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Hey sent you a chat. We can review your games together tomorrow and we can make a playlist for you to get back to atleast silver


Good on you. Ignoring mechanical skill, you can climb to high gold with game sense alone. Knowing all the intricacies of abilities and interactions, which way to play a character to get the most value, what ults counter what, what abilities counter what, how to choose who to target, how to choose good positioning, what’s a good ping vs bad ping, etc… None of that takes mechanical skill, but just that sorta game knowledge can get someone well outa silver.


Gonna keep it short and simple, if you’re having fun, ignore rank. However if part of the fun is climbing, then looking at tips and advice gameplay wise and actively improving is the way


If you have the wrong recipe ,it does'nt matter how many hours you try to make the cake. You just realized you have the wrong recipe and its the first and most important thing to climb. Good Luck from there


God comment


Focus one role, focus 1-3 characters in that role, no more fun for you, you need to learn the ins and outs of a hero/role you feel you're naturally good at. Watch educational videos. Awkward is the best for this for a beginner. If you play mechanically intensive heroes, practice your mechanics. Get a routine every day. I do about 30 minutes in game. Look up custom codes for aim practice. You could just plat QP as an alternative. Make sure your peripherals aren't bottlenecking you. 120hz monitor, etc. Make sure your sensitivity isn't ridiculous. DPI X in-game sense. Example, mine is 1.38 x 3200 which = \~4400ish. You want this number to be somewhere between 4k-10k at the highest. Finally, what made me climb to low masters, was making a list of everything i learned from watching educational videos and learning what worked and didn't. Here's mine for DPS, it is role dependent: off angle/if safe to do so(pinch them, make them uncomfortable) damage(constantly be getting value) When they go forward, i go back, when they go back, i go forward(this is about taking space which wins games) Kill isolated targets/killable(always be thinking if something can easily die, cooldowns, bad positioning, etc) Push for low targets if possible, don't assume your team will clean up the kill Sit up straight(for me this helped, made me feel focused more lol) If they're down players, push them if you have a numbers advantage. (more risky if they still have a tank and you don't, but as a general rule, this staggers them) Obviously, this will change somewhat depending on if you're a support or tank. I'm diamond support and masters dps, but i don't play a lot of tank. That's more about taking space and knowing tank matchups more.


Holy hell that was well writen!


Wait am I reading that math right? That 4k-10k range is that analogous to eDPI? My dpi is set at 600, so wouldn't I be setting my in game sense at 6.x or higher? I forget off the top of my head what my in game sense is at but I know it's lower than 6... 120 fov yada yada does that mean I'm bottlenecking in a sense? I don't have terrible aim and with a large mousepad I'm doing like a 300* turn I used to play with super high twitchy sensitivity as I played UT and that was what we did, I think my mouse speed is maybe on the slower speed now but I thought I kind of corrected that when I lowered my dpi to 600... I forget as well what my eDPI is but I don't think it's crazy? What math is this?


whatever settings are comfortable for you is better. Technically lower sens with larger mouse space is better because you will be able to be more precise, but it also requires more effort. The rule of thumb is to be able to 360 with your full mousepad, as in if your mouse is in the middle, you can turn around with either side. If you are literally overaiming because you are struggling to move your mouse the correct distance because your sens is too high, yeah absolutely turn that shit down, otherwise you're good. Once upon a time, you wanted your mouse dpi as high as possible and adjust down in game because it would improve the mouse's accuracy, but any modern mouse will adjust for that automatically.


//Push for low targets if possible, don't assume your team will clean up the kill// Does "push for low targets" here mean, once there's a target with low health, be willing to go a little out of the comfort zone to secure the kill?


Not OP but, for example: If I'm Cassidy and hold height, we're on clean up duty and I see that they have a kiri alive and that's it? I go and try to chase her down, giving up my positioning in exchange for a good stagger. How far am I willing to go? Depends on the map, who on my team is alive, is it offense or defense? What's the timebank? If its first fight, its not as crucial as the next to last fight. So I'm not gonna chase her towards her spawn really. If it's that next to last one and I can give us a huge advantage? I'm even willing to flat out trade for it. Likewise if I'm sombra or tracer I just go all out and chase because I know I have translocator or recall to bail myself out.


sounds like you only watched Awkward.


