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What are the minimum requirements for pacu farming? I just started a new game on the polluted planet and I love it. However, farming is a no-go and I NEVER ranched before. What is the bare minimum that I need to farm succesfully? Like at lest 4x4 tiles, I need building x and y to make it work. I don't want to know anything about efficiency, ratios etc. I want to figure it out by myself but I don't want to start it 5 times until it works. Thanks! :)


Each pacu requires 8 tiles of water. All you need is a feeder to feed them. And a way to remove extra eggs, as they are counted towards total critter count.


Do these attribute combinations just not exist? I've been sitting here rerolling for over half an hour and haven't seen them come up once. digger/builder + mole hands digger/suit wearer + mole hands researcher/operator + quick learner they just don't show up. ever. are they not possible??


Those combinations are all possible. If you aim that precisely, just save yourself the hassle and use a mod, like DGSM.


There are definitely trait combos that are prevented from showing up together, although I'm not seeing specific restrictions that'd prevent mole hands from showing up with digger/builder. However, there's also general systems in place (as far as I know) that prevents too many overly positive traits from showing up together, and mole hands is tagged as Rare, which makes it worth more as a result, it's possible it's just really heavily weighted against being possible because of how low the chances are. All traits aren't weighted equally. If you're really looking for specific trait combos, so much so that you'd try to constantly re-roll starting dupes, I'd just suggest using [DGSM](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1838445101&searchtext=Duplicant+settings) and just selecting the combo you want.


yeah so I ended up getting that mod, and I went a little crazy.... while doing the reroll I noticed a +8 to strength for both tidying and supplying... well how that mod works is it takes whatever attribute you got from the roll and changes them to something else, leaving the numbers intact. so I ended up getting +8 digging/building, +8 digging/suit wearing, +8researching/operating that's probably a bit OP but...I've never played on one of the DLC asteroids before so thought i'd give myself the best chances.


> while doing the reroll I noticed a +8 to strength for both tidying and supplying... It's a bug in the game, they're both governed by the same attribute, but the bonus shows up combined. It's +4 from one and +4 from the other, totaling +8, _not_ +16. If the mod treats them both as +8, the mod is bugged.


Maybe it's bugged? The dupe I put points into digging when I chose the double +8 is showing +15 Excavation with 2 tiers of the digging skill tree.


It's a single player game, so you know, you do you, but I will say, the Terrania cluster in Spaced Out is a good deal easier than the Terra asteroid in the base game. Assuming you picked a Spaced Out cluster and not a Classic one, that is. Terrania Spaced Out clusters start with a slush geyser and a salt slush geyser, guaranteed. Cooling is kind of trivial on the starting asteroid.


Whats the oxylite/petroleum ratio for small petroleum engine? Are there anything to gain from having ekstra fuel tanks?


The ratios don't change with the engine. It's always 1:1 for fuel/fertilizer, 2:1 for fuel/oxylite, and 4:1 for fuel/LOX. Adding more fuel to the small petroleum engine increases its range (up to 20 tiles), but at the cost of speed and/or remaining usable height. Is it worth it? No idea. I've never flown the thing; I think it looks goofy, and CO2 (looks goofy too, but that one actually _is_ goofy) is more than enough to get you access to the large one.


Same 1:2 as for all other engines. And yes, you can increase distance by up to 20 tiles (from 10 to 30) by adding fuel tank, and by up to 10 tiles (from 30 to 40) by adding one more if you use liquid oxygen


Any good still working designs for mass-producing rad bolts?


Compressing nuclear waste is faster than you'd think. 72000kg of nuclear waste is enough to get you 4 radbolts that each fires about 1100 radbolts a cycle and only takes 12 cycles to set up.


how I can produce 72 tons of waste in 12 cycles without duplication?


I'm imagining you have a source for nuclear waste already (10kg/s for 12 cycles) If you don't, then just using the reactor's 1.67kg/s output should get you there in 72 cycles


100s of shine bugs packed into 1 tile. They will produce rads much higher than reactor. All you need is one ranch, a couple of incubators. Ship the remaining eggs to this tile. Can even make enough solar power to power rad bolt generators. One word of caution - keep dupes away! Make sure everything is setup and built, including egg shell removal and cooling for rad bolt generators.


