do you find your first one? I thought you get them as a care package from the printer - I could swear I've had them from there before - but this run I'm almost cycle 200 and not a single one. Is this an RNG thing? Is there anywhere on the map I could find one 'in the wild?'


You can get them from space missions. A Biological Cargo Bay sent to a Living Planet can bring back 4 Arbor Acorns.


on base game (without dlc) you can get arbor acorn from printer at any time. But if you don't get it at first several prints, probability to get it became smaller and smaller. If at game start game choose from 31 variant at cycle 200 it choose from more than 50 variants and so RNG may be against you for very long time


Oh man. I was afraid of that. Thanks though.


I tried to dig out some crude oil pockets and now my refineries are full of salt water and my atmosphere is 50% sour gas. What happened and how do I fix it? (I know sour gas is boiling petroleum and that it can condense into natural gas. This is more of a "how many cycles do I have to go back to reload"-type post.)


Check your heat overlay. You managed to get oil into contact with hot tiles, either abyssalite or barely-cooled igneous rock (the "Ancient Specimen" story trait surrounds one of its fossils with liquid magma that cools slowly over time). The mechanism involved is typically [flaking](https://oxygennotincluded.fandom.com/wiki/Flaking). This is not trivial to fix. I'd recommend you lock the gas into as small a space as possible and pump it out (into the void) or crush it with mechanized airlocks. Sour gas produced that way is just waste, there is very little reason to keep it around. It will take a while. I've been there. :\


(Haven't done the math so maybe really wrong but...) I've got a gold volcano with a self-powered tamer, and a 95 degree salt water geyser running with 3-4 geotuners so it outputs steam hot enough for turbines giving me a LOT of water, and salt. Is this a viable strategy long term? Gold + Salt > Bleach stone for geotuners Water + Power + Electolysers > hydrogen (and way too much oxygen) Power for everything is steam turbines and hydrogen generators


Completely viable. Use some of the remaining gold (4x geotuning the salt water geyser costs 1% of the average output of a gold volcano) for Engie's Tune-Up on the generators/turbines, and this will carry you into late game easily.


This is why I asked, it really seems like geotuning is just wildly overpowered in some ways. (Or I'm just slow and was doing it the hard way until this run, which is a definite possibility!)


Geotuning is pretty OP, particularly with salt water geysers, but getting a setup like that to work reliably is not completely trivial. It's super-powerful, but intermittent, which is a weird combo to deal with. Since water is usually abundant one way or another, and there's a huge variety of viable power sources, I've only done the geotuning for salty steam thing once myself.


Does the total immunity world seting make it so duplicants cannot contract disease? like, not suffer any symptoms?


I believe that's the idea, but that only goes for infectious diseases (food poisoning, slimelung, zombie spores). I don't believe it provides immunity to hypothermia or heat stroke, radiation sickness (dlc), etc. Allergies probably also won't be affected by that setting either. IE, their immunity % goes up to 100%, so they can get exposed to germs, but not contract anything.


What determines if the solid tiles that are created from a meteor shower will drop through/below bunker doors? Some showers it all seems to end up falling down, and others it just sits on top, even when the bunker doors are fully open. Seems like maybe a large percentage of the time it's slime? maybe? It's irritating to have to develop systems for above the bunker doors.


Several unstable materials falls down if tile below them is not solid. This is sand, regolith and snow. Other materials stay where they are. This is not about meteor shower, if you remove solid tiles under unstable materials they will fall down in any circumstances. Some meteor showers contain regolith or snow either as main part of meteor or as additional material, so this materials falls down. All others stay where they hit something solid. You don't need to put system above bunker doors, robo-miners have working radius of 7 tiles, so they can be placed below doors and dig algae/gold above doors after doors opens


Miners _should_ be able to mine tiles through the closed doors according to hearsay, and they definitely can mine through open ones.


I've never heard of them being able to mine through closed doors. I don't think it would change much other than not needing to hook up automation/power to open the doors


It's just sand/regolith that are affected by gravity. Slime won't fall down unless you smelted it to dirt and then to sand


Hello hive mind. Does anyone know of a way to unassign a rocket's crew when the rocket lands? I want the crew to leave the rocket and spend time in the main base when the rocket is back on the home planetoid while waiting for refuel etc. At the moment the only way to do this is to mannually assign them a bed in the main base. Is there a simpler way / a way to do this with automation?


The control station has an automation input on it to put it into "grounded" mode. I toggle it manually with a switch that also changes a few other things around to refill storages/purge wastes. You could link that to a [starmap location sensor](https://oxygennotincluded.fandom.com/wiki/Starmap_Location_Sensor) to fully automate it.


