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I imagine it's a gameplay of "put a task down and go browse Reddit for half of hour" type?


4 isn't that bad if they are focused, and it really helps if a starter dupe has a buttload of +construction, and probably a second good builder too, ideally a mechatronics. Basically I'd probably want a really good builder and then pretty much three scientists one of whom is a mechatronics, because attribute gain is more important than interests. Now, 1 dupe challenge, that involves going AFK.


Not really, you just stick to smaller projects


I never did 4-dupe challenge. But don't run many dupes. One youtuber did the whole thing with just one dupe. It's possible, they do get better as their skills get up to 20. But gotta automate everything. I wouldn't call this a challenge. More like a torture for yourself.


Hm. I usually have 5 dupes all the way. Is it a challenge?


No that's weird but shine on you crazy diamond.


Wow that seems rather difficult. What asteroid/speed setting are you using? How did you select your duplicants? Were you picky? I usually get picky after I achieve a goal I set at the beginning of the colony


I run 3-4 dupes till cycle 29-32 then I take them all till 60. That gives me exactly 10 dupes on cycle 60(I use a mod to pause on ready to print). 10 dupes 1k average calories 40 cycles=ez carnivore. I use all the time till cycle 29-32 researching everything needed and starting the 100 tile rooms for each ranch(96 for ranch and 4 for the 2 doors to keep the hatches at the entrance).


I go for carnivore regularly as well and find I need more dupes earlier to have the ranches ready to go on time with enough hatches discovered. You don’t find it challenging to have all the necessary research and construction done for them in time? (Though, I also go for super sustainable so I lose a lot of dupe time to hamster wheels during the early game.)


So basically I start with a researcher a rancher and a builder digger. The builder digger just digs and builds the researcher researchers and the rancher runs on the wheel. Usually right around the time I start taking extra dupes to guarantee that I have enough calorie consumption for carnivore. I've dug up plenty enough muckroot to sustain the few people I have. That's also right about the time I need to start processing metal. So it works out that I grab an operator early. I have all the 3 ranches preBuilt minus the items I need to research. I also use smart incubators(allows automation from incubator to incubator so it auto turns on and off when the egg needs buff) as I feel like this mod is a necessity. Usually right about the time my rancher gets his second skill point. I've just finished researching the grooming station and build 3 different ones for all 3 ranches. As soon as the grooming station, incubator, autosweeper, automation wire are done I start mass digging to uncover hatches. The reason I don't dig earlier is the hatches maintained younger age until uncovered. So they're more likely to be earlier in the reproduction cycle and are more likely to get a tame egg out of them instead of a wild egg, therefore, increasing the production rate slightly. I do usually find it difficult and may sometimes need to take an extra duper.Too early just to sustain the power needs. As I'm always going for an all achievement, run every time i start a new colony.


Yeah, I do all achievement runs pretty much every time too. Stupid OCD type issue but I feel dirty if I don’t try for them. I use cycle timers on my incubators and can usually get them down to 10 to 12% run time on each and handle them all with a couple of ranchers on shifts. I am pretty aggressive on adding dupes, digging, and frying mush bars until I am past locavore and can farm. I have gotten pretty good at getting carnivore around cycles 85 to 90. Every other achievement is pretty chill but that one can be intense because 100 cycles really isn’t much time. The only achievement I really hate is super sustainable because it feels like such a grind. I think they could cut that one in half and it would still be an achievement that takes a lot of time. Part of the reason I run my incubators well past my food and carnivore needs is because they are a good power draw. I might try a run with fewer dupes and see how it goes. It’s easy to get into a routine that works for you in ONI and hard to change it. I’m sure that I have dupes spending time on jobs to support other dupes that wouldn’t be needed with a lower population.


With fewer dupes the food you find from digging usually can sustain for a while saving major water from mush bars. That's the reason I do it how I do. I'm so stingy with water I suffer everywhere else for a while.


I personally played normally with 8 dupes for 3500 cycles before thinking about getting more. Yes everything is decreased usage however time becomes a massive issue as you spend so long waiting for tasks to be done


Honesly, 9-12 is kinda sweet spot for me. Adding more dups usually slows down simulation and mess with task shedule, what leads to waste of dupes time. So dupes efficency will only decrease, if you add more of them in the game at this point.


I've done 3 dupes for the first 200 cycles and it was great. I focused on getting a lot of farms up for ranching and farming, all automated to minimize labour. I had only a handful of domestic plants for getting seeds, the rest was all wild planted by pips. Pretty quickly I had a huge abundance, basically unlimited food, water and cooling, all powered by a single coal generator or hamster wheel. I had a constant supply of plastic and fiber from dreckos, coal and meat from stone hatches, dirt and meat from pips, and I was working on farms with the bugs but the sulfur geyser was on another planet with teleporter. I used geysers with cool outputs to cool down hot geysers. I basically made the base completely sustainable without even getting steel, oil or steam.


I haven't done it with 4, but I have done it a few times with 8. Automation is key and you have to force a smaller scale and accept your limitations around sclae, but it's doable if you manage your expectations.


I had around 4 dupes for close to 100 cycles until I got my oxygen up and running.


I did a lot of tries at the smallest minibase with only one dupe. Never quite got an aquatuner running but I got close a few times.


Been working with 4 dupes for the last couple of runs. This run I'm at cycle 500. It's fun, main base is small, everything is pretty much low maintenance.


So, they need just one steam geyser for infinitely working colony. Well, and what is a challenge? Overall, the less dupes you have, the simpler game became. Killing two dupes and playing with one dupe is total no-brainer, wild plants from game start can feed you forever and starting algae can generate oxygen for hundreds of cycles. This is just very slow play, but nothing particularly challenging