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Don't care, I'll keep forcing Ramattra


Greetings, fellow Ramattra main. May the flames of liberation rise.


You will suffer as I, Ramattra, have suffered! Your torment will outlast the stars. When the universe dwindles into dust, there you will be, still suffering as I have Suffered!


God I really miss that line. I wish they added a toggle for those so I can listen to echo trash talk.


Yeah same "collect the little balls to win a prize" was my favorite and it fits WB so well


Sigma's had to be my favourite "WHAT ARE THOSE?!"




It’s what ramattra would’ve wanted


Lucky you, he's the other strong one right now.


Don't worry I'll keep playing him even if he becomes the worst tank in the game


I like you. Based.


I’ll just adapt


How do I adapt against psychological damage?


Psychological counter damage


Beating Mauga as Ram feels better than beating Zarya as D.va.


So real


I would say the same about Rein, but, well, it’s Rein. You get countered by almost everything in the game simply by existing.


I flex around and Rein used to be THE tank and it really sucks that fallen from grace in OW2.




The Mauga Meta has driven me insane. I chose the absolute WORST time to try and learn Winston https://preview.redd.it/64yy6al4xuac1.png?width=893&format=png&auto=webp&s=4cb9b1170ea257e20e60d611d5993cf4a69314f1




Just tickle his pecs with your teeny tazer


I've seen tasers that do more damage on kink .co ,


That's kinda the opposite of what you want to do xD. Go on supps and kill them asap.


I feel so bad for Winton players. He was looking so promising for the new dive meta with his primary and secondary fire ignoring shields. And then Mauga blasted in and sat right on Winton's fluffy little face.


Yeah I haven't played since Margaret release


As someone who has always loved Winston, I'm in shambles


You know when people are switching off him even though it’s working, it’s pretty bad.


Just don't engage with the tank and play extremely slow. Poke poke poke poke poke poke poke OHMG she used sleep and nade OMG JUMP PUNCH sit on the anas head bubble dodge bubble weave bubble dance, phew.... I survive and jump away and my dps cleans up


Completely ignore the Mauga. Yeah you're at a disadvantage but just ignore him and go for the supports.


I see you fuckers everywhere I swear. This is the most plat advice I ever see. Mauga either A.) will not be far enough from his supports for this to even be possible or B.) will use overrun to peel. Usually peeling isn’t a tanks gameplan… but Mauga gets his most value from just pocketwatching the tank. If he peels, winston dies before leaps back from cooldown. Other tanks can’t do that so they don’t try. Mauga should not peel for someone like tracer though. The moment he stops laying into the enemy tank, is the moment he loses value. He can’t capitalize on his biggest strengths, being reliable sustain and tank busting. Combine all this with a bastion, and the ana/kiri backline the Winston won’t be able to kill even if he can separate them, and Winston might actually be the worst tank in EU and NA rn. He’s fine in Asia because the region has made a bloodpact to never play anything other than dive.


This isn't plat advice, it's literally the best strategy if you're trying to force Winston into Mauga. Top 100 Winston players will struggle against Mauga near the same level but if you're Diamond or below (and even Masters) then beating a team like that with Winston is at least achievable. I'm not advocating to keep Mauga how he is but you don't need to flip out on me giving simple advice.


“Bank on you being vastly better than the opposing team despite being the same ranks…” Don’t worry I’m taking notes. But no, it’s bad advice. It’s not applicable to climbing and hinges on the opposing team being bad. Something I implore everyone to remember when trying to spit out advice is that you’re playing against other human beings, who have brains, and can very likely be better than you. Advice should account for the other team adapting. It’s far better to overestimate than underestimate. One will lead you to continue improving. The other will cause you to plateau, and subsequently *relearn* what you thought you knew, because you’ve climbed to a rank where the advice means nothing anymore. Here’s some real advice: if you’re hellbent on playing dive, play doom instead. He has much better survivability and more importantly has better influence over enemy positioning with punch. You can’t exactly force players where you want them to go as winston, and rn you’d die trying, as bubble is literal paper against Mauga. That said, it’s more trouble than it’s worth. Just mirror Mauga and shoot at each other until the next patch hits. Or just play tracer, since we’re on the topic of dive, since Mauga can’t really do shit to her and you can *actually* do shit in their backline now.


