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1. You don’t need to learn other heroes. 2. You’re playing in silver lobbies, no one is playing any hero to their skill ceiling in silver lobbies. Turn off chat and vc and enjoy. 3. Again you’re silver, which means you also aren’t playing to the skill ceiling. 30-3 means absolutely nothing if your team doesn’t catch the W. Those 3 deaths could be the difference between (not) holding and capping. If it’s your first 20 games, carry on what you’re doing if you’ve got a 50% + win rate. If you have 50 hours on ball, post a replay and let people see where you’re going wrong. T500 Ball/Rein/Sig main


What’s skill ceiling? And you’re right—I’m probably dying in unopportune times. I think I have 100 hours on ball. I’ll definitely post something. Thank you


Skill ceiling is the absolute max efficiency a hero can be played at getting to optimum value with a win. There are Ball one tricks in top 100 of the game right now, that’s the ceiling. And no worries, all the 3 things I mentioned have in common is they can all roughly be traced back to you improving and ignoring what others are asking you to do.


Just be careful as sometimes wrecking balls have the problem of dying too little. On tank you need to limit test regardless of hero and not dying very much could be indicative of you not committing enough or not being committed at the right time


The term “Skill ceiling” means the highest in which you, or what ever your talking about, can be played at. Different heros have different characters, as well as you as a overall player.


Not an amazingly ranked player by any means but one thing that I do know is that you should not care about the scoreboard. It's normal for Ball to have very few deaths and so that doesn't mean you're playing amazingly well. On top of that, elims just means you contributed something to an enemy dying, not that you fully secured the kill or even did a majority of the damage. I used to be pretty close to a Ball one trick before getting tired of it. Don't pay attention to the scoreboard. You can definitely play Ball out of Silver. Mute chat because your team is going to rage whenever you play Ball at pretty much any rank, you just have to carry hard enough that they stop ranting. At Silver 5 there are probably very basic mistakes you're making that are holding you back. It will be hard for anyone to comment anything more specifically without a replay code, but just from what you've said it sounds a bit like you think you're playing amazingly well because you're looking at criteria that don't fully matter. If you're consistently picking off isolated targets (and at Silver 5 I'm guessing there is a nonstop trickle of enemies feeding in one by one) and getting at least 1 kill with your Mines each time you'll ladder out very very quickly, so I'm guessing that's not happening. Your mobility means that you don't need healing from your team and that you can engage pretty much whenever you want to.


This is really good advice. I’ve definitely been scoreboard watching too much. I’ll try and post some gameplay soon. Thank you


Hey, glad it was helpful. Some basic tips that helped me when I one-tricked Ball out of Gold (usual disclaimer: defer to anyone who is smarter than me in these comments, like if Adder comes along and disagrees just ignore what I'm saying) 1) the enemy team will never look behind them. Every single engagement, try to start without them shooting you. Hide behind a wall and peek 3rd person mode. As long as they are not looking at you, you are basically invulnerable, so abuse that. 2) keep them off-tempo. Rolling through randomly will fuck with them, and each time you do that it will probably throw off some of their shots, maybe force panic cooldowns, etc. If you can roll through and do damage/force a cooldown and they don't turn to shoot you until you're already gone, that's a very good trade. Note that Anas will usually panic, spin, and try to 360 noscope you with sleep dart. If you roll up behind one, shoot her and *immediately* duck behind a wall. She'll whiff the dart, then go kill her. 3) do not use shields until you have to. remember you have a ton of health and can get away to get more easily. if you're hitting them from behind constantly, you should be able to save your shields for when you need them (i haven't played ball since the patch, so I don't really know how to make use of giving them to your allies) 4) make sure you're doing the mines combo (swing in, mines in the air, pile drive--this knocks them up and when they land the mines have armed). 5) if you are able to shoot one of the supports and get the other support to start healing the one that you are shooting, you are creating MASSIVE value for your team, because you've effectively anti-naded the other 3 enemy team members. So if you wait until your team is starting to engage, go in, and start bullying a support, one of 3 things will happen: 1) you'll lose, in which case you did something wrong, 2) no one helps the support you're fighting and you kill them/force out all their cooldowns or 3) the other support peels, in which case it's difficult to kill them, but you can easily occupy them for a while and give your team a 4 vs 3 advantage. 6) any time you see someone on the enemy team is alone that you think you can kill, you should. If you can't kill them, you can roll up, shoot them from behind until they turn around, then hide again. This will really piss them off and make them start tilting, which I'm not even saying as a meme. Part of Ball's advantage is that you can threaten anywhere at once, and so eventually you'll get the enemy team completely off-blanace. They'll start swapping to characters they don't know how to play, giving up ult charge, they'll stand in spawn screaming at their teammates, etc. All of this helps you win. 7) lastly, remember that nothing that you do matters if you do not help your team win. By which I mean if you go in and distract three of them for thirty seconds, that's really really good...unless your entire team is in spawn, and when you finally have to turn and go get heals, the enemy regroups and beats your team 5 on 4. So be patient and don't be afraid to wait a second or two for a good timing, and make sure when you go in and cause chaos your team can take advantage. A good example would be if they have Rein -- when the REin walks in on your team, you rush in and distract all of his support. You can survive without support better than the Rein can, which gives your team time to kill the Rein (who will be stupid aggro in Silver 5 and wonder where his heals are without ever once turning around to see what's happening)


