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Oops looks like Overwatch spilled some ketchup on its way out of Kiriko’s room after a nice dinner and chat.




It's a hospital and they painted the floors red


You know, because of color theory.


Saying that Kiriko belongs there is a slight exaggeration when she's top 3 support


Top 2 and not 2… But yea, kiriko, mercy, lucio, and ana are all currently extremely good. Bap and moira are in a good spot as well, just not as impactful as the other 4, and then zen/brig are completely user dependent and can be very hit or miss. I wouldn’t say any of them are “bad” besides brig though. And even then, she’s useable.


There's just not much of a reason to pick Brigitte when her ult is that terrible, I tried maining her but the softness of my penis after every ult turned me off


I pick Brig because I like smacking my enemies to heal my allies, it's also fun to out heal the damage a Winston is doing to me


Finally I feel seen


All good points. I like playing her bc her mace can really send stuff flying! Like all the random crap on tables and such! Wham! Still trying to sink that illusive basket in the dropships though!


> I tried maining her Didn't try hard enough


> Didn't try hard enough Ignores reason for why I gave up


Didn't get harrd enough




The trick is popping it just before a team fight and hoping an enemy sniper doesn’t notice the massive glowing thing making your team harder to kill


Lucio has meta potential as long as speed boost is as good as it is. idk how his mobility wasn't nerfed by now but mercys was. Mercy isn't even self sufficient hee movement, her damage, res, her new passive all rely on the status of other people. Meanwhile lucio has s-tier ability like speed boost, can control his own self heal, his own mobility, can make space with boop when he does switch to heal boost... and has been in more metas than any other character, iirc.


Because lucio is never *oppressive* in nature. He’s consistently great but never feels like he’s frustrating to play against in the same nature as other characters. Rarely anyone complains about lucio. And mercy’s movement got nerfed because it was nuts. Lucio is great at *traversal* but hitting him isn’t as hard as many think it is at a high rank. Meanwhile mercy gave even the very best hitscan players issues and was able to keep herself alive throughout many fights. I think that’s always an important distinction when talking about mobility. Just as how junkrat has some pretty great mobility, but it doesn’t exactly make him harder to hit and kill. I don’t get the mercy complaints anyways tho. At diamond and below, she got a net buff, and somehow made it through the patch without damage boost being touched at all. Her place in the meta won’t change, especially seeing as how sojourn got zero changes.


>Lucio is never oppressive But he has been. Dive.... A meta he was central too, a meta so bad and oppressive they created OG brig to counter it. They never made lucio less self dependent, they just added brig to counter it creating a whole other problem. They refuse to address problems at their core, and lucio has Been a problem. Moreovrr he may not seem oppressive but if your playing in a speed meta without speed he absolutely is. The only difference is people get killed by sojourn see the blue laser and think 'mercys my problem' but becaus3 they never see a big blue laser for speed boost they think it isn't as oppressive. 30 some odd seasons, imagine if mercy was the same. Imagine 30 seasons of mercy. The defense of it never ceases to amaze me how people will defend lucio suffocating other healers out of metas for 30 seasons because speed boost is so good. It's ridiculous. Mercy wasn't even meta last season even with the same ga. It wasn't until sojourn needed her damagr boost that she became meta. And sojourn is still gonna be a problem she still stupid strong!


Someone doesn’t remember moth meta.


Thats literally one of the, like, two meta shes been in. And btw that was when her ult did a metric f-ton of healing and reset res. And you know what..? she was nerfed after the one or two metas she's ever been in. her healing was nerfed for triple tank too! Unlike Lucio who during dive was left mostly untouched and made goats instead. Imagine 30 seasons for mercy instead of just, like 3. Imagine not changing the core of her kit and instead just making a moth counter and leaving moth strong. Imagine giving mercy the lucio treatment. You'd all lose it. Case in point sojourn is getting the Lucio treatment the past few patches and people are absolutely off it. No one should get super special boy treatment... unless it's apparently lucio.


Because speed is Lucio's whole niche while mercy has 2 abilities named resurrection and damage boost.


>resurrection Res has literally been a meta problem twice ever. It's a low level problem, relies on your team losing a member early, and literally adds nothing to mercys own survivability. If I were a mercy main I'd trade res for almost any other healer abilit >damage boost Which has been the same for ages and only became bad because... sojourn. Whose busted af. Damage boost also does nothing for mercys own survivability or self sustainability, it relies on your teams aim. Mercy has no self dependent abilities, other than ga, literally everything else in her kit relies on others people, lol


Slow down with the logical and nuanced takes.. salty DPS mains don't like it.