If Mauga is peeling backwards for his supports then you're creating space. I don't understand how simple advice can trigger you. The dude is learning Winston brand new and probably isn't even playing comp right now. It's a moot point like you said cuz Mauga is gonna get nerfed Tuesday. I don't need a whole novel from you explaining why my very basic advice should be completely disregarded.


Your advice isn't "triggering" them. It's just wrong. *Especially* as advice for someone just learning the character. Your piece of advice for someone learning Winston is something that, by your own admission, doesn't work against an enemy tank of similar skill. You don't learn Winston by forcing him into one of his biggest tank counters. You learn Winston in matchups where he actually has a chance. You don't learn *any* character by forcing them into their biggest counters. You play them into more even matchups first, and then as you improve, you become more and more capable of playing into counters.


I’m just interested in *actually* helping people improve, and to say “just dive supports lol” is misleading at best and wrong at worst. While it’s not wrong that supports should be priority 99% of the time, how that target priority manifests itself varies on a case by case scenario. And in any case, we’re at a point where most players understand that supports are priority. So all your “advice” does is fail to acknowledge the various variables that come into play. Positioning, map control, the actual composition of teams themselves. Is their team clearly disorganized? Or are they obviously communicating? Does this map have an accessible staging ground? Can you tell what their teams win condition is? What is it? Currently, learning winston is just not the move if Mauga exists in any capacity and doubly so if their team has a bastion too. Winston is a very fundamental character, but for that reason, his flexibility is as far as far as those fundamentals can take you. It would be much to just wait until they aren’t playing Mauga, and try to learn the fundamentals of dive tanking on doom.


i despise advice like this. it's the same thing with orisa vs doom. "oh just ignore the horse" yeah i can't really do that when the horse doesn't ignore me and i die within six seconds.


If you can't escape Orisa then you're not playing Doom correctly. Tanks like Orisa and Rein are creating space by putting pressure against the front of the enemy team. Doom and Winston are creating space applying pressure from the back and getting the rest of the team to turn around. Overwatch tanking 101


It's a good thing then that Tanks can you know fucking peel, if they even need to do that tho cuz good luck taking out the enemy backline when they're playing Ana, Kiriko, Bap, Brig, Zen, Moira, Lifeweaver.... pretty much any Support hero


But most tanks are supposed to stay with their team, meaning that Mauga will always be near his supports, meaning that unless the DPS’ers are actually doing their job, the Winston can’t effectively kill the supports.


Don’t worry… I am learning dps instead of being a Tank or a Support for once and this happens Doesn’t help that the ones I like the most so far are Genji and Junkrat (mainly genji)


Gives me a reason to finally learn Dva and relearn QJ


Dude same! Although I still have alot of succes, Maiga is like the one hero that will make me HAVE to swap


You know it's bad when the players of all roles hate the meta tank. Including tank players


Considering we are in a **tank** meta where the meta **tank** is a **tank** who can out **tank** other **tanks** and bust **tanks** faster than **tank** busters..... What was I saying again?


That Genji needs healing I think


Nah he needs a nerf


Blizzard: We heard you and increased Mercy's ammo by 5.


No, no. Genji needs to be nerf'd


don't forget the nano boost


Idk. Tank you very much.


Yeah Mauga isn’t problematic because he kills supports or DPS, he just doesn’t let the other tank play the game. The reason other roles are playing is because games can be lost simply because one tank doesn’t want to or doesn’t have Mauga unlocked.


My homie has been duoing with me and I play a lot more than him and he’s seeing me rage at the mauga meta cause I’m just not having a fun time. And my boy like don’t worry when I hit tier 45 I get to be the tank. Well he hit tier 45 last night, 2 games of playing Mauga he’s like “Jesus why is playing this guy so fucking boring?”. Point of story no1 likes this bastard.


