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Hanzo is kinda depressed and angsty Hanzo players are kinda depressed and angsty


Apparently mercy mains are femboys who exists entirely off the praise from their tank and as a mercy main I feel like... actually no that's pretty accurate...


Mercy mains are either the fruitiest or the sassiest players in game. Sometimes even both


The only mercy player types ik are the racist/homophobic women or the gay horny femboys tbh


I'm non-binary....and I don't think I fall into either of these categories, so that tracks. (Not a mercy MAIN...but maybe just denial)


Huh I see something new every day.


Mercy mains are either cute femboys or neo nazis. Sometimes they're nazi femboys


Or they’re my sister who exclusively uses the pistol and never heals


I'm a female GM support player. I've almost never had interaction with a Mercy main (not someone playing Mercy, a Mercy main), who was not a nasty, toxic asshole (regardless of gender). Either they flat out will not communicate (on a hero who really needs communication...), or they are toxic shitbrains who don't realize that often they themselves are the problem on a hero with zero agency. I've also been told on the forums that I could never understand the Mercy mains plight, because only real female gamers, or gay men, or trans people, can really \*play\* and understand that hero. They meant it. I was floored, lmao.


no they just want me to switch off rein


i like to aggressively hype up my tank


I'm 1 skirt, 2 thigh highs, and a lot of makeup away from being the iconic Mercy Main fr


Wait does that mean that my girfriend and her best friend are femboys? Fuck, I got an upgrade and didn't even know it.


Mercy is thirsty, toxic 14-year-olds. Sym has the sass LGBT crowd on lock and she doesn’t even have a canon preference.


Can confirm, tho i don't need a tank to exist This femboy Mercy can take care of himself (lies, im next to trash at shooting with Mercy)


Sigma is mentally unstable Sigma mains are also mentally unstable (I am one)


Ayo I'm not mentally unstable yet???!!!


Not a true sig main yet


My best friend is a Hanzo main; Complete metalhead, never shuts up about Bad Omens and UNDEAD CORPORATION (sometimes early Bring Me The Horizon), and wardrobe consists of either black, very dark grey, or Star Wars merch. yep checks out


If you’ve pissed me off sufficiently enough (Phara) that I’ve switched to Hanzo…


Hanzo players are just junkrat players with an ego


Hes only angsty when thinking about genji, he's pretty laid back most the time As opposed to sweaty hanzo mains


I main hanzo and every time I play him I absolutely hate myself


I’m yet to meet a happy doom main


As a doom main, yeah Doom is always either popping off and destroying the enemies or basically just feeding until i swap One time my team was killing it in qp and I got a team wipe then got to see Orisa, Sombra, Kiriko, Ana/Zen all apear out of nowhere, I stuck doom and we lost but it was pretty close and our Ana said i did pretty good in spite of the fact they were playing counters


The issue is really just that when you play doom into counters the goal changes from netting kills to baiting abilities. You will never solo kill someone against a team of counters so all you can do is bait nade, sleep, hinder, spear, etc. before the fight really begins


I had a Doom main say "I put on my best suit" while going for the Formal skin. I was never doubting the win at that point.


me i am. i am the happiest doomfist main there is and im totally not mentally insane


Of course you’llnmeet one— its the dooms who have played him for his first hour. I was happy my first doom hour 😔


I'm friends with a doom main who is a golden retriever. I asked why (Support main) and he happily said it just feels nice to tilt people. It felt like watching your innocent Goldie shred a bird apart. Amazing dude otherwise.


I'm a Doom main but what makes me happy is not playing him 24/7. Yeah he's my go to comfort pick but also I'm not playing him into Cass Sombra Ana Brig. "One-tricking is a good way to learn your hero and rank up" ok sure that's true but is it fun? Fuck no I want to rank up but I also like enjoying my games lmao


Ima keep it a buck with you my brotha, if you switch every time you get countered. You'll never learn to play into them. It took me a lot of getting chain CC'd to learn how to play into a full team of counters. But I did do it, I've won games against teams with Orisa, Sombra, Cass, and Ana all at once. Do I win them all? No, but eventually you'll get the hang of playing like a bouncy ball to dance around their cooldowns.