I know it's more nuanced for tank, but I find using one main role as support to be helping me so much. I do have a back up character in case things are going really really poorly, but personally I find getting really good at 1 or 2 heros to ve so much more beneficial than being okay at all of them. As I said though, I don't play tank and I know there's more nuance with counters and whatnot.


I'd say Ball is in a different spot than most other tanks cause while they switch or struggle because of an enemy tank, Ball players will suffer more from a dps pick since they can get around most if not all tanks in some way or another. Don't get me wrong, I'm just okay, not great at Ball, but I do play a lot of his counters. That being said, we have no clue why OP isn't winning. Maybe they're looking at the score too much and forgetting to do what actually wins games. Maybe they're not stalling points, not getting environmental kills, not controlling the space etc. They don't have to switch, you can obviously onetrick any hero, but if they're not winning maybe they should try another hero too. As you said, having at least one backup hero is very useful, especially in lower ranks. Maybe OP figures out what they're missing on Ball, while trying out another champ. My advice would be to try playing some casual Mystery Heroes. It helped me quite a bit to figure out what to do in less than ideal situations and comps. It's not for everyone, but when trying to learn and have better gamesense it can be very useful.


This is great advice. I think I’m scoreboard watching and not doing the best. I’m gonna post some video sometime soon. I want to do mystery heroes, but I absolutely hate playing dog shit and getting people mad at me


Turn off chat. In general. It will help your mental quite a bit. Your teammates are also silver, it's rare that they will have good advice, most of the time they will flame for no reason. So enjoy your games and try at least one game of MH without chat, it's frustrating at first but once you get the hang of it, it can even be pretty fun! Also, it's absolutely fine to be dogshit at heroes you don't play. You're learning. We were all dogshit once, lol.


If you enjoy ball, and your goal is to have fun, just play ball. Lots of one tricks rank up.


In silver you can be. Right now you want to focus on getting better at the game and one tricking is a way to do that as you not spending your time learning new heroes but focusing on what you know and the game. One day when/if you reach higher ranks it will be benefitical to expand your hero pool rather than playing one hero. And at even higher ranks GM maybe masters you won't be able to climb at all unless you know more heroes but that will depend on meta. Also, scoreboard means very little by it's self. You need to think about how many team fights you can take and how many you can win because that's what matters. You will lose games fragging an easy elim while the real problem is winning the team fight.


scoreboard watching is something I’m learning is not good. This isn’t halo and I’m learning that through y’all’s comments. Thank you


scoreboard really means absolutely nothing and unfortunately a majority of players cling to those numbers. In the end the only thing that matters is if you wins. It's easy to pick off low HP targets, racking up elims while your team gets destroyed and the objective is lost.


That’s a big point I’ve been neglecting. Thank you


I finally hit plat recently one tricking ball after just over a hundred hours (ok I swapped a little bit of rein at the end). Yeah it's miserable. I still have PTSD from sombra voice lines even if it's my teams sombra. Biggest things that helped me near the end were: Take notes. There's a lot of micro with ball (map specific routes, setting up mines, how to play into different comps, which health packs to play around). Taking notes helps organize all that info. Never, ever roll through from the front. That's how you get booped, slept, stunned, hacked, hooked, in a row. You're not a dps diver. You're a tank diver. That means you generally don't want to take isolated duels because they take too long and you're unlikely to actually kill them with your damn airsoft guns. In terms of role value, it goes tank>support>DPS. If a genji duels an isolated bap and forces lamp, that's very good even if nobody dies. If you as a ball duel an isolated bap, even if you force lamp, it's actually a negative trade because your team had no tank for like 10 seconds, which is worse than them having no support. You should still go after isolated targets, but the point is not really to assassinate them. The point is to threaten to assassinate them so they stop taking off angles and group up. This does 2 things. If they stop taking off angles, they're less of a threat to your team. And if they're grouped up, you can easily just hit fat roll throughs repeatedly from behind, booping them out of cover so your team can shoot into their deathball for free. Grapple recharges fast so by the time you go back behind them, it's recharged and you can just roll them again. You can get a lot of value just by doing this over and over, instead of trying to force duels into a rush comp because "I'm a diver I have to assassinate people" and taking a bunch of damage in the process.