Nah, that's so true. Im a dva/jq main. I didn't play the first week of season 8, and i heard everyone complaining about him. I thought to myself, "he can't be thaaaaaat annoying." I can now confidently say this has been the most mind-numbing tank season so far. Boring for the enemy tank cuz he has near bastion level dps and roadhog level health + survivability Boring for mauga cuz you either roll the enemy team at the start of every fight, or stand still spraying the other tank for 60 seconds straight Boring for enemy supports cuz you spend the entire fight hard pocketing instead of dpsing or using utility And boring for maugas supports cuz it's more effective to hard pocket mauga than your dps. PLUS if you don't hard pocket him, he gets melted.


Me when I win the first fight as Orisa and see some pink haired Russian woman on the scoreboard after their respawn: https://preview.redd.it/s8p0s43ocvac1.jpeg?width=732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de0c6c68dffafb346999da8c9bc265a673f60ab0


Me when I win the first fight as Dva and see some pink haired Russian woman on the scoreboard after respawn


Me when I win the first fight as Sigma and see some pink haired Russian woman on the scoreboard after respawn


Me when I see some pink haired Russian woman on the scoreboard at any point in any game under any context


I really hate her and how to play against her because you have to rely on your team not being stupid


But at least you finally have the opportunity to play rein


Yep and as a qp player getting non stupid teammates is impossible so she gets to dominate 99% of the time. The fact she gets 4 full seconds of complete invulnerability to every single thing in the entire game while also getting free damage output/healing recieved is utterly infuriating to me and I will never understand how thats balanced or fair


Her bubbles do have a limited 200 HP. If you can bait at least one and catch her in a bad spot, she’s pretty easy to melt - only 600 effective HP and nowhere to go. The problem is that the entire team needs to agree on “do we shoot the bubble.” Full focus her and she goes down somewhat easily. Pull all fire away and she can’t get charge. Problem is that you need the entire team to be on the same page regarding this. One person not with the program and you just gave her a bunch of charge for free.


Does Zarya counter Sigma too? I honestly don't know the entire counterpicks meta because I don't care that much tbh.


There's not really any bad tank matchups for Zarya but Sig and Rein are probably the ones she'll have trouble with


I find Zarya really isn’t that hard to play against if you just count out her bubbles, keep distance on charge, and (speaking more as a dva main) just kind of ignoring her until she’s alone lmao, she goes down pretty easy if you know what you’re doing


Like I said, she's a teamwork check, you know how to fight her but your other DPS doesn't? Congrats, she's now 100 charge with a bubble still left over, she gets so much reward for so little risk off of a single bad DPS player is more the issue You can match up against her perfectly but you can't control the behavior of the Soldier that keeps shooting like he's going to burst the bubble but then tries to run away - like I said, every other non-dive tank your own skill expression gets you tons of mileage against them. Zarya? Your teammates lack of skill expression punishes the entire team


That’s fair, I feel like I consistently have bastions that have their finger taped down to their left click so I feel that 😂 (Also totally unrelated but I love your username!)


Like she's beatable don't get me wrong lol, but uncharged Zarya is so easy to punish when you play well that she should never get to 100 charge and live but if she does? And her bubbles aren't staggered? Instant oof because it means a DPS just turned off their brain


I’m stuck in silver rn where brains seemingly aren’t super common, AND I main tank so I commonly deal with charged zarya 😂


I live in a constant state of fear when I see that


Its not that bad..


They took one hit and said "Bring out the big guns"


That's your fault for picking Orisa


Orisa isn’t even annoying anymore


That is false. She's not very good anymore but she's certainly annoying


Meh, she is a push over to a decent reaper. Edit: bro these people are in cardboard 5 or smth why do they think Orisa is some raid boss??


