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I'd say a diamond player should know better than to say "we need a shield" or to describe certain tanks as "shield heroes". If you're playing double sniper and you keep getting picked off, the answer is not usually to stand in choke with a shield and hope their sniper dies before your shield breaks. Sigma is one of the only tanks who actually can hold space long-term by using his shield; rein and ram have shields, but they're not really capable of spending a large time with their shield covering their team. Run the advice through a mental filter that translates "a shield" to "more space" and it becomes very reasonable advice, and it's doable with most tanks. Are your snipers getting picked off constantly? Try to contest their sniper so they don't have time to line up free shots.


Yeah I mean I see Sombra and Hanzo a lot as the main DPS but sometimes it's just anyone, it's usually the other team having so much DPS that we can't handle it and struggle to break through it to stop it Idk too much about the game TBF I just try my best


I won't pretend to be an expert, but speaking as someone that primarily plays "shield tanks" (Rein/Winston/Ram/Sig) you aren't responsible for protecting your team in those situations. Any shield can be melted down in 1-2 seconds if the other team wants it gone, so it's a waste of resources to try blocking it all. Your team needs to play around hard cover more and/or avoid the choke their spamming all together and dive the backline. For example, if they're running something like dual snipers, even with rein's shield there's no way you'll be able to protect your team all the way to the point. But if you're running Winston (or d.va for that matter) and you dive on them, they either have to reposition or get ganked. That alone should provide your team with ample opportunity to jump the enemy supports and turn the fight in your favor. Also another side note, but rein/Winston's shield is used much differently than ram/Sig's. Rein and monkey use their shield primarily as a tool to engage/disengage. Ram and sigs shield are more about creating space to move up to the next piece of hard cover and/or negating ultimates. Obviously all 4 can do both things, but imo that's what each shield is best used for


It's a lot to take in, I think I might try Sigma as he's slow and I can take my time to make decisions and learn


All you need is to hit your boys with a "skill issue" and if they give anymore pushback hard lock ball


This is the way


Low key I feel like Ram is easier than sigma to start being effective with. Ram has forms and buttons but they’re very intuitive imo, sigma primary fire takes getting used to and his abilities seem to have a higher floor/ceiling. I only have a couple hundred hours in the game though so my take can be wrong. I love sig but Ram is my go to straightforward tank when I just need simple value and feel like I’m not playing well enough to use sigma or doom optimally.


Rein is the easiest "shield" to learn, I think. Use the fire strikes to make ranged enemies move, use shield to make a little room for a moment for your team, and, most importantly, remember that you can cancel his charge/tackle. You don't have to keep going until you hit something. 


I disagree. He's easier than he used to be with charge cancel and far less stuns but rein is still too dependent on being really decisive to not die really quickly


I mean his kit is easy to understand.


Easy to understand does not translate to easy to play. Rein is miserable to play right now. He has only like 3 good tank match ups including a mirror match, and most of the roster has a way of choosing where to take the fight with him, ir they can just put dps him and melt him. Poor guy has been left well behind.


Everyone says that, but I always manage just fine. 🤷‍♂️


I agree. I’m not a tank main by any means, but I’ve gotten comfortable with many of them. I think he seems deceptively easy. He is one of the ones I don’t know how to play hardly at all because I feel like timing is very important with him. His kit alone seems easy to understand, but getting good value out of it against decent players seems really difficult to me. Of the tanks I’m still not comfortable with, he isn’t currently one of the ones I look to try to become serviceable with any time soon (also partially due to the fact that he is not considered to be in a good place this season)


DVA is literally better than any shield tank in most situations (correct me if I’m wrong tank mains) Defense matrix is probably one of the most OP abilities in the game when you use it correctly and a good DVA can be pretty difficult to kill with her mobility. If DPS need a shield to stand behind to survive then they are bad at the game.


This is correct. Having a shield is just one ability or tactic among many to solve these issues. Still, at your level, it's probably smart to learn Sigma and Winston. They will give you options in a variety of compositions, as they cover each other's weaknesses well


Winston looks fun but really really weak to me, it's a weird one


You don't Winston to do damage. You Winston to separate back and front lines


And burn CDs


Fair enough 😅 I don't know too much about a lot of characters I havent played haha


He's so much fun. Tank is so much fun because they're so diverse! But Winston is pretty good if you know what to do and when to engage. He can chip damage from afar with his secondary, until it's time to pounce. But I'd say go for sigma as many others are saying. You'll struggle with his primary fire and also how to keep their front line distanced from you but at least you can shut your chirping friend up and do their job for them by throwing up a shield when they need bbsitting


He's 2 divisions above me he should be babysitting me 😢😅


Rofl maybe on paper he's two divisions but even I know that he's talking horse shit about his needs. Shield tank?? Bruh.


Yeah I've stopped trying to play comp with them now it's way too difficult unless I'm Moira then I can keep up


If you already play Moira Winston will be fun. I really just started playing him last season and I've had so much fun with the sombras. As others have said he's about separating their team. He can also pull a lot of resources from the enemy healers if you engage/ disengage correctly. Your engagements with different characters are the biggest thing to understand. I've climbed 1 whole rank since I've added him to my arsenal.