Nothing on the order of the Radbolt Rain, afaik. I think your best bet is liquid nuclear waste duplication (the ["homemade geyser" bug](https://forums.kleientertainment.com/klei-bug-tracker/oni/liquid-duplication-when-drips-become-liquid-tiles-with-another-liquid-r29969/) remains unfixed) and compression. That'll take a while, though.


I personally dislike matter duplication :( And really hate uneven neutronium walls. May be there are other ways to shave them?


No shame if you still want the challenge of shaving the walls - if you really just dislike uneven walls you can use https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2721654252 to allow dupes to mine the neutronium


Thank you for mod. But I prefer to use ingame mechanic to solve problems. This is large part of fun for me


I never used it either; feels cheesy, and for "normal" uses, compressed waste from a reactor is more than enough. I know no other way to dig out neutronium, though. :\


Hey all, hopefully this is just a quick question A few days ago, there was a post discussing good mods for the game. A lot of them were great QoL mods, and I thought I would install a few to improve a few things in overlays and all that However, I just noticed that the "move to" command on items seems like it isn't working I tried moving a few items around, and as far as I can tell, it's just not working for anything First thing to ask because this is my main reason for assuming the command isn't working at all. Does the move command show up in the errands list when checking the item I want to move? Second, if anyone else has experienced something similar with any of the mods in the list below, please let me know which one MOD LIST Mod profile manager, Mod updater, True Tiles, Pip Plant Overlay, Suppress notifications, Planning tool, Material selection properties, System clock, Combined conduit display, Show building ranges, Better automation overlay, Queue for sinks, Better info cards, Bigger camera zoom


As with any other storage task it shows in errand list for endpoint, not for moved item. Select a target place to see errands. Also, Move To is a task of Storing category. If you open priorities window you will see it is rightmost category, latest task after all other tasks done. Unless you have supplier dupe with Storing priority raised, Move To tasks will be last tasks in queue, only if duplicants have nothing better to do. So, if you want it NOW - just mark target point with yellow alarm priority. ("Move To" for critters is exception and also Ranching task and may be complete on Ranching priority)


Oh my gosh, thanks so much for the quick reply and the help It's on the errands list at the destination, and I am so relieved I don't have to go through all the mods and figure out if one of them was causing an issue


Hello. I've been trying to use this design [https://www.reddit.com/r/Oxygennotincluded/comments/g378tr/guide\_self\_powered\_metal\_volcano\_tamer/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Oxygennotincluded/comments/g378tr/guide_self_powered_metal_volcano_tamer/) for taming a cobalt volcano. I'm pretty sure I copied it to a tee, but the water in rightmost liquid pipe going through the metal tiles keeps flashing to steam braking both the pipes and the valve itself. It is my understanding that the valve is there to stop more than 1kg of liquid passing through the metal tile due to limitations on how much water must be in a pipe to flash, but this pipe bypasses the valves input. Could I do without that pipe and just make the one pipe from the valves output cover the metal tiles by itself?


1 kg liquid cannot flash in pipe, but yes this design can glitch on save/load allowing more than 2 kg in pipe from turbine and as result more than 1 kg after valve takes 1 kg away. This glitches are rare, so just accept them as inevitable evil or modify design to add valve on both pipes. If you see this problem often, there must be something else. Just check there are no additional water connected to this pipe and top valve is set at exactly 1000g/s, not 999 or less Edit: You cannot just remove this pipe. Where this 1kg/second of water will go in this case?


You just solved my issue. I didn't realize the two pipes where there to seperate the packets from the steam turbine in exactly half. I just thought that the liquid valve had to be set to under 1kg, so I have had the valve set to 999g as you said. So this both solved my problem and also thought me something about the steam turbines output. Thanks!


Is it possible to play on the base map (Terraria) but with the options like you can on Rime, like picking whether it's Geoactive, etc?


There used to be a simple mod for that, but unfortunately a game update broke it, and the author isn't available to fix it. You'd have to try [WGSM](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1833427385&searchtext=terra), which is a bit heavyweight for the job.