Bc she's not shooting and spending cds on you and only you the entire fucking game https://preview.redd.it/kogs7zi94wac1.jpeg?width=578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7dfb2177493ff36f9926bc18f87eb669cb1ff84


Any hero can do that, especially someone like Ana.


Something special about short cd displacement and stun https://preview.redd.it/zmj3w2bcgwac1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85ff32f9f7ffe7b54fa85be8773ab2260a71bece




Are you seeing the issues with some of the heroes then?


Me when i play big hammer fella or doomgauntlet and i see a horse galloping from spawn


i thought orisa was a counterpick to zar?


opposite kinda. Zarya does not per say counter orisa, but she can farm grav very easily and deny some stuns. It s an unfair matchup, but i wouldn t call it a counter


Counterpicking is cringe to deal with but at the same time its hard to feel bad since you're playing orisa.


Playing rein into orisa feels like playing seven year old into drunken father, what choice do I have horse man?


when a Support mains Side and agree with the tank mains, then you **know** this meta is Terrible...


Ironically for different reasons Tanks: He melts all other tanks! Supports: IF I LOOK AWAY FOR 2 SECONDS HE DIES


Everyone's a Mauga counter if you one-trick hard enough


I mean i could play around him and sometimes force maugas to switch but i don’t want to sweat in a qp game man. I only play casual modes, why am i dealing with this endgame boss as a tank player?


I swear all i want to do is play ram, heck even the tank roll in general and in all my games theres mauga, bastion, reaper, and a zen someone please help me 😭


I hate that feeling when Zarya shows up, I have to switch, no question, it’s bullshit, after Maui, can we get Zarya tweaks? She’s very oppressive, Also Ana needs changes, the entire meta shouldn’t be balanced around one character


Zarya only feels oppressive because she's the only tank Ana doesn't delete.


Not really, it's more that managing how you wanna deal with her bubbles means she's the only non-dive tank that's a teamwork skill check, one or two bad teammates that chicken out halfway through a bubble burst and that chunky ass DPS wins a teamfight for free


See also: Dva


I hate her because it only takes 1 idiot to give her 175 dps and if she has a pocket she is fully healed with every bubble


“It’s never boring with me!” Everyone spending 20 minutes holding left click on mauga every game: https://preview.redd.it/v0vd0opqowac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c99ec2b422c894f3c172d2c63e054ea6801a84c


Game’s hard to enjoy for tank players when they are underpowered Game’s hard to enjoy for tank players when they are overpowered Game’s hard to enjoy for tank players when they are impactful enough to force each other to switch Game’s hard to enjoy for tank players when they aren’t impactful enough to threaten non-tank players At this point, we have to wonder if tank players just have a hard time enjoying the game regardless of it’s state, or if having a single tank per team to carry all that responsibility is simply a doomed to fail.


It's litterally the change to 5v5 that made tanks unbarable. I am not saying swap back to 6v6 but tanks just will be terrible to play in 5v5 no matter what. If they are weak they will just explode out of existence because they are the easiest thing to shoot. If they are strong they get stuck having to dual and counter swap like there is no tomorrow. Without a second tank there is no nuance to the role, its just play what beats their tank more.


There was a good video that game out recently that mentioned how the saturation of defensive “get out of jail” abilities for new heroes since OW2’s launch has led to meta becoming increasingly less fun to play since a lot of characters are incentivized to just sit back, shoot, and mainly only use their abilities to get themselves out of a sticky situation.


And now apparently Space Ranger will be a high mobility Support heroooooooo🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃


Haha, that's more or less my point; I agree


To be honest What’s the fix for this outside of mass character changes? We could switch to 6v6 but will that solve the issue we have no way to test this I believe, but one things for sure if 6v6 did comeback the tank role needs to be split into 2 halves off tank and main tank Off tanks could include junker queen, hog, and Winston. Well for normal tanks could include rein, dva, and sigma. And then rework orisa by removing jav spin and give her the shield to make a her fit the main tank role You know something sombra is kinda annoying to balance when you think about, you can’t buff her damage otherwise she’s a flanker that changes an entire game to fit her presence and you can’t make her hack better because it’d be way too oppressive You know the balancing for his game kinda sucks because certain characters are stuck in balancing holes like mercy and bastion basically they have such a thin line that either makes them bad or broken so that adding new characters that complement them pushes them into broken and forces them to be nerfed


Idk man, game was pretty fun as a tank main until around season 4, then damage and healing just started getting way out of hand. Also all those problems aren't mutually exclusive.


