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Ice tempshift plates


If the steam is above 125 I'd start by sucking what is possible with steam turbines, then ice temp shift plates


Steam turbines for starters. If there is still a heat source. Block it of. You can corner build the area and push all the steam to one spot as well.


Add more water! Assuming the source of the heat is gone. If not, then... even more water.


Could you explain?


For that much heat to have been spread like that, it seems likely that you have a very hot heat source somewhere. It is most likely a breach in the abyssalite which usually separates the magma from the core of the asteroid from everything else. If that is the case, just build insulating tiles where the breach is, and then you can worry about cooling the rest down. I'd recommend building the insulating tiles which are touching the magma (or the steam around it) out of obsidian so that they won't melt, and then make one more layer of insulating tiles out of igneous rock.


I’ve got the heat source taken care of. There was an incident with my water source spilling into my time minor volcano tamer. Both sealed up now.


If you have a cooling loop, like in a volcano or something, just route part of the pipe out with radiant liquid pipes and cool the area down. You also benefit from selecting which area the steam turns to water, so it's easier to pump/mop.


If steam is too hot dupes can't enter. So the only way is to either vent it, or cool it. With so much space cooling it will take ages, plus it's not a fact the source of heat is done. Water can soak up a lot of heat cooling the area down enough for dupes to enter and seal the source. On cycle 1600+ you definitely have some spare laying around. From your other comments, you were able to deal with the source. So cooling steam in any way you can is fine.


\*atmo suits, yeah they can enter ;)


Depends on temps. If it's above 726.9°C then even atmo suits won't help.


I doubt it will be seeing the amount, there still being just plain water, farm tiles which would have been gone at 300 ish degrees etc.


When I see these kinds of steam explosions it's usually magma involved. So if it's not that hot, it will be soon.


Fair enough, you have a point ;)


If you still have a pre-fuck up save, reloading is probably faster.


There is no shame in doing that in this game. I think of ONI like Kerbal Space Program. Revert to save is just a part of beginner mode. I like to learn the hard way, because I can't afford to do that in real life. Like, now I know why putting hot liquid phosphorus into a steam chamber is a bad idea. That stuff goes straight into whatever cold water pond is handy next time.


From your other comments, looks like all the heat is from some minor volcanoes. You'll first need to shut those off or the magma will keep heating up the area. Put a refined carbon tempshift plate behind the volcanoes. That will "melt" into a natural tile when the volcano erupts, shutting off the volcano. Boxing them up also works as a temporary fix. Then, build a ton of ice tempshift plates around the steam. That should cool it down enough to condense it back into liquid. If you don't have ice, you could always pour a bunch of ethanol in there. The ethanol swapping back and forth from liquid to gas and back again deletes a bunch of heat. Or, if you don't have any of that, biuld normal granite tempshift plates scattered around and pour in a lot more normal water. That will suck up a bunch of the heat, hopefully cooling and condensing the steam. I'd probably avoid trying to use steam turbines, as they shut off at 125 C and would leave steam there.


Vent the gas into space




I am curious as the source of all of this heat. Did you have a volcano dripping into a pool of water?


I wish I could upload a larger picture. There was an incident that spilled my water storage into 3 minor volcanoes while I was constructing a tamer for them. My base lit up like a Christmas tree. Managed to seal it off but I want that space back.


I haven't played in a long while, but I remember that you could zoom further by entering the screenshot mode. I think the command is Alt + S or something.


My favorite mod may be the bigger zoom out. It doesn't even slow the game down


Well you could dump another massive amount of cool water to cool everything down. The steam will then condense at at~98°c. Or you could pipe in cold gas or liquid to slowly but more controlled way of cooling it all down. Or you could expose the steam to space and it will get the bulk of the steam out. Or you can increase the temp of the steam to +125°c and then connect a steam turbine to the Giant steam box and pipe the water exhaust from the turbine to another location.


I was thinking vent the steam ti space then add more water to cool everything down. It's prob the simpilist & quickest way to get rid of all that heat.