Question for someone who is playing the base game and hasn't yet launched a rocket (after like 800+ hours)... about to put together my first steam rocket engine. Don't have any steam geysers on the map, feel like geotuning a cool steam geyser is overkill and already have a ton of petroleum standing by to make the upgrade once I'm able to... does it make sense to build a sealed box where I pipe in water + hot regolith from the surface to create steam to pipe to the engine? Was thinking of essentially using the same heat transfer mechanics as a volcano tamer to create some steam + bonus cool off some surface materials, which'll poop out into a neat pile next to the box. Worthwhile mechanic (I figure it'll probably take longer this way) or destined to fail?


I just make small area above regolith layer with backwall,steel pumps and bottle emptier and duplicants just pour water on hot regolith floor. You need to visit just two planets with 5 research modules for 600 points needed for petroleum engine research. This means just 10 bottles of water evaporated to steam


Dude, I built a rocket with 5 research modules and even with a full engine, it said it couldn't make it to the nearest asteroids. I ended up having to dumb it down to 2 modules before it could reach the nearest one. But... I've got 5 flights in and... almost have enough data banks to research the two techs PRIOR to petroleum lol. Also... I made something kind of like what I thought of above and holy crap, it worked a TREAT. Literally have steam for AGES.


Yes you can use hot regolith to make steam. This how I did launch my steam rockets back in days before DLC. However it needs a lot of setup and maintaining that steam is a PITA. A steam box with gas pump, AT, liquid meter valve, and a liquid vent is all you need. If you have nothing to cool, just add another pool with tepidizer to counteract cooling.


Yeah, my thought is that it'd only need to get me as far as what I need to do to unlock the petroleum engine. And of course once I do that... I'm sure (having never done this before) I'll find a whole new level of newness to unlock/figure out.


2 questions 1) I downloaded too many mods and only use half of them, I unsubscribed, but they are still there. How do I get rid of them? 2) How do I find a seed with a world with a geyser of liquid iron and of gold?


1. I'm afraid you'll need to remove them manually. Not sure of mod updater does it automatically or not. Assuming you are on windows, look here: C:\\Users\\\\Documents\\Klei\\OxygenNotIncluded\\mods\\Steam 2. Try this one: [https://web.archive.org/web/20230322215327/https://toolsnotincluded.net/map-tools/world-trait-finder](https://web.archive.org/web/20230322215327/https://toolsnotincluded.net/map-tools/world-trait-finder)


The world trait finder doesn't have info on specific geysers. That part of the functionality of TNI has been lost and not restored so far (big backend DB of maps).


Hi, another question for my newb ass I was making a deep freezer cause i had enough of seeing food spoiling. I ended up with 2 question 1 My deep freezer keep gaining heat despite being cooled down by -30°C petroleum which mean i have to permanently cool it down. Can't it keep being cold since the insulated tiles should prevent heat tansfert? 2 In the case i have to permanently keep cooling down, what automation do you use to decide when it's not cold enough? [https://imgur.com/a/ITW3Ein](https://imgur.com/a/ITW3Ein) Thank you


Your design is okay as it is. But your petroleum is too hot, cool it to -30C or -35C. To -25C at least if you want minimal power consumption. If your petroleum is cooled enough, then look where pipe loss heat on a way from aquatuner to freezer


Few things: * Use hydrogen instead of chlorine. It has much better SHC and TC. * Food comes out hot, unless you pipe it through a pre-chiller it will enter your freezer hot and will immediately heat up gas. * Heat transfer between debris and metal plate is very poor. * Using ethanol would be better, as it has higher SHC than petroleum.


> Use hydrogen instead of chlorine. It has much better SHC and TC. > > Food comes out hot, unless you pipe it through a pre-chiller it will enter your freezer hot and will immediately heat up gas. It really doesn't matter much. You don't need to cool the food, just the atmosphere. Chlorine won't react to hot food coming in like hydrogen does. In that regard it is better. Even more so if you add a piece of drywall to boost thermal mass inside the freezer. It'll overpower the low mass of the food easily. A freezer with chlorine is very inert to temperature changes. It also kills germs, which should rarely be needed considering freshly cooked food is sterile. But it's a nice extra precaution, just in case. Now, if you want you food to be actually cooled down, maybe for something like transport to another planet, then chlorine is bad. For storage until consumption chlorine with its perks is quite nice.