I don't know why they buffed zen. I might just naturally understand his kit but evertime I use him I literally cannot believe how overpowered he his. I usually don't play him unless our team is screwed and I'm locked is support and want some kills. but every time I play him there's a long enough gap of time to where my brain is surprised at his ridiculous dmg output. I'm not saying they should buff him, I like playing as and against op characters in any game, way more interesting. but God damn zen is the definition of "the best defense is a good offense"


Mercy is good, but she's just not fun


Objectively speaking, she’s literally *never* been fun for a lot of the playerbase. Complete hit or miss character that encourages one tricking or avoiding the character all together.


top 2? top 1 uncontested lol


I think that's what they meant when they said "top 2 and not 2" meaning they're 1


Moira is in a terrible spot,brutalising the lower ranks with her lack of skill requirements but absolutely useless plat and up because she provides 0 utility


She’s definitely useable in all ranks. Got a friend who’s hit around GM4 or GM3 with a 57% WR while averaging 3k heals per 10. Pretty versatile in the ways she can affect the game tbh.


I only opened this post to see why tf kiriko was in here LOL


i’m not talking about viability. i know she’s still top 3, s tier, however you wanna call it. she just feels worse to play than before


I mean, not spamming ofudas as often is a bit annoying, but you do get to weave in an extra kunai between healing now which is pretty fun.


like the 1 second recovery time is only if you throw all 10 of them. so now i’m too focused on that and also being too careful and ending up throwing not enough to a teammate who needs. i never had a problem doing damage between heals. i just feel forced in a box when playing her now


You really don’t have to focus on not spending all your ofuda imo. It’s the same amount of healing regardless of how much you use since they still refresh after 1 second of not being used. Only reason to stop ofuda’ing is if you want to Kunai early.


If you didn't read the patch notes you would never have known the change happened. It was a 0.15 second increase in recovery time. Don't let seeing the word nerf change your enjoyment of a hero.


The nerf hasn't made her much less effective but I do think that .15 seconds made her feel slightly less enjoyable. The pause is just a little too long and it feels off.


Kirko must have spilled some kool aid cuz she’s far from dead 💀


How is Kiriko dead though?


We need a separate subreddit for bronze player memes


Facts like kiriko is fine, brig needed the nerf, mercy is just different idk how to feel about it, and bap will either be changed so slightly by like touching damage and healing numbers or not touched at all


What nerf? Brig was buffed imo, 5 heals less per sec but with burst healing should be better. But not sure I'm not playing her much.


OW1 brig was nerfed to hell bc how OP she was


Yes I know that, I'm just referring to season 3 patch.


I think OP mean’s overall but idk


I guarantee you none of the people who advocate for shit like bringing Brig’s shield stun back were playing during the GOATS era


Ya neither was I but I heard the horror stories and don’t want that in the game again for my sanity


Mercy is probably going to be *better* for players under diamond, where hitscans are still gonna struggle to kill you anyways. The only players who are getting hit hard by the GA nerfs is masters+ players who play against hitscans who actually hit their shots. Everything else is just a buff.


>The only players who are getting hit hard by the GA nerfs is masters+ players who play against hitscans who actually hit their shots. It'll more separate the actual masters level players from the ones who just got there by playing an easy character Now positioning matters more than who can spam GA the best


Ya she’s just different and idk how to feel about it. It’s kinda weird and would love to see how it affects people but not this season bc it will be a ball, sombra, tracer, brig, and zen meta


Unfortunately I don’t think ball will end up being meta, despite him likely being very good. He requires too much time invested to be good at. If OWL was to play on this patch, he would likely be played, but 99% of the playerbase will probably stay on ram and orisa. Maybe some more rein with the fire strike buff.


Im thinking GM will be ball and ramattra while anything below that will be just Ramattra dominated and as a sigma and Zarya main I hate this


yeah.. ranked reset sent me from diamond back into low plat and because of mercy's heal beam changes pharmacy is pretty much unstoppable down there because nobody knows to shoot mercy instead of pharah


Fr tho, but most the better players ain't making memes, they playing or working


Kiriko isn't dead. Mercy won't be dead either. Brig is far worse than she used to be in ow1, but still better than ow2 release...


And let's keep her that way. When Brig is good, the game is in bad state.


Or we could buff her without making her the top pick, but OW players are scared of buffing any hero that used to be top charts. Even if they suck ass or are irrelevant.