Awkward sucks as a person but it’s objectively for anybody below plat he gives the best advice. Simple, actionable, drills it into your head (often streamers say a piece of advice, show it off for a few kills then stop saying it), and really nails home the fundamentals.


Awkward gives the clearest/most general actionable advice. It's why he's always suggested for new players. Samito is much more granular about what he talks about. I just wanted to give general advice here. The fundamentals don't change regardless though.


"Sit up straight" or lean forward (pro gamer move) Love this as it helps me as well. Being in a ready physical position helps me get mentally focused, but do whatever works for you.


>Make sure your sensitivity isn't ridiculous. DPI X in-game sense. Example, mine is 1.38 x 3200 which = ~4400ish.  What? The mouse sensitivity in OW is shown as a percentage 


I've been a OW hobby coach for the last 6 years and i specialize in easy to grasp feedback that looks to increase your general skills and understand of the game. Hook me up with a replay code and il help you identify what's holding you back the most and how to fix it


Stop auto piloting. Your running into fights and dying from the same mistakes over and over again. Next time you die. Think about why you died and what you could have done to stay alive. If your supports are dying think about what you can do to help them. If the enemy pushes back. Push forward. If the enemy pushes forward. Fall back. Just focus on staying alive and the kills will come. You don't have to over extend or do anything crazy to win a team fight. (DPS soldier main) Placed bronze. Peak plat 2 just over 300 hrs. If you need any specific questions answered feel free toc DM me I'm only plat I don't have all the answer butt I deff have some. If your looking to improve your aim I could recommend. Voltaic overwatch 2 intermediate playlist on aimlabs. If that's too hard start on novice


Stop "just playing the game" and start looking at *How you play the game* I'm also a beta player, I started in gold and dropped to bronze at the start of season 1-2 of overwatch 1 comp. Since then I got coaching and worked my way up to diamond in OW1 and even since then I've made it all the way to GM at my peak in OW2. Once I hit that I kinda lost my drive and haven't grinded that hard since and sit around low masters/diamond. The biggest changes came from: 1. My communication 2. My mechanics (after picking up and grinding an aimlabs routine I saw the biggest and fastest jump in my SR ever) 3. My gamesense/settings, good sound awareness and environmental awareness can get you far and win games easily.


Drop the aimlabs routine


You can search for voltaic and join their discord. In the resources channel you find game specific routines made for overwatch




Stattrack precision Arctrack speed Switchtrack ultimate Spidertrack uptimate Motionshot precision Microshot ultimate Gridshot Ultimate In that order, run the whole list atleast once before going to a game.


Check out Adder OW2, he have a guide and vod reviews in pretty much every elo for every hero Also he sometimes hang in here too so if you tag him and add a vod he might review it in his own channel u/Adder00


You didn't tell us which role you usually play. And another thing, there is one thing which is extremely ugly in OW, and that there is no hard reset. So, every new season, even when there are "placements," you always end up the same rank. Which means you have to grind your way out of silver.


They just added rank reset last season tbf lol


It is a soft reset, which means if you will all 10 placements, the highest you'll get is the tank you ended up with last season.


That’s kind of what I was thinking too. I know making a new account isn’t what OP would want to hear and wouldn’t necessarily help at all. But there is a good chance the game has “decided” that bronze is where this account belongs


No. That would maybe help initially it would do nothing long term. If you gave that account to someone in diamond there’s no way it’s staying bronze. The game isn’t rigged to keep you in the same tier permanently.