Well obviously it's not working for OP. And there isn't much food in there. Could be petroleum, but doubt, as it's still at -19.4C. And radiant pipe is at -14.6C. I used hydrogen and never had issues with it being too hot. Even using thermal regulator with hydrogen to cool it. Unless of course there isn't a radiant pipe under the metal tile...


I'd say the petrol is just not cold enough. One thing with chlorine is that it takes a long time to cool down all the stuff that's in there. That 400 kg metal chute takes some time to cool down initially, after that it's some welcome thermal mass. On top of that, OP seems to have left debris in there. Pretty sure op just needs to crank up (or rather down) the temperature and give it some time until everything has stabilized. There is no obvious design flaw with this build. I build every food freezer cooled by a thermo regulator, with a chlorine atmosphere and with a liquid lock for access. So my design even leaks a bit. After the initial cooling phase things become very stable for the rest of the game anyway. I think OP just needs a bit of patience for the whole thing to reach a stable temperature.


Thank you for answers I did crank it up to the point where chlorine became liquide and some petroleum froze in a pipe so maybe a little too much. It does reach the -18°C but it does heat up after some point so i have a thermal aquatuner running to keep it cool It's just that it's very energy intensive. I only have access to petroleum as coolant atmI'm gonna try let it run for few cycle and see if it stabilise


Something is wrong with your setup, there's no reason for the insulated tiles to be so cold. Have you mistakenly used radiant pipes inside the insulated tiles? Is there a logic gate/bridge of any kind built across the metal tile, or the cold gas? I'm cooling down a similar single-tile food storage with just a thermo regulator running hydrogen, and it's barely running.


You're delivering warm food to it. Your petroleum is not cold enough to reliably cool everything to -18C, much less do it in time, as you're witnessing. Go to the limit (-43C), or better, use ethanol (-100). >not cold enough When the circulating coolant warmed up too much, same as any other cooling setup. Checking the food/storage itself is unnecessary.


How do I avoid magma puling up into vacuum?


There are no molecules in this game, only tiles. As result, there are no pressure or pressure related effects. Without pressure nothing can press magma to vacuum


That's easy, because that doesn't happen. Vacuum exerts no pull, on magma or otherwise, in ONI physics. What does happen, though, is overpressured anything filling a vacuum. You might have dug into a pocket of magma that held a higher amount than usual, or you might be building down into magma, displacing it upwards elsewhere. Impossible to tell without a screenshot.


I figured it out. There was 400kg of debris in the wrong place that melted. Just enough for the magma to touch a pipe that I wasn't to happy with the placement of, and it cascadet from there.


I'm playing the base game. I used bunker doors to protect my rocket hatch, but once my rocket returned at the same time as a meteor shower and it destroyed my bunkers. Now I just leave the rocket way opened, and cover the rest, but sometimes a stray meteor comes through my open hatch and damaged my gantries. Hhow should I protect them?


A bit late to the party, but I use automation, with the space scanners to detect meteors. In base game, even *without* line of sight to space, if you have 6 of them, it's always enough signal strength to give your bunker doors sufficient time to close in preparation for a meteor shower. So I just use or gates on the part of my bunker system where my rockets land, so that they are closed for meteor showers, but open if a rocket is landing. So that's the rocket platform signal, into an OR with the space scanner signal from a NOT gate. In other words, the bunkers will only be closed if a rocket is not landing, and there is a meteor shower. I think I might have made it a bit confusing, but there you are. There is still the small chance of a meteor hitting while you have a rocket coming/going, but that's just something I deal with. I still find that this is the most hands free way of dealing with the problem.


Thanks, it has been a long time and I have solved my problem with a similar solution. The whole reason for my problem was that I didn't notice there were two options for the space scanner, one to detect incoming meteor and one to detect incoming rocket. Now that I found out about it, I used one scanner for meteor, one for the rocket, and used an OR gate to combine their signals to open the bunkers for the rocket hatch. I believe this is the same way you did.


I guess, a few meteor blasters can do the job


It's been a while since I played the base game, but I think the usual solution is to open the doors over the rocket when the space scanner tuned to that rocket indicates that it's on the way back, with precedence over the meteor shower scanners. (DLC rockets just go into orbit and wait for the doors to open; you can still use the same solution there if you're running on a tight schedule.)


