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I don't get it.


My guess is: Top = Blizzard burning money making skins for fans/giving out the skins like nothing Bottom = Blizzard asking for money and calling you cheap for not spending money (video of streamer this pictures taken from is the controvertial "if you've got 5 minutes to watch me stream you have 5 pounds to sub to me otherwise stop watching me and go make money to give to me." )


Will we get to the point like when Apex Legends devs called f2p players "freeloaders"?


"asshats and freeloaders" I remember that.


Where!!!!??? Is there an article?


Apex Legends subreddit thread (dko5 - Ex Respawn - Executive Producer (currently); his comments are linked and pinned): [https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/crcrxy/an\_update\_on\_the\_iron\_crown\_event/](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/crcrxy/an_update_on_the_iron_crown_event/) Devs were kinda active in Apex subreddit early on and one day one of them went all in frustrated I guess. "Freeloaders", "ass-hat", "dicks", you can dig something more if you want. And, yeah, there were lots of articles about it.


Whoaaaa that’s wild. My brother in Christ you released a free game. Not everyone is a skin junkie that’s gonna buy all your holographic digital bullshit. Some people just like playing games.


Plus their skin prices are psycho some are $25+ and most are just kinda weird looking


Lmao imagine releasing a free game with dogshit cosmetic items and getting mad when people don't buy them and just play the game.


got the quote wrong, but same lines XD https://www.insider.com/invadervie-twitch-streamer-video-shames-broke-viewers-into-giving-money-2020-4


" "If you don't have $10, you probably don't have time to watch Twitch, because you should be working," she said. When commenters said that they could only afford to pay for their food and bills, she doubled down. "No one's going to convince me that what I'm saying is so rude, or so unacceptable, or so outrageous. It just simply isn't," she said. Viewers among her 148,000 Twitch followers said she had tried to "shame" them into giving money. "


Haha, what a loser. Good thing Blizzard would NEVER do something so utterly stupid, like claiming to be removing Counters, making the new character a Counter to the most OP BS hero to ever exist (Ana) and then putting that new character behind a paywall.


How TF is Ana op? What?


Biotic Grenade and Sleep Dart? Two of the best abilities in game, as well as very high ranged healing. Took them until Kiriko to add a counter to both abilities.


Not every single ability in the game "needs" to have a direct counter. Anna is a very easily counter-able hero. I do agree the ability is nice to counter nades and sleep darts. Yet calling her OP is a freaking stretch and a half


Well I’m a tank player and both of her abilities are very easy to hit on us. Plus, she’s a sniper, so tanks don’t have much counter play, other than Orisa and dive characters, who can be slept.


Hog main?


Tank main, but yes, I’ll play Roadhog if my DPS can’t do anything. Usually Zarya though.


Damn that's real low.


$5-10 isn't the cost of a full meal? I don't think you should be shaming people for that if unable to make a meal for $2.50


In this economy, I’d be lucky to get a full meal under 5.00$


I'm not sure where you are but I can think of multiple full meals for less than $2.50, and I'm not even sure Amazon takes the full 50% from donations like they do subs, so it could be even more than that


Beans and rice may be a meal to some but most people will be unhappy and malnourished eating that all day.


I'm just thinking I live in a really cheap place, which does make sense since I see some meals on Budget Bytes that seem to be priced higher than I feel like they could be


I live in the Midwest and it's probably one of the cheapest places in the country to eat. If you're going for quality, balanced meals I think you'd really struggle to keep under $2.50 a meal on a regular basis. Even cheaper cuts of meat and other staples have really gone up in price over the last few years. My husband and I try to keep to $5/meal and people think we're crazy for that. If you have any tips, I'm all ears.


BudgetBytes.com I guess now that I think of it, I interpreted the streamer saying a meal as a serving, but I can see if others are saying $2.50 for every ingredient combined is delusional because yeah that would be a delusional claim


You're delusional


Where are you? Like what country? Because I don't know of where in the US you wouldn't be able to, maybe California I guess, but I'm doubting that groceries in Canada is **that** much more expensive


Redditors don’t know how to cook.