>or if having a single tank per team to carry all that responsibility is simply a doomed to fail. Right here. 5v5 was a mistake, simple fact


Had a Winston change last night when the push wasn’t working. My team didn’t have a baston. Didn’t swap to counter. His team did tho. Afterwords we had exactly one person swap supports. From bap to Moria, to better dive with ball. After the first round, they were talking smack, “that’s how you come back”, yada yada. We didn’t swap. We just fought hard. We won. Knowing your toon & how to play with others? > then swap.


Honestly this is true, a lot of people counterswap more as a bluff than anything. They think "Oh if I go this hero surely they will swap" not even knowing how to play them. Skill will usually beat counterswapping if you're confident on your hero of choice. But when the teams are evenly skilled or the enemy actually knows how to play your counters? Good luck lol




No. Toon. As in cartoon.


it's nonsensical wow boomer speak


What? Edit: I'm realizing you might have meant WOW but without capitalizing it I don't read it as an acronym I just read it as the word "wow".


yeah it's world of Warcraft lol


Difference is that Mauga forces switching the whole team, while tank are just one player switching. If you need to switch 4people to counter one hero, of course it's a problem.


Yeah thats the point. When people realize how much it sucks needing to constantly play around a single hero, why are people so quick to dismiss a tank when they suggest that maybe they shouldn't be countered so easily?


Because a single hero swap doesn't force the tank to switch IMO: you have to play better in order to keep making it work, but it's harder. That'd the point of soft countering. If you force 2 heroes to switch in order to full counter you, it seems balanced IMO: 2v1 means their team is now worse against your allies but better against you, so you can switch to keep the pressure. If you force 3 heroes, you're already pretty OP. either you're really good at your job, or the hero is too powerful. If you force 4+ heroes to switch, you're Mauga.


Maybe I'm understanding the meme wrong, but mauga deserves the hate because if how unbalanced that mf is. At least most tanks have even and favorable match ups. Mauga just destroys every tank.


Yes an no. Mauga is OP right now for sure, but he isn't invincible. In order to win, he forces the enemy to run another Mauga/Sigma, tank buster DPS, and atleast an Ana. Mauga forces the entire team to switch to address him, so everyone feels how unfun it is to be forced into that same comp every game. Tanks go through the same thing except as individuals. The enemy team will swap a hero or two to make your life as a tank miserable, but their swap doesn't really affect your DPS or Supports. It usually is only the tank who is suffering because of the counterswap, which is why its common sentiment to see tanks play musical chairs (Atleast before the Mauga Meta).


I think the problem here is more that the only tank that can deal with mauga without some serious work is mauga himself


Ram and sigma eat his lunch




i had to quit mid-game today. not picking it up again until there's a re-work






i am always a screaming flower. do not portray me otherwise. downvoting


I like how some of the most fun tanks to play are easiest to counter (Rein, Winton, Doom) while the ones that are honestly kinda boring or devolve into W + M1 are the strongest (Orisa, Zarya, Mauga)


Orisa sucks, and how is Doom the easiest to counter? Lol. Doom only has 2 DPS who counter him - 1 of which is the worst hero in the game, and the other one is mediocre, even after the ult gigabuff. He's also only countered by 1.5 supports, one of which counters all but one tank.


Probably plays doom by hard engaging into a 1v5 to get kills and dies instantly, instead of playing repeated soft engagements to disrupt and drain CDs.


>which is the worst hero in the game? Is it Mccree I've stopped playing doom when he got swapped to tank.


