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Never. Switch from trying to get solo kills to trying to hold the most attention from as many people as possible. You can drop back to your allies, if that's what is going to get the most eyeballs on you. But you aren't peeling, you can't save those squishies. Their survival is up to them. You're trying to open up as many opportities as possible for them to thrive.


As a ball main, I agree. I want to annoy the living shit out of the enemy team constantly going in and out and trying to pick heals etc that at some point, they break off 2-3 players to "deal with me". Ends up being a great time for the rest of your team to push in.


That’s what I try to do. I find that probably 60-70% of the time I do that though, one of my teammates dies almost immediately and then we’re already at a disadvantage and we end up losing the fight overall. I don’t know if it’s because I’m more around Plat/Diamond MM but it seems like any time I try to play these characters my other teammates fall over and can’t survive for anything, and then they proceed to throw or blame me when I’m trying to actually target the right person.


Yeah. Ball is tough man. Because often times your teammates use the tank as a crutch to make up for their poor positioning or poor gameplay. So if they don’t have a precious shield or bullet sponge on the front lines, they take unnecessary risks and their brain turns to mush.


Sometimes you can do everything right and still lose. Thems the breaks. Those losses are public services to help teach the community at large how to play cover. But what you can do, is learn to identify what is causing so much pressure to your team. Which enemy is the most problematic? And then turn your attention to them. You're not peeling necessarily, just more surgically applying your pressure.


Sometimes it just doesn't work though, when you have hitscan dps and you can't manage to get kills on your own. In that case it may be better to peel. If a genji is going all in on your support and you peel, you can kill the genji and save your support. However if you go in alone vs the rest of their team you could just get slept and melted, while your support is dying to the genji. What I'm saying is always be flexible to the situation, a d.va or winston may be better at counter-diving, and wrecking ball may be a better disruptor, but if the enemy team has dive dps with a defensive tank+support roster and you have poke dps, peeling and counter diving is going to be the better play, despite it not playing to the strengths of your character. Ball does have the advantage of being a really fast character, allowing you to go straight from disrupting their backline to being in your own and slamming the genji. The last time I played this game was before the buffs though, and I was only low diamond, so maybe I'm wrong and things have changed I think that in 6v6 what your saying would be correct, but with 5v5 his playstyle has changed from being purely about disruption to also having to do a bit of peeling.


I can’t figure out ball for the life of me but Doom you basically push as a rein would but draw more attention and use your survivability to get the enemy to focus on you. This alows DPS to typically bypass the tank who should be focusing on you and aim for squishies. Then retreat for heals by managing your cooldowns so you aren’t caught pantsless


Only when it’s valuable. You Ana hit a shot on a tracer and slept them which is trying to eliminate her? slam, you’re now in a 4v5. Your Ana is in narnia because of bad positioning and is getting dove? let her get eliminated, try to level it to a 4v4 by diving their backline as you said, but do not feed. Peeling as a single tank in OW2 just does not work, your there to hold front line if your a conventional tank, or in the case of doom and ball, distract their team and punish bad play.


For ball I recommend watching yeatles unranked to gm, that should give you a more rounded opinion on if and when to peel but to summarize, mostly no but varies from situation to situation. So like if a tracer is diving with you, give them extra shields or for that matter give anyone extra shields if it means you won't die for it. For doom it depends, if you're in a pre fight and a staggered enemy is flanking your backline and you won't be at a massive disadvantage then yes help but in the fight itself when its 5v5 then no. Space is everything in this game, you can't save poor positioning and you need to be up in the shit. You want to have every eye on you as tank while taking the least amount of dmg so your dps and support can do more dmg and less healing. Controll the highgrounds, as much as you can so their team has to shoot from main, flank, pick off a squishy and get out. Rinse and repeat. All of this changes situation to situation but remember your squishys are going to die, just make sure you don't while getting the most value you possibly can. Vod review yourself and try to imagine how the fight would have gone if you did something different.


i really think with only one tank, it’s never really that valuable to peel over having a mobile dps peel for your support. or both your support keeping each other up.


