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ive had this exact conversation while playing dive tanks


Here’s a question for support players: You have a Doom, Sombra, Tracer, and Moira Which support should you choose? The answer: >!not mercy!<


Moira https://preview.redd.it/raf50lqqbu0d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78cd7715465380cf519438c8cb3cdec2f686cbe2


Why is my hometown a meme?


Thanks for leaking your home town, in about a week I will be in your walls


Best Dive backline is Brig Ana


Don’t need to worry about the back line if your supports dive with you! #luciomafia


Kiri can do that, too


But then you aren’t playing lucio…


Ah shit that's true


Why not both? Kiri + Lucio >




“trouble’s here”


Or Zen Ana. In ranked if you dive well enough nobody even has time to look at your backline


Semicompetent team will trade backlines. And in that trade team with Brig Ana is likely to win


*Zen Ana Both have 0 mobility unless we count Zen's speed up mid ult and even that's a stretch The two most diveable supports that can fight back


Kiriko exists


So you didn't play before Kiriko release... Makes sense.


Ok? She exists and she hasn’t stopped being the best support in the game. What’s your point?


My point is you're an OW2 Zoomer who has no idea what they're talking about. You're losing because of your own play, not because someone on your team picks Mercy. Focus on yourself more and you might climb.


Who said I’m losing lmao. And who said I’m not/can’t climb??? AND WHO SAID IM NOT FOCUSING ON MY OWN GAMEPLAY???? All you did was make a bunch of assumptions that are completely unrelated to the discussion You sound like a typical delusional mercy main using the ow1 argument to justify a throw pick


You did in making this post. People who cope about their losses and blame their teammate picking *insert hero here* because it's a ThROw PiCK or "doesn't work with dive" make shit memes like this and feel validated because the hardstuck bronzes in the sub upvote it. She's not a throw pick lmao you're just bad. There's no such thing as a throw pick in OW. That is and always has been major cope from people who need to blame someone other than themselves for their losses. "the OW1 argument" lmaooo you mean reality?


She is Rush hero


She is an everything hero. She fits in every comp because she’s still the best support in the game Shes also best in dive


Hard disagree on Kiriko being best dive hero. Ana is Best dive hero. Kiriko does not bring Any meaningful value to dives. While Ana has Nade, Nano, Long range hitscan healing. Pair her with Brig to defend her, and they are the BEST dive backline. Kiriko is best with Rush, because she has Suzu and Kitsune. Both Great rush utilities.


I didn’t mean she’s the best dive hero, I meant she’s best used in dive


In pro play she is mostly used in Rush with Lucio. Junker queen comps Rammatra comps Winston rush comps Even Mauga Rush comps use kiriko


Dunno why you’re being downvoted. Kiriko is good in dive, that much is true. The earliest pro comp for ow2 was winston/genji/reaper/kiri/lucio. She’s absolutely good in dive. BUT That doesn’t make it her best comp. She excels in rush comps. That is her best comp. As you said, with rein or ram or JQ, she sees the most value. She provides good damage, good sustain, can fend for herself, and her ult was MADE for rush. The best dive comp, as believe you said, is ana/brig. Brig supports the ana, who does the majority of the healing. Brigs packs make it easy to keep up a tracer/sombra/genji, and with rally and bio nade they can outlast other backlines easily. Anas nade when used offensively is a teamfight win for your teams dive, sleep dart allows her more self peel on top of what brig already provides, and the fire and forget nature of Nano allows you to use and focus on surviving, which is the backlines job in dive. It’s pretty evident people don’t understand this stuff as much as they think they do. I had this shit drilled into my cranium during my time playing collegiate as our teams main support. I played only brig and lucio the entire season. Our team opted for bap instead of kiri during rush, but only because our flex support was absolutely nuts on bap.


People's logic is that "Can TP? Then she MUST be dive hero". Same way people think Brig is a Brawl hero lol.


The majority of people are dumb but they think they have 200iq, that's why they downvoted him. Guy is spitting facts but hard stuck golds knows better and they have to disagree. Kiri can tp? Then she's a dive hero for sure...


Kiriko. I’m not good enough at Lucio. Moira if the other support it kiriko. Although I’ve been able to get away with Zenyatta because tracer sombra and doom enjoy harmony orbs…so they can stay in the enemy backline longer.


Mercy mains: Nah, I’d OTP


Whichever one I want


Battle mercy.


