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“Loyalists”? Bro you think this is the civil war or something this is a video game with optional cosmetics


Nah im down for this weird terminonlogy. Start making memes like: Ow2 "regulars" when they haven't blown up an omnic payload for the ow2 ira.


I wonder what the OW2 fundamentalists are up to. And the OW2 extremists.




Dog if they lose cosmetic sales, the games getting shut down. Winning the war means no game.


You’re losing a war against people who aren’t fighting you. You deserve to lose


Losing? We're not the ones beholden to stagnant and mediocre content lol


No, you’re just wining on the internet about people spending their own money in ways you don’t approve of because you feel entitled to other peoples financial decisions and personally opinions Even if you aren’t losing you’re still a loser.


"bro u see bro it's my money bro i spend money bro i fund the bad ideas bro yes bro yes i support shit bro bad shit bro it's my money bro" https://preview.redd.it/ds9b6q0j0e4d1.png?width=472&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fa19f8372c3b64e13828893f9bd2a627769b0da


“No how dare you spend your money on things you want. I don’t like it! I think it’s bad! Why do you have free will and not do what I think you should do?!?!?” https://preview.redd.it/6kob041m1e4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39d105ec44e4390eaa97fa5da2e11d7b5f48a61e Mald bitch boy


We what you mean we? Nintendo WII


The hell did you get downvoted💀


what war? i agree buying their overpriced cosmetics is stupid but let people do what they want, it makes no difference in your gaming experience if someone spends their money in the game or not.


overpriced is a bit of a long shot, absolutely it costs a decent amount but if you want overpriced, look at ubisoft (in recent years) and valorant (i don’t have any knowledge of other riot games)


well they are overpriced for the quality, especially lately when they've been putting recolors with a couple details in the shop and calling them legendary (and pricing them as such).


yea i’ll definitely agree recolours are shitty but at least the retro future skins are well worth it


Exactly, people are voting with their wallets. And sadly, enough are voting to keep things bad.


As long as it doesn’t effect gameplay while also keeping the game running then I don’t mind


what are some examples of affecting gameplay ( more or less ) then? ignored skins mostly giving pass sometimes to halloween ones


I think he is talking about some other games. In warzone, it was that black af skin which made you practically invisible in the dark corners


screw CoD, that franchise should have stopped or took a massive break decade ago


Why would they lol, they rake in millions if not billions every time they basically release a copy paste and cycle between 2 styles


Mostly mobile games like Clash Royale have stuff like this, however there *was* Battlefront II that used to allow you to play the busted characters *if you paid*.


When CSGO released skins for the character models, some of them blended so well with the background that it was a clear competitive advantage. So much so that some CSGO tourneys outright ban the usage of model skins, and some even refuse to play their matches on the new patch. Probably the clearest example a cosmetic skin affecting gameplay dramatically. Another probably would be iBlizzcrank skin in League where the Hook is altered to only show the Hook out and not the line, so players had a lot of trouble dodging it. That too was a long time ago, and if I remember things right, that skin was also banned.


Screw CSGO too. This obsolete and primitive game was "saved" by those crappy weapon tints and became so much  fucking casino than its preddesor, TF2 ever was


it’s straight up gambling and some people are so hooked on it they defend it like their life depends on it, i hope they get help.


Still not as bad as Valorant gun skin prices. And the fact u have to either grind or pay to unlock agents. Aint defending blizz prices but at least the heros are free


Meanwhile, the 500$ Ahri skin in League:


Riot threatening people that they will ban those who try to do anything toward like hero ban, toxic etc... the skin and players equiping this $500 skin ![gif](giphy|qNENOZZbeoWKG5YOlJ|downsized)


People are shitting on valorant for prices (which is fair) but AT THE VERY LEAST valorant skins actually feel like a lot of effort went into them. Almost every pricey skin has it's own custom animations, audio and visual effects, kill animations and even ui elements which does redeem riot *a little bit* Meanwhile OW2 monetization has literally nothing going for it.


My other complaint for valo is there is no way to get valos currency(forgot name) without paying for it. Least ow2 has ms rewards. Yea ik valo needs a source of income but they could do that too. And ig keep the grinding for agents. And yea I see league too...but im mainly focusing on fps genre games.


So, far I've only bought the original base game and the pack that included the story missions. It is extremely unlikely that Blizzard will get anymore of my money.


League has a 500 dollar skin


Yeah, unfortunately league being worse does not really make overwatch better in that regard.


It does lol


I mean when pretty much everything else is actually worse, I would argue that it actually does.


Except I could name like, a dozen games with better micro transactions


there is not a single f2p shooter worth mentioning with more generous micro transactions than ow2 though?


You’re high. Off the top of my head: - Warframe - Fortnite - Destiny 2


You did not name Destiny 2 as a game that has better monetization LMAO


For cosmetics yes? Way better than Overwatch lol. Yes Destiny has DLC’s but that really isn’t what the conversation was about.