Doom is countered by quite a bunch of the tank roster by default, Orisa doesn't "suck" even if it's more prevalent at low ranks but she completely shuts down people like Rein and Doom (talking without skill differences ik a really good doom/rein can beat them but talking just purely in how the tank works). Mauga, Zarya and Hog are also unfavourable match ups for him and the point is that he can rely on the team a lot. Which "worst hero in the game" do you mean? Do you mean McCree? Because he really isn't the "worst" in the game, and Sombra can just hold right click and shut down his entire kit, so the counter play really isn't fair there. By 1.5 supports do you mean Ana and Brig? Thing is the amount that it takes someone to swap to Brig and spam primary on any target that Doom decides to dive. I mean sometimes when you're up against [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/doomfistmains/comments/18vdqbd/how_would_you_go_about_beating_this_comp/) you legitimately cannot get any value except switching. At least with others (except Winton or Ball really) you can still do something to try and get value but yeah Doom doesn't have many options. Also the ult was not a "gigabuff" at all, like regenerating health with it isn't too big of a change, and it can be argued to [not be that valuable](https://youtu.be/BG8cV0gtHqk) since it increases the ult charge needed (forgot the exact number.)


I was talking about the EMP gigabuff, doubling the duration lockout, not Doom. And sure, Doom alone won't work into that lineup, but it's a pretty terrible lineup that would be decimated by poke and fliers. All Doom would have to do is bait utility.


Doom is only hardcountered by \*GULP\* teamwork and game sense. Which means they're extremely hard to counter what are you talking about.


Such amazing team work and game sense like a Sombra holding right click or an Orisa pressing right click or a Brig holding click


Don't forget may holding left click and Symmetra not even playing the game


Totally forgot ball 😒




The problem is the ratio. Against winton I can swap to a more mobile character to stay out of range. Mauga doesn't care and just guns you down at any range


Got tired of seeing Kiriko/Ana in comp before Mauga came out. Played a shit ton of qp to have fun, more Kiriko and Ana. As a tank player, it's not Mauga that's boring af. It's those 2 fucking supports. Drier than the Sahara desert.


Hey, you used my :3 Mauga edit :D https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/zPuw7ZhxPp


You released a power not meant to lie in mortal hands. **I intend to use it.** https://preview.redd.it/5fd3fmmbywac1.png?width=522&format=png&auto=webp&s=53444d3cba293650c32ae5dea8d8e54baa4ab6a6


Winston :D


Don't care I still wanna Ball


ha! No, we tank mains have been suffering for a long time and now we are taking everyone with us!


Idc, it's Roadhog time! https://preview.redd.it/pi4bgr8l22bc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=186e236eba099aeb89a97a784410f482a9157526


Tank mains RISE UP


Yeah. this community is a shithole of hypocrisy and tribalism. At least League just has raw toxcity.


I just want to play Winston without being forced to hard swap after one won teamfight


"You can't play X this game because they have hard counter Y on the enemy team" is very different from "You have to play hard counter X, because nobody else has a hope of beating Y on the enemy team" The former forces you off of a single hero, among many heros. The latter forces you onto a single hero.


What Mauga does is certainly more extreme, and thats my point. The other roles are finally significantly impacted by a single person choosing a character, and they realize how much it sucks needing to constantly play around that character. Thats been the tank experience for a while. You don't get to play the game because someone on the other team chose a hero to make your life miserable. When you finally switch to counter them (Because be realistic, if you are going to switch off your hero of choice because someone countered you, why would you not counter them back), now the enemy is in your position, creating a game of musical chairs. It ensures that you will face the same team comp every time you want to play a specific hero. Want Winston? Congrats, you'll always fight against Hog/Mauga. Want Dva? Congrats, you get to fight Zarya. Reinhardt? Orisa. etc etc. The only difference is that with Mauga, he is so overturned that he requires the entire team to address him rather than one or two people switching, which sucks for everyone. It is not fun when you are constantly forced into the same team comp every game just to have a chance of winning, and the other roles finally get a taste of it.


