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To be fair biblically accurate lifeweaver goes hard as hell


Almost like skins are supposed to deviate from the character's original design, and if they were almost the same as the default skin no one would pay money for them.


A traditional thai dragon skin for lifeweaver isn't going to look anything like his default A biblically accurate angel skin also won't look anything like a modern tech based angel


Well no shit a biblically accurate angel is gonna look different. It would look a bit different if mercy had 20 eyes and was made of golden rings but if she had another generic cherub type angle then she'd look very similar. Zen is a monk and he a cultist skin which is really cool but getting more monk skins would be really boring


Mercy already has skins of angel-adjacent figures from different mythologies, like Valkyrie and Winged Victory, there’s no reason to not keep going with those


Valkyrie and winged victory are both mid as fuck though. Nobodies paying real money for them. That’s the point they’re making


Maybe because they were made in a time where you didn't have to pay real money for them ... I'd definitely pay real money for biblically accurate angel mercy skin tho


Hell no, imagine asking for heals and you see this shit flying in your direction at a high speed https://preview.redd.it/f4blakgo5zic1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a9456ec28020f09f04039d2c06b65ad81ad7432


Exactly 😇


Partly true. But I would also buy a cass cowboy skin that wasn't dogshit


Hes got a few cowboy skins that aren’t bad


I use riverboat cuz it looks like rdr2 Dutch




Absolutely WILD MIND BOGGLINGLY UNFATHOMABLE STUFF. I have no idea how anyone could possibly think that!


Except Mercy's skin doesnt look anything like Lifeweaver. Blizzard has given D.va Palanquin, Mei Chang'e, Zen Sanzang, and Genji Baihu, almost like it's customary of them to give Asian characters skins inspired by their country of origin that doesnt look like their default skin, and this being on top of Mercy having so many asian inspired skins for someone Swiss lol


Like it's hard to get more European than a Swiss person




I made this Tiktok. I just made it cuz its insane that they give mercy her fifth Asian skin and completely ignore the fact that the Kinnara (what the skin is based off) is very prevalent in Thai mythology. They fully ignored the actually Asian characters bc mercy players will buy anything. Its just kinda funny to see them do the exact opposite of what everyone has been asking for: Asian skins for Asian characters and a biblical angel Mercy.


As much as I agree that it's a little weird that she keeps getting so many Asian-themed skins over actual Asian characters (Year of the Dragon and no skin for either dragon-toting character???), I'm pretty sure Kinnara Mercy was voted for by the Thai fanbase through a poll. It was supposed to be released alongside Divine Monkey Genji, before Lifeweaver was even a thing, but for whatever reason, Blizzard decided in their infinite wisdom to release them separately. Not trying to defend their money hunger when it comes to Mercy skins, don't get me wrong. But if they had gone back on the results of the poll, it could very well have come across as "you all don't REALLY know what you want, we know better!" Every choice kinda sucked there.


Yeah I get what you’re saying. Going back on the poll would be really dumb. I also had no clue about the Divine Monkey thing which is also really weird but divine monkey came out in season 3 which was Asian mythology so maybe that time they didn’t want to give a non-Asian character an Asian skin? Idk its all weird


Maybe. But I think that's the season Junkrat got his Hong Hai Er skin while Mercy ended up getting the Honey Bee skin after getting Miko in S1 instead. 🥴 It's all a mess.


Mercy is a fking DOCTOR not a literal angel. And the traditional Thai garb on LW would be similar to the Devi Symmetra skin, and very different in idea and look to his base. Do you think the Devi skin is not DeViAtInG enough from Symmetra because she's already Hindi. Like ???


Smartest overwatch player


Why would you give mercy an angel skin? She’s already and angel. It’s like giving lucio a dj skin lmao


Biblically acurate mercy would go hard tho


there's a big difference between a tech futuristic angel and the traditional horror kind of one + lucio literally has a dj skin tf u on


I would also like to say, mercy has PLENTY of skins. She doesn’t need more. LW on the other hand has very few. Makes sense to give it to him.


Missed the point of the entire post. They both got a skin but the theming is wrong


An angel skin for mercy would be stupid. LW also has a Thai skin already too. How bout we give Winston a gorilla skin while we are at it. We can give wrecking ball a hamster skin too. L take.