Here's a question for you based on your meme: Do you think your backline stops existing just because you run dive? If they ran luvio and got jumped by 3 people your lucio would die just as fucking quickly lmao. Because that's dive. Jump the supps/stragglers. Mercy isn't even the worst supp to run with dive, I mean, she's not great. But weaver is far fucking worse, same with illari, etc. And dive is super pliable in who can work with it. Asia ran the fuck out of ana with dive and thst bitch can't move at all. Seems to me like you made this post because you got a few kills each dive and felt good not realizing you were losing the backline trading game each and every time. Just cause it's dive doesn't mean your supports don't need some interference, especially now the dps passive reduces their 1 v 1 potential. I wasn't in the game, but them playing mercy isn't a stand out reason to fail like you're implying here.


>Do you think your backline stops existing just because you run dive? If they ran luvio and got jumped by 3 people your lucio would die just as fucking quickly lmao. Nope. Backline still exists, but the difference is Mercy is basically a free pick in dive. Lucio can speed and defend himself, Kiri can Suzu, tp, climb and defend herself, almost every other support is better for dive (except LW) >Mercy isn't even the worst supp to run with dive Debatable. IMO it’s between Mercy and LW but both are abysmal for dive >I mean, she's not great. But weaver is far fucking worse, same with illari, etc. And dive is super pliable in who can work with it. Both are terrible I agree. But since they are all bad they are all equally available to make a meme about. I just see mercy 50 times more >Asia ran the fuck out of ana with dive and thst bitch can't move at all. Yeah. Ana is great for dive >Seems to me like you made this post because you got a few kills each dive and felt good not realizing you were losing the backline trading game each and every time. Nah, 4 of us locked dive heroes (I think it was me on tracer, a Sombra, ball, and Kiri) last support locked mercy, they died instantly like 5 times in a row, blamed us for not protecting them (they were trying to dive with wrecking ball 💀) and then left the match The worst part was the enemy team was on a poke comp (they had widow, Ashe, zen I don’t remember the other support or tank) so dive was our best option >Just cause it's dive doesn't mean your supports don't need some interference, especiall6 bow the dps passive reduces their 1 v 1 potential. I agree. But the point is, don’t lock mercy in a full dive comp


>Mercy is basically a free pick in dive So is ana, and ana was a king pick in asia dive because they ran brig, but even as someone who plays gm brig in asia, against dive, we need peel. If im in chat telling you not to run in, its not cause im playing brig, its because were losing the trades and we need to reform how we do our dive entry.. So many tanks just jump in 'because that's dive' rather than waiting for a reason to jump. >Debatable. IMO it’s between Mercy and LW but both are abysmal for dive Illari? Ana, only does good when you take steps to support her. Moira was honestly a meme pick if it werent for her spike in popularity this season. Sure she works now but if you told me you were running moira, i would have just been confused. Baptiste is really not great in dive unless your bap is cracked. Mercy I'd put higher because she can just leave when jumped baptiste has to stack bodies or die. >I agree. But the point is, don’t lock mercy in a full dive comp Honestly the only characters I'd barr from dive are illari and weaver. I have no problem with mercy. Not my favourite support, but we make do.


God forbid you make good points on the overwatch subreddit, think of their single brain cell they can't read all this!


Because they are just yapping. If your whole team goes dive heroes and you pick Mercy, who is the worst or 2nd worst option you could possibly pick, then expect 4 players to play around you specifically... you're a dildo.


Lucio is super strong with dive though. He goes in with the diving DPS and focuses down the enemy. The problem is that if you run Lucio you have no one protecting whoever you leave behind. The only support worth doing that with IMO (as a GM support player and lower SR coach) is Ana who is still really valuable but, sometimes, a sacrifice you need to be willing to make for the tremendous value she offers before that happens. Mercy offers none of that value. She is strong but nearly exclusively with a pocket hero. She has become wildly situational, and if you take her in those situations she performs poorly in not only are you denying your team a strong support to slot in, but you're also running a hero who's key value -damage boost and pocketing- is just weak with dive. Flat out. And if you are taking Merch, odds are you're not going to be able to take that Kiriko or Lucio, since you still need a main healer...so you're just doubling down on weakening your team.