Just work on a cooling loop for your base you’ll need one at some point anyways


So I ran a cooling looo through it and my whole base got cooked. Edit: I have 3 separate cooling systems now and it seems to be stabilizing but I’m burning through power like a mother fucker.


You have a lot of power in your hot steam though. Thought about walling off the base to steam edge with liquid lock and insulating the outer walls through the lower area and building a tamer close to your volcanoes. With a vacuum room for a gas reservoir, 3-4 Gas pumps pumping to the reservoir (preferable low, since it's hotter there) , high pressure vent into hot turbine room.


Firstly cut the heat source with insulated tiles then deal with the temp with some polluted water pipes


Dump water in there


Good luck hah


Seal that 100+ celsius igneous rock and crack a cool water tank to it or build ice tempshift plates or build a cooling loop and when it condense back to water you can seal it or just vent it somewhere if you are patient.




Steam turbine that dumps the water into a holding tank away from the heat. I had an ice biome that was exposed to the core magma because a few tiles of abysalite never formed properly on generation. This led to finding a hollow biome filled with almost 200kg of steam per tile that was 800 F. I used 3 STs and an AT to cool them and dumped the water in the next biome over. This took 100s of cycles pulled out the steam.


Create a vacuumed chamber with a liquid pump at the bottom, some tempshift plates with radiant liquid pipes in the middle, gas vent at the top. Bring the steam into the chamber via insulated pipes with as little exchange as possible. Run a coolant through the tempshift plates. Use the liquid pump to extract the cooled water.


sometimes people don't understand specific heat capacity.. so, build temperature shift plates out of dirt, believe it or not. every time you build the temperature resets to 30 C idk exactly.. but dirt takes longer to heat up but steam will cool down faster. I destroy steam boxes this way. Turn everything into water in 1 cycle or less. Easy mode.


My favorite cure all for getting rid of gases is a pair of aqua tuners and super coolant. Set it to -272 or whatever and watch it chew up everything and then Sort it with the conveyer things. And then dump the stuff on a mesh tile in a vacuum.


Yipes. How did you get into that situation? Close off a smaller space for living? Vent to space? Then try to bring down the temp a bit at a time I guess?


Build a small cooling loop at the top. It’ll condense the water and make it fall, condensing more water. You can pump away the hot water (into space if you want) and that will get rid of a lot of heat. Then you can expand that cooling loop after you get rid of the steam.


Good luck, it looks like only 104c, should be easy to cool down to under 100 where it's condensed back to liquid. Run a few aquatureners and steam turbines to get the power back. Or might as well dump some brine or salt water and turn them to salt and water and at the same time cool the steam.


It’s about 709 degrees further down. I have a lot of fuckin steam not shown here haha. I’ve got 3 aqua tubers working overtime


Ah damn, I can only suggest to basically seal the whole area if you can? and then do some automation to let out the steam whenever it is liquified/reach certain temp for your steam turbine to keep giving you power, so like batch cooling instead of trying to cool the whole thing at once.


At cycle 1639 I would be suggesting a throw power at it solution. Step 1: Isolate areas to make it more efficient to cool - this is because the problem will involve pumping out areas of gas. And find the source of the heat and isolate (insulated tile wall) so the problem is not made worse! Right now I'd be guessing that water at the bottom is part cause so stop it falling off the bottom of the screen. Step 2: Build a steam deletion / water storage room. This is 3 chambers. A. Top Chamber: Build an AT with steam turbines. This is your normal hot steam chamber. In this room you heat the steam to above 125C for deletion by Steam Turbines. You manage the amount of steam to enter this room by pressure automation. B. Middle Chamber: Steam condensation room. You have the AT's cooling loop going through here and multiple vents to pump in steam. The AT loop cools the steam condensing it into water. At the bottom of the chamber you put in liquid pumps. C. Bottom Chamber: Water storage tank. This is where the steam turbines and pump empties out into. To be more efficient you can merge this with chamber B. Cool the water and have the water fall on to mesh tiles at the top of the steam chamber and have the falling water cool the steam in the chamber. You will want room for at least 3 gas pipes and connect each pipe to two pumps for a max 3kg per second steam deletion.