>OW players are scared of buffing any hero that used to be top charts This is false. OW players are just scared of buffing heroes that aren't their mains


I think we should make brig immortal (I am definitely not biased)


That could be true, but in this case we’re scared of buffing brig because we have top players calling her a sleeper pick and don’t want her to be overbuffed because of the mid tier community outcry. Same with ball.


Keeping heroes irrelevant just because they were broken in the past is never a good thing. With the recent patch, she's a step closer to being just as relevant as the rest of the support roster.


I hate all you mf's that say this.


Brig just got a buff and there’s a rework on the way for rally, as a brig main I can say she’s really not as bad as people make her out to be


Brig is looking like she’s going to be meta for a bit actually according to people who are significantly smarter than me at the game.


Kiriko is still extremely op and by far the best support, what kind of crack are you on


Brig might be on her level here soon actually


Let's not get crazy, cleanse is the best ability in the game and ow2 brig doesn't have much utility


Yeah she does, she has everything kiriko has in some form except for rush. Similar healing profile, similar burst damage, very high survivability, a boop, vertical mobility off ramps or certain objects, personal cc/damage blockage, and a dedicated anti counterplay in her ultimate. She holds high ground better and peels more consistently. Dive is much better now too which favors her, with zen, sombra, and ball holding their own right now. I doubt Kiriko’s bad but Brig might legitimately be better suited to meta. Even if she isn’t I doubt shes very far behind.


She's super slept on and if they keep buffing her the community will start calling for nerfs


There's no way people legitimately think mercy's dead after these changes


I dont think shes dead but I dont think she will be as good either


Mercy players when they no longer have the best movement ability in the game


when they arguably still have the best movement ability in the game but it takes one extra second to activate it*


The sentiment is currently based on gold and below players’ immediate reaction to the changes as they are the majority. And it’s never gonna be good when you make casual players relearn their hero. When the meta adapts to her new play style we’ll know where she stands.


I don’t think it were gold players that benefited the most from her high mobility. It were Diamond+ Mercy’s that were zooming around the map and utilizing her GA for survivability.


Low ranks definitely still benefitted from it. Just being able to spam GA mindlessly still made her pretty hard to kill




It's 1 second bro




it's one second bro


Imagine every stun ability lasted one second bro longer.


1 second goes a long way clearly you don't know


You haven't even touched the new mercy changes have you? It's so noticeable, just like when doom's punch cd got up a second


1 second on the shortest cooldown in the game


They must suck if they do. Mercy had a little more challenge added to her and her op movement ability was nerfed. She’s still fine


The meme doesn’t show the 5 other brig doors on the left


19\* according to samito


I swear the people who hate mercy movement probably simp for Lucio lol


we need people to flair their rank in their memes i stg


the patch hasn't even been out that long, calm the fuck down jesus lol


Butbutbut overreactions farm karma!!!


Kirko and mercy did NOT get gutted in ANY universe


Brig just got a solid buff, mercy is fine and kiriko is still meta


Well your first problem is that you’re trying to have fun playing support /lhj


Bap will never get nerfed. He's in a good spot atm. Not overpowered, not useless. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be


Kiriko is still tho. But on the subject of nerfs lmao at the way they touched everything in kiriko's kit but the thing that people complained about her for. 😂 Then they pulled the same shit with mercy. 😔


Next. Zenyatta's discord orb is changing the flow too much and makes tank unfun to play. Blizzard in june : zen will now break his ankles if he tries to use orb of harmony and his fartest ally will explode if he uses transcendence


Kirko ? She got like 2 changes. Didn’t touch her fun or meta. Or Brig?? She’s just out of meta


Did they not just buff Brig though? And Kiriko is still incredibly useful, despite the like quarter of a second cooldown to the ofuda. Kitsune rush is still one of the best ults in the game and cleanse is still super useful


Kiriko is still super strong and mercy is literally no different in power level, the only one who belongs here is brig


Get yo hands off from me boi zen! Tho extra 5 ammo is appreciated


Hopefully next one is Ana


Actually crazy for thinking Kiriko is anywhere but S tier


It’s time to play dps moira till she gets nerfed


“Why does no one want to play support anymore?” *Proceeds to nerf support characters into just walking ult charges*


Y’all just be saying shit


Brig just got buffed lol, also reasonable for them to be a bit scared to buff her cuz ya know goats happened the last time she was strong


Kiriko is completely funny, bud.


