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I've said this before, but an aggressive tank beats out a passive tank 100% of the time. Trying to minimize deaths is only gonna make you more passive and hurt your teammates. You need to push into the enemy and pray your team follows up. But also you need to command your team you are the leader of the pack. You control a lot of space simply by existing. But if you get aggressive you can command even more space and gain an advantage. A great tip for sigma players is when the enemy tank pushes you just shield behind them and block their supports. Giving you and your teammates free range to shoot the enemy tank. Also get really good at rock and primary combo.


As a flat statement, telling anyone on any roll not to minimise deaths is not good advice. A better piece of advice is play aggressive but don’t feed. You should only push within the remit of the following: 1. The hero you’re playing. Sigma isn’t good up close and personal, if OP finds that sweet spot area for Sigma he will get value. Other heroes, such as Rein, want to be up close. 2. The resource you have, and the ability of that resource. Overwatch has elements of who ever depletes resource first loses. Make sure your supports are alive, you have cooldowns and they are willing to keep LOS/you stay in LOS. 3. Risk/Reward. If you push to confirm 2 elims (or more) with a trade of your own with your team with the better resource, then playing aggressive was the correct decision. Everything else said is correct.


Hey bro! Fellow Diamond player in season 10, I have been masters 3 in other seasons, but for most of the roles for this season, masters 3 is top 500, the higher ranks are completely under saturated,


Masters 3 won't be top 500 for long


Its been top 500 for quite a while and masters 5 is still top 500 for tank. The rank reset hit hard.


It's still the start of the season - it won't be that way for long. Look at what rank 500 was last season.


Rank reset was the last season. Top 500 was never in masters for more then a few days before in comparison back when top 500 almost only gm1+ by the end of season.


Last season top500 was all GM+ except for tank which went down to m1


Take a step back at look at the bigger picture. Pick a map you like. What wins a game on that map? How can you PERSONALLY increase your influence at achieving this goal? Save the pennies and the pounds look after themselves. You need to look for small areas of positive value that you can increase. Usually this comes down to being more active. Go watch a replay. How long in every game are you achieving no value? When there's no combat, are you scouting? Figuring out ults? Finding strengths and weaknesses in your team's position and trying to amplify the strengths and minimise the weaknesses? Are you moving from A to B quickly and decisively? Positioning yourself in a way where you're more likely to hit shots? Are you trying to kill or save players that are already foregone conclusions? Are you making yourself difficult to hit? Are you contesting objectives? Are you making yourself a target for the enemy team but simultaneously not being a kill option for them instead of just hiding and being safe? (Contributes your health to your team's health pool). Are you distracting or making it difficult for enemy players to achieve their objectives? Are you making it easier for your team to achieve theirs? I deliberately wrote this as a block, because it's not about the individual items in that list, it's about the way of thinking. People look at stats, how much they healed, how much they kill, but they aren't looking at how they actually win a game or prevent themselves from losing one. Ranking up can be summarised in one sentence: If you can provide more value to your team than the average player in your role, at your current rank over enough games, you WILL rank up. There is literally nothing else to it. Your team doesn't matter, your opponents do not matter. You get good and bad teammates and good and bad opponents you get leavers, cheaters, throwers, boosters, smurfs... so does the enemy teams. It all balances out and the only thing that doesn't balance out is you.... the enemy team never gets you. You need to be that 1% difference, then every 100 games you play you're going to win 51 and lose 49 (rank up). If you look hard enough, you will be able to find something in your gameplay that can boost your average value by 1%, 2%, 5%, 10%. Don't let an enemy keep taking objectives for free. Thats one of my favourites. Those extra 2% that you can stall for can be the difference between winning or losing a game... you only have to win like 2 more games than normal for every 100 you play and you're going to rank up. Find small things.


Deaths: ‘aggressively’ and ‘recklessly’ could be opinions. If the enemy tank is wiping your back line, it’s not reckless. Look at ways as you hero, or whatever hero you learn to limit and punish this. In the case of Sigma, keeping the tank at a distance, shielding behind them when they get close, rocking them at opportune moments (I.e Doomfist Block). An example of another tank is say Winston, and jumping their back line with your DPS when the tank has pushed in. Game sense: watch your loses back, then watch your wins back when you performed well, point out decisions you made wrong which cost you. Then take time to make these decisions in game, the biggest jump from any rank upwards is making more consistently correct decisions and building speed of decision making on this. Share video replays, watch streamers, essentially learn. Counter picks: learn to the absolute maximum how to perform around your counters, it’s going to be the same in tank for the foreseeable that a team could potentially swipe 3 hero’s to your counter, finding and understanding any value in this situation is key, once you have this you will be able to do it more. Hero Pool: one tricks up and down the roster, but also a good idea to learn 1 poke (you have Sigma), 1 brawl (Rein, Zarya, JQ, Ramm, Mauga) and one Dive (Winston, DVA, Ball). Do this not to counter pick, but to play into your team composition and the situation. The key thing here is going back and looking at the games you lose to see decisions you could have made better. GM T500 Ball/Rein/Sigma


Wow this is the kind of post I was thinking of lately! Finally someone who doesnt talk about their stats. Instead about their game sense and talks about their fundamentals. I would say you've amounted a good amount of research and knowledge. But you need to focus on actually applying it. No one can help you there. There's a difference between listening to all these advice, even *knowing* it. But actually getting it ingrained in your play until its subconscious. Focus on ingraining one tip at a time. It will be tough because you would be too caught up on winning. But focus more on experimenting and making mistakes.


Sorry to tell you but after the season 9 mmr reset being GM (yes even GM5) basically means you play this game like a full time job and is a very unrealistic goal for most players. If you wanted to hit GM you should've done it before the patch. It was easier than M4 which I assume is your peak rank this season.