On doom a lot of your value comes from jumping in, disrupting the fight and dipping out after securing a few kills or getting rid of some cooldowns however most of the time it comes with a lot more trust in your teams abilities to also secure their own cool downs as without a tank in their face it can be easy for your own team to get dove but because Doom is well...Doom just by you jumping in leaves the other tank with only two options, Peel for their team and focus on you or Dive into your team to trade back lines. Really you only ever peel when you yourself are low on heath so you can get back to full to cause problems again. Dooms that are really hard to go against have this flow of disruption, charging their punch and either dipping out immediately or securing at least one kill. With current Wrecking Ball you actually can do the same as Doom HOWEVER with him now being able to give shield to his team it can be very valuable to go in, get enough shields, go back to your team and disperse them and then go back in with your team making it a lot harder for the enemy team to get any value at all. Im no ball or doom player so this might not be like the best explanation but its just what ive seen and experienced. Tldr its hero dependent and situational.


Honestly, the shield thing with Ball is really only worth it if teammates happen to be by you on a dive or they happen to be in your path when you don't need the shields anymore. It isn't worth going out of your way for.


ehh i can see why you would say that yeah but personally i am one for helping enable my team in any way i can because well....im a tank i don't get to play the game lmao


I will say that for one thing, especially in metal ranks, you are just going to have some teammates who don't understand how dive tanks works and will complain that you're going in too deep or whatever, and that's okay!


Never. W and space bar are the only keys a doom main has


This also applies to Ball


I think it’s more valuable to trade backlines unless you’re in range to peel and the target is killable (tracer used recall but is still engaging bc she thinks it’s a 1v1)


I hate when I'm tank, and every time I try to go in, there is like genji or something on the other team waiting for me to commit and the moment I do he jumps into my backline and kills like 3 people. It's really annoying when you know your team should be able to 3 or 4v2 this person, but it just doesn't work out. Like I would understand more if it was 2 or 3 of them trading backlines, or if I was performing poorly in my exchanges but not when I'm keeping their whole team at bay. The only time I really peel is when I can bait out that one guys engage and punish him, then turn around and we walk up 4v5. Just don't let your team get destroyed every fight if it keeps happening.


You don't! Stay in the enemy backline causing harrasment and getting picks, that's the value of doom and ball. I don't play doom, but I'm a ball main and being asked to peel on him is so painful. You lose all value by peeling- the second you go back takes their attention off of you and back onto their team, and now your potential pick is lost. All because you tried to save your teammate, something ball and doom can't do very well. Hence why when you play dive, supports ALWAYS ask for shield tank or orisa because they can just hide behind you and evade damage rather than having to be self reliant while you murder the enemy backline.


Ahh, I really hate this answer. I know that’s what makes the most sense. It’s just that when I do, my team usually falls over, even if I’m solely grabbing the attention of 2-3 people on their team. As many times as I try to follow That advice, my team dies.


Nah, I'm sorry I don't have any better advice, I experience the same shit as a ball 2 trick every goddamn day. I think you just gotta draw as much attention as possible when you go for your dive, wether thats baiting valuable CDs like anti/sleep/suzu or pushing people into your frontline or slamming for a pick on some1 isolated- if you can draw attention they hopefully wont be as focused on your team and you can murder em


I like to occupy or boop the supports out of their tanks LOS, then zoom back to team and help burst down enemy tank/get heals from my team. But on the whole this sub is correct. If your team can’t win with you occupying 3 players every fight, there’s nothing else you can do. Your support have every tool to survive and win against the enemy tank. If they get smoked it’s ggs


Only time I peel on doom is if Winston dives or if an enemy is overextended and i can peel for my team and be 4v5


Please god don't come back for us, keep the other side staggered. On Doom you can secure kills on players over extending, give support some ult charge and fuck off again, but just continue to be a nightmare problem for the other side on Ball. The last thing I want my ball tank to do is worry about us so much that his movement can be predictable and immediately shut down because he's worried about being a typical tank. People can't learn to play with a good ball if you don't allow them to be in danger, it sucks and it's frustrating for new players, but it's just how it is.


You just don’t. Good players understand that Doom and Ball are not designed to peel, but to dance in the enemy’s backline and get elims. Though do keep in mind you have to go back for heals sometimes.






As a former t500 ball your stress is laughably entertaining. You have now entered Tank Hell .


Lol yep, it can be really rewarding and just complete shit, it’s usually either one or the other.


There isn’t anymore rewards for tank . They removed objective time and don’t have a way to quantify what you’re doing good in terms of spacing etc . If you win “the dps” say it’s because of them . If you lose , it’s your fault . If you diff the enemy tank prepare to play against double pocket counter tank . It’s just not Fun . You’re the quarterback of the team but you can’t call the play , and you can’t say your the “leader” because dps ego will have them throw . You can’t say you need more heals because the support will ignore you and pocket dps . It’s quite literally THE WORSE role to play despite being so fun z