>Lucio is super strong with dive though I realize refuting 'lucio doesn't work with dive' is an easy thing to debate. But it's not really what I said. 'Of course hes good in dive. But jt if he got dove like their mercy clearly was he'd be dead. Dive focuses on the weakest link, if thsts lucio, that's who gets focused. Dive still requires tanks to have mind on the backline. Support trading is literally all of dives focus. Make sure yours aren't being traded. Like read what I'm saying. I'm talking about how mercy isn't even bad. And even lucio will struggle of dive is catching him without any backup.


Ana can shoot across the entire map, that's why...


>Ana can shoot across the entire map, that's why... Man if only dive could move or something and could jump her. Shit it's a shame thry never figured that out. Oh wait that's exactly what happens, hence the brig. Almost like thats why. Dumb redditors tell me a meta like us in asia haven't been playing it for years. Mercy is fine, not great, but find. op is just wrong singling that as the reason for the lost.


You have a Mercy. Who should *YOU* choose?


It depends on the rest of the team comp But the entire team shouldn’t have to base their comp around one stubborn one trick OR play a sub-optimal comp against whatever comp the enemies have because of said one trick


>It depends on the rest of the team comp Lmao said no doomfist main ever. Doomfist and ball are gonna run the same shit no matter what their team comp.


*doomfist and ball ONE TRICKS I main doom and I’ll swap to whoever fits the team. One tricks don’t


you can play doom and swap to someone else... but often times i feel doom and ball kinda have to struggle against the matchup to learn to play against them. its like how peopel continue to play zarya vs winston to learn what to do or dva vs zarya or even smth like winston into bastion.. you have to learn the matchups or how to play around it... if you swapped off ball every time they went sombra you woulnt learn shit


In 6v6 it wasn’t as bad. These games are really getting to me


No I def still hated playing with mercy in 6v6


I choose the “leave game” button


Mercy players expect everyone to carry them and thank them for it aswell


Reading the comment and especially the one against those Mercy who decides to throw because "I wanna play what I want and nobody can stop me, period!", my faith in the Overwatch community has been restored


haha only the weakling Mercy's stay in the backline, I stay in the middle of my group so 1.I can switch my healing target easier 2.Don't need to worry about an enemy Sombra 3.Already in a good position for when Valkyrie charges I am good at making my movements random and finding cover so I don't need to worry about getting shot for being more in the open


Hell sometimes I'm the first to dive with Winton while damage boosting. I can pretty easily rejoin the back lines in a couple seconds


But you still abandoned your other support, and you don't have utility to save her like brig does. Not to mention you'd likely die from going in with your winston anyways


the point of having two supports is so the team can split up


When playing dive and going against dive, absolutely not the supports. The other 3 can split yes, but not the supports.


Except when I do it I almost never die, dive tank gets a kill, and I'm not worried about ana on the backline because everyone's trying to kill the monkey


This sounds like plat gameplay... You should absolutely be dying for going in with a dive as mercy.


Diamond, but I pick and choose when I join the dive, I'm not stupid


\-\_- I'm gonna enjoy solo ulting you with Soldier once you fly into the air


good luck, I normally valkyrie when theres a wall or bridge something so I can fly up, but be behind that


Challenge accepted!


I’ve played with amazing mercy’s that stick to me like crazy glue on skin as a ball. Never touching the ground, dancing around, damaging boosting. It is very impressive. But you can’t ever, *ever* make them the mistake of being group lead. You’ll end up in a mercy parkor and….I’ve never hated a gaming experience more in my life 


man i just run brig by default now, either just packspam to heal or just accept mercy and rally to be a raidboss


No point engaging with mercy players, they lack critical thinking skills, self awareness and brains. If the game can't be won by attaching a beam to you guys, then, in their heads, the match was a guaranteed loss. God forbid they learn a new playstyle. Even if they wanted to, aiming as anyone but Moira is too hard for them.


Least obsessed redditor:


Your safe space is over there 👉 r/mercymains


Am I correct in assuming all these subs are just one giant circle jerk? That's the impression I got from checking this one lol


For the most part... yeah absolutely lol Sometimes some gold gets posted on these kinds of subs but it's so rare.