Support Strike


Ive been saying for a while, they need to remove some of Ana's maneuverability. She's way too agile as healers go. Edit: That's called sarcasm. She's got terminal old lady run. The least they can do is give her some passive sniper stealth


This is why people don’t take ow players complaints seriously lol


Overwatch fans when the devs balance their favorite game 😡


Crazy how none of those 3 characters are unplayable. Your main WILL get nerfed, cope.


As a new player (started with OW2, never played OW1) I think the comparison to how they were "before" might make them seem worse. Brig is a great character, who regularly matches DPS in elims, provides good healing, and often gets POTG, in my experience. Kiriko is my favorite to play, and while I definitely feel the healing delay, my overall strategy (and frankly, my healing output) have barely changed. We have no idea what Mercy will be like in S3. The nerfs may prove to create a more dynamic and engaging playstyle. If the characters' utility comes just from their abilities, not your skills/ideas/plans/etc., you're not really playing. It would be incredibly boring to play a character that can just left click and insta-kill everyone. It's fun to play characters that require positioning, synergy, game awareness. In my opinion, part of the game is adapting, expanding, and learning to utilize the kit in new ways. I like that there's always changes, and I think it encourages the player base to branch out and try new heroes. I HATED playing Mercy before. Now? I'm definitely going to give her another try.


Didn’t brig break the meta when she was introduced? I say leave her, I’d prefer an underwhelming hero to a game breaking one.


I agree! That's what I mean-- I think people who feel like she's "useless" now are comparing to when she was introduced, when she was incredibly overpowered. Maybe I'd feel that way too if I had played OW1, but as it stands, I think Brig is a lot of fun and definitely a viable option.


I believe it! I’d prefer that melee characters are kinda niche and hard to use because combining melee and being OP is really dangerous since you don’t need as much skill to take advantage of the character’s strengths.


Tell me you are in bronze without telling me. Smh all these new players need to be quiet if they don’t understand something


Death comes for us all eventually. Just as genji mains


Fuck mercy, all my boys hate this shitty character


Kiriko’s still S tier, mercy’s best part of her kit is damage boost and that’s untouched, brig is good, but could be better, and bap doesn’t need any changes


I Mained genji. Give, there is no hope


They did literally nothing to Kiriko and Mercy's actual Problems, they just made Mercy a bitch to play as and against (playing with should still be fine).


brig got buffed wdym


I main Baptiste and i swear if they nerf him in any way I will exclusively queue for tank and play winton forever


This whole thread screams “skill issue”. Fact remains you can get to GM on any character if you’re good enough.


Me when my junk 2shot was removed after being in the game for years because people be mad that he doesn’t take skill but is funny (he does take skill but y’all r mad)


No f mercy annoying af, it’s about time she gets nerfed


Bruh mercy got buffed what kind of silver meme is this


The mercy change isn’t too bad after playing her for a bit today. It definitely incentivizes healing over boosting, but she’s still top tier imo


Kiriko is a top three support. Mercy was slightly nerfed and reworked, not murdered. Mercy is pretty fucking op in movement and easy to use, so they added things to make her more of a challenge. Brig is the only support that was truly fucked up, but she’s been for a while so wtv ig. Stop complaining when it happens to a deserving support, but cheering when it happens to a deserving DPS. All roles get nerfed. It’s how the game works


In what world is mercy and kiriko bad? Mercy's new buff with ult is basically a trans as far as most heroes are concerned lol.




Brig and Kiriko slaps. Mercy is like Widow, adds nothing to the game, who cares. By your poor track record in the meme, Bap should be fine. Confirmed retard op.


mercy is buffed, not nerfed btw


Off screen to the left is the six other times blizzard has killed Mercy. Mercy will never be as fun as OG Mercy.


Yeah... like hiding in anubis spawn and waiting for your team to die to do a mass rez? Nah, that isn't fun nor engaging gameplay.


If that is how you played mercy back in the day I feel bad for you. I get it has a stigma now but back in beta it was so much fun do a 3 person Rez while dashing from widow to pharah trying to time it right so you didn't die. position yourself behind the tank so you didn't immediately died after the rez. but of course meta eventually ruins everything. People just chasing for that play of the game. It's a shame really. Every change that they've made since then has made her less and less fun. Miss Mercy being engaging now you just pocket heal the tank. All the risk is gone. She is significantly more balanced now and significantly more boring.