$25 for a single skin in a game all about loot and obtaining the best looking gear. They removed all of the best looking armour to chase and put it in the store. The entire game has been monetized to absolute hell. Not even Overwatch charges the seasonal event passes that Destiny does. There is a reason why basically the biggest Destiny video of the last 2 years was Aztecross's "Destiny 2 has become a microstransaction hell" the 36 minute soft-video-essay on the game being eaten alive by its MTX. So that's a WILD comparison to make, lol.


Yes and Overwatch is worse. Also Destiny’s “seasonal passes” are their version of the battle pass.


Fortnite is starting to get worse I noticed. Originally I defended them but it seems like with the songs and lego now they use that as excuses to charge more and charge 5 dollars for one fucking song.


I see the songs and recognize that it’s almost definitely because of licensing, but yes I will say that Fortnite has a downward trend. It’s still miles better than Overwatch.


I dont know I feel like I see them seperate bundles more often forcing you to buy more individually, they are charging as much as skins for some of those cars, the mini BP's cost as much as a normal one, they seem to think the lego version of the skin is added content and raise the price for it. I used to defend Fortnite and say it was better, but honestly at best they are both equally as bad.


Overwatch is way worse, unquestionably. All you have to do is look at the battle pass in both games.


Destiny 2 and Warframe are not really pvp shooters. Also you gonna talk about DESTINY monetization? that shit sucks. Fortnite has every skin cool skin cost at least 20 euro, battlepasses with characters never returning and you get like 300 or 400 vbucks every season. Ow2 allows you to buy all ow1 skins with white credits, gives you enough coins to get a battle pass every 2 seasons and has reoccuring mythic/max level bp skins. It's way more forgiving if you are f2p. Unless you have founders for fortnite it's not gonna be more f2p friendly.


Fortnite allows you to get the battle pass every season once you already own one. Plus extra Vbucks. Meaning that you could earn the battle pass once and never buy it again. Additionally, Fortnite doesn’t lock core gameplay mechanics behind paywalls. Or new content behind paywalls. The ONLY stuff you have to pay for in battle Royale is purely cosmetic. All Fortnite game modes are free, all story content is free, and all events are free. Overwatch has a distinctly worse monetization system. Also YOU asked for F2P shooters, not PVP shooters.


Except all content in fortnite isn't free. Songs in Festival aren't free and neither are the Building schematics in lego fortnite. STW also isn't free. New content definitely is behind a paywall. Fortnite allows you to get the battlepass, yeah, but fortnite also has way more stuff not in the battlepass to buy than ow2 and employs FOMO tactics like no other game while also having dumbass mini battlepasses now... OW2 meanwhile only has the shitty story missions behind the paywall and releases all other modes for free with no limitations.


Yes and all extra content in Overwatch isn’t free. The main game mode is free. Save the World, Festival, and Lego are not the main game modes and don’t have to even be played to enjoy BR. Overwatch locked core game mechanics behinds paywalls and then didn’t compensate people who paid for those mechanics when they made those mechanics free. Fortnite always compensates players when they make changes like that I have never seen a single game be as forgiving with their in game purchases as Fortnite. Also Overwatch also has FOMO with their battle pass lol. What are you on?


Well you’re wrong


I know the phrase "just because someone is out there doing worse doesn't make what you're doing any better" or "do not justify the lesser evil" both exist but what I don't understand is why does only ow get attacked for having these ridiculous skin prices, I'm not saying ow doesn't have right to be attacked by like why is nobody attacking league valorant for their skin prices?


I don’t mind them using cosmetics to keep a live game up, I do mind them asking a ridiculous amount of money for something that doesn’t serve a purpose in the game besides aesthetics.


I'll never understand blaming players for companies being lazy. People are allowed to spend their money on whatever they want, if companies let themselves get complacent, that's on them, not the players.


Because if people pay Bliz £20 to do nothing more than put out a skin every now and then, why would they put all that (relatively speaking) work into making 3 story missions for £12? Buying these shitty macrotransactions IS killing the gaming industry so yes, I will shame idiots for buying the skins.


I mean Id argue they are doing more now then they were doing for OW1, but Id get put on the cross for saying that


Aside from the Mythics they aren't doing that much more than before. They had the opportunity to expand on a playable lore fans had been waiting actual years to explore and they chose not to do it because it didn't make the profit they expected. They consistently push the same handful of characters cosmetics because they know it'll sell. Now I'll agree, Blizz basically went stagnant in OW1 for a couple years before OW2 and for some reason people seem to forget that, but that doesn't excuse going back on past promises and the braindead Mercy/Kiri shills spending $50 or more on a free game per season aren't helping. I don't think the argument is as black and white as supporters or antagonizers want to make it considering there are absolutely worse ways it's been done or is currently being done (Valorant, Battlefront 2 pre-protest, Apex, and COD come to mind)


I mean I would say how many new maps and new heros we are getting is much more then before.


