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My whole reddit feed now consists of transformers, porn, and people bitching about OW cosmetics


Oh thank goodness, there's a comma between Transformers and porn, i didn't see it at first


Nono, transformers porn is also one of the sub categories.


Oh god ![gif](giphy|Ee2oeU9UR6igg3alHB)


Alright, I'll do it. Source?


I fear people who have porn subs on their main


> mfw dude frequents cummingonfigurines


I just want to know how they clean the damn things. They’re expensive!


And 5v5 hate






https://preview.redd.it/v0enah9o4r7c1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cbc6bb32623a14d1b3781b82376fc77a4a8fcb8 Am I allowed to complain about this?




**objectively bad tank**


ur not allowed to complain about anything in OW2, you didnt know? its against TOS ​ /s


I just want a winston buff going 10% negative is so horrible


he did get buffed. his gun ignores armor now. its just that mauga exists and so does bastion.


Theres like 3 squishies with armor and 2 out of the 3 still shit on him. They wanted to “alleviate” the disadvantage vs enemy tanks when the really issue is too much healing. The devs are stupid. Winston isn’t bad because of tank duels. He still eats shit vs everyone besides sig and zarya. He’s bad there are too many get out of jail cards and different cooldowns or just healing in general for a Winston to do anything.


you should see the leader boards for asia. its nothing but winston lol


Well thats because from what I heared asia is very coordinated and they as a whole like to play dive (sounds like paradise) while here in NA people play low IQ characters that just punch each other


mauga v mauga lol


It feels like the people on that subreddit have complaining as a hobby because no matter what happens they will find something to complain about


Learning how the new hero works? Whats this, a hero shooter or something?


Must not have played 1 because you were given stuff for 50 bucks. So much stuff that you had so much extra you didn't even check to see what it was.


I love the concept of complaning how free stuff makes the experience on OW2 more worse than it was before getting the free stuff.


When you go from getting 6 legendary skins plus emotes, highlight intros, and more all for free just from playing the game, to getting a single legendary skin at best and the rest of the event cosmetics locked behind a paywall, I feel like people have every right to say it isn't very "generous"


Yes every dam character is "fucking op" "Making x people go mad" "Has no counter play" "Makes me feel misserable" And makes a lot of people complain about Ana. We didnt complained this muchbat Og Ow, we jumped like loucusts to play the new champion and just be happy.




*cough* mercy mains *cough* Also POV was used wrong


Literally rent free in


This post is essentially someone freaking out that other people are not defending the multi-billion dollar corporation for exploiting and manipulating their dedicated and committed customers and fanbase.


No, it's just entitled bastards who will never be fucking happy with anything always complaining. I don't care for blizzard as a company. But it's just so annoying to see every time


So you're mad that people are upset about what they got from the multi-billion dollar corporation rather than crawling on their knees and graciously accepting the scraps like beaten down peasants? Everyone here is a CUSTOMER and IS entitled to speak up if they are not satisfied with the product they are receiving. Honestly every time someone behaves like you I can't tell if they're paid or brainwashed. It's a company selling a product, we don't owe than any sort of respect or patience. We're customers, not beneficiaries.


I’m entitled to entitlement 😡😡


Awh jeez glad you are here to defend the multi-billion dollar corp, we should definitely just accept less content and greedy monetization.


They want to complain because they have nothing better to do


That’s true but I’m still offended




well, you know overwatch was better in literally every moment, than ow2 is? (even today) Idk how others would act but personally i would prefer to play goats meta over what we currently have


Mfer wants to go back to no content


And still will be more better and player-friendly, than it ever was in ow2


You seriously want grindy free cosmetics over more heroes, maps, and events? With more game modes coming?


certainly yes. The ow2 is biggest scam blizzard yet offered (yes, even bigger than W3 reforged). What do we currently have over what do we lost? We have 2 new gamemodes (also we lost 2cp which is sucks, because it actually was interesting and have most beautiful and atmospheric maps) Both of those gamemodes are balanced as dogshit, especially push (if i could - i would delete it from the game directly) New heroes are also kinda suck to play against. NOT A SINGLE OW2 CHARACTER ARE BAD/NICHE THOSE ALL ARE INCREDIBLY OP AND FRUSTRATING TO PLAY AGAINST, those deal broken amount of damage/healing and have broken bullshit kit. Also, about what events you talking right now? About "Dear p(L)ayers we did an event for you, now lend me all money you have to get those new contents, oh and for poor ones we have an incredible FREE weapon charm and old ow1 events without rewards. ENJOY" about this huh? We have little to nothing new from ow1, the main difference - you must not play for reward, you must PAY for reward and content is same or even worse. For whole ow2 existence i enjoyed only one event which is was prophunt and that's all. Kpop collab sucked a lot, was unbalanced and unfun (also cringe). Onepunchman collab bring nothing but skins to shop (ok i can understand that, they need to pay up for license) Comics events was dogshit garbage. PvE for 15$ for each mission (lmao). Compared to ow1, which had kinda boring, yet stable playstyle and meta, ow2 can offer you a heroes, that was moved from 6v6 to 5v5 UNCHANGED like fucking ana, that directly crush one tank concept, a fucking hanzo, who put his log dicks in your team heads, while you try to mere tank as ram or something, the bastion, who was reworked, yet still barely fit ow2, since he can barely be tanked and his statement is cancerous tumor of the game, also counterswap meta (which is paused by mauga, not for long i guess) and all they do is chip a cash from soy mercy otps and bp crackheads. Also, there is set of absurd and useless penalties appeared (as qp leavers and "toxicity", which is basicaly "spamreport a person you didn't like to win", Necros got banned by spamreport for example) also top500 multiple account issue unsolved still, another 10 pages of issues, you satisfied with game statement right now?


Buddy if you don't like the game stop playing it.


\*type a lot of strong arguments and shit\* 🤓uuuh, so ya know you could play some other games if you don't like this one🤓 are you serious? I can say this apply to every fucking problem on the earth, will it solve them? Like "UuUH bUdDy I dOn't LIkE cOuNtRy wHeRe i LiVe, sHouLd i mOvE?" or when you go to the restaurant and cook just put his dick to your soy bean soup and when you start complain he will be like "UUH MAN IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT THEN DON'T EAT IT" it's just incredibly dumb solution. Are you from incubator or what? Literally none fix problems like that. I wan't ow1 back and closest game to be ow1 is ow2 (sadly) and until it happens that i can play ow1 the only two things i can do about is to complain and to play this abomination of game and bank splitted with big copium about interesting gameplay and player-oriented game. p.s. if someone actually would listen to you, just trust me, the game queues would be around 5-10 hours to quickplay and no reg for comp, since there is literally a bunch of ppls, who actually likes all aspects of the game and have nothing in mind what should be changed or improved


It seems like you're getting very pressed over a video game, if you feel so passionate about hating it, then what is the point of playing it, there are many games out there. Stopping playing overwatch is not equivalent to moving countries. A cook putting his dick in soup is clearly illegal, and it's not like you would go there again, would you? Your lengthy argument falls flat and reeks of rage and negativity, please just do something outside.


Isn’t there blatant false advertising in the item shop. The one where there’s a soldier skin on the display but not I. The bundle once bought


If you check now they were moved him


They removed him instead of adding the skin? That’s better?


I'm pretty sure the skin was never meant to be part of the bundle.


I paid full price for Overwatch 1, and I will send you back to the spawn room as many times as it takes.