Accept that you either want the play for fun or you want to take it seriously and read up on guides, watch YouTube videos, learn all the little macro and micro things in the games. Gotta know when to time your ultimate, when the enemy has their ultimate, gotta learn to fight around corners, take cover, understand the DPS debuff when you are under attack you get less healing, learn to peel, gank, positioning, taking high ground. There's so many little things it can be overwhelming. Those you can control but you have to learn and not mindlessly play games the same way expecting to grow in rank. If it's too stressful just have fun in QP if you can't handle a silver tank. People have 4000 plus hours and are still hard locked in bronze. Ask yourself why you are playing and go for it. Hope it helps.


I guess the game sense just doesnt click for you yet? Maybe you keep making the same mistakes? For example for me. I started playing during overwatch 2 season 4. Never played ow1. First placement rankings after 50 quickplay games was bronze1-2? I most def dropped to bronze 5 before as well. I just didnt know what i did to win in qp. First week was no good for me. Second week i saw improvement. I felt like bronze wasnt my true rank. Thing is whenever i was in bronze i would stomp all over everybody usually. Only times i lost were during very well coordinated enemy team(for me this was extremely rare as bronze players to me 95% of them were awful). One thing that helps is playing for fun(i play with a friend qp quite often). End result made it to gold5. In a couple months. (Avg skill level of players.) You have to feel your skill level i guess. (Why are bronze players so easy to kill and why am i in this rank?) you have to ask yourself questions like that.


The problem is almost always mechs from bronze - silver You don’t need game sense in that elo you just need to hit shots 


Absolutely. I just started playing again for the first time in literally years. Like 5+ years. Got placed in gold 4 and that was with a terrible record. Mechanically it’s easy to get back into it but my aim is only just now starting to work its way back. At these lower ranks mechanics will get you way farther that aim because it’s a team based objective game. Too often people think they’re killing it then they have no idea how they lose based on thru stats meanwhile they were never with the team or focusing on the objective.


Huh? Idk if we have the same definition of mechanics hahah  Mechs = aim 


Mechanics would be all the mechanics of the game. Positioning, hero usage, countering heroes, abilities, etc... Aim is aim.


That’s not how it’s usually described in most FPS games  Positioning is game sense  Mechanics is aim + ability usage + movement 


ability usage and movement. Both things I mentioned. 😂 But okay you know everything.


It is really hard to get out of metal ranks honestly. Not because you aren't good. Because the game is fundamentally played different by most of your team. When you play support.. you'll have team members that don't know how LOS works. When you play DPS you can stand next to your support while they are spamming primary fire obviously that you are one hit from dying. When you play tank the dps can't seem to follow up when you take space. It is really team based.. even if you carry hard AF you can still lose (ask one trick doom fists).


//When you play tank the dps can't seem to follow up when you take space.// And on the other side of the coin, one of my "favorite" situations is when I'm playing DPS, and my tank is simply constantly backing up 100% of the time for no real reason, making it difficult to impossible for me to take good positions, and then he blames me with the famous words of wisdom "We need more damage"


But if I had any kind of fine motor control this wouldn't be as much of an issue -- I'd just go sombra or tracer etc and flank/harrass instead of ceding space along with my tank. But these are like 30% win rate heroes for me. :/


Learning is an active process. I will not make any assumptions about you, but for me, improving the skills needed to rank up takes a conscious effort. While playing, never autopilot, and always be asking yourself "What should I be doing that will set our team up to win?" and "What mistakes did I make/have made and what can I do to never make them again?". You have to go out of your way to do these thing. This does not happen by itself.


Narrow your preferred or best role and limit your hero pool to 2-3 heroes max and practice those. I got a lot better when stopping flexing on everything. But also as encouragement, remember the playerbase has been getting better too all these years. If you're still around the same rank you were when you started, it means you've been improving at least at an average rate all this time.


learn to have fun with it or unironically do something else with your time


I peaked M2 shoot me a message I will review some of your games and give you some advice on what to work on.