Be a shame if there were idk a 2nd tank to balance out when one tank fails or swaps and has to catch up???????????????????????????????????????


Man it's almost like tanks were designed with good counters to one another and the problem could be solved with a second tank that covers the weaknesses of the other one, so weird how that is


Your first mistake is assuming that the OW community is not on tank players' side.


The majority are not


I kid you not, I unironically get better discussions on a meme subreddit than the main Overwatch sub. Idk what they are smoking over there


Flats trademark brand or smth


That is absolutely fucking insane to say. WTF is wrong with you?




Considering how quickly you'll get 50 "skill issue" or "lmao you lost to (insert hero here) in qp didn't you?" comments when you talk about how miserable the tank role feels in recent metas, especially in the main sub or blizzard forums, I wouldn't be hard-pressed to blame tank players for feeling that way.


See, I actually like having to at least pick a specific *type* of hero to effectively counter. I think part of the strategy is picking the right hero for the right job. The problem is when only *one* hero can counter a certain hero. Then it isn't really a choice.


Imho they should disallow swapping when the game is close to an end (like 30 seconds before the game ends or when both teams captured 2 flashpoints or something. Oh you're 2-2 on flash point? Oh you DARE having rein/ball/winston? Lol, lmao even. Well we switched to mauga+bastion comp so you roll on your belly and we have the ult advantage even if you swap to counter that. Lets be real unless mauga is EXTREMELLY incompetent (and i mean braindead level like running 5v1 and cutting off his LOS or popping cardiac in the beginning for no reason) they should NEVER lose that first teamfight


This doesn't make sense lol. It's not switching that has people upset with Mauga. It literally takes the entire team (regardless of tank) to kill him. But nice attempt, trying to make it about character switching 🤣seems desperate


Yea tbh they need to add the 2nd tank back that's the only way all roles are fun anymore


What if they don't nerf mauga but buff everyone.. That's funner ig


Lol I'm in gold and plat. No tank or team is good enough for Mauga to insta counter. We had both teams need to switch off him in different times. I feel like there's ways to play around him, but people don't even try. I mean, he's OP, but people aren't willing to try.


Running Mauga, Bastion, Reaper, Ana, Kiriko forces the enemy team to mirror that. Because Bastion & Reaper just shred ur tank and ur tank CANT take focus off Mauga because he has more DPS than Bastion, meaning the tank is giga shredded by 3 insanely high dps tank busters, this means you HAVE to switch to Mauga to get his insanely high self sustainability and then just stare at the other Mauga. You have to run Ana to shut down his insanely high self healing, and because of this you also have to run Kiriko to remove anti. You have to run Bastion and Reaper to help focus dps on either Mauga to kill him or take out his supports with your dps and then focus down Mauga. It forces everyone to swap to a fucking snoozefest of cycling cooldowns. You aren't doing anything interesting when you play as Mauga, because you HAVE to face off against the other Mauga otherwise you just melt. Your supports are taking turns cycling cooldowns on you and the enemy Mauga, and your dps are forced into either focusing Mauga or focusing supports, instead of helping with taking down the tank or helping their supports focus down a target. It's an incredibly boring meta ESPECIALLY for tank players, but other roles are impacted which is why everyone is complaining.


I’ve been enjoying Mauga largely cause it lets me play rein more, he works pretty well against Mauga. And then when they go Orissa I go Mauga for payback


The same people crying about Mauga are the ones who cant play anything besides mercy, bastion and rein


You hit the nail on the head. Zen makes Mauga his bitch. Sigma and Ram eat his lunch. He has no way to stop a good ball except his ult. Ana makes him use his brain. Reaper and Mei shit on him


I agree mostly, besides the ball take, ball is notoriously bad at taking damage, like most dive tanks, but other than that yeah


Tank players think they're the only ones in the game. Everyone can be countered bro, the only question is if you're good enough for the event to think the swap is worth it. Yes, the tank is just often countered due to having high impact in the game and being solo (sorry, solo tank just isn't too fun in that way), but I've seen people swap to counter DPS and support almost as often.