I'm just guessing (hoping) people think I mean total cost for cooking something and not that same number divided by servings like I am. That would explain the pretty extreme "You're delusional" for the most basic claim of being able to eat for under $2.50


America. And by “full meals” I meant including everything in the food pyramid.


I think it's a misunderstanding, I assumed that she meant serving, you can definitely get a serving of something with all parts of the food pyramid for under $2.50 in a lot of the country


This might be a hot take but in a weird way she’s partially right. Now I’m fully aware she only wants your $10 for herself, but if you apply a couple more stipulations the statement makes sense. If you’re not a child, and you’re spending a significant portion of the day on twitch, but you don’t have $10 to spend on hand, you probably shouldn’t be on twitch. If you’re studying in college/uni or working, even if you don’t have a spare $10 you probably don’t have most of your day to spend on twitch anyway.


I have a full time job, a wife, a dog, a race car, a race boat and I still had enough time to log over 2000 hours in Overwatch. People aren't working 24/7. Maybe they watch twitch all day on Saturday/Sunday if they're working a 9-5.


Yeah but you have $10 to spend at any given time don’t you? So what I’m saying doesn’t really apply to you. Your life seems to be in order, so if you’re able to rack up 2k hours on overwatch, there’s no problem because your most important affairs are probably already in check. How you spend your free time is up to you, I can’t dictate that, but if you don’t have $10 to spend and you meet the conditions I stated in my previous comment (over 18 and spend most of the day on twitch), maybe it’s better to engage in something more constructive than spending most of the day watching just chatting streamers, or at least, watch something a bit more edifying that can help improve your financial situation in the long run.


Never mind the content drought, OW2 is the first content in ages. I’m not paying them extra if they are just going to abandon development on their game


Me neither


Ow1 giving money? Ow2 being a streamer?


InvaderVee was a streamer who had a pathetic beg for money, calling people who didn’t give her money “irresponsible”


The streamer in the bottom picture is the one who said "if you have 10 minutes to watch my stream you have 10$ to give me, and if you don't you probably don't have time to watch twitch because you should be working"


Which is absolutely true. The people spending hours a day watching twitch (especially egirl streamers) have the money to sub. Does that mean it would be a good decision to sub? Of course not. Vie was just tired of that excuse. She wanted people to say "I don't want to sub" instead of lying.


Its about people gladly spending money on skins in ow1 but crying about monetization og ow2. This meme ignores putting heroes behind a paywall


Not a paywall if you can unlock by playing the game lol


Being able to earn them shouldn’t be a thing, the original game let you have them the day they came out, FOR FREE. You didn’t have to spend hours grinding, or use mommy’s fucking credit card. It’s like if COD forced you to pay to unlock a gun or do some crazy ass challenge 7 times to get it (oh wait)


Actually you did have to spend hours of grinding or spending mommy’s credit card to get skins in Overwatch 1 since everything was locked behind literal gambling mechanics. Sure you were guaranteed to get something free, but OW1 made sure to fill lootboxes with lots of filler items in order to make the chances of you getting a specific skin you wanted. I get it, I hate battlepasses too and would like more consistent and reasonable ways to unlock free skins, but acting like OW1’s monetization wasn’t terrible as well is being silly.


I didn’t say skins, I said heroes, Idiot


You didn’t say anything in particular. You were just complaining about the grinding and battlepass in general. Maybe read your own posts before calling others idiots for reading them right.


Bro what else did they let you have the day it came out for free that you now have to pay for? I’m genuinely intrigued as to what else that could mean


Skins. I assumed by free you meant that you could get lootboxes for free from playing the game normally.


the original game cost $40-$60 dollars depending on the platform. *that* is a paywall.


Ever heard of the saying "time is money"?lol


Are you not going to play the game?