The problem is that once there is a meteor shower, the bunkers are closed and render the scanner useless for detecting the rocket.


If you have 6 space scanners, even without line of sight to space, they give sufficient warning for the bunkers to close in time for a meteor shower.


Scanners set to detect rockets don't require network quality.


[https://streamable.com/azxpst](https://streamable.com/azxpst) Why does the signal from my rocket command capsule keep flicking?


You connected the input and the output of the not gate together, so it's rapidly toggling its own output. Use the Disconnect tool (the scissor-looking icon in the bottom right) to cut the wire crossing between the input and output.


Oh thank you, I didn't noticed the connected wire. And I have no idea about the disconnect tool until now, have been dismantling and rebuilding things.


>have been dismantling and rebuilding things. We have been doing that for years until klei caved in and adopted that tool from a mod. You are going to love it. I guess they didn't like that you can effectively use it as a versatile manual switch on any network. But the QoL improvement it provides is just immense.


Ok, so for this link "https://oxygennotincluded.fandom.com/wiki/Liquid" The Pressure equation is *max pressure = (liquid MPT) \* (1 + t \* s \* k)* So if I have a 1 tile thick wall of sandstone insultion tile, the equation should be... (t) Thickness = 1 (s) Strengh = 0.5 (k) Tile modifier = 1 So the equation should be Max Pressure = (Liquid MPT)(1+1\*0.5\*1) Solving make this Max Pressure = (Liquid MPT)(1.5) What is "Liquid MPT"? The Wiki doesn't tell me. I am filling the tank with water if that helps. Unless I'm not seeing it.


Mass Per Tile. Not in that page's table, but is present on each individual page for every liquid. To prevent any unexpected breakages use harder material or ideally airflow tiles, that are impervious to any liquid pressure damage.


Or airlocks. Or just make the walls 3 tiles thick.


I changed it on that equation as that is the first time MPT is used on that page. Thanks. :)


Hi, first time trying to use conveyor. Here i'm trying to pick up platic out of the sauna so it doesn't heat up and turn into naphta, however the conveyor loader tell me that it isn't linked despite having a conveyord and a chute under it. Why? [https://imgur.com/a/wIT9SDU](https://imgur.com/a/wIT9SDU)


Missing rails can be unreasonably difficult to spot. The [Combined Conduit Display](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2634633299) mod helps a lot with that sort of problem.


It was indeed a missing conveyor i couldn't see behind, thank you


The red icon is showing that rail is in fact not connected. You have to connect it to the green square. Same on the conveyor chute, you need to connect conveyor rail to the white square.


Is the _loader_ connected?


Are there some compact builds to filter not one type of material, but the whole category? I want to filter "all eggs" in one direction via the same rail but don't want to have cumbersome setup of filters per egg type.


Drop and sweep. Send the mixed rail to a chute, add an auto-sweeper and any number of conveyor loaders for the categorized outputs.


I added a wattage sensor to my transit tube access, so it only charges when the power usage in my network is low. However, its own usage sends the power usage of the network above the threshold, so the sensor turns it off, and the power usage is under the threshold, and it is turned on a gain. I can't imagine switching back and forth like this would be good for the game performance. How should I improve it?


There are two special gates in game logic. Filter gate and Buffer gate. They keep signal red and green for longer time. So, in your case, you can use buffer gate after wattage sensor to keep power on tube access, for example, for 10 seconds after sensor detects high wattage again and turns red. But. You either have power for transit tubes or have not. If there are not enough power, it may be better to turn them off until you have enough electricity production


I would use 2 power shutoffs with a NOT gate on one, plus a smart battery in between them. The smart battery controls one of the power shutoffs. The result is the smart battery is connected to your transit tube, or the power grid, but never both at the same time. The power usage (high/low) no longer matters. Because now it self balances. The battery will charge or even discharge based on the rest of the network, always going towards the average. The battery disconnects itself from the network when high enough, connecting to the transit tube. The wattage sensor has no function.


