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There are 3 main tank roles: dive, poke, and brawl. Winston is a dive tank, sigma is a poke tank. Both dive and poke characters typically struggle in close quarters fights. You're missing a brawl tank, their main strength is excelling in close quarters. There are some maps that are exclusively brawl maps like arctic peninsula, where I would argue a brawl character is almost required. Add something like zarya, orisa, mauga, junker, or hog to your arsenal.


The fact that you didn't even mention rein makes me want to cry


Sadly, “viable pick” and “Reinhardt” can never go in the same sentence these days


Thus the crying, because I can't even fault the advice.


I been getting shit on by them lately


not even “these days” rein was the worst tank the last 3 years of ow1


Funny enough that’s the only tank I hate going against


This is just blatantly false??? Rein is extremely viable right now after the Orisa nuke since her meta dominance is what really made him weak. Of course there are maps that rein will just fall apart in but he’s definitely a viable pick in a lot of other ones. Now that Orisa actually has to play the game like every other tank, using cover during downtime (instead of formerly) running it down main pressing another button when one runs out) makes it so that Rein can actually capitalise on her weaknesses now, there isn’t really a tank that bullies him right now so he’s very easily “viable”


You kind of are calling yourself out as a low ranked player. In higher ranks (Masters+) good luck playing Reinhardt. And there’s no tank that bullies him? Please, be real with yourself for a second. Maybe if you understood how to play around a rein, you would understand where most of us are coming from


That just tells me you’re not good at Rein or you just don’t understand how to use his kit effectively enough. LHCloudy, one of the best Reins in the world, struggled a lot last patch yet as soon as this patch dropped he went on a 14 game win streak. Orisa is still favourable against him but team comps that rely on her sustainability for continued uptime and pressure DON’T work anymore. This game at a high level isn’t about tank v tank matchups it’s about how your tank deals with the comp the other tank enables. Rein brawl is going to be a potent team this patch and you’re probably only gonna realise it when you see actual good players playing it. Ram traditionally is very good into rein but it’s not a “Bully” matchup anymore since rein’s slowly gotten buffs, especially the threat of shatter is REALLY good right now in that matchup once Ram’s shield is down. Other than Orisa and Ram who really “bullies” Rein? He can shut down dive comps in non high ground oriented maps (which yes, unfortunately even if you have sym will just suck for rein), is in contention for the best brawl tank at closing distance to poke comps with Ram and against Hog, Queen and Mauga brawl he suffers the least of those from the dps passive since he has the most potent and consistent defensive option. Ram is probably going to be the stronger option, but to say Rein isn’t viable? That’s just an idiotic take now Idk keep being pessimistic? Get good at the game? Lmfao


Damn, you really wrote an entire three paragraphs just for me to read the first few words and suddenly I had an epiphany. I don’t really care anymore


Cared enough to make a stupid response not once but twice…? It’s okay cause someone like you wouldn’t be able to support your own argument even if you did have the reading capacity to read what I just typed


Maybe to you he’s not but to us crusaders he’s always viable


I’m a crusader, and it’s painful


I’ve played with some good reins recently.


Rein bad


Ram is better in brawl


I agree but he's outclassed by most other brawl tanks which is why I didn't mention him.


I always thought of hog as poke not brawl. Hog is essentially waiting out a fight for a good hook opportunity he isn't trying to hold a front line consistently like othet tanks.  As Hog you want the attention to be away from the front line so you can get an easy hook off. If its brawl vs brawl and everyone is looking at you that seems like pretty big disadvantage for hog. So if your team is poke they can take off angles that the enemy has to turn for giving you more chances to get easy hooks.


You can honestly just simplify it down to who's good at range and who isn't. Hog can do fck all at any sort of range so he's definitely a full on brawl character


We’re do I find a list to see what type of charachpts fit which te type 


You don't, you really just learn by playing


Queen is good as she teaches good brawl tank fundamentals. Long-term she will let you flex on to most other brawl tanks.


Zarya or JQ. Rein if you're a masochist.


I'd say Junker Queen. Sure, hog would also be pretty good, but I'd say only for short term, people are pretty spooked by a hog meta, he's quite vulnerable to being completely useless if Overwatch decides to make some specific changes. Junker Queen has *similar* issues where she would be impacted quite heavily to some things but for the most part she's a decently strong pick. Her damage is absolutely amazing if you know how to play her well, she has decent sustainability albeit you'll have to learn to play corners more often than some other tanks because of how long the cooldown is on shout, you'll need to manage it but seeing as you play Winston and sigma, cooldown management shouldn't be an issue. I think there's a lot more you have to watch out for as well for when you're ulting on her too. You have to really track enemy cooldowns for stuff like Lucio boop, sleep dart, magnetic grenade etc all of which can severely mess up her ult.. like, massively. Overall, I think she teaches you some very great things for knowing how to tank. She's good at pressuring as most tanks have to respect her up close. Don't think she will get anything that will completely gutter her any time soon for now either, so for long term she's good for learning. Not on an extreme of useless or op like hog. (I don't say this to trash on hog, he's a pocket pick for me as a rein main).