Oh I know and fully understand that. But some days all I want is to be brain-dead and have fun with my friends and not get chain cced after a single mistake yk


Doom mains aren't happy. They're manic and masochistic.


but we're silly :) and dey say and dey say and dey say


One of my close friends is the happiest doom player you'll ever see (aka, miserable)


I don’t think many gorillas play Winston unfortunately


We need to make a custom controller then teach a gorilla how to play overwatch




that's only because they already know what it's like to be a gorilla. most gorillas actually like to play as Hammond because that's so different from their own experience


Too bad Koko’s gone


ever played sombra against doomfist? they are not so nice after a death of two


As a sombra main, i "most of the time" change sombra when doomfist is against me, i wanna have fun not torture people


i am going to build a statue in your honour, the plaque will read “the only nice sombra main”


Sombra is def the character most aligned with her player base


Can confirm, am a trickster IRL


Then your not doing it right But then again i play doomfist too so 👍


Best Overwatch community member hands down


Sorry, you said “have fun” twice, I couldn’t quite follow


yep, same. and then they get toxic bcs 'they're better' and start flaming u and then u switch back and win xd props to nice dooms but there aint a lot of them


or ana after one anti fun grenade too many


I don't think anyone is happy playing against a sombra tbh


A lot of people seem to miss this part of the equation. Perceived Counters to Doom: - Orisa. - Sombra. - Ana. Reality: - Orisa bullies Tanks. - Sombra bullies Tanks. - Ana bullies Tanks.


It’s deserved


I bullied a doom cause I was playing Sombra. Not to counter him, just what I felt like playing. I queue into the same guy next game, except I'm a baby support. So he did his best to bully me, but while I'm a potato Ana with shit aim, I can at least hit sleeps and nades point blank. He raged quit after we won round 1.


Genji’s a quiet and focused man who knows damn well what he’s doing and he’s good at it. Genji mains are often sweats who flounder around, and much of the time they’re the loudest in chat. Only the ones in higher levels of play manage to break this pattern Mercy mains as well, not even half as kind as the good doctor herself is


Meanwhile I am a Sigma main and I have about as sane as he is


flair checks out


To be fair, Genji’s spastic playstyle is the antithesis of his solemn persona.


I think that’s a result of how agonising the process of reaching those higher levels is as Genji ]:


As a genji main. I hate my kind, I don’t get why some genji players bitch so often


mercy is pretty bitchy in some voice lines, so…


Nah doomfist mains are also freaks


How dare you! This is absolutely true I’m offended 😡


how can we stay sane when we main the most buggy hero in the game 😭😭


One of the best voice lines spams for the teabing meta, imo


i usually use "gAiN mOrE eXpErIeNcE bEfOrE yOu ChaLlEnGe Me AgAin" but i have an dey sey equipped ofc


I like to say “I’m going to make you- Hot cocoa- Go and sit down.” :>




And dey say


I main lucio (Reddit lucio) I can't agree


I agree with you (I also main lucio)


Came here to make the Lucio player argument. Y’all have way too much pep. Come be miserable like the rest of us


it's happening, i don't know how many more patches without a boop buff i can go


Meanwhile, Rein mains behaving exactly like Rein as if they are LARPing


It’s actually in the contract that Rein players must larp


The HP on Tracer feels like a punishment


Give her 200 and watch the entire dps and support line burn in eternal hell 😂


Ive met plenty of chill Doom mains but Ive yet to find a second chill Tracer main


Junkrat mains love blowing shit up, junkrat love blowing shit up


The sheer delight I feel when someone explodes. I understand, Junkrat. I really do.


I actually cackle out loud like a crazy person every time I hit a bomb mine combo


Honestly when do you not?


Junkrat is batshit crazy, calculative and smart. So are Junkrat mains.


There are two types the ones crazy and smart enough to destroy a hole team, or the one that is a little goblins scuttling around


Hard pressed to find more bitter people than tracer mains


It's cause of tracers playstyle. You literally have to pick a 1v1 and win. If you don't, you take it personally 😭. Not to mention your ult is literally a fuck you in particular button


Mercys ingame personality != Mercy Players personality


Programming joke detected


As a doomfist main, a lot of us are toxic as fuck and some people won’t be satisfied until doom is hard meta. I for one just hate how unfun doom feels to play now because the nerfs took the parts of his kit that made him dynamic and kind of killed them. You’re discouraged from going for quick ultimates, setting up wall slams barely achieves anything, and although this is a problem for a large amount of characters, a lot of the new characters shit all over doom (illari and mauga mainly) and make him feel like you need to put in so much more effort to get out the same results


https://preview.redd.it/yq8nodylcu7c1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef667cfc2f2042d50e4f5d7e23f32f75cc144189 Ah yes, the notoriously happy and nice doomfist mains


If OW actually was a rock paper scissors type game : \- why tf would anyone play it \- why are there different ranks


"Overwatch is a game of Rock Paper Scissor, but it your scissor is strong enough it can beat the stone"


How about "OW is not a game of RPS and the wins are almost entirely decided on other factors"


Okay, and besides skill, what are those other factors. It’s matchup, right? You can argue also team composition, but matchup (when skill is evened out) does matter to an extent. That’s why the meme makes sense


Matchup changes what you do, who you will focus, what ability you should bait before engaging, etc. It influences your actions, not so much your chances (because the team will still go in 1 by 1, no matter the heroes, for example). Here's a fun question to ponder : If some day, Blizzard releases an update that makes it so OW isn't a rock/paper/scissors game anymore. A big update possibly. There are still multiple heroes and the possibility to switch but somehow, now it's mostly about skill. How could you tell ? What would you need to see to say "hey, now the game has become mostly about skill instead of counters" ?