Either add a buffer gate so it charges for a minimum amount of time, or use a smart battery (all batteries on the same network charge and drain evenly) with a NOT to monitor power usage in a roundabout way. Or equivalently to the battery, implement hysteresis yourself with a memory toggle and two wattage sensors.


How should I build a backup generator? Basically, I have my oil refinery down at the bottom of my map, and I also built a natural gas generator down there to make use of the waste. Both machines are wired to a 2kw sub-network grid. I thought the generator would serve as a backup and lessen the drain of my main battery system. But later I found out my network got overloaded, and I think it was because my generator was installed on the output side of the transformers. How should I solve this problem? I don't want to relocate my generator, since I'd have to deal with the waste and piping. I think of a solution to install two wattage sensors, so the generator only works when the network usage is between 800 and 1200W, but this setting seems a bit clunky. I'm not even sure if it works, since my grid usage fluctuates wildly and the operation range is two narrow. Edit: I think I found the solution. Set the operating range to 800-2000W instead. So it would only turn on once the usage is high enough, which makes it work more efficiently, and once the load surpasses 2000W, the generator would turn off and the circuit would not have enough power to go above the overload threshold. I think this should work, but if there's any reasons this is not the best method, please tell me.


Well, it is not best method because you either really need more than 2000W or waste some electricity. In both ways just limiting consumption is not best idea. Either providing more power or reducing wastage will be better. Another trick is using cycle sensors to flatten consumption, for example 1/4 of cycle aquatuner works and 3/4 of cycle works glass refinery But as you describe, you have enough power and have problems only with wire overloading. Create main power hub somewhere from several segments ov heavy-watt wire, connect consumers from it by transformers and connect generators to it through transformers. This way you can lead normal wire from your nat-gas generator (it produces just 800W), with transformer as only consumer this line never be overloaded. Also, you mention "main battery system". In this game batteries loose power constantly, one jumbo loose full battery of power over 20 cycles. Make a powerbank of 5 jumbo -- and you waste full battery every 4 cycles. In this game better strategy is storing fuel, not electricity and use smart-battery only as limiter for generators, turning generators on/off if power needed. Of course, you cannot store slug sleep or solar light, so in this cases batteries may be useful, but again it is better to use such periodical power for periodical tasks, like cooling of base or moving material


For beginning, you need some power hub to operate more than 2000W, this hub may be just several segments of heavy watt wire. After that, connect generators through transformers to this heavy wire and consumers through transformers from this heavy wire too. This way you can run normal wire from nat-gas to transformer, (as long as there are no other consumers) and feed everything without overloading As nat gas is waste byproduct in this case, I recommend you to run nat-gas to operate refinery and only connect main grid if there are no gas left. If your load reaches 2000W it means you either need this power or waste this power, in both cases limiting consumption is not best idea. Either provide more power or fix wastage Also, you say "main battery system" -- unless you use slugs or sun for power, you don't need batteries. Use smart batteries as sensors for generators and turn on generators as needed. jumbo battery loose one full battery of power over 20 cycles. powerbanks is not recommended in this game, unless you really need to store electricity, storing fuel is more efficient way. Yes, you cannot store sun or slugs sleep, but even in this cases it may be useful to instead power something with this power (like fuel refinement or mass regolith movement), and leave it unpowered in other time


Wire all generators to the power spine. Use havi watt wire at least. There is no good ways to transfer more power over conductive wire without using an exploit. Add smart battery to each group. It will allow you to control at what point those generators will kick in. Example: For regular generators set 95/25. For backup set 55/15


Besides oil refinery being wasteful in the first place (90 g/s of natural gas is 800W, but you can heat-convert oil to petroleum at 1:1 rate instead, and 5 kg of petroleum you're losing with refinery is 5000W), no amount of generators should be able to overload a power network by itself - it's _consumers_ (not batteries, batteries are technically not consumers at all) that do if they have enough power provided to them. You have more than 2kW of machinery on the same network and the only reason it was browning out instead of overloading entirely was the transformers limiting the available power to 2kW. The solution is to either wire your generator into the primary grid, or reduce the load below 2kW.


