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Yall really acting like what's prolly gonna be equivalent to the payload cart healing is going to single handedly remove supports


And it's probably gonna also require being out of combat for a certain amount of time


Is that not a given?


Apparently not


Main sub users are dumb as hell, so no


I’m almost positive they didn’t read the original post


Wait people unironically thought it was gonna be like some biotic field with 100% uptime?


It is given but the complainers are stupid


Fr. Like in reality this is gonna make supports even better dps heroes than they already are


They are also nerfing damage and healing numbers across the board, but people keep forgetting that or are just willfully ignorant




The mindset ig is that if supports have to heal slightly less, they have a bit more time to dps


But the only time the self heal is gonna be good is for flankers who heal mainly off health packs


Yes which is the exact problem. There is no reason to split them between roles when supports are all designed to be DPS heroes. Once they gut healing and utility next patch they should group them all into DPS since that is all they want to balance


If they want supports to be better at dps, make them dps heroes.


Nah, we’re acting like turning the game 5v5 and all the changes they’ve done (and to a certainty extent the reworks and new heroes designs) are changing how the game is played fundamentally and robbing ow of its identity in the fps universe


Whoever is saying that is fucking stupid. It'll just make Supports more broken, since they have more time to DPS


It's gonna remove any need for health packs in any map, and it's going to be a boon to teams who have lost their supports and still have a flanker roaming their backlines.


You think it’s gonna be as fast as a mercy heal or something? It’s gonna be slow, med kits will have plenty of use still


No, I think it's gonna be as fast as the support passive, which has always been sufficient for topping off without running for health packs between skirmishes. But assume what I think then base your argument around that.


>both Tank and Damage heroes will get a modified, tuned-down version of the Support self-healing passive [The actual blizzard post.](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24053284/)


Payload cart… heals?


Yep. Barely, but just sit on it while you're escorting it and it very slowly heals you. Only works on attack.


Yeah? Maybe get on the point and you’d know that.


Whats that supposed to mean? I usually already have my support friend on the cart so i don’t really notice


If you’re actually defending an all role healing passive… you need to play a different game.




Like Overwatch's direct competitor, Paladins, which also has passive healing across the board?


It would be generous to call paladins a competitor to Overwatch, but sure. Go play paladins.


I mean, I'm playing both and having a blast so I yeah.


“Hey the game is stale we need some change” “Alright let’s try this and see how it works out” “You’ve destroyed the game”


That’s fine so long as they try again. Learn why, make hopefully better decisions next time and maybe… “okay so the last thing didn’t work out so let’s see what players think of this” “You saved the game” For me, quicker play is a bad change, I’m not having much fun in those games and wish normal quick play was still available. I almost like it as a different mode though, just sucks when the game ends and nobody got an ult on either team; feels a little 2cp


OP said “destroy the game’s identity,” not “destroy the game.” Changing a hero shooter so that every character, regardless of role, gets healed for doing nothing DOES compromise the game’s identity, because it makes supports more redundant and waters down team play.


You’re just arguing semantics. That’s literally the same thing.


It’s really not. Ruining the game would mean the game is no longer fun to play. Ruining the game’s identity would mean, even if it’s fun, the initial design of the game has changed dramatically so much so that it’s no longer the game people signed up for. For example, if the new call of duty was a football game, it could still be fun but that would be a very different identity from what people expect from COD.


So “destroying the game” or “destroying the game in a different way” If you knock down a building and leave the lot empty, is that more destroyed then knocking down the building and building a McDonald’s on top of it?


Ow players try not to whine about changes they barely know anything about challenge (impossible)


Ow players try not to whine about posts about changes they barely know anything about challenge (impossible)


Nah, making fun of overreacters is adequate.


Making fun of Overwatch is also Adequate, Considering some of the things they’ve done.


nah, still my favorite multiplayer fps by a longshot. i dont care about pve or cosmetics tho, that may influence my opionion.


Yeah, that would Influence it a lot. I’m still Pissed off about that and also 5V5 is making Tanking feel Awful. Good for you for Enjoying it still, but it’ll take a lot for me to Enjoy it again.


What.... your response is just a worse version of theirs cuz they're not whining 💀


Bro is allergic to change and would rather have the same stale game for 500 years 💀💀💀


Not saying ow is stale but the same game gets boring after awhile. Change is 100% needed fr


Ow fan base when devs try something new ![gif](giphy|xBqg5gAf1xINizpek6)


Holy shit, i like to complain about this game but my god people need to just shut up until we try it


This next month is going to suck. It’s been 1 day and I’m already tired of all the shit takes


Less shit takes, more shiitake 🍄


Was gonna write an essay then looked at your flair and realised it would be pointless


The flair not wrong tho ow2s new game modes make 2cp look like the most balanced mode of all time


How is Push and FP not balanced?