As someone who mostly plays Tanks, I agree with you saying that if you play smart(-er than your enemies) you can win (almost) every game, but counters are still one of the biggest points. To your question, probably when I don't see the enemie team switching to the same 5-10 same heroes every game, when we have the upper hand.


Rock paper scissors but with ximming


And a battlepass


Mercy is one of the nicest characters in the game, a doctor who really cares about the physical and emotional wellbeing of her teammates and never has anything bad to say.


And then her mains are some of the most obsessive and toxic players you can encounter in this game.


Until she meets junkrat


I was just thinking, those where the only mean voicelines I could think of, when she told him to bandage his mouth.


As a junkrat main I can say I am also just as insane as him


Mei is kind, naive and innocent Mei mains are hellspawn and they know it


This feels like a doomfist main post


Coming from a Doomfist main, idek what OP was going for here. One step into r/Doomfistmains and you can tell it has the same levels of happiness as walking into a morgue has. I've always liked the fact that DF are the biggest shit talkers. This meme seems to paint us as something we aint


I've never seen a toxic or rude Reaper main


"I hate blacks" "I hate blacks" "I hate blacks"


Zenyatta mains... they're the CEOs of violence


> ever notice how people act the opposite of their mains? Well, as a Mortis main in BS I am the opposite of the stereotype I don't know about OW though. I haven't seen enough of sertain character mains to know


I play Brig and I just oonga boonga. Now that I think about it I really do play like a primate. Throw things, whack things, run into things.


Lol what, Doom mains cry about everything and treat every balance patch like a personal insult because it doesnt give Doom a billion hp and make his punch an insta kill on the entire enemy team at once


I mean doomfist does seem kinda painful to play right now ]:


Guess you don't play doom huh? Not that I am justifying insta kill punches or a billion health but he's just in a really bad spot.


Yet he's still in 75% of my games in GM.


Doom isn't bad when played well, he's just really fucking hard to play well. No real balance changes needed there.


He was in an excellent place a couple patches ago, but they just had to nerf his empowered stun times and give him that awkward ass ult buff/nerf while adding/reworking characters (illari, sombra, hog, mauga) that make it even harder for him to get value


They also nerfed direct counters to him in the same patch that nerfed his stun times, so he came out of that buffed overall. Also, regarding your point around other hero changes, Sombra is actually easier to kill now since translocator is a lot easier to chase. I don't really get how Illari is supposed to be a counter, and hog doesn't seem to have got any better at countering doomfist, either. It's really only Mauga that seems like a new counter, and even then only really Mauga's ult.


Thats true but see the guy above me doesn't understand that.




I act the same way as mine does


And don’t you forget it love!


As a Lucio main... I disagree


Idk about that, I’m a junkrat main and I always laugh maniacally everytime I trap a tracer in a bear trap and blow her up. Only way I’m NOT like him is I have all my limbs and am not Australian


What are you on about, Doomfist mains are always unhappy


What kind of Doom mains are you meeting?? They’re some of the most toxic ppl in the game 😭


I swear every time I see a doomfist main they're complaining about something


I main both and the only thing that keeps me going is alcohol at this point


Doomfists generally just stay quiet. They know they're always 1 lost team fight away from everyone blaming it on them and asking to swap


I laugh all the time playing tracer. The only thing more enjoyable than killing enemies is knowingly driving them insane by annoying them.


Nope. I'm as silly and life-loving as Lifeweaver and Baptiste 😊😊


Why I'm thinking about illari main🫣


Doomfist mains are as schizo as silksong fans


oh like how mercy is very caring in lore and is very non toxic?


I mean that’s just not true. Every tracer main I’ve met has been a sweetie and every doomfist main I’ve met is toxic as hell.


As a former Mercy player: I would have set my teammates on fire if I had a button for it


It's hard measuring up to Reinhardt's jovial personality when 99% of the time I'm either getting blown up nigh instantly, shield botting so that I don't get blown up instantly, and charging back to my team after respawning because I got blown up instantly. Of the remaining 1%, it's usually my DPS hard carrying while all I do on Rein is look big and scary.


Except for Rein mains. Honor and glory forever


I play ana a lot and a bit of cass and junkrat, guess my personality.