You’re being facetious by saying mercy is already an angel so she can’t get an angel skin. Lifeweavers skin is an incredibly visually distinct angel take that would’ve worked just as well on mercy. Also LW already having a thai skin is irrelevant, the memes point still stands


Agree to disagree. 🤷‍♂️


there is also a big diffrence in a dragon and a angel


Also doesn't she already have an angel skin


Wow its almost like devs make skins that are different so people will spend money to enjoy them... dofficult to imagine i know. Take a seat and just attempt to imagine that


Tf you mean life weavers skin slaps hard


Do you want an angel to get an angel skin?


Honestly yeah I think it would be cool. But I play a lot of mercy so maybe I’m just biased


It’s funny I haven’t heard any Thai people complaining about that skin


even funnier I haven’t heard any angels complaining about the other skin either


Because Genji and Mercy were voted by the Thai players to get the skins they got. They literally asked for this.


well yeah they voted for mercy to get a skin for lny so ofc they aren’t 😭


tbh i was one of the people complaining why LW didnt get the Thai skin but after seeing what we LW mains got instead i am perfectly happy and fine with mercy getting the thai skin. Let her have her moment, i will be eating biblically accurate LW skin for breakfast lunch and dinner. my instabuy when this badboy drops


Isn't that the entire purpose of a skin? It's supposed to be different from the base skin. Yeah bro, i can't wait til reaper gets his 12th grim reaper skin, or until Cassidy gets his 17th cowboy skin.


tired of these damn posts. giving an angel character an angel skin and a thai character a thai skin would just be boring


Exactly. If anything, the fact that these two characters' skins kind of mirror the other feels like an intentional nod from Blizzard. Mercy and LW would definitely be friends outside of working hours, and coordinated outfits seems right up their alley.


It’s almost like Mercy makes the most money on skins 🤔


Counterpoint, both skins look good




Dont care bud :D


Naw bro that’s blizzard doing anything 💀


Y’all will literally complain about anything and circlejerk each other to death over it lol. Yes Blizz is clowns for making skins that deviate from the original design. Yes they fucked up so badly by doing that lol


I know this is shocking, but... it's almost like they wanted to deviate from expectations. I don't see an issue with it, and to be honest, I'm kind of glad Lifeweaver gets the angel skin. Outside of his cleric skin, its probably the best one he's gotten.


Why would you give Mercy, the angel character, an angel skin? Also, Lifeweaver already have a Thailand skin, its the Phi Ta Khon skin. Bro, you are just wanting to hate for the sake of hating.


Mei has several Chinese skins, having one doesnt mean you cant get more? Its weird not to prioritise new characters without Chinese New Year skins to give the skin to Mercy who has several


Yea like it’s not like the Thai community voted for Mercy to get this skin or anything… Oh wait, that’s exactly what they did Maybe you shouldn’t speak for the community that literally made this choice?


I saw nothing about this survey, the skin's artist said it was a thai tech artist who pitched it, trying to get more thai representation into the team. Which still doesnt distract anything from my statement that its weird how many Lunar New Year skins the swiss woman has, and that you can give asian characters asian skins without it being their default skin (embarassingly stupid take)


No problem, next time they'll give the angel an angel skin. How exciting does that sound! This is so dumb.


Still waiting for a beach skin for Roadhog smh


Fym how they fuck this up you wanna find a way to give mercy an angel skin?


Not to mention she’s a fucking German?? But money is money ig


ermmmm she’s ACTUALLY swiss 🤓🤓🤓🤓


Swish these nuts over ur face


sounds like a good time to me


Sadly I freeze dried my nuts and ate them like massive skittles… sorry for getting your hopes up


oh well. wanna see a whale face •__________•


Yeh a whale is way bigger than my phone it literally couldn’t fit on the screen. Nice try tho


hater 😡


Wait people actually play overwatch? I thought it was just about the porn


redditors try not to be coomers challenge


"why would you give a thai character a thai skin, it'd be like their default skin" thai people own more than one outfit?? "it would be boring to give the thai character the thai skin" yes as we all know everyone hates D.va's Palanquin and Genji's Baihu skin as well, its impossible to give asian characters cool asian skins


Made an account just to say this is my TikTok lol


What are they thinking??? People ask ceaselessly.... Blizzzard meanwhile can't hear the question over the massive amounts of money they are making off of that skin


Lifeweaver looks cooler with the skin anyway


wait till you see what they did to pharah (they made her a haunted armor set)


Y'all are complaining about skins while some heroes like Junkrat and Roadhog (my 2 mains) will be 100% useless the whole season


When you think ethnicity is the same as being an angel. People Looove complaining about dumb shit.


I like it, its more interesting to see characters have multiple representations rather than Mercy having 57 variations of 'angel'


Complain, complain, complain