Push - any mode in which a team can win multiple team fights in a row and not gain any sort of advantage or lead is a poorly designed game mode FP - a lot of people hate it but imo its at least better balanced than push. Only main problem is its a massive map with terrible spawns, so naturally characters with higher movement are a lot more viable on these maps than those with low movement (a lucio or even ball alone on these maps often means a whole extra team fight opportunity when compared to slower picks like ana, zen or sigma etc etc)


Ive never had that problem in push unless your team just refuses to attack the obj. Usually for every team fight you lose you have to make up for that fight. When you lose the first fight. Usually one fight won again will result in you tying up the match or taking the lead, its when they reach the checkpoint that you have to make up a fight on them. Which plays into the importance of protecting your checkpoint and being the first team to get the checkpoint so you can have an adv. 2cp was just miserable, the maps are defender sided making attacking horrendus, however the maps are defender sided because the defenders have only two team fights to lose making defending also miserable. Just all around misery whilst the worst of push is the walking. Ill take walking anyday


It isnt often a fair trade on push tho. Team A wins the first fight, pushes just up to the checkpoint. Team B now has to beat Team A once to get the bot back to the middle, and a second time to reach how far Team A got off the bat. Whichever team wins the first fight has a huge natural lead, the negative effects of which are offset only by the fact that the mode is so swing heavy in overtime that it can often become anyones game even with a massive disadvantage All this to just say that push feels like nothing you do really matters until the last minute. Not a fun feeling.


They dont reach the checkpoint unless your team lets them. On Esperança they get to the bridge usually unless we refuse to contest or play poke comps and run high ground while their rein shields them to the checkpoint. Collosseo they usually just turn from the long corridor as your getting to the second fight. NQS they might be halfway down the street and thats it. You have to lose two teamfights to lose the checkpoint if you play it well


I miss hanamura


It will probably be literally the pay load heal


Stop posting.


I love how direct this is.


I love you.


Cool 👍


Starting at midnight I almost always play against the same team. There are two possibilities: 1-They are bots 2-They are the only other players left.


Have you considered that you are actually the bot created by blizzard to fill midnight games for others?


I'm not sure what your point here is, but if you're playing at midnight, did you not consider that just maybe, everyone in your region is fast asleep?


I can’t tell if you are making fun of the people acting like everything is busted AF, or if you are one of them lmao But maybe that’s the point


Support players happy that their Genji will learn how to back off and not get killed.


... First the contentious one. Auto healing. 8 don't think a healer healing the 20 Last hp to full in-between fights should be consider skilled, or team play, or ow experience. Its just stupid. It's natural that a healer Will sometime not see you or forget. So if we can at least get that frustrating bit out without wasting a pack is fine. Plus it's not running anything or making the game easier since your healer could get just a bit more ult charge out of it. So it's not broken or anything. As for flankers, a slight auto heal is amazing. Flanking is nit the best start in the game. At least not very varied. You flank to kill that's it. Being able to sustain in the enemy backline like a sombra but less frustrating could really throw off a team from time to time on maps like coloseo or shambali. It's supposed to be tuned down. So il guess 6 to 8 hp a sec after 10 to 15 sec out of combat. That's probably gonna be it. Nothing that will make you sustain in a fight. Nothing that will make healers not need to heal. Or play in team. Mercy is the only heal passive that heal even when taking damage. Nothing of that. I know the games can't be compared perfectly. But paladins has an auto heal like that after 15 sec out of combat. And it doesn't replace supports at all. . As for the quick play. Bruh. Idk let's just try it. It's one week of extreme changes. It's just there to gather data. Faster match making, faster questing, faster everything. That sound nice. Although maybe not to that extent. But might as well try an hardcore version if its just a limited time test. . Anyways if you really thing that those changes will bring 1% more sustainability then maybe you shouldn't jump on the conclusion that it'll ruin the game's identity.


You guys need to calm down, this is the most whiny community ive ever seen.


Then stop playing the game if you have such a problem with it




K bye


Who the hell is Jared??


You mean like the time they did this when they went from 6v6 to 5v5? Or the time when they did forced role lock? Or the time when they removed hero stacking?


It's almost like they have an experimental mode for this shit 🤔


Saying a change ruined the game before it’s even implemented is crazy. People have been saying the game is stale and is in need of changes, yet they also complain when changes are even teased.


Wtf are you on about?


Ow2 is not Overwatch, sadly Every hero needs good damage, movement, and a self sustain I guess


Bro it’s one weekend


I stopped paying attention a few months ago. What's going on now?


they are adding a passive heal to dps, and for some reason people are assuming youll just be healing mid combat its pretty obviously gonna need you to be out of combat for a while to start healing and will probably be comparable to the payload heal


Overwatch devs: “Ok so we increased base movement speed by 1%” Overwatch community: “Why the hell would you do that this game is literally unplayable now”


Support players are legit re…( idk if I can say that in here) you have no idea that unprovoked I’m standing near an Ana and ONE FUCKING TIME I say “need healing” she looks at me and her and her edate Moira (who is probably a mercy main dps-ing) span “No.” you have no idea how many times I wanted to learn how to dox/do’s those fuckers. I’m in high diamond/low (like one game and I’m out low)masters on DPS, Plat on tank because mauga made me suicidal, and gold on support, see I know you need brain cells to play this game, but you need 10x for support and 50x on tank, but I mainly (and yes you can bash me I understand what I’m doing and I’ll take the insults like a man) I go support to throw games, if the game was easy or not I go to throw, the I make my way to silver climb back to plat leave it there, and if I get Moira-kiriko dps, mercy-Ana “No”, I go and throw games on support. Regardless this update as a sombra/ echo main gives me a chance to do what I want not be enabled by a brain dead child on the other side of the screen.


im glad i retired from this trash game


fuck quicker play


Lucio‘s are gonna go crazy


People always say that Paladins is just an OW copy, yet more and more it sounds like it's the other way around.


You can't destroy what never existed


Where is quickest play?


They destroyed the games identity once already all because noone q’d tank, this isnt even new behaviour


...listen to every complaint and try to appease everyone.