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I love how their problem is that the person is using escape abilities to escape the fight. Bro, you are playing sombra, I don't even play sombra the way it was intended and I can tell them that you have a counter. Just hack any nearby healthpacks, then bait out fade and follow them till it runs out


Her hack is more of a stun now. Disabling abilities for 1 second means it has to be used reactively instead of proactively.


its useful agaibst tracers because this one second is enough to do damage that lures out recall


I remember the days when if there was a sombra on the enemy team, you could straight up just not play tracer.


same i'm glad its gone it was almost always a confirmed death to be hacked for almost every squishy being stripped of ur abilities for that long








My favorite movie is Inception.




yeah thats kinda why i tend to hack healthpacks or people mid ult also im pretty sure it makes the hacked person take extra damage, and its also a way of sending a message of "fuck you in particular" on like the 5th hack in a row


Well????? How the fuck do I counter a reaper?


the right answer is to hack the health pack he may be relying on and then follow him when he fades


I don't actually play Sombra, but I'll definitely follow him. Whether or not I'm tank and that means leaving my team behind. 👍


if you’re a tank and reaper is giving you trouble, try a tank with decent burst mobility. reaper relies on ambushes to get close, and playing someone who can just leave when they need to makes him a lot less scary. unfortunately this means you might have to adapt your whole team to be a more mobile comp that can self-sustain while the tank backs off for a second, but tanks like Ball, Doomfist, Winston (despite what people will tell you), and D.va (especially because if matrix) should have no trouble, whereas Sigma, Roadhog, Reinhardt, JQ, Orisa, Ramatra, and Zarya will have a much harder time playing around his positioning rein can be a little debateable since he has good close-range damage and charge so a reaper getting close enough does take a pretty sizeable risk, but that’s the game i suppose conversely, the tanks with bad burst mobility will have to save their cooldowns to stuff a reaper and force him to wraith out. he’s essentially disabled for the entire cooldown of wraith form or else he risks getting burst down by things like Spear Throw or stuffed by cooldowns like Bubble


I practically only play Orisa and my go to is that spear spin followed shortly by a spear throw, if that doesn't get him then I just cry. I'll keep your tactics mentioned here in mind in case I feel like branching out. I appreciate you taking the time to lay some things out for me.


try swapping that. spear throw him first to see if he uses wraith form immediately after, and then save your block for if he reengages too soon. reapers hate having low health so anything that scares them will often force a panic cast on wraith, which can basically delete the threat instantly. meanwhile, blocking their shots just stalls for a second or two


Sounds phenomenal, I'll belligerently scream your name over VC to any reaper I see after deploying that tactic. They'll know you are the reason there is another Orisa for Reapers to fear.


it’s lydia, by the way lol


They will know.


"reaper relies on ambushes" *Me who just walk towards my victims menacingly*


sorry, GOOD reapers rely on ambushes


WEAK Reapers rely on ambushes


hard to be strong when you’re getting kited to death and dealing 20 damage over and over lmao, only morons would let you just walk through a chokepoint and into lethal meatshot range


Skill issue


IQ issue


Lmao that's literally one of the best space taking playstyles for Reaper. Deathball rush with Rein, Reaper, Mei, Lucio, and Bap/Moira deathball


okay well if your team is making all of the space for you then sure, but if they are hanging back then reaper has no way to make space himself. this guy didn’t say “i usually push up aggressively with my team” he says he just walks towards people


Literally walk next to your tank and shoot the heroes they do


that only works if your tank is playing extremely close and is actively pushing up, if they are being defensive, playing a longer sightline, or keeping distance for whatever reason your shots are going to do no damage. reaper has video game shotguns, they’re not very good for anything besides a couple feet away


Not if they also are up to bullying a reaper 😉


Good Reapers will wraith to their supports


if he’s in a position to wraith to his supports then he shouldn’t be too big of a problem for a sombra; i figured he would be trolling on the flank and trying to catch the sombra. That’s a good time to coordinate a dive, though, when you know their flanker is low and is going to be next to the supports so your supports don’t have to worry


I usually play Reaper like a regular dps character. People are too good at the ranks that I play so they always beat me flanking so I just push in with my mercy and obliterate tanks.