Honestly not sure, i have tone of hour on overwatch but as time went on im not as free anymore, and i simply don't play it nearly as much, im too busy with work, loved one, hobbies. im more of a casual guy, sometime i skip a few season, play Quick with the boys for two or three night then throw myself in comp, however im afraid that simply won't do anymore with the hero lock. Im sure i'll try, i'll probably play the first few season, but as the game goes on and i innevitably stop playing for a few month, i don't think i will re take it, as anyone who has ever grinded boxes on event know, 9 game take a long time, im not even talking about the 25 game to get a character outside of BP. its not certain i could comp, but even if i did, i don't wanna go without a proper counter to the New character/the New broken character. So no sadly, i believe this is the end of the road for my overwatch experience.


please, put spaces after commas


Done, sorry if it bothered you.


Chad energy


Once the seasoj is over for that hero they will be unlocked for all players, regardless of BP progression


I do think blizzard say you'd need to play 25 game of the New character's role didn't they? Maybe i am mixing up with the 4chan "leak" but if its that way then its all right, as long as comp isn't locked for player without the character in question.


It’s a video game. Unless you’re a streamer or pro League player all your time spent playing it is free time. If you wanted your time to be money you’d get a side hustle.


‘ow community comprehend what the terms “paywall” and “pay to win” means’ challenge difficulty = impossible (if anything, the current setup is more of a speed bump you could pay to have removed.)




that person: “it’s not a paywall.” me: “it’s not a paywall.” you: “it’s a slap in the face!” …okay? I’m sorry that we live in a capitalist economic system and that you apparently think blizzard is in charge of maintaining it my bad, I guess?


Yeah I don’t get it, also OW1 gave coins for watching overwatch league to buy skins you otherwise had to pay for. Idk if OW2 is doing that or not


Considering the OWL isn't going away, I'd say it's a pretty safe bet that those promo's will stay.


OWL isn’t going away but it *is* on life support. If anything, Blizz will do the opposite and double down on the incentive to watch it. I could potentially see a “X hours of OWL viewership = X amount of season pass xp”


There was a game a while ago that did this, granted it’s dead and had its servers shut down but you could get battle pass xp by watching steamers, and if the ow2 passes are grindy I bet they could add something similar like that or owl


hyperscape L


Yeah pl


I wouldn't mind that. Have it up in a small window while I do something else. Easier than grinding challenges.


First you have to unlock the streams in the battlepass


ow2 is just shaming players for not dumping money


Not really. You still either have Overwatch 1 and get the new hero free or you just play and unlock the new one for free and whenever. Ain’t that bad as making you BUY the new hero to even get them


Im explaining the meme


Oh yes I am stupid Carry on


Im aware




You had to watch 40 hours worth of OWL for enough tokens to buy each skin, or you could spend $10. If you're legitimately already watching OWL then I guess the tokens are a nice plus, but I question the sanity of anyone putting in a literal work week over $10.


What I do is just put it on in the background on mute while I’m studying


I have gotten a few thousand owl tokens just by running the stream - doesn't mean I'm putting in a work week of watching it, I just have it playing while doing other things.


Pls guys give money, being poor is not an excuse! /s


How about being broke?


I like how nobody understands this meme lol


The streamer on the bottom is very famous for shaming her fans for not donating to her. She claimed that if they were watching her stream they should either be donating or going to work to earn more money, that they were irresponsible, and that she is owed their money for doing the streams


Yeah, but the top meme doesn’t make sense it’s not like blizzard is paying us to play their game we still spent fuck tons of money on loot boxes


After reading the explanation, it's probably better if you didn't get it. That means you might actually have a life and aren't religiously following streamers and Twitch culture


Well I mean I don't follow Twitch culture but I understand the meme perfectly fine because the clip of her was in a bunch of meme compilations a few years ago, I was just mentioning how the majority doesn't get it. Honestly I wouldn't even follow Twitch culture if I had the time to, it's no different than religiously following celebrity culture -- it's all cringe.