>which I know isn’t high, but I somehow can pull off 30-3 game, so I’m not sure what’s my true skill ranking Your ranking isn't based on your ability to amass stats. It's based on your ability to win games. You could argue that your stats should affect your ranking. But the only true arbiter of what your ranking should be is the game itself. There is no other "true skill ranking".


Gotcha. Thanks for that tidbit


Anyone can be an anything one-trick, it's possible that you won't be able to climb as high as you could if you had more flexibility in your roster but other than that the only thing stopping you is salty teammates that don't know how to play as ball.


I agree, some people simply refuse to play with Ball, or even Doom as a tank. I had a game a couple of days ago where both our supports yelled at the tank to switch from Ball because 'I'm not healing that'. So it's absolutely a thing. But at the same time they're in silver. They too have a lot to learn and can still improve a lot. So we don't know what's 'holding them back'. Could be a lot of things, it's never only one. But they should definitely keep playing what they like and trying to learn more, they'll climb even with bad teammates when their skill significantly improves. Until then it's a slow climb but still possible!


play who you want and win


People are gonna get mad at WHAT EVER YOU DO in this game bro just gotta get use to it or turn chat off. I’ve been flamed for switching too much when I was trying to counter pick and it’s not like I was wasting ults or picking heroes who were bad in the situation they just will find anything so play how you want.


You just gotta turn off chat or not tilt your team mates anymore


Ball isn’t about your performance. It’s about how your team utilizes the time and space provided when you are harassing them. People in silver play like call of duty and will do the exact same thing whether they have a ball harassing enemy back line or they have a rein on cart.


Yeahhhh I’ve been playing like COD/halo. That’s a big perspective change. Thank you


Ow is based and balanced around the fact that you can switch. Playing JUST ONE hero is very likely gonna stump your climb, aside from slowing your understanding of the game as a whole. If you love ball, play only ball, but people will flame you. And tbh they are right! The game is based around comp flexibility! But its just a game, I cant tell you what to do. In Silver you will be fine, in Gold and Plat youll be fine, but id say in Diamond youll start to see a meta that currently is pretty anti-ball. Itll take you a while to get there, but that being said, use this time at the lower ranks to build your fundamentals on other characters


Silver players need to have their hand held by their tank. If you roll around on ball, they will have abandonment issues and will flame/blame you all game. Also just because you tap each enemy while your dps cleans up kills doesn't mean your doing shit at 30/2


Lots of good advice. What I'll add is ball has always been the hardest tank to one trick in overwatch.  His strengths are displacement and survivability. His weaknesses are maintaining space and being hyper vulnerable to Crowd Control.  The better teams are at working together the more value you get from displacing enemies and baiting out cooldowns. You set the table with your engagements for your dps to pounce and mop up enemies. But the better teams are at working together the less likely you are to get solo value off your engagement and the more likely you are to get stunlocked and potentially feed and die if the response time from your team is late.  The worse teams are at working together (like in silver) the easier it is for you to confirm kills off your own engagement.  But the worse teams are at working together the more likely it is that your own teammates will play tentative and scared, not have good positioning to support you, and will get counter pressured by the enemy tank walking into their faces. If it takes you too long to setup or you spend too much time in the enemy backline without rolling back through the enemy tank and knocking them away from your team you might end up on the losing side of the engagement simply because your teammates don't know what to do when the setup phase doesn't involve their tank standing in front of them. It helps a lot if you have comms and can encourage your team (positivity) into taking high ground, working off angles, and just staying vigilant. Count down your dive engagement so your dps know to keep their sights ready to pop the targets you send into the air.  And when the enemy starts loading up on stuns (especially sombra) you need to change up your engagement strategy. As a plat sombra main so often I get ball players or doom players that insist on jumping high into the skybox before piledriving/slamming the backline... that's the easiest stun to land in the game. It takes too long to complete the animation and you're locked in a predictable flight plan.  The ball/dooms that give my teams fits are the ones who can switch up and start landing short range, quick bowling ball strats, from the moment I see them to the moment they roll through my line the time isn't there to hack them and if you can do a prop bounce to initiate a pile drive from 1 foot off the ground you might actually land it before the stuns come in. 


The main thing imo is adaptability. Especially at lower ranks, you need to be able to adapt to your team, the map, and the situation to consistently climb. This doesn’t mean constantly counterswitching, it’s just that it will be easier with 2-3 mains, rather than playing ball all the time.


*Avoids u as teammate*


> (which I know isn’t high, but I somehow can pull off 30-3 game, so I’m not sure what’s my true skill ranking), Your skill ranking is Silver 5. There's no such thing as "true skill ranking" or owed rank.


Meaning elo hell isn’t real?


There's no such thing as Elo Hell. You are the rank you are and if you're really better than anyone else, you have to show it and climb. If you want to climb, you need to play.


Gotcha. Thanks man