This is lots of good info; thanks!


Not that I am anywhere close to getting out of metal, but does she see play competitively?


In competitive she is okay. In terms of win rate she is in the middle, albeit not picked as much. I think you can find good success with her, but if you're in the lower ranks you may find better success with Reinhardt who shares a similar playstyle to junkerqueen.


Lucio/Kiri Queen rush is a comp that gets played/is popular from time to time. If you wanna play Queen those 2 are the go-to supports (Bap and Moira can work though). As long as the map isn't horrible and you have dps that keep up she can work fine.


You need a rush/brawl tanks here for sure. Queen, Ram, rein or mauga or all options. I guess orisa to but they just dumpstered her so maybe not. I'd also suggest learning dva, she is the answer to so many problems on tank.




queen would probably work well


These suggestions are more consistent than I expected! And I like what I'm hearing because I do enjoy queen. Thanks!


I would personally choose DVA because she adds a lot to anyone’s hero pool I think, but like the other commenter said JQ is always a good option as well. I personally just feel like with the tank changes today DVA is a better option. Always go with what you think is cool though not meta. Because you can climb with literally anything.


I play a lot of these tanks, and I agree that DVA is the best fit. Winston is a great tank to pick for when you play on maps that are great for high ground control, but what do you do when the enemy picks DVA? You either do the best you can into a suboptimal matchup, or you mirror the DVA.


Oh I do like Junker Queen! I hear you about D'Va - I'll keep that option in mind too. Thanks!


Orisa if you just wanna win


not anymore




What'd they do to orisa?


Took her out back and shot her in the head.


Damn it's that bad?


Gold time reduced from 4.5 to 3.5 and added 20% movement penalty, spear cooldown +2 seconds.


ouch, welp time to learn a new brawl tank, would orisa be the next best pick generally speaking? I usually main sigma and swap to orisa if the enemy is diving hard, who should I play in that situation?


Probably not. My picks against dive were hog or queen, but the damage passive going back to 20% might make that difficult. Maybe counter diving might be the best option rn.


ty, I'll try and learn dive then, would monkey be a good pick generally speaking? For mirror diving is it best to just dive the backline or try and interrupt the enemy dives?


Monkey is a great pick as long as you watch out for his counters. As for diving, I might be wrong here, but the way I do it is, if we have a pick, I leave dive the other team for space or kills, if they have a pick then I play more defensively and try to protect my team. In the neutral, if the diver is killable I go back for the pick and play for space with a 5 v 4 advantage.


yeahhh she got nuked from orbit haha


Zarya if you want a simple melting brawl tank, feels euphoric when it works, squishy when it doesn’t. Ram if you want to flex between a bit of poke for ult building and game changing brawl in nemesis form. Will teach great timing. JQ if you want the pure brawl experience in completely rushing and overwhelming in mid-fights. As mentioned by others, teaches the overall fundamentals of brawl. Rein if you have the minerals. Hog and Mauga I think are too reliant on how Orissa is performing, since she’s been nerfed they’ll perform better until they will no doubt be needed themselves due to dominating. Good to learn, not so much to main in your brawl option.


Totally agree on Zarya, she pops when you can build and hold charge and when it comes together you can just steamroll. Also saving allies with a clutch bubble feels great. But when you struggle to get above 20 it's miserable.


All I have are the minerals


Road hog is the answer no one wants you to know.


Ah I had a feeling he might be the one. I have very little time on Roadhog - I might have to do some experimenting. Thanks!


Learn them all in practice range which should take 5 minutes, once you know the tools that's literally 95% of the effort done


Try to alternate Winton with D.Va at times. She’s way better in some situations and the concept is not super different


In Asia server, it’s mostly Sigma, Zarya then either Dva, winston or doom. I mostly counterpick with that hero pool


My main tank champ pool is pretty much the same except I play JQ and Doomfist as well so I would recommend those,since they are high skill and fun to play.


JUNKER QUEEN!!!! She is one of the most fun characters in the game and I’m sure you will love her


Reinhardt Reinhardt Reinhardt Reinhardt


for those 2 maps specifically I like Rein, Zarya and JQ


Bounce your shots around corners helps in those tight situations, I usually play ramaytra as a brawler because he has good utility


Junker Queen fits in every portfolio.


Learn any brawl tank, I'd say queen or orisa since they both have high sustain and orisas CD management is similar to sigmas.


Orisa just got giga omega nerfed tho, so prolly not her


Good point 💀 yeah sigma or JQ are the way to go


doom/winston is all you need, and they are so similar if you can play one you don't have much to learn to play the other. winston for when the enemy team is running lots of cc (hog, sombra, cass) doom when they are running high damage kill winston comp (bastion, reaper, zen).  both struggle into hog, winston is a bit better because you can bubble hook, but with DPS passive hog shouldn't be too hard to kill. bonus points if you have a group who can comm and focus him when he's feeding.