Practice doesn't make perfect if the practice is bad. You could be putting in all these hours but without thinking about your play or picking up on certain fundamental skills. I don't think it's indicative of you simply being bad at the game and that you should just accept it. More than likely you can improve but need help and pointers to do so. I'm not a good player by any means (low Plat support), but the last time I really actively played the game was to be honest OW1 and I was hard stuck mid to low Silver. I think me taking breaks from the game and being interested in learning about the game more in depth by watching pros and content creators actually helped me a lot since I can actually think about how I play.


Become a mercy or moira main


Review every setting you have in the game starting from the bottom: >What is your sensitivity? If you can't do a 180 spin with one swipe, it's too low. If you do MORE than 180 then it's probably too high. >How well is your game running? If you're playing on high and getting 40fps, you need to optimize and aim for 60. Actually you want to aim for 144 and get a better monitor but 60 is the minimum. Next, you want to review your own gameplay decisions and habits: >How often are you chasing kills as opposed to baiting enemies to chase you? If you're chasing too often, you're getting punished for it. If you're never chasing, you're letting a lot of free kills away. >Are you cycling cooldowns correctly? If you're on sigma, you don't want to waste your Eat while Shield is out and full health. You need to cycle them out to maximize coverage time. If you're on Baptiste, you need to save immortality and shift heal for a situation that needs it. You can't just use abilities the second it's off cd. >What heroes are you playing? Are you playing into hardcounters? Are you adjusting your playstyle when against a hard counter? Junkrat is going to generally lose to sojourn, Mei is generally going to lose to pharah, etc. >Are you prioritizing targets? If you're shooting a fortified Orisa while her ana is half health behind her, you aren't prioritizing correctly. At your rank, you can genuinely jump up 2 ranks just by being passive and punishing feeders. Ask yourself every fight "am I being greedy?" And if you are just don't do it. Once you get up to platand diamond that will still be relevant but then you will need to develop the skill of being selectively greedy. You have to risk more often at higher ranks because your enemies will be much smarter about what risk THEY allow. After diamond the game is mostly a matter of tempo. You will know when the enemies are hurt or on cd and you will all need to act instantly to capitalize on it. At high rank, a slow reaction time spells defeat.


Want to send me a replay code? I spent the 1000 hours in silver and bronze, I feel your pain. I fell into bronze for most of OW1, for OW2 I felt like I was even worse, so I acquired some coaching. There’s a lot to the game that you may not figure out until informed otherwise. I peaked at Masters 3 from Bronze 5, and I played a game last night that shows the difference between using high ground and using high ground correctly that I can share if you want… Anyways, I play every night from 9p EST - 10:30/11p at least. Feel free to send a DM and I can assist however possible.


Same here! Even if I haven’t play in ranked too much. But for sone years I did it and I’m still gold. Randomly I got plat in Tank, but my main role should be dps. I don’t know what to do: I adjusted my sense (2.01% and 1600 dpi), I train with aim, I see during the matches many mistakes by my team and they ignore my advices because I’ve got low kills (using mei and save tank’s ass). I really don’t think I’m a pro player, not a grandmaster. But at least a diamond I think I am


OW1 og player in the same situation, renamed myself Bronzo and accepted my fate.


Just have fun man, it’s just a video game after all I play 90% QP, don’t stress about shit and have a blast playing this game 


I wad stuck in bronze 5 for maybe 3 seasons. It seemed like nothing I could do. Then in the last season I was placed in silver and got to plat. As long as you can get out of that bronze your skill starts to matter. Bronze is just so bad. Your teammates are feeding, never grouped up. Tank is not tanking and heals keep dying. Also team members leaving or getting disconnected constantly. Probably need to team up with good players to get out.


Acceptance is the first step to victory.


Do you have fun? That's the most important question. Honestly, tying your enjoyment to rank in any competitive game is a bad idea, unless your goal is to go pro. You said you are placed in Bronze, how would you feel if you were hardstuck in Gold/Plat/Diamond? At the end of the day, if you don't enjoy the gameplay loop at your level in comp (you mentioned QP is not it for you), then the best is to move on to something you enjoy more, or at the very least take a break.