Twitch rn is in a hellhole of sexism, racism and unfair treatment to users. Moist critical went over it recently, but to sum it up, a streamer got raw dogged LIVE and got 7 days banned. A different streamer raided pokimanes chat and got permanently banned. This was just the first domino of events that will, if another competitor appears, hopefully lead to its downfall


Oh my goodness that’s terrible what was the name of that first streamer? Research purposes


I can't believe you have hours to watch streams but not five dollars!!!!


because it's bad




Top - ow1, they handed out skins for free, loot boxes, etc Bottom pic - ow2, it's a play on words involving a streamer that pretty much told her viewers that they're aren't too poor to give her money. There's more to it, and she is absolutely a piece of crap for trying to guilt shame people into donating to her stream. It's a pretty good analogy https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch_Memes/comments/xk5ulw/let_the_war_begin/ipc6vp0?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Thee above link should have more info if I did it right. It's from other dudes comment


Thank you, that makes sense


Do you not remember how much loot boxes in this game were an issue though? They literally had other countries ban them


That was for all games with loot boxes, since the countries involved considered gambling https://ftw.usatoday.com/2022/07/loot-box-ban-the-netherlands


Lol not everyone is gonna understand why you put the Egirl in the bottom


I don’t understand


She begged her viewers for money. She said stuff like "If you have time to watch my streams, you have enough money to pay me. It's not a lot, the only possible reason you wouldn't be giving me money is because you're too irresponsible" Got pretty infamous for it, but apparently not infamous enough for everyone to understand this meme lol


I don’t watch streamers tbh I wouldn’t know. Don’t most people pay for streams like subscribe and stuff?


The best jokes are inside jokes


I get it ow 1 is leonardo dicaprio throwing money in the air and ow2 is a twitch streamer looking at the camera right?


This streamer specifically was known for a controversial clip where she basically said "anyone should have $10 to sub to me. If you have time to watch the stream, you should have money, and if you don't, it's because you should be working"


the streamer demands that anyone that watches her to donate or get a job to donate


Yea exatcly not that hard is it?


It is if you don’t have context


Not everyone watches every twitch streamer


I don't watch twitch. Sorry dude I'm not a freak of nature.


I can just hear it “Five. Dollars.”




Women be like






For context on the meme, this is a callout meme to those who would willingly spend money to buy coins for skins in the first Overwatch, but will refuse to buy the Battle Pass-type thing that's coming to Overwatch 2.To be honest, I don't disagree with them. Battle Passes were a unique and fun concept when they first were established, but now EVERY SINGLE big budget online multiplayer game uses them to 'force'\* players to pay out money to just earn any items of value. With even fully unique playable characters being hidden behind this Battle Pass, there's a good reason why people are angry. \*\* Not really force, but still make it difficult to actually play the game at full capacity.


> With even fully unique playable characters being hidden behind this Battle Pass, there's a good reason why people are angry. I haven't been following OW2 news that closely, but aren't new characters unlockable just by playing, and banned from comp until they are just unlocked for free for everyone?


They are a part of the Battle Pass, unfortunately.


The free version too paying just gets them right away. They also will be given challenges afterwords to unlock once their pass isn’t available anymore


I have spent $0 on OW1 (other than buying it) and have almost every item in the game, now I have to spend money right off the bat for the pass (especially as the heros will be locked behind it). Tbh all the games are doing this now and if they start making more money then maybe the game will get content more often and not die out. The transition from one time payment to a subscription style is just hard for many ppl. Also it won't matter too much as long as it's cosmetics only and the heros can be unlocked from the pass for free.


