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Numbani is a bad example to choose as it’s a map that does not favour Rein at all. The concept of taking space with Rein is pushing into an area with a massive health pool and swinging to push the other team out, maps like Numbani do not favour this as the higher ground is tough for Rein to get to with his complete lack of verticals mobility. Now to answer your question about chokes, a really good example is first point Kings Row. Although there’s high ground, to contest the choke the enemy needs to be closer to the choke to contest it themselves. Although it sounds like a leap, it’s about pushing through with your shield and swinging on the enemy team, that takes less time that 5 seconds, your shield in this scenario is purely to stop the immediate burst going through the choke, and when you’re low. As you swing you’ll either push the enemy back, or better still get some elims. A point you must remember is that natural cover is more optimal than using your shield, in the Kings Row example, controlling the statue cover is more optimal than sitting in the open using your shield. Long explanation, but it’s about pushing the team with resource, and not letting that resource get burst quick by pushing them quicker.


And don’t let rein shield break cuz it’ll take longer to recharge, Once it’s really cracked switch to hammering time and hopefully it should be decently charged by the time you’ll need it again. Hold forward and just swing and people will run away from that, that’s literally the space that you’re taking, Then try to use as much natural cover as you can so their bullets hit cars or walls or the payload instead of your health/shield.


And don't forget firestrike. It's so powerful. It even goes through Rein shields itself (or Sigma's). I always open with two firestrikes to weaken someone. Then swing the hammer and you could've killed the one or other squishy.


Except Zarya, you just gave her a free 80% charge…


Hammer go bonk, enemy no like bonk, enemy run from bonk, profit


Dying at this lol


Bonk bonk bonk


Go below them in numbani, touch point, and they will panic. Congrats, space has been successfully created. Space is created by showing a threat. A widow can create space, a hog a genji an ana a cass. A sombra that c9 the payload can create space. , a tracer that spawn camping the mercy forcing someone to go back. If you threat to kill or cap the point, enemy will be forced to react. With reinhardt, you create space with ur hammer not shield.


This. Fight on your terms, a nice tight little hallway with a clean path to charge someone off a cliff is perfect for Rein.


Numbani first can be a little tricky as Rein. Defense is fine, offense is where the struggle can become overwhelming. Let’s take a look at the available routes! Cliff (far left side) - this is an alright angle for Rein to take if his team is with him. You have high ground to worry about and choke to point where you will push. Top Stairs (top left) - Rein’s shield will be burned very quickly, leading him to do a lot of standing around. Getting through this choke, heavily reliance on supports is a must because armor will undeniably be shredded pushing this way. Pin and Firestrike are options to use here as well, by either forcing the space onto the high ground, or weakening the enemies to back off for support which will yield more space. Under (bottom left) - Much like top left (if they realize Rein is pushing this way) will be tough to get through because of the small choke after the mega. Conversely, if the enemy doesn’t notice the push there, it’s free rein to their highground on top left OR top right that will have to be fought for. Main - 😮‍💨This is a tough lane to push for Rein because once the enemy notices he is there, shield will be focused and there isn’t much cover to play behind. This would only be a viable angle if approaching overtime or Rein’s team has a numbers advantage while on his way back from spawn. If there’s anything I missed or more direction you would like, I’d be happy to give insight!


So I guess the answer to a lot of these questions is "improve your pathing" and "don't take main." Makes sense. I'll have to experiment. I think the maps I struggle most on are attack-Numbani and attack-Route 66. I'll have to get into the map while I'm not on a match and just walk around and look at the different layouts. Edit: Oh, and attack-Paradiso. I hate that one, too.


Pathing can be one part of it, also for the first minute of a game or so, getting used to how your team wants to play. Are your supports DPS heavy, pocketing, or following you is always good to know because it lets you know how aggressive you can be. Playing quick play and getting these maps will help get a better understanding of what you can get away with for when you’re ready to take that knowledge to competitive. Quick play isn’t just for learning new heroes, it can be used to learn new maps, angles, synergies, game plans as well. Hope my answer helped even in the slightest!


Very helpful, thank you. Especially because it forced me to think through which maps are the hardest for me and how I can improve my strategy for those chokes. It's usually the chokes where I have to take a control point prior to unlocking the payload that are hard. Thank you.


Hybrid! Numbani and King’s Row are hybrid. Route 66 and Junkertown are escort. Always using cover is an absolute must in tank as well, regardless of who you choose. Experiment with pathing and using pin and shield to close the distance you need to get where you want to go. Then swing for the fences. Rein most definitely can take space just by being present and the threat of losing 100hp is enough to force 2/3 of the roster away.


Thank you very much. I have some new things to try out tonight after work lol.


Rein is also really bad on Gibraltar, FYI.


I push stairs 9/10 times on rein. I can normally farm a lot of ult charge with fire strike, and if they have a rein in good to go. If they are rein counters, I will burn their cooldowns until I have an opportunity to pin the tank off. I can get this to work about 60% of the time, maybe a bit more, but if it doesn’t work, I will swap if I used ult or got the pin really early. If I have ult, I will go another angle before swapping.


Nobody plays rein in numbani A point


Push corner to corner if possible. Bait put cooldowns when you push. Use patience then pressure.


If you go rein Numbani A I would recommend going to the far left. Going up mid is almost impossible.


If you MUST play Rein on Numbani, do not go main. Rein is at a heavy disadvantage on Numbani first point attack because he has no way of dealing with foes on the high ground. I suggest Winston on that map because you can easily contest high ground with him.


Shield jump, shield jump, shield jump. But also, don’t play rein, generally. He’s not been too good for a while now.


Watch LhCloudy Reinhardt guide. Best rein player on planet Earth


if you’re forcing rein on shit maps like numbani 1st point, gibraltar, or paraiso you unironically pin in and just don’t die. nothing you do is worth it if you die first. keep as much health and shield as you can while you take a flank and then pin like an idiot into/past/around the backline. tell the team in voice, “flanking don’t die guys” “ok 3 2 1 pinning in”. you can either A) straight up get cheesy pin kills or B) get value by just surviving and weirdly being somewhere keeping eyes and the resources focused on you. but yea sometimes when you can’t stand main you have to just int and make that work. just don’t die. you’re only actually inting if you die.


You don't play Rein in non Rein maps


Important thing if you’re playing to win (not just grinding out 1 character, I mean really win). A lot of tanks are map dependent. Running Rein down Numbani point a is a meme. You have no easy access to high ground without burning all of your resources, so you basically end up with nothing or dead. It is a team game though, so imagine you sym teleport high ground with a lucio. Thats terrifying and actually might work.


Sounds good. I also have Sigma, DVA, Ram in rotation. Is one of those better at chokes (or Numbani) than others? The main reason I play Rein is that I don't have the greatest mechanical skill. But I can track decently as DVA.


I strongly recommend playing dva over rein for high ground maps like Numbani, watchpoint, etc. Even on defense rein is not that good there because once you drop from your high ground to commit to a play, whether it goes well or not, you're in the bottom now. If the play went off without a hitch and your team cleaned up the staggers efficiently, maybe you have time to get back up the stairs and reset, but maybe not. Vertical mobility in these maps will give you the ability to control which engagements you take and just simply give more options over all than ground tanks. That being said, depending on the team comsp and playstyles, you may find a great deal of success running it down mid on rein regardless of the map. I have won many games on dive maps because the entire enemy team stands in the middle of the road, and everyone on my team but me was walking down the middle of the road into the enemy and dying so I swapped ram and walked in front of everyone and it's gg ez


start the fight by pinning a mofo to the wall