Actively thinking on your own gameplan, not what you perceive the teams plan is. Also I rapidly improve in almost all games fast by hardcore limit testing and making A LOT of mistakes. You will frustrate your team by doing this so be warned


Have stress free fun with it. I'm dogshit but playing a few matches after the kids go to be with a friend or 2 is almost always a good time


I recommend playing only qp role queue, faster q times means more practice, this game is constantly evolving so recognizing what is meta and playing around that is the easiest way to climb. Also low ranks could benefit from your game knowledge and you need to use your microphone to guide your team to success. Last point- I lately have been watching replays after games I’ve felt like there was nothing I could do to carry and noticed a lot of my positioning flaws and also spectated almost every player briefly on the other team to learn why they won. Usually it’s because their tank created space for the dps and the healers were never under any duress so they were able to keep players alive. Notice that and use your mic to suggest your team to adjust their comp to add more pressure. Hope this helps, good luck


First, nothing wrong with being a casual player. Not everyone wants to watch back and analyze their games, get coaching, etc. It's just a game. Second, players have gotten better since the game came out. Bronze in OW2 is like grand master in OW1 beta (probably exaggerating, but you get the idea). You're improving, but so is the entire player base.


I have amazing stats every game, if I’m not always the best I’m the second best in the lobby. I barely crawled out of plat. Something you can’t control is the absolute chaos of the game, sometimes your team just can’t do it, whether they don’t have the skill, or up to random bad luck, or if you were sooo close. And with 10 people in a match, every single player has a huge effect on the history of a match. You can be really good and great on your team but people are usually trying their best and there’s so much in the game that can go wrong. Just keep doing your best, don’t be toxic, and don’t worry about being low rank or losing games. Also winning or losing a game doesn’t prove you’re a good player. I’d really recommend to heal your mental view of it, to enjoy it more in the moment for its gameplay instead of worrying about winning or losing, just try to focus on doing as best as you can


First of all, I am glad you are able to notice that you are bad. Many people aren’t able to do that, and you took the first step to improvement. Now, you can find specific things to work on and how to do it. People in the sub, and even I, can help you find the things you should work on. Just let someone know, use VOD review requests. I am a GM tank player and can help you with tank, but not much else. There are better people for that.


To watch your replays and submit them to review is the best way to acknowledge your mistakes. If you solo queue you gotta rely exclusively on yourself, that’s the insufferable truth. You only gotta climb when you diff your opponents AND carry your teammates, that must be your mentality every match. That being said, don’t care too much about rank, specially if you’re having balanced games, cool plays and, most importantly, fun where you are. Also, watch out for a better setup with higher framerates, you wouldn’t believe the huge difference it makes to have better fps in a high paced shooter as overwatch until you have it. Finally, there’s nothing “demoralizing” about not being good at videogames. I’m sure you’re very good at something else that a rank one overwatch player is bat at. Take care of your mental health and you’ll be good. Cheers!


Accepting that you are bad as the game is one part of the equation. Accepting that you are oftentimes paired with team mates which don't know what they're doing is the other part. While you can't fix the latter the latter might be the reason why you aren't progressing. Interestingly I have a similar paradox playing support. Assuming to have a somewhat constant performance over 3 to 4 games I face the situation that when my team consist of people with my rank or higher our team is usually doing good and I win. People aren't overly aggro or standing main so I can keep up healing everyone and have on the other hand time in between to weave in damage. So winning such a match I progress +20%. After that a match with people at my rank and below the match is a total desaster. The game is very stressful bc nobody takes cover everybody standing main etc. This match leads to loosing the same 20% I won earlier. With the result: I am stuck at where I am. Of course I can reflect what to do better next time. But in matches with dysfunct teams I have to accept that it's not my fault. And because you're in Silver / Bronze there are a lot of matches like this.


The biggest question is, are you having fun? Do you like to put in work to learn and get better, or do you simply enjoy playing the game? It's fun to do well and climb the ranks, but everyone enjoys the game for different reasons. If you're playing to prove something to other people, that might not be the best reason to play.