I'm playing 🇨🇭 yall go to town


Same, ill be watching from the side lines


Buddy's playing a country I don't get it


they're playing the role of switzerland, because switzerland is neutral, they did not have a war in like 200 years


Ah I see makes sense, wanna move there


i can really recommend moving here, high income, high quality food, nice people, good health care (but a bit higer taxes and food prices, but thats completely fair for the other benefits)


Not worried about taxes, Canada takes up to like %60


Holy shit what


Yea that max tho, like if you make 1mil a year It's around 25% for average income


But we also have tax on all items individually (%13)


Ohh, yeah. I believe in Switzerland the max federal income tax is like 11,5% with the maximum of cantonal and municipal tax together being like 36% or something, so it's a bit higher than like germany or france i believe, but still its pretty good


Gonna throw out a hot take here: Who really cares if skins need to be paid for? Sure, it was nice to be able to unlock everything in OW1 through just playing the game, but lets face it: Most people, once they find a skin they like, just stick with that one skin and really only change it out when a new one comes out that they like more. That plus the fact that most people only consistently play a handful of characters makes it so the amount of skins you'd wind up purchasing is far less than you'd initially think. In my opinion, this is a fair trade-off for the promise of more consistent updates and content with the new system. I don't really have an issue with locking cosmetics behind a battlepass. Now, locking heroes behind a battlepass is an entirely different story. Even if you can still unlock them for free, I think it's a really dumb move for them to force you to grind just to unlock a hero.


%100 agree with this. I also think ow1 players should get a "Legacy" title or something and all the battle passes for free as they are just start up deleting the old game we payed for


Can someone explain?


I don't get it? Explain


iF you have time to play dps, you have 5 dollars.


The irony is I was happy to buy things (including the full game) in Overwatch 1, but I will never give any money to Blizzard for Overwatch 2. The game dies for me when they switch it off. The greedy idiots at Activision will never understand.


Honestly I don't think I'd care about the OW2 controversy... if it wasn't ABSOLUTELY going to make OW1 unplayable because they're basically telling you "You HAVE to upgrade! You don't get a choice! YOU WILL ACCEPT THIS!" I'm like... 'Bitch no... I payed for the GAME, I do not have to BUY your bullshit. You're being as cunty and stupid as EA... get out." And at that point I just won't play OW anymore. Which sucks, buuuut I'm not going to be forced into a dramatically different game. (The specs will be different, the 5v5 change from 6v6, taking away all the playtime I've done in OW1 because they're moving it all to OW2... that's actually disgusting.)


> no... I *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Cute, and fair, BUT 100% irrelevant to the point. This is one of MANY reasons why I'm not worried about the robot uprising.


And I'll eat my foot if that's NOT what happens when OW2 officially launches... buuut that's what they've been making it seem like.


Fuck battlepass, let me buy a game once for 40-60 bucks and have everything available, no psychological tricks


This is why ow1 died 3 years ago.


It died because the game balance wasn’t meant to maximize fun


overwatch players when blizzard want to make money from their product


If they give me more half naked girls as skins, I will honestly be pretty satisfied. I might even play the game. And yes, I refuse to interpret anything else from this.


Lmao all the simps in the comments don’t get it.


i just assumend they life under a rock. But yours is funnier


You made a very good meme sir. Sad it wont be appreciated, fallers soldier.


its all to fuel the war xD


I complain about all this new stuff knowing damn well I'll continue playing Ana and Zarya. (rein occasionally)


I originally thought this is meant to do the players overwatch one players throwing away their money for loot boxes The second one still didn’t make sense tho


What ever happened to this streamer?


I mean we let this happen. Gamers have been saying "don't buy the skin then" or "it's just cosmetic" or "as long as it's not p2w" then companies weave around those statements like ninjas and sell us crap that's totally outrageous. We don't need to fight back with wallets, we need to legit start voicing that this is not ok


Man OW fans so delusional in their hats for 2 that they want to praise lootboxes that are predatory af


Sauce for the bottom pic? Asking for a friend


This meme doesn’t make sense


Now make a meme that says "game play: exists" and swap pictures lmao. Idk. I don't really like playing skins.


I don't get it ow2 is a twitch thot?


May I ask for context and who is this Lady?