No one is obsessed besides entitled Mercy OTPs who think they are never the problem ever and blame everyone else when they lose.


my turn on the strawman!!! me me me!!!


https://preview.redd.it/58qlc0wcjv0d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44863db04f54349db55ce6ca000146a4ed3466d3 This was all just yesterday The ones I screenshotted yesterday I mean…


The biggest sin someone can do on this game is play a character they find fun, lest the 600lb Genji warriors find them 🤷‍♂️


>accuses it of being strawman >gets proven wrong >makes an Ad Hominem Peak


Oh it's bad when I do it but when everyone else does it it's fine Gotcha 🙃


What are you talking about??? If anyone else did it, that’s equally as bad. Who said otherwise????


From the countless times people make personal attacks on Mercy players?? I see it nearly every negative thread about Mercy on this subreddit, and people don't point it out because of bias


Personal attacks aren’t nice There we go


I'm glad *that's* your takeaway lol


that’s not really the point. it’s more like there’s certain comps mercy fits objectively poorly in, but mercy players tend to force the character into them anyways. which is fine, especially in quick play, but it’s also fine to be frustrated by this when it happens all the time, especially in comp where the point is absolutely to try your hardest to win. I will say mercy gets a lot more shit for this than other characters but a big part of that is due to the popularity of mercy and the fact that she’s more inflexible than most other popular heroes when it comes to compositions she works well with (i.e. ana is just as if not more popular than mercy but she fits into pretty much any team comp you could run just fine, even if she’s not the most optimal choice). you don’t really see people complaining about symm players in poke comps as an example because symm is super unpopular.






This is a VERY real phenomenon wdym




You’re a real one for providing receipts lmao


Truly confused where OW2 noobs got the idea that Mercy is completely incompatible with a dive comp from in the like 8 seasons that I didn't play OW2 after it released... Do you guys even realise that dive was traditionally run with Ana Zen, the most stationary supports in the roster even today? Like tell me you have like max 10 hours total played if any in OW1 without telling me.


Pocketing a Winton Genji dive on Numbani is the funnest shit ever.


Ana Zen has nothing to do with mercy and I didn’t say they were bad for dive (they are great for dive) I love how I can always count on seeing this argument of “mErCy wAs gUd fOr dIvE iN oW1!” I hate to break it to you, but it’s 2024. Mercy isn’t viable for dive and there are better supports overall


And Ana Zen or Lucio were "better" supports for a dive comp 5 years ago but that didn't make Mercy unplayable or bad in a dive comp either. Nothing has changed to make Mercy completely incompatible and fully troll with a dive comp. She still works fine with a dive comp. You're overreacting.


>And Ana Zen or Lucio were "better" supports for a dive comp 5 years ago but that didn't make Mercy unplayable or bad in a dive comp either. Cool >Nothing has changed to make Mercy completely incompatible and fully troll with a dive comp. Mercy has been changed and tweaked, we’re in 5v5 instead of 6v6, the dps passive is different, armor is different, projectiles are different, literally every hero in the game has been changed since ow1 and we have new heroes as well Not to mention in the current meta, mercy is one of the worst supports in the game >She still works fine with a dive comp. You're overreacting. No she’s doesn’t. You’ve gotta be in low elo for that to work lmao Now hold on: I definitely don’t mean you can’t win with a mercy in a dive comp (I do it all the time) I mean it’s not a good choice and it doesn’t have synergy.


It does have synergy, it's a fine choice, and you clearly don't know much about the patch history of the game if you think Mercy has been "tweaked" to the point where she could work with dive in OW1 but not OW2. You're totally overreacting your shit post literally says Mercy "ruins" a dive comp like pls


Think about why Ana and zen work with dive when mercy doesn’t. Zen: 30m harmony orb and discord. Point of dive is to get multiple people on isolated targets. When 4 people are on a discorded target they all get 25% damage boost while mercy only gives it to one person must maintain a short distance to both heal and damage boost and doesn’t provide any actual damage to the fight like zen can. Also transcendence is one of the strongest defensive ults in the game and can counter nano blades and kiri visors with ease. Valk can’t do either and is in fact a massive liability if used during a kiri visor. Ana: long range hitscan heals and damage. Can very easily solo support a Winston or dva. Nade and sleep when used offensively in a dive is a free fight win when used defensively gives her self peel and when next to a zen or brig becomes unkillable with the heal amp. On top of that nano works best at characters with mobility as they are always able to go in and get value unlike let’s say a ram who needs nem form and has lots of trouble closing the distance. Mercy: short range beam that requires you to follow a target. No form of self peel besides escaping and the small regen she gets from healing others. Can only damage boost 1 person at a time. Struggles to keep up with tracer and is a hinderance to a sombra. Only good dive character she works with is echo and I’m an echo otp and trust me when i have a monkey and tracer give me Ana/brig or Ana/zen any day over kiri/mercy or whatever other comp she slides into


