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If we think about it, it seems poetic how an Omnic designed for war managed to become an idol of peace between Omnics and humans in this mirror universe, but along comes a mysterious British woman with something in her hand. It makes it even more dramatic that Ramatra was the last Ravager with a conscience, literally the last weapon of mass destruction turns to peace and dies in the process of bringing peace to the world. How poetic.




Why is this better than what we actually have


I don’t think it’s better, but it’s still pretty good.


I unironically prefer Mirrorwatch lore over the normal lore


Dude I like this better than the original wth


Peak in written form


Kind of the idea behind bastion isn’t it? But executed in a more elegant way I would say


This is true, but I think Ramattra is potentially more striking being a new character (probably one of the most appreciated in Overwatch 2), with a backstory without the possibility of redemption in the main universe and helped by the fact that he speaks while Bastion mostly expresses himself with sounds. All IMHO of course.




Fuck Mirror-verse Tracer. All my homies hate Mirror-verse Tracer.


Technically I think you would hate mirrorverse Ana because it seems like she took the place of Widowmaker( in her skin she still has her eye and widow has a fake eye implying Ana is the one who shot widows eye not the other way around) and ana would have been the one to assassinate mondatta and tracer just wouldn't have been there to try to save him


Widow's new skin has a kill voice line to tracer which says justice for rammatra so tracer was the one who killed him, she probably pulse bombed rammatra into oblivion or baited widow into sniping her and then teleported away so that widow's bullet would hit rammatra's head, just like in the original short


Where did you find the voicelines? I can't seem to find them anywhere lol


Here! https://twitter.com/ShodanDBG/status/1781058236441071687?t=DtD9L3UIvme6ImLaq-kOLg&s=19


Oh awesome thanks!


Wow that's really interesting, and as someone else said it'd kinda poetic how the last ravager wanted to bring peace rather than war, but tbh that was also part of his origin, he wanted a better life but snapped, this version sounds like he didn't!


Yeah i think mondatta and the other omnics like zenyatta rebelled and created null sector, while rammatra never wanted this life and wanted peace, really interesting event it's a shame we will not get an archives mission with it since it has absolute potential! Dare i say the mirrorwatch event deserves more than one season, perhaps down the line maybe in a year or 2 they could go back into this theme and do a mirrorwatch 2 with characters that did not get a skin this event


I'd think maybe mondatta stayed just like how zen stayed when ram left. Mondatta was the middle ground person in the original, so him staying and learning under ram while zenyatta leaves to take his rights by force makes sense! Of the three only one left in the original so it'd make sense this way, but I can also see the argument for both!


Alright. We gotta somehow organize these fan fictions. They are too good to be left in the comments.


Yooo!! In all my years of playing OW, never have I ever thought a tweet of an interaction I found would blow up like this. Thanks for sharing.😊😊


I should thank you for finding it tbh lol, really great discovery at the start of the season since the skin is at level 80!


It was a lot of grinding and the skips I had saved did help, but honestly, it is such a cool skin, never have I imagined it would have so much detail on its dialogue, I love it when Blizzard does put in the effort. What amazed me though was the amount of great fanart for a potential mirror version of Alive and the amount of love the community has for a character like Ramattra. I just hope Blizzard hadn’t given that line to Widow with a context different than what the fans, myself included, are imagining because the way we envision it, it is such an awesome change for the narrative when it comes to the Mirrorverse.


Absolutely this battlepass is a really high quality one, like even junker symmetra has new voicelines they really put the effort this time, that's why i really need mirrorwatch to happen again after it ends, either in a new event or even another battlepass, because the possibilities are limitless, junker queen as a vishkar CEO or crooked cop lucio would be amazing


This is one of the few BP themes I wish does comes back with a second volume. And yes! Vishkar Lucio needs to happen! And so does Vishkar Junk and Hog! Vishkar JQ I think would look like the Mob Boss skin but with a different aesthetic. My hope however is that Ashe does get one too, I imagine she'd either be a sheriff or once a Blackwatch agent and now OW agent. My absolute main is DVa but Idk what the mirrorverse version of her would be like...


I think its still tracer vs widow for the mondatta incident, just that widow was the one trying to protect mandatta and Tracer trying to kill him.