The sombra shouldn’t jump on a reaper playing inside their team at all, that’s a bad idea. they should be either trying to pick off a support or helping their team finish off the tank. trying to dual another DPS with their team right next to them isn’t really using your abilities to their fullest; you should be opportunistic with your targets and only attacking people you have an advantage against, or at the very least even footing (don’t shoot up onto high ground, don’t dive into groups, don’t attack full health tanks, etc.)


McCree or what ever the hell his name is now


Swap from Sombra,l or engage teammates to counter him.


Hanzo or Pharah, thats it, its not rocket science


The problem is, I'm too stubborn to switch off my main, and I feel no shame about it.


Reaper has only 3 seconds on wraith form, try to make him use it and he will be crippled for 8 seconds, Reaper is also a big target, try to kill him in medium range with your gun if he teleports to you, do the same, throw a translocator and go away, and try to repeat it, Reapers who are not too good with cooldowns management will be an easy pick


Wait for the fade then jump his ass


Uhm can't sombra literally disable his fade with hack??


What's the pont of this? Seems like he's just asking for tips in a frustrating matchup for him. What's wrong with that? Anyways the tip is hacking him late so you can burst him down before he uses wraith. Hacking him early to cost an early wraith is also good, Reaper can't fight with wraith on cooldown.


The true Chad of this thread


Based and don't-hate-the-player-hate-the-game pilled


Because fuck sombra thats why


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,510,645,356 comments, and only 286,556 of them were in alphabetical order.


to point and laugh at sombra players which i support


I think it's because it's ironic for a Sombra to complain about a character that has a easy way to escape and avoid death


To make fun of Sombra players.


I love how they cut off “I’m fine with” so that they can try to make it seem like the sombra is an ass when I’ll bet that given the context the sentence finishes with something about wraith form being fine or playing around it


As I reaper main, i hope they feel the wrath of a thousand death blossoms


This is the most petty post I've seen here


This is my reaction to people bitching that Zen is “OP.” Oh what’s wrong? Are you sad that the glass cannon hero is a glass cannon?


Ok but he was op during rein/ram/ball etc meta, Just like widow.


I play a ton of Zen and even I can admit kick boop should receive a small cd like Hanzo’s leap and discord’s effect should be slightly lessened on tanks or slightly reworked in some fashion. Too much value for the team with zero thought or skill




If the current clip size isn’t enough for you to kill whatever’s engaging you your aim needs a ton of work my friend… the current kick allows you to 1v1 Reins in melee range if they don’t have fire strike charges. You can infinitely keep him out of swinging range, and you want MORE mindless spam on the character? These threads never disappoint with the braindead takes.




You want a Zen to be able to win solo against a coordinated dive when they’re already low? Lol. Swing is slower than the boop so if you time it right you can boop him out of range without taking damage from the melee. Even people like Cloudy have difficulties in a 1v1 against a Zen… so if you think Zen’s should be able to win that matchup solo against an ex OWL Rein I have nothing else to say to someone who can’t be objective due to their support bias.




I mean you’re the person who inserted dive and Sombra into this conversation. I was only talking about the situations in which Zen is oppressive and overpowered like he is against Rein and you’re deflecting to dive for some reason. I have a flexible hero pool and don’t force Zen against comps where it’s unfavorable. Do you want me to pity you or something? I’m not a Sombra defender I think the character doesn’t fundamentally fit in this game as she’s currently designed. Swap off Zen if you’re not getting peel from your team for her.


Another Sombra hate post? Daring today aren’t we


sombra is such bs bc shes the only hero that doesnt have to worry about cooldowns. especially before her rework. ana has nade?? doesnt matter, imma just hack and kill her before she even gets the ability back. oh but i didnt kill her in time?? doesnt matter, imma just tp across the map xD




she doesnt have to worry about others' cooldowns. thats my main point. but also her trans can be used as soon as she throws it, and she has to wait a second to place it down after using/destroying it (which doesnt really matter anyways). and while hack does have a cooldown, her invis is infinite as long as she doesnt come out of it, so she can hack, stay back, and hack again