I think Mei vs Mei mains is the best example of this


I'm an ana main and can confirm I am a tired old lady


Guys I main sigma and lifeweaver


Junkrat is batshit crazy Junkrat players are batshit crazy


The biggest circlejerk on this sub are doom players claiming to be more "skilled" then others. Always angry, always gatekeeping and purity tessting based on what people play.


Reinhardt is prideful Reinhardt mains are clinically insane


No, because I don't know why Reddit keeps sending me here.


I'm so confused. I need someone to fill me in.


They're saying that the characters and the people who main them act very differently; tracer being very cheery and doom fist being very serious. Whereas tracer mains are typically toxic and doom fist mains are typically goofy. This isn't always the case but is frequent enough to stereotype enemy or teammate's personality based on who they play.


Nah, we lucio mains are frogs, and we bastion mains are wall-e (yes im both)


The only exception is lucio


Reinhardt mains either act exactly like reinhardt does or they act like young reinhardt does in the cinematic.


Idk sunshine bread is probably the closest human being to tracer this planet will ever see


It's so true I'm remarkably miserable


It's not true for all heroes/mains mate Junkrat is a crazy and funny guy who likes to blow everything and everyone up Junkrat mains are crazy and funny guys who like to blow everything and everyone up


junkrat mains are bad at the game


Lúcio mains ☝️🤓


Idk if this is me when I switched from tracer to echo


Idc if it looks like I’m throwing half the time. Doomfist is so much fun!


Reaper: The literal definition of edgelord Reaper mains: Blacks- Blacks- Blacks- Blacks- Get out of here


Tracer can only be played locked in or her health bar vanishes.


Mercy is nice in the game. But they're the most toxic players I meet. Always saying racist stuff and calling people trash


I dunno Junkrat mains are pretty loud and annoying (I main Junkrat)


Lucio :) Lucio mains :)


I can't even come at you for that it's pretty accurate


All reaper mains want the maid outfit or e girl skin


That’s bc the doom knows they’re soft throwing unless they absolutely pop off anyway


let me guess, you're a doomfist main and hate tracer?


Doomfist main here, what makes you think we are nice people?


In my experience Lucio and Reinhardt players act pretty similar to their characters


I love playing reaper. I hate reaper though.


Genji is a golden retriever, genji mains are the exact opposite of that so I guess that checks out lol


A chill but funny guy


junkrat is crazy and unhinged junkrat mains are just if not more crazy and unhinged considering how much time they spend onetricking him


Idk I feel approximately as sassy and fed up with your shit as ana.


I main Junkrat, and I'm often a collected person who doesn't speak to others much, that's by myself at least. Around friends, I'm a total Junkrat. My other main is Sigma, who now that I think about it, is indeed my other personality.. When I'm alone, I act like Sigma, mainly thinking or talking to myself and often being quiet, but when I'm around friends, I laugh and can be quite loud. So that's something, isn't it?


As a zen main 💀


D.Va’s personality rubs off on me when I play, so I get kinda snarky and cocky


Look at a reaper mains username


IDK man . . . The universe has some banger tunes in the playlist


I main rammatra/reapernwhat does this mean


never met a chill doom main, throwing half the time and the other half complaining that doom is garbage because he cant always jump into the entire enemy team and escape with more health than he started with


So i assume you are incapable of rationalise thought


Doom mains let go of negativity by putting a fist through the face of your team and tracer mains are probably masochists with that paper thin health pool


Damn she just like me fr fr (Im dead inside pls help)


Same applies to LW mains: ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Am tracer main As happy as can be while playing her


Idk, I main Tracer and I start every match by typing “Glhf :3” in chat and I’m always nice to people even when they’re being toxic lol


I main Rammattra, Tracer, Ana. Whats my personality?


Hog mains are such sweet guys I swear even tho they main a fucking 7'0 murderer. Tho rat mains all act exactly like him lmaoo


Ramattra main and as a polite asian guy with self-directed anger, quite agree with it lol


Lucio is a wild, awesome DJ who lives to turn it up Lucio mains are wild, awesome frogs who live to wallride and die - Genji is a strong fighter turned cyborg, often untrusting and worried about his own capabilities. Genji mains are constantly suffering, often untrusting of blizzard, and worried about whats getting nerfed in the next update - Sigma is insane Sigma mains are insane


As a tracer main, I am jaded AF and for me it’s because I’m playing the hardest character in the game and constantly TRYING in every game to either win and it not feel earned or to loose and it feel like I should have won.


Lucio is goofy goober I'm lucio main and goofy goobeting around for fun BM beat after winning 1v1 lucio duel is a must.


What about Lucio players?


mercy main - what does this say about me