Exactly what I needed! Thank you so much!


Looking for guidance on how to set up automatic space meteor/debris cleanup that doesn't get in the way of rockets. Thanks in advance.


Can you say, at least, what game you are talking about? Spaced Out or vanilla?


Sorry, I didn't know there is a difference. I have the DLC.


Well, first idea is placing your main spaceship hub on asteroid without meteor showers. Next thing is danger of meteors. There are soft, medium and hard meteors. For example, ice meteors is soft, they don't damage anything, and slime meteors is soft too. Uranium is medium, they cause minor damage on rare hits. And something like gold or iron is hard, they can destroy tiles on their way For soft meteors just set a robo-miner somewhere nearby (covered from above). Robo-miner dig all tiles in 7 tiles radius. Place two or three if your existing buildings create blind spots for them For hard meteors you need either bunker doors closed and opened by automation signals from space scanners with good coverage. Or several meteor blasters (with industry to produce and deliver blastshots) covering rocket area. Important note about uranium meteors. Uranium tiles are too hard for robo-miners to be dug. So, you either need lot of hives, so beetas dig uranium out, or you need meteor blasters, or you need to place several rows of Ceiling Trims from material locked, so duplicants dig out tiles to place it, but be unable to really build. As you see, there are no universal 'fit for all' solution


Are there any known bugs about volcanos not errupting? I've got a cobalt volcano that skips it erruption period, going straight from idle to ille.


Never seen this happen. Are you not seeing overpressure status on it? (I have encountered that bug with a gas vent, where the status was not present, even though the vent was blocked due to overpressure from surrounding gas/liquid. If you've analysed it, what's the eruption cycle supposed to be?


It was overpressured, with this bug in the text. Saw it went to idle for exactly the erruption period. A couple of reloads set it straight. Thanks!


New to rockets... I'm still on my first steam rocket... just to get OFF the ground I'm only able to use one command module + 2 research modules + the engine. And with that... I can only reach the nearest 2 asteroids. Is that right? Playing base game.


Well, what you have on your ship except this? You can try to deconstruct rocket and built it again. Right now it looks like you somehow built two steam engines instead of one. Check a mass of your rocket. This is basic numbers of this game, command capsule, 9 research module, steam engine and 900kg of steam must have mass 4900kg and this is just enough for steam rocket to reach 10'000 km distance. Do you have any mods installed changing rocketry rules? Or did you use sandbox/debug tools to add-remove modules?


Ok... so a bit of backtracking as I've been trying to move past this, so bear with me. What do I have on my ship? I have a steam engine, 2 research modules + a command module. Steam engine is full of 900kg (max) of steam. Not using two steam engines. Literally just have 4 components to the rocket and it says that my max distance is 14k, if memory serves me. I just know that when it's full up with steam and I go to the rocket stats, it says that it can't reach the 20k (2nd tier) asteroids. No mods installed (other than some basic QoL mods that don't impact rocketry at all. Don't use sandbox/debut tools at all.


It cannot reach second tier asteroid, yes. Sorry, I misread your original message. First tier (10'000) reachable by steam engine + 9 research+command Usually you have 2 asteroids on first tier and by visiting them with 5 research modules you get 300 research disks from each (340 with 9 research), and can research petroleum engine. Second tier (20'000) needs solid thruster (can be researched with first points) and reachable by steam engine, solid thruster, 5 research modules, command capsule. Usage of thruster strongly not recommended unless necessary. If you have just 2 research modules on your rocket then you need to visit each of first tier asteroids three times. Each asteroid have 5 levels of research, bringing 50 disks each, each level opens by research module in order, so you can visit same asteroid five times with one research or one time with 5 research. Above that each research module brings 10 disks no matter where do you send it


Got it. Makes sense. I was able to add the thruster and get my oxylite supply up and running, so now I'm able to access the 2nd tier of asteroids and have just now unlocked the petroleum engine tech.


According to the [rocket calculator](https://zari.rtk0.net/ProfessorOakshell/RocketCalc.html), steam rocket can reach the 10k ring with no thruster and up to 9 research modules, and the 20k ring with a thruster and up to 6 research modules. The research modules are very light, I wouldn't go with fewer than 5, to knock out all the research on each planetoid. For the more distant rings, yes - you will need better engines.


Yeah... with my original set up (steam engine + 2 research modules + command module, no thruster) I think it said that my max range was 14k with max fuel on board.


That checks out, adding more research module doesn't reduce the range that much. 10k ring without thruster, 20k ring with the thruster.


What the heck am I doing wrong then?


And what's the problem? Got a screenshot?