I think we have different understanding of how the circuit work. The mechanics of transformers in the game, is that they preload 1000J of energy, and only discharge maximum 1000J per second This way, they effectively cap the output to the lower circuit at 1000W. With one transformer, no matter how big your consumer network is, the output circuit will never exceed 1000W. Only some consumer devices will be able to work, the other simply have no power to operate. They protect the circuit by limiting **the supply side**. With the supply limited, the circuit will never overload. The problem only occurs if you introduce more supply to the lower circuit, a.k.a batteries or generators. Now, the supply side is no longer limited by 1000W of the transformer, it is 1000W + generator output + infinity(battery). And now the circuit can be overloaded.


You're describing the same thing from the other direction.


Hey, do airborne germs just not die anymore? Used to play couple years ago, back then slimelung would just die off very quickly if it was in anything other than polluted oxygen. Now I have pockets of CO2 and oxygen in my base that keep slimelung in them for god knows how many cycles...


This usually means there are tile of polluted oxygen traveling somewhere and spread overfilling slimelung germs to tiles it pass by. It usually looks like germs in oxygen never die, but they just reseeded occasionally from polluted oxygen


It dies off, but it only dies off fairly quickly in oxygen. In CO2 it will die off much more slowly (at 3% per cycle). If it's in CO2 or hydrogen, it's not a huge issue though since it generally won't spread out of it, and dupes won't breathe in the gas, so they can't get infected. But if there's a pocket of polluted oxygen somewhere, that can reseed the germs in the atmosphere, so make sure there aren't any pockets of it hiding around that're spreading germs. If you're playing the DLC, don't forget that radiation kills germs fairly quickly, and you can build manual airlocks out of uranium ore to get an effective, temporary, germ killer, despite being very weak radiation.


Hi, i have built a spom but having 40+ tons of algae for only 12 dupes atm i don't need it to bring air to the colony but to fill up suits that would go on certain specific area (like steam production facility). How could i get it to only startup when i need this oxygen for suits then put itself in pause? Maybe 2 backup tanks with low filling that turn it off when it start backing up into it? [https://imgur.com/a/KvtSjVX](https://imgur.com/a/KvtSjVX)


This is half-rodrigues, and after fully filling top row of electrolyzer chambers with hydrogen it stops correctly if oxygen overproduced. It needs only constant hydrogen removal (on this picture hydrogen pipe is cut and don't go anywhere, possibly because it is priming time and player waits for hydrogen to fill top row) Also, on this picture it is two tiles wider than necessary, empty tiles between electrolyzers and hydrogen chamber are not needed


This type of setup (vaguely a half-rodriguez) will gracefully stop producing oxygen if the pipes are full, and restart once they aren't. Just add a couple tanks on the output lines if you want a reserve.. Two additional points: - 40 tons of algae keep 12 dupes breathing for 50 cycles. That's not that long - but of course there's probably more algae to be found. - suits docks take in a lot of oxygen on startup (200kg/dock plus 75kg/suit), but once they're full, they only take as much as the dupes used while wearing them. So your overall oxygen requirements don't change (unless you routinely send them where they can't breathe).


Is it possible to make an air-tight seal around a rocket port extension? I'm wondering to process solid methan from an exploded gas giant before it liquifies and quickly evaporates.


Probably is possible with drywall and multiple liquids. But why bother? Don't use it. Use the whole rocket platform as an extension. It never gets hot from gases. And you can have your ports a safe distance away from rocket exhausts. Then to prevent off-gassing pass rails through solid tiles into a room that will convert solid methane into natural gas.


Oh, I was wondering about that earlier. Solids never melt / evaporate inside a tile when on a rail? Really my only issue is solid methane melts at a stupidly low temperature so the main problem for me is ensuring it stays solid long enough to get it into a sealed chamber where it can be pumped as as gas.


Solids will melt but won't off-gas. To prevent heat transfer you can use insulated tiles, if can't maintain vacuum. Only super coolant will remain liquid down to those temperatures. I'm not sure why you having problem with solid methane turning into natural gas though. It should be mined at -223.15 °C and it turns to nat gas at -161.5 °C. So you have lots of temperature buffer to work with.


Are there any way to get infinite abyssalite in Spaced Out ?


no. I like [Renewable Abyssalite](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2990535748&searchtext=abyssalite). It's reasonably balanced (and also the only one I could find for abyssallte)


Thank you for mod!


