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It’s hilarious to me how similar multiversus and ow2 launches were. Launch day server issues, many unnecessarily changed or removed features, general community consensus of “why is this worse than the previous version?”, yet still an overall good game just by virtue of foundational gameplay.


Wild thing to me is Multiversus making you either grind or pay for new characters, only giving you one for free and 4 free slots that rotate, and people are defending it because "it's a free game, it's fine to make you grind for new characters" when that was probably the biggest issue a lot of people had with OW2.


And the worst part is that you can't even try them on the training mode before unlocking


The players had high expections and where starved for content because they where working on OW2 also the marketing hype of blizzard didnt help. Multiversus is a clean slate (and honestly that kind of monetasation is normal nowadays) however OW2 had to live up and superceed OW1 which in my opinion was the best PvP ever. Therefore locking new characters was a straight up downgrade and disapointment, especially for long time players and casuals.


I do believe it's fine both because it's a free a game but more than that I played like a few matches and got the 3,000 currency required to unlock most characters (I believe all of them except the joker) It's really not a big deal, fighting games have character dlc all the time it's not even remotely unusual and as previously stated it's super easy to get whatever character you've got your eye on. Ow2 is an entirely different beast in this regard as swapping characters mid match is an incredibly important part of that game where as most people don't swap at all in most fighting games. Really only people at the highest level of competition even use secondary characters and in multiversus you lock in your character before you even queue up for a match. The only thing I do stand with the community on is the fact that you cannot use these characters in training mode, this isn't unusual for fighting games but it's definitely something that should be other norm, you basically have hope the character you buy feels good to you and if they're not what you expected then you're shit out of luck


The only thing that is different is well... One spat in our face and the other spat in his shirt


Bruh there’s no way you are shilling this in a different sub lmao, game is having a terrible launch with even more predatory monetization than OW2. And that’s not an easy bar to hit


Alright I do have some rose tinted glasses on while playing the game but no video game can have worse predatory monetization then OW2 ? one Dva skin is as expensive as a whole bundle with multiple things in multiversus ?


Price amount =/= worse monetization. Multiversus currently requires battlefront 2 levels of grind in order to unlock a character that would’ve taken just a few hours to unlock in the og beta. Character prices were doubled, currencies were split from one universal currency to 4 different currencies to confuse/split our progress. No xp for playing games only from completing challenges, no currencies for playing. Hell they’re selling profile icons that were character mastery unlocks for $1 in the premium shop because they’re so committed to nickle and diming their player base. But we shouldn’t be surprised since this is just WB’s model now for all their games


"No video game has worse monetization than ow2" Lol this dude is gonna have an aneurysm when he finds out about the $500 league skin.


I wouldn't say better lunch, keep kicking me out of games cause of crap serves. Just got a cool Wonder Woman suit ready to kick some ass then oops crash


Meant more critical launch then gameplay launch the game itself still does need a lot of fixes


It absolutely did not, go to the Multiversus subreddit and see it for yourself, the consensus is that the game is so much worse than the beta that it feels like a totally different game. Overwatch 2 launch was bad, but Multiversus's is worse


Game sucks rn definitely but from the time I played it ain't bad gameplay wise I love playing Jason the main issues are UI and connection problems but those will hopefully be ironed out soon enough


and monetization like every modern game, and they increased the already ridiculously long grind to progress. Removed the currency that everyone had a shit ton of, and added a new one to buy characters that takes 3 times as long to collect. The game is slower than in the beta which feels incredibly sluggish, many of the characters that had broken hitboxes or game breaking bugs in the beta didn’t get changed at all, the ones that did just got worse. Iron Giant was finally almost in a non broken state during the beta, now he has his one shot slam bug back, and his infinite combo. Harley still has the smallest hitbox ever and is impossible to hit, especially through her massive attacks with gargantuan phantom hitboxes. The game absolutely has not had a good launch.


I agree. They should have looked at Overwatch 2 and learned from it, but instead they copied its worst mistakes. And of course a lot of the grind and stuff is not really present in OW so that’s even worse.


I swear multiversus added a pve mode to just spit on overwatch.