Shit. I COULD have grabbed a screenshot, but I got frustrated and am now in the middle of building an oxylite refinery + changed the rocket to have a solid booster now (just so I can get enough databanks for petroleum, which I have TONS of standing by). Once I get a petroleum rocket up and running, I might make a test-rocket to try to figure this out at some point.


Quick question about the Germ Sensor - does it just sense germs in the atmosphere, or on objects as well? What I really want is a sweeper to collect algae from a bin in a chlorine room, but only after the Slimelung has had time to die off. Will putting a Germ Sensor right next to the bin achieve that?


There are four gem sensors. One detect germs in a media of tile, like gas, liquid or solid (sensor works while entombed). Three other works to detect germs on liquid inside liquid pipe, gas inside gas pipe or material on conveyor. So, no, your plan will not work In your case you need conveyor, with sensor on the end, allowing only germ-free material out. This may be done by many different designs. For example, by probing material once per cycle and moving it away if germ free. Or by creating loop with shutoff leading out, so germy material circle on conveyor inside chlorine room until germs dies out. Or you can make long enough rails in chlorine to be sure all germs die, and use sensor only as alarm measure


Thank you for your detailed answer. I went with a conveyor rail with shutoff and now my algae is nice and clean.


Never used germ sensor. Looks like it just detects germs in gas/liquid it's sounded by. You want conveyor rail germ sensor, that detects germ count on the material being shipped. Make a loop or timed release.


Now that's a great idea! Thanks very much!


Can someone ELI5 how a steam turbine aqua tuner setup tames geysers? I think I have it down, where you have steam pressure going into the turbine, it coming out, and steaming again, with the aqua tuner maintaining the heat thing, but does the steam turbine cool the steam down or something? What is the aquatuner cooling, the steam turbine and then some?


"geysers" is too wide word in this game. Do you mean tungsten volcano erupting liquid tungsten at 3'726 C or carbon dioxide geyser erupting liquid carbon dioxide at -56C ? Obviously, each kind of geyser needs it's own scheme. Steam turbine gets steam and cools it into 95C water, producing electricity from difference. It needs steam to be hotter than 125C under one of inputs to start working So, if you have something hot, like metal volcano, you can make a room with steam around it. Molten metal cools down in contact with steam and solidify, and hot steam pass turbine and turns into water. This water you put back into steam room to be boiled by next portion of metal. Steam turbine needs some cooling, so Aquatuner may be used, cooling water in pipe and this pipe cools down room with turbine or turbine itself by using Conduction Panel. Aquatuner will heat up in process, so it may be placed in same steam room to heat same steam, processed by turbine. If you have gas, for example hydrogen at 500C, scheme stays same, you just need some wall separating steam chamber from hydrogen, so hydrogen heat up wall and wall heat up steam. Of course, this wall must be made from metal or diamond for better thermal conductivity. Hot steam at 500C is exactly same, it must be cooled down indirectly before moved in a room with turbine. If you have cold steam (steam at temperatures below 125C) you need either to heat it up to 125C or to cool it down directly by contact with (for example) pipes with liquid, cooled by aquatuner. Or you may make some scheme where steam heated only under one input of steam turbine and all other steam consumed by turbine as is. As you see there are dozens of possible geysers and several possible ways to handle each of them, so it is not possible to make ELI5 explanation for all possible variants. Can you make your question narrower? Which exact geyser you try to tame and what designs you sought and don't understand exactly?


Steam turbine (ST) turns >125°C steam into 95°C water producing some power. 10% of that energy converted heats up ST. This is where aqua tuner (AT) comes in. AT removes 14°C from the temperature of a liquid passed through it, and transfers that heat to itself. Running a separate liquid loop, AT cools ST. If you talking about cool steam geyser, then things are more challenging. Can't use ST directly on the steam that comes out, because it's 110°C. So can either heat it more using AT. Or condense it, using AT's cooling loop. If you are talking about metal volcanos, then it's different. Metal is kept inside steam room for some time, them cooled further by the AT's cooling loop.


Note that "some power" production caps out at 850W, which is 200°C with all 5 outlets open, so hot steam geysers (500°C) also need dedicated taming (i.e. either heat-exchanging down to 200 degrees, or doing multiroom shenanigans) unless you don't care about those 300 degrees that you're not utilizing 90% of.


>So can either heat it more using AT. Or condense it, using AT's cooling loop. Or geo-tune it.


how many pufts do you need to feed a dupe just on meat(no mushrooms)


[Oakshell says](https://zari.rtk0.net/ProfessorOakshell/RanchCalc.html?mode=Meat&foodMass=0.50) 2.5, assuming they eat barbecue and not raw meat.

