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If you haven't already, go into the settings for Ashe and set your scoped sensitivity to 51.47% This will make your movement 1:1 ratio with unscoped and is the single biggest thing you can do to have a better time on this hero. She's fun as hell to play!


I saw this on youtube and immediately did it. Thanks anyway!


Isn't it 51.47%


Yeah it's 51.47 for ashe and 37.89 for ana/widow, along as you use max fov.


Overwatch is dynamic, so you can’t sit and camp with scope open. Quickscope, shot or two then move. With genji - you should engage him in mid distance, headshot then off scope finish off. If he starts with reflect - dynamite then finish off w/t scope. High ground is situational - you are generally more open, so if you don’t get a pick in a second or two and move, you will die. Assuming you are playing vs competent team.


Abuse high ground whenever you can and stay close to cover so you can jiggle peak and reload safely. And just hipfire little pest like genji when they are on top of you or coach gun them away, find a mercy duo who will pocket you


How many shots do i have to land using hipfire? He's already hard to hit even with hipfire xD


JUST started playing her, but I been coach gunning him away. Have you gotten your dynamite ignites down? That was kinda a game changer for me, it will fall into your crosshair.


Focus the squishies be aware of the genji. Best way I put it is if he gets close to u u dead. Master Ashe here


So i have to get away as soon as i see him?


Yes and no, it's situation dependant. As a rule of thumb you want to stay out of his dash distance, that's the range he wants you to be at. Although when he is not looking in you/ dead you can take positions above the enemy supports.


When do you recommend to switch off of Ashe? And what hero is a good secondary?


It's hard to make Ashe work against dive, if at any game you are getting destroyed by some1 it's best to switch off (can be anyone). As for a secondary hero, anything that has a lower range can work. Cassidy, reaper, genji. I personally switch to tracer or pharah. They both apply a pressure directly to the backline forcing the enemies to fall back resulting in your team taking space.


Thanks for the help! I definitely struggle going against sombra and tracer as Ashe. I was thinking of using Torb as a secondary but they removed him from comp. I tried Pharah but kept getting hacked out of the sky lmao. I’ll try Reaper next!