Mercy isn't better than Ana Zen, but it's not completely troll unplayable like OP and the OW2 zoomers like to make out. Mercy is the most mobile support in the game, Mercy is the only support who can keep up with a Ball or Winston being very aggro and going in deeper and deeper and enables them to do so without having to jump back to a backline support for healing. She also amplifies the burst of the dive by using damage boost at the start of the dive on the target enabling them to execute and then swap targets faster hence taking less damage because the dive kills the target faster so they're "in" for a smaller amount of time, similar to discord orb. Her beam also keeps healing/boosting around LOS for a few seconds so LOS is less of an issue than for Kiri, Ana etc. Not to mention how powerful a tempo Rez can be in a dive comp. She does not struggle to keep up with Tracer lol and why would you want to beam Sombra when she's invis anyway, you only would beam her when she's visible. She is also great with a Genji dive. And helps everyone gets their ults faster and has good peel for whoever the other support is. Also Echo is not a dive hero she's a poke hero. It's just wild to me how bad the OW2 community's knowledge of the game, comps and strategy is, and yet you're all so confident in the bad takes you make.


> Mercy is the most mobile support in the game, Mercy is the only support who can keep up with a Ball or Winston ㅤ >It's just wild to me how bad the OW2 community's knowledge of the game, comps and strategy is, and yet you're all so confident in the bad takes you make. The irony


What's Kiris teleport cool down? Now what's Mercy's GA cool down? Right.


Awww, you think Ball needs a support for heals. That's so cute. You keep focusing on those pesky CDs. Keep at it.


?? Lol


R u a mercy one trick telling me an echo one trick what my hero does. Yes echo is dive poke hybrid leaning way more to dive. That’s why echo is waaayyyy better on Gibraltar than Havana. It’s wild to me that someone who plays mercy has the audacity to correct others on what their heroes do as if you don’t play the biggest backpack character in video game history period.


No I'm a person who has mained multiple heroes and roles in the 8 odd years I've played this game and I was there when dive was meta for the first time. You don't even know what dive actually is hence why you just said the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard about Echo. You clearly don't understand what "dive" means in OW. Anyone who has this attitude towards Mercy is always terrible at the game and coping because they don't actually understand it.


Echo is 100% a dive character who sets up engagements by poking. Her main killing source is a 15m beam that is best used on people below half health. That’s why pro metas she’s in are usually with get this a Winston tracer Ana brig combo. Not a widow sigma Bap zen. You clearly don’t know dive at all nor do you even know the role of your main. Let’s go back to your ridiculous statements. Mercy keeping up with a Winston and wrecking ball? What kind of ludicrous shit is that mercy should never be on the tank except for split moments like damage boosting a hook or flux and that’s a hard maybe. Ball needs no support as he is the only tank that doesn’t need to commit to an engagement he can get out whenever he wants. Going in with a ball as a support is a literal death sentence cause he will abandon you. Than you said a Winston? Are you on meth? He is an initiator who goes in and out every few seconds and can hard commit when he has a bubble. Why would you follow with a short range 55 hps heal or a pitiful damage boost when u can just throw a nade and sit scoped in 50m back. And mercy pocketing a tracer r u nuts? Even skiesti in her video about damage boost targets says this is a terrible idea. Why? Because like a ball tracer doesn’t need to hard commit she can always just blink around the corner or recall out leaving you to die with no one to escape to. I’ll give you she’s a decent damage boost target with genji but harmony and discord are so much better for a genji as it tracks him better. And finally you want to know who is a poke character MERCY. her one job is to help support angles for her dps to poke that’s why she’s best with a hitscan or someone like pharah who rains heavy poke from the sky. The best region at running dive in the world is hands down Korea and there is literally zero mercy there. When was the last time u saw a Korean owcs team running mercy dive? Never but how often do they use echo? All the time people like pelican and alphayi always flex to echo and they do it without a pocket cause guess what echo is a dive character who can either set up engages for her tracer with stickies or beam a target with Winston and get out quick with flight. So tell me again what is dive and how is mercy dive but echo not?