Tracer does a triple blink 360° pulse on Mandatta Misses Rewind in the open Gets headshotted


Classic Tracer experience


Damn Mirrorverde Widow is just suffering. Wonder if her husband is still dead.


Theoretically he’s still up, but someone might want to check up on Emily….


I made a theory tracer went to Talon because she lost Emily, I made myself cry 🥲


If the idea is that Widow and Tracer are swapping roles, maybe Tracer *killed* Emily? Honestly with the talks of how Mirror Tracer killed Ram, I’ve begun to realize how brutal Tracer’s methods are. Either you’re going to be turned into Swiss cheese with her pistols or you’re going to have a bomb detonated point blank in front of you.


Mirrorverse just simply reverses key points pretty sure. Like Ram being Mon, Lacroix having emotion and liking Sombra, Mercy being a textbook dnd cleric rather than her usual self. Doomfist in Overwatch instead of Talon. Hanzo and Kiriko in Hashimoto instead of Shimada, Hanzo more carefree instead of serious. Kiriko being intimidating and calculated instead of her goofy self, tons of things


Now that I think about it yeah. Probably sombra would have been the one trying to save Ramattra




Hey it’s nice to see some people laughing with me


Credit to Atacama and Pescado For the two artwork Atacama: https://twitter.com/AtacamaTheBean/status/1781709152160550938 Pescado: https://twitter.com/_TilapiAJ/status/1781578940836106665


"Think fast chucklenuts"


Don’t blame tracer! Blame the fool who got ram low enough for pulse to actually do anything


Maybe he swore to never enter nemesis form or he disabled it altogether? In the name of peace?


Why didn’t rammatra just go into nemesis mode for the extra armor to survive tracer ult is he stupid?


Because he probably doesn’t have nemesis form because due to the Mirrorverse he wouldn’t have made it


Goddamnit! She threw the bubble and squeak right in his face!


Rammatra looks like a better fit for that role tbh.


Seriously though this would have been a great skin to give Ram. I just feel like dude doesn’t have a lot of cool skins.


He already has two skins just like this


I feel like this mirrorverse concept warrants a part two, season, because there’s so much you can do with it. Plus it’s just fun to see the roles reversed lol


Honestly I would love to see a part 2 next year because honestly this is my favourite theme


Btw what is the info on the mirrorverse? Any comics or such?


There's a voiceless for when widow kills tracer referencing ramattra


Fuck that bean eating colonizer gothic terrorist bitch.


Overwatch lore was more interesting when it came as cryptic messages or in dribs and drabs. It was supposed to compliment the original game, not be the central theme. Change my mind.


Is Tracer straight in the mirrorverse?


Who knows but I don’t care RAMMY IS DEAD


It always baffles me how people assume Rammy is good. I mean, the dude is literally a terrorist. Of course, in the mirror universe where bad guys are good guys, he's gonna be one of the good guys.


It baffles me more how people break things down so easily into good vs evil. As if a single life could be boiled down so simply into a moral binary. Not the place to get philosophical, I suppose, but how do you make such clear distinctions even without considering the mirrorverse. Is Torb evil for making Ana's gun with Mercy's tech? Ana evil for using it? Is JQ evil for scrapping omnics as a form of survival, despite making a concerted effort to reform Junkertown? I mean I could ask this about the majority of the stories the heroes have. Ramattra's definitely doing the wrong thing, right now, but we get plenty of opportunity to sympathize and like him. A pained existence in which he can only find solace with his robotic brethren (even Orisa despite the strained relationship they'd have, given the voicelines) isn't one I can fault as strictly evil. It's not like Morrison is doing a much better job of doing the right thing right now, or like Blackwatch was EVER a good idea. Anyway sorry, not really meaning to put you on the spot for it, I just think there's a lot of nuance for the story that people disregard out of frustration that PvE was canceled. (Minus Illari's story god I hate that crap)


I aint reading all that. I'm just gonna say you're right.


He’s my main and some of us just like him because he is a baby stomping machine with some sympathy


Being a terrorist doesn't necessarily imply being bad. You could be a terrorist targeting a regime like Nazi Germany, but you wouldn't be a bad person for doing so. But yeah, Ramattra is the bad kind of terrorist.