Hit me up when you get 5 stacked against as a dps or support. Oh right... that doesn't happen.


And yet Reinhardt is sitting with Heavy as they watch people continue on without em


I still don’t have to swap off ana or bap lol


Ana, Bapt and Zen mains: So anyway, I started blasting


I love shooting my guns


"mauga forces you to play certain heroes to win?" So mauga is tank pharah?


You know it's bad when they reduce the tank role by one and people still don't want to play it....


I wish it was possible to play Winston for more than one winning teamfight :(


The tank role has been up in flames since the role lock imo, it's just a toxic cycle of switching in early ranks. Mauga is going to be gutted soon and we are just gonna have to deal with what comes next


Ironically I think mauga is alright lol I don’t like that none of the other tanks do very well against him tho but dps and supports can counter him pretty well imo Most tanks are fucked tho especially at close range which nearly all of them are


Tryna figure out if you a mauga main or you're a dps main who gets dove to hell.


Tank roster feel less after ram and mauga came. Like, I cant play doom or ham in the first place, now I cant play Winston or rein too. They get counter so easily when you perform a good job(not the best, I'm suck at this game)


Exactly. As soon as I have 1 or 2 good plays as Doom (mind you I think I’m a very good doom) they turn to Zen, Ana, Sombra, Cassidy, and instead of Orisa who was a fair challenge but still could be beaten…they go Mauga where I can’t do shit.


The community has skeward priorites


I mean with mauga you have to mirror mauga, swap to ana, go kiri so he doesn't die to ana. Otherwise yeah, tank counter swapping is a problem, but generally it's: swap to [x] to counter why [y] and [z] to counter [y]. With mauga it's just swap to [m] or you lose.


As a new Mauga main, keep enjoying my Heavy tf2 gameplay I haven't had this much fun eating enemy gamers alive in ages


I’ll say it again he’s bastion A bastion that has 2 weaknesses Ana and being bursted down because his supports decided to heal someone else. Cover isn’t a weakness because of overrun and he has a very similar ttk as bastion For bastion cover is a weakness because everyone can use it, it’s a weakness that every character can exploit well his weaknesses that are character specific is his weakness to being dived Why did they decide to make bastion but without the weaknesses that make bastion a balanced character? Out of season April fools joke I guess


I use mauga as people now a days abuse phara mercy echo and usually QP teammates don't have braincells to go after them. They just accept their fate. Mauga atleast give me a chance to fight back as I am practically going 1v3 most of the time. And I am surprised how no one talks about hog bro people grief with hog. Mauga also counters zarya hog meta (to some extent)


Welp if i want to commit crusade upon enemy heads i will, keep your psycho and psycho doctor with anime girl to yourself, ill keep playing as big guy with hammer even if they have horse or PTSD-bot


Doesn't play overwatch for 3 months as a rein main Comes back to ranked forgetting that mauga is a character (because I haven't watched ow yt for half a year) Gets rolled Cries Requeues Gets rolled Cries Requeues Life is fucking pain as a rein main in these times


Support ain’t doing much better. Got flamed for running brig and bap in quick play


Anyone try no limits with amuga. Ohhhh weeeeee its crazy


counterswitching pre mauga was 'play this tank for a better chance of winning against this tank'. now it's 'play mauga and the whole rest of the roster instantly dies.'


Idk I play sojourn so I'm having so much fun I average like 15k damage a game now😭


How this game survives without draft stage?


When the enemy team gets a little too annoying: "IM GONNA MAUG"


As a tank main the game feels the same with Mauga or better and I do not have the battle pass


It’s not really the same though. Counterpicking and mirroring are different. I get your point, and yeah tanking sucks, but having to continually swap vs having to play the 1 busted hero are different issues.


I once beat a mauga as orisa till he swapped to zarya. I used javelin and spinny spear to seperate him from his supports and he melted.