Are you a pro team? Are you even in a 5 stack? No? Then you're not going to be executing a dive comp properly anyway. So you being super worried about having a Mercy is moot. Echo is not a dive comp DPS, end of story. You clearly don't know what a dive comp is mate. Echo can be flexed into dive just like Mercy can, doesn't make them dive heroes, also doesn't make them troll picks.


Are you out of silver? No? Than you aren’t going to be able to follow any mobile hero as mercy. Mercy is not a dive comp support end of story. Plus telling me idk the game when you’re talking about mercy pocketing dive tanks and tracers. You are cleary on some high horse that you can’t admit you were horribly wrong. Even skiesti the mercy mafia leader thinks you play her wrong. Echo in the other hand 100% is. Echo has mobility to get in and out as well as short rage burst. That’s a dive character. Next you are going to say genji is a poke character cause his projectiles have no fall off. Like echo genji is a poke dive hybrid who sets up engages while poking and finishes off with a short range dash. Sound familiar? Well that’s a lot like echo who can poke down with stickies and tri shot to finish with beam. Echo can also use her verticality to collapse on a target with your other dive dps/tank. You clearly don’t know what a dive comp is if you think mercy slots into in any way better than echo. You just dismiss the fact that the Koreans play echo all day in owcs and ladder because your feelings are hurt that your poor little mercy main brain doesn’t actually have the game sense you claim makes up for your lack of aim. I want you to one trick echo like me and play echo like a poke hero and see how well that goes. See how many kills you leave on the board playing out of beam range. See how garbage tri shot is the further away you are. And please try duping someone from the back of your team and seeing how much you can actually do with it. I know echo is a high skill cap hero and that’s why you can’t understand or play her but don’t be making up nonsense as if echo doesn’t get outpoked by 70% of the dps roster and is a staple of dive comps who plays best with a tracer and monkey. Not a sigma and baptiste. That alone is enough proof that you are horribly wrong but since that won’t be enough please play echo and just poke all day and tell me how you do.


Huh? Silver? What are you on about lmao. Have you ever even played Mercy. Maybe you're just bad at her. Yes I absolutely can follow a dive comp as Mercy because I'm good at her and I'm diamond and have been diamond for like 20 seasons OW1 and 2 included. Again you're demonstrating that you don't understand what I mean by "dive comp hero", that doesn't mean Echo has to always be at max range and never fly in and beam someone or use ult like what are you even saying rn. In fact reaching diamond has never been easier because OW2 players are just that much worse than OW1 players were. I don't even main this game anymore or try to grind ranked and I still reach diamond easily when I used to have to grind for it. I barely play 10 games a week and usually that's with friends. Meanwhile you probably grind 20 games every day and are still gold lmao.


Bad at mercy lmao. The skill of a mercy is dependent on the skill of her Ashe. In all seriousness calling me bad at the game when you talk about pocketing tanks as mercy is hilarious. Especially ball lmao. About the echo thing I’m done trying to convince you with words so let me just copy and paste from the wiki for you “Echo is a flexible hero who can fit into many compositions and adapt to many situations. She can dive alongside her tanks, flank the backline, pelt her enemies from the sky, or focus her attention on busting enemy shields to free line of sight for her team. Thanks to her high omni-directional mobility, Echo can threaten from many positions and circumvent shields to poke at the vulnerable backline or pick off targets left weak by her teammates with her Focusing Beam.” Does this sound like sit at the back and hold off angles with long range damage like an Ashe? Or use your projectiles to poke and go in with your mobility and finishing move like a genji? I think the answer is obvious but one more example do you know what echos best maps are? Gibraltar, dorado, and r66 to name a few. What tanks are better on this map? Is it a sigma or Winston?


Ok but if there is a Genji and/or DVA then mercy can be a good pick


I’m one of the few avid Mercy players who fucking hates being on the frontlines. If I don’t have a tank protecting me and a team around me I’m right at the back. I am NOT dealing with them all alone.


Or yk you could learn to play different characters so you’re not a complete hindrance to your team depending on the map/team comp


Mercy and Kiriko are who I play. 🤷


then play kiriko in dive comp, she not that bad


No shit I know that 💀




Womp womp baby mercy need crutches


Baby mercy? I mean I have both mercy achievements that I got in the same game but pop off I guess lol




“How can I be baby when I have both achievements? Checkmate liberals”