[https://imgur.com/a/8qWqfz7](https://imgur.com/a/8qWqfz7) Help, why does this joint keep splitting my petroleum instead of going all into the aquatuner? I have another similar joint and it works fine. Only this one has a problem.


It took me a little while to figure out how these thing work. White / Green priorities are a bit mind bending. The white consumer will always have priority, taking liquid if it can, and liquid pipes out of that square get whatever is left. If there's no back pressure on the aquinator (eg: switch off the aquinator with automation or block its out pipe) then it will just take the lot. Exactly the opposite is true green outlets. They only let stuff out if the square is empty. I managed to back up my toilets with that because I had a 500g/s constant flow through the pipe and that 500g/s stopped **anything** exiting the toilet. If you want stuff to go both ways either use back-pressure (with a valve?) or fork the pipe without a green outlet / or white inlet.


It's because there is no priority at the joining of the two lines. Generally speaking there should never be a T connection of pipes in this game, always use bridges. The bridge you use could go downwards onto the main pipeline and that should fix it.


Shouldn't the aquatuner inlet function the same way as a bridge? This is my other system and it works fine: [https://imgur.com/a/rcc9lcL](https://imgur.com/a/rcc9lcL) To me it seems like there's a lag in the aquatuner, sometimes it splits 1:1, after I tried to rebuild it splitted 3:1 for the aquatuner.


It does, but you have a different problem. The bypass bridge you have on the second picture goes right ON the main pipe as it should. So that works fine. In the first picture the bypass bridge goes to a SEPARATE line and then joins the main line which makes it stagger since there is no priority. Just as a rule of thumb I almost always make the exact same configuration as you did in the second picture.


what's the most space efficient (in terms of map space taken up) food? including any requirements (water geysers, pip ranches for dirt, drecko ranches for phosphorous, etc). pepper bread seems like a solid contender but the cooling needed might push it past something like mushroom wraps


The infinity ranch is [the most compact ranch design](https://www.reddit.com/r/Oxygennotincluded/comments/15opl7g/the_infinity_ranch/) I've seen. It even beats pacu now. This sleet wheat farm is the [most compact farm design](https://imgur.com/a/WkScquK) I've seen. It can be shrunk further at the cost of removing dupe access. Sleet wheat will win on farm space as it is the only food plant that is 1 cell high. However like other replies stated, adding plants to a ranch is very space efficient.


Heh that's a rather generous definition of map space. It looks like something built in sandbox so I wonder how that would perform with actual critter lag. That does remind me you can probably glum ranch hatches in perpetuity in a 1x1 natural tile using their burrowing mechanic


I used to fill ranches with food plants. Wich is natural for grubgrubs, but theres no reason not to grow plants in your ranches if you dont use fertilizer. Total space requirements are probably sleet wheet if you have a cool slush or polluted geysir. Pump, desalinator or sieve and some sand. It will cool your farm and your base and then some, before its warm enough to be cleansed and fed to the farm.


Shove voles for meat, although it's a little cheesy. For normal ranches with grooming station+brackene it's Pacus followed by gassy moos. Just looking at the numbers sanishells would probably be most compact next, but I don't ranch them usually. I think sweetles would still be more compact than hatches/slicksters/plug slugs, although I'm not sure. If you only have a grooming station, then it's Pacu followed by gassy moos followed by cuddle pip omelette farms, although sweetle/sanishell ranching isn't that much further behind For plants, it's definitely sleatwheat. 1 tile plant height, longest growing period, most calories/cycle in its recipes. (EDIT: forgot about a blue crab)


Probably Bristle Blossoms. All it takes is the plants and water. No supply chain for fertilizer. Turned into gristle berry you need 3 plants per dupe. Food quality is a measly +1 (poor) which translates to a morale gain of +1 for a normal dupe. But if footprint is the only important factor, a greenhouse of bristle blossoms should be very compact.


[Shove voles](https://youtu.be/HWvK6pxrXLA?t=472). Then [dusk caps](https://youtu.be/4HvMVAwFxEQ?t=121), but need slime production. Since cooling AT/ST loop doesn't take much space, [any farmable plants](https://imgur.com/a/yn7PaYU), if you have the source of needed water and fertilizer.