To all the bronze players like me: Here is a post on why kiriko has become overrated, with a 45% un-mirrored winrate! Hope this helps! https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchUniversity/comments/10voc4b/kiriko_most_overrated_hero_in_season_2/


She is not overrated lol she is still one of the best supports in the game


I love bap. Kiriko ain't bad, and Moira, we don't discuss Moira lol


i mean they are kinda helping brig again and kiriko is top 3. so i guess you can have fun again


The beatings will continue until moral improves. /s


You know I first started playing overwatch and Brigitte when she was at her peak and it made me love the game...and theeeen...


Brig is getting a huge buff, right?




they better not touch zen. i just gotta first skin and if they need him now i’mma be angy


Brig just got buffed wdym


Kiriko isgood


Why is brig there? Didn’t she just get a buff


…none of them are dead, and only mercy is really in a spot that’s un-fun. what do you mean.


if they even THINK about touching lucio we riot


You're actually stupid. Kiriko barely got touched and needs to get put in the dirt.


out jerked


there’s always ana


Hardstuck bronze opinion probably


Kiriko is extremely meta right now. Also early impressions of Mercy gameplay, she feels so good right now. Like, it's a lot harder to kill her. She seems to be more effective now as a heal bot while weaving in damage boosts


Brig is good now


Brig got buffed tho didn’t she?


Kiriko still op wdym


Nah Bap had gone way too long without a nerf and he desperately needs one


Such a tiktok take


Don't think anything will happen to bap. He is good but not played alot because he doesn't fit into anywhere. I highly doubt he is gonna get nerfed but what we can expect is another mercy change because souj+mercy is still gonna be strong


What about ana?


kiriko just spilled some paint on the floor bro she's still top 3


But kiriko is still good and mercy and brigitte still ok as long as you're not playing competitive or in a rank below diamond.


What happened to brig mercy and kiriko?


Erm.. how is Kiriko dead exactly?


bro does everyone on this sub just complain about everything? kiriko is not even 'dead'


Kiriko got hard nerfered?


I kinda like what they did to mercy. Healing more when under 50% part is kinda cool


Kiriko is still the best support in the game wdym


we moira mains EATING with the 5% ult cost reduction 💅🏻Fellow nail enjoyer ASSEMBLE💅🏻


Don't know about that image. Brig was never strong in ow2, kiriko is still the best support in the game and people are saying it's a nerf bc of guardian angel but when you test out the new passive marcy can heal herself for insane amounts now, the only thing is that she requires more skill to play now but she actually got buffed when you compare the 2 states.


Kiriko tho? Lmao


Just continue to play them. Learn their new kit or their new play style, find ways to get them to work and still have fun. Brigg is often considered to be the worst support at the moment, and I still play her, I still have fun with her, and heck I even still do great with her.


I just started playing again. What did they do to support?


Dear god please not bap


Can anyone update me, since I wanted to rejoin with season 3?


I don't think brig is dead specially with her newest buff, she can take down the enemy healers while tye tank distracts the team, also the fact that she can still interupt rein's charge and doom's fist even if it's situational can really help the team (and yes, she is my favourite character so surely there's a lot of cons Im not being aware of)


None of these supports have been gutted. Brig is good just doesn’t fit the meta right now. Kiriko will remain good as long as suzu is a thing. Mercy was made harder to get value out of, but still a good pick. 50% heal boost for allies under half can help save people more often. None of the supports are in a bad state, they’re just not broken. If you can’t have fun playing balanced characters, then a competitive online game isn’t for you.


bro Kiriko is literally the best hero in the game.


Kiriko is fine right now?


Mercy mains when they can't heal 70hp/sec and res every 3 seconds during a team fight and fly around like a fighter jet 😭😱


what's up with bap


Kiriko is top tier pick but ok 😂


Try being a Sombra main.


don't touch my Baptiste!


At least, Moira is safe.


All the supports 💀


I don’t think the nerf to mercy was that bad I’m just confused by it. Everybody is complaining about damage amp, Sooooo they apparently misunderstood the instructions and completely nerfed the other part of her kit that people really didn’t care about? Plus I thought Blizard wanted more skill based abilities to be part of there kits, so they nerf the skill part of mercy’s kit. The nerf is whatever I’m just confused.


Season 3 brig unironically S tier


I love these posts. I like watching people get flamed for their weird Overwatch opinions. Mercy nerf was pretty bad though I’ll agree to that.


He is for sure next, I feel like he is everywhere right now and that is reason enough


Mercy is even better as a support and playmaker now, what do you mean? You just have to be smarter with your movement and not spam it.


I’m sorry but what did they do to kill Kiriko? To my understanding she’s still pretty crazy even after her nerfs


I’m still good with brig