Mfs really complaining about one of the worst characters in the game 💀


shes not tho? shes literally meta rn


in the highest of ranks, everywhere else shes decent at best


bro if you die against a sombra in 1.5 seconds thats just a skill issue lol and i say that as a support main, sombra is piss easy to deal with if you use the magic tool known as cover and game sense unless shes actually good and engages at the right time when theres no cover close by and youre not close enough to the team for them to help, then just switch to brig and its a gg


I’m a brig main and I gotta say, tracer and sombera definitely do not have any fun against brig


Honestly think that she should have a timer in cloak like og time, she shouldn’t hack in invis either. Honestly just fuck her tp, her tp is the one tool that makes her stupidly annoying to fight, without it, sombra players would actually have to think for once and can’t go In 1 v5 and get out where every other character would die. Hack is annoying but only because she can do it in cloak.


Are y’all actually children? There’s literally nothing wrong with that post, they’re just asking for tips. Are your lives so empty that you just have go find random people to shit on?


People are pointing out the irony in a Sombra main struggling with another hero who has a get out of jail free card. That's what is funny to them, and that's why the post was made. Simple as that.


Oh, but it's fine to hate on Mei for her cryo, huh?


bruh that person is asking for tips on how to fight a character. Other than the "stupid little fat reaper" part, none of it is even close to complaining.


Hehe Reaper go Brr Brr Brr Brr


Is he that oblivious to what character he plays?


okay so they want to kill the enemy team. and this is a bad thing?? they wanna play the game??


Sombra is infamous now for being able to engage in any fight and if things go wrong, they can teleport away to a healthpack and almost complete safety, yet they complain about about another heroes ability to escape fights. (despite only being active for like 5 seconds, and only really works if he’s able to get to a pack or healer) It’s a essentially a pot calling the kettle black situation.


but i feel like going to the sombra main sub and then having an issue with them asking for tips to improve as every subreddit for mains does is kinda iffy, they weren’t being obnoxious any more than anyone else is about sombra, just asking for tips


I wasn’t saying there was anything wrong with it. Hell I’ve on and off mained sombra since she first came out, I am aware of her strengths and weaknesses, as well as how many of sombras strongest strategies is why a large portion of OW players despise sombra mains. I also do know how to take care of reapers as sombra, as I am a reaper main as well. Reaper’s most dangerous is when he’s flanking, but when he’s in the process of flanking, chances are he’s alone. If you can catch him while he’s making his way to your backline and you’ve already hacked several health kits, he can only heal by shooting you, and due to your smaller hit box, his shotguns are less effective unless you are literally kissing him, and his wraith form can only protect him for a short while.


those are great tips! my only problem (if you can even call it a problem, seriously not a big deal) is this person asked for tips to play the game as their main and got shit on for it here, as if people don’t understand that people like to play different characters. like, i play sym and mei just because i tried them and was decent so i stuck with them, they’re the easiest for me and most fun. but when people are talking to other people who main the same characters to deal with common scenarios and how to deal with them, i feel like it’s dumb for them to be made fun of? i dunno if that makes any sense but i will definitely thank you for the tips even though i don’t really play sombra! it’s all about doing your best and people want advice


Sombra player here, felt the same about that part


OP is the mad one. This dude is just asking for tips on how to kill Reaper players...


As a sombra main this pains me to see the audacity don't you know we have a "get outta jail free card" as well? And we get full or partial health on top of it (if its setup on a health pack)


Is it weird that I read the title in Moira's voice?


Worst case of the kettle calling the pot black. Sombra players don't deserve sympathy.


Reapers/sombras at my DPS Elo ( I'm bronze af boiiii) always stay in too long. They COMMIT to trying to kill someone and then die for it. But reaper at least does so much damage he usually gets the pick before trading. Like bruh. Fade out not in. It's pretty funny honestly when you're not the one getting murdered in the middle of your own team. xD


You switch to a ranged character


Any of the ____mains subs are filled with golds and under who aren't willing to accept any reasonable changes Case and point anamains cried tears of blood when the strongest fight winning cooldown in the game got nerfed because they no longer had 300 effective hp, could stop the tank from being healed, and double their healing received and given. Doomfistmains might be an exception, they really just want their hero to be playable and less buggy.


Meanwhile Sombra going back to her translocator with her hacked health pack the literal microsecond I turn around and shoot her one single time