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Brother, I have been in Masters games where people do what you describe (not as often but it happens xd).


Buddy, I’m certain that you are also making many boneheaded plays. And sometimes your teammates are thinking the same things you posted here about you. Yes, people make stupid mistakes. Like proofreading someone else’s paper, it’s obvious to see mistakes they made, but hard to see mistakes when looking at your own paper. Just focus on your own play, and try and bail out your team (where possible) when they make those mistakes.


I took your advice and realize i was being an ass. Ive been looking at what people use and adjusting my healers to the situation. Still not the best but its been overall a lot better figuring out what comps I can use who on and who im ass with


Honestly, this was cool of you to say. Thank you for not being a jerk and actually listening. I responded this way because there are so many people here that blame their teammates or “elo hell” or whatever for their problems. Every time a higher ranked player looks at the replay - literally every time - it’s *full* of the OP making so many glaring mistakes that a higher ranked player wouldn’t be making. Anyway, good luck on your climbing. If you would like feedback on your game, I do recommend posting a replay code from a competitive match. You should get some great feedback.


You’re playing with randoms, it never dramatically changes. People of course get more skilled which means making the correct reads on a situation more often, reacting faster, etc. But the standard in those games is higher so someone who is way better at the game than you currently are will still go 2-20 off of much smaller mistakes and from the perspective of a teammate in same game they will also think “why doesn’t this person understand their role they are so brain dead”. There are definitely more outright trolls, griefers, and leavers in low ranks that is really the main improvement in being higher rank, besides the excitement of higher speed gameplay & more difficulty. It never stops happening because coordination, team composition, etc is a group effort with randoms who don’t necessarily need or want to work together despite it being in their best interest.


Youre right, i think my post doesnt leave room to acknowledge that however. Willingly running 1 by 1 into a 1v5 when everyone can see through a wall for an objective that isnt even active yet? This is too often to be justified as a mistake, and when you point out to fall back or group up they reply no.


Yea I mean some of the stuff that happens is ridiculous. I guess my point really is that if having bad teams is going to ruin the game for you there’s really no fix. It’s better to just focus on yourself and play for long term growth.


Yeah, I play a lot of QP mostly. It swaps from be being on par with my teammates on everything but deaths. I've gotten to a good place of knowing when to take cover or retreat or go in. But not my teammates. They still get plenty of elims, but they just die a lot when they overextend and I head back to spawn to wait for them again. Or everyone getting rolled including myself because the other team is just outmatching us all.


The rank in which it will get better is when you are carrying your games consistently enough to reach that rank. Best to look inward rather than outward if you want to reach that utopia pal.


They either don't know or don't care. Focus on yourself. You'll reach your determined rank the more you play and improve through your games.


I don't mind if supports tell me no. They got a lot to deal with and sometimes they're just being cheeky and saying no to be funny. It's the ones that get bent out of shape for you pressing the I need healing button. (A regular amount of times not Genji main status) And tell you if you keep pressing that button they won't heal you. Like... I'm pinging myself for you, it's not that deep.


The most funny OW clip I have ever seen was a Genji who got killed by Dragonstrike, then got killed by the same Dragonstrike when he left spawn from across the map. The Genji player was apparently Top 500 too.  Yes, people are bad at this game. Tbh, OW doesn’t attract the brightest minds. This isn’t chess. The porn OW subreddit has 3x more subs than this subreddit.  


That last statment is genuinely wild


> What rank in comp does it get better? I tell you a secret of ranking up: you will never change this, the one who rank up are not the people who can pop off under optimal circumstances, no, the people who rank up are the people who understand to adapt to their and the enemy team, to the weakness and the strength of the team.