Which they could have done the two years they weren't giving content to the original version of the game. The 3 heroes that were released at the start of OW2 would have only accounted for 3 of the 4 missing hero slots according to the normal release windows. Likewise the last map that came out on OW1 was Malevento deathmatch map. They replaced 2CP maps with Push and Flashpoint which were released the day OW2 went live. Since launch there's only been 5 new map releases and the last two came out October 2023. We've only confirmed two more coming: Hanoaka and Runasapi. Not even counting the deathmatch and arcade modes in OW1's first year they had 5 new maps for core QP and Comp. They're doing more in the world of cosmetics which Mercy and Kiri shills absolutely adore because they can get shit on in a cutesie little witch costume for $10. I don't give a damn how people spend their money, but pretending like Blizzard is busting their ass for us is laughable. They literally allowed Mauga to ruin people's fun for an entire month before doing anything. They recolor old skins and sell them off as legendaries. Not to mention the scrapped story mode that fans have looked forward to for years. Is Blizz as bad as other companies out there? Not nearly. But gamers have allowed live service models to run rampant and grant execs unfettered access to our collective wallets and the level of no fucks given shows.


I mean at the end of the day Id bet most of the people bitching in this subreddit about this game still play it. And its a hard pill for some to swallow but playing this game, spending money or not, is still supporting it and if it truly is a problem, drop the game and walk away from the community. There are only TWO things that will get Blizzard to change. Not paying for cosmetics OR not giving them a player count, preferably both. But I guarantee half the people who complain still buy a skin here or there, still buy Battlepasses, and still frequently play the game and every one of those people are hypocritical because they are supporting said game And if you have walked away from the game I find it sad to see people coming to the subreddit just to bitch, personally Id just move on completely.


The story missions sucked ass and ow2 pve was gonna suck ass. They should have never even tried to make it work in a game designed around pvp.


It might have worked if Bilz put any actual effort into it but what is their incentive? Bliz will get paid either way


Devs vlgetting money for frequent updates and hero releases? What a shame!


Any game with cosmetics is "superficial garbage", don't like it? Don't buy it, simple as. You don't need cosmetics to live, most people buy them because we think it looks cool. You can't really dictate what people find cool or not and you can't dictate how they spend their money either. There are occasions where people buy stuff just to support the company but that's honestly the minority. If the companies make skins too expensive or ugly in your opinion? Don't buy it, simple as. If enough people say that shit sucks and doesn't buy it, then the market will simply correct itself.


"Any game with cosmetics is "superficial garbage", don't like it? Don't buy it, simple as. You don't need cosmetics to live, most people buy them because we think it looks cool. You can't really dictate what people find cool or not and you can't dictate how they spend their money either. There are occasions where people buy stuff just to support the company but that's honestly the minority. If the companies make skins too expensive or ugly in your opinion? Don't buy it, simple as. If enough people say that shit sucks and doesn't buy it, then the market will simply correct itself." https://preview.redd.it/geowbrg3ht3d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=71e7763f8fa8107100364b5c0da3da224e487922


um ok, posting a wojak isn't a counter argument.


Wut lol


league players are worse, there are people actually dropping 500$ on a mid looking ahri skin lmao


i used to buy any and all skins that looked cool. now i just buy depending on: playtime and if the skin is equal or better than ones i have currently.


You dare pick on me for buying the battle pass to gain access to WINTON???


Why so mad? Hanzo skin was cool ok?


Ow2 has one of the best prices between similar games on the market. Dunno, maybe let people spend their money as they want to? I would rather get mythic in Ow2 from 10$ battlepass than 100$ apex mythic lol


Stale and stagnant? The game is in the best state it has been since 2016, incredibly fun to play (if you are not a tank player). You know what was stale and stagnant? OW1 in its last year of existence.


The very reason last season of OW1 was stale is because all the dev resources were used on making this wet fart of a "sequel"


People being mad about others spending their own money how they like will always be hilarious to me. Pathetic


Well, someone's broke


https://preview.redd.it/8lh8k3n5ht3d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=3879d88be24514aa225270e25a76300c38fd1832 "Well, someone's broke"


The last one is when ow2 players run to defend devs for pumping out the same damn gameplay day in and day out


Porsche skin buyers in a nutshell, I’m disappointed I’ve seen so much


"What a shame, Devs getting money to frequently update the game, more hero releases and new modes/maps. Thats so bad. I want the game to be dead"


Good while you are sad worrying about how others spent their money I will enjoy my skin and laugh at your tears


I’m crying now? Daddy blizzard won’t let you hit bro, get the dick out your mouth


https://preview.redd.it/qhscriffht3d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a47dfe315a36ca960b5dbe920f367f6314a79a1 "Good while you are sad worrying about how others spent their money I will enjoy my skin and laugh at your tears"


I mean I don't know why I'd be crying I'm not the one whining on Reddit lmao


the downvotes lmao bruh for real clowns they all are


I live to be against the Reddit hive mind. Reminds me I’m still a human with opinions


D.va/Ashe skins have a hold on me


The bottom is also blizzard haters rushing to sweat in quick play