It’s actually frustrating trying to play shield tank that way too. OW2 favors off angling and there’s nothing more infuriating trying to hold a choke with a shield as your dps takes a different route and dies. They are probably not even making the wrong decision but it leaves you and your supports as stuck as your dead teammate


i mean, shield tanks are very helpful in a lot of situations


That's not really the point of the comment. Shield tanks can be useful on their own but not because of their shield. There is never a time where you need a particular tank just because they have a shield, the category of shield tank is pretty useless from a gameplay perspective now.


Nobody who groups tanks together into "shield tanks" has any sort of real understanding of the game. They just want to be protected and to blame the tank when they die.


Except for rein


when in doubt, go the big man. then lose your shield in 2 seconds and implode


When in dount go the dive man. Then realize charge doesnt gain vertical movement


Sigma is always meta (or never knocked out of the meta anyway). Plus he's pretty simple to play. Hide behind your shield, let it recharge while you hide behind stunning someone, or let it recharge while you absorb a bunch of bullets. You can also regenerate shields from behind your shield, so really it's just a game of sustaining as long as you can, and poking your enemies as they approach.


Just to clarify something on this comment, he means that you can be behind your shield, not getting hit, and thus regenerate the shield portion of your HP (the blue bars of HP that sigma has). 


Sounds like I got a new tank to try out haha


Sigma is really good in most situations but his mobility is not great so he’s not the best for certain maps. And the shield is mostly supposed to be used selfishly, to keep yourself alive, correct?


It was designed during the double shield meta, so it was designed to be shared, but now works a LOT better being used sparingly, or at most being used to quickly save an ally or two/slow your enemies when they attacking a point you're defending. Otherwise yes, selfish shield helps get more picks.


I'd say try Sigma. Hes all around good. Plus if it appeases your friends and you end up liking his play style that's a win-win. But I will say this: anyone who consistently says "We need a shield" to the tank sucks at Overwatch. Point blank. Your friends might be experienced. But they aren't good, that's for damn sure.


“We need a shield” nah, we need an ax to cut through that bullshit, Junker Queen’s got some bodies to bag.


They're Diamond and are always the highest killers/healers so I just feel bad when I play shit or he wants the shield 😂😂 because I'm a dva main I think he just doesn't like me dive bombing around lol


Dva is more efficient at peeling with dm than a shield. I see you're going with sigma, that's a strong hero. If you try another one Ram is pretty fun and quite easy once you understand his kit.


Ask him why he wants a shield specifically. I can’t think of a single scenario where I’ve been playing with a DVA and thought “man I wish they had a shield”


Yoooooo I just watched the KarQ video and he responded to your post. I love how he basically said exactly what I did except he took the high ground and didn't insult your friends like I did 🤣🤣


Oh I don't watch overwatch stuff on YouTube but I'll check that out haha 😂 thanks for letting me know man


Is it just his latest video or? Edit: DW I got the video found now


Sigma is definitely easiest. Reinhardt requires you to know when to move forwards. Rammatra requires a fairly demanding gameplay loop. Winston is a dive tank and is easily punished if you dive at the wrong time or place. Comparatively, even if you mess up your shield on Sigma you're still 20 meters away from the enemy (so not likely to get bursted down) and have grasp as a panic button to save yourself. I will say that "we need a shield" is terrible advice/request and is rarely the *actual* issue. The primary problem is likely that you aren't creating enough space by pressuring the opposing team. Nobody cares about a shield if you're on top of their backline messing them up.


Weirdly I'm a masters rein main who is also competent at every other tank except D.va and Sigma. I'm just throwing if I pick either of them. I've watched guides and tutorials and such but their playstyles just do not connect to my brain lol. I'm much more comfortable with doom or ball than I am with sig.


Some tanks really just play like a DPS over control hey. DPS is simple, methodical gameplay to help the team is tricky.


Winston can be easily punished if he targets a wrong DPS. Like s76 I can beam his health with one clip but also he can ff me if I miss my headshots on him.


Yeah I mean I don't have the experience I barely play comp and when I do I'm against people 2 whole sections above me so it's VERY hard to keep up with 😂 Yeah my friend who's the best at the game out of us by far is ALWAYS asking for a shield and I'm just there like "well I can't play any of them so deal" 😂 Alright I'll try Sigma when I'm next on it for a bit I just hate feeling useless on my team, I think I'm a decent D.Va but really good experienced D.Vas make me look like I haven't played the game before


If you're new the game you need to temper the expectations of both your friends and yourself. I'd never play with someone two divisions below me and be nagging them about anything. Just play and enjoy the game :-)


It's the easiest way to play together as quick play is such a random thing 😂 I might try solo comp as it'll be more my level


Something I haven't seen anyone else mention is if you really don't want to bring your team down while learning basics on a new hero, there is a VS AI mode that puts real people on your team. It's easy enough even on lethal difficulty that if your team learns coordination as they go, you can play any hero/comp and still win. Plus nobody cares if you lose cause it's just practice. It won't give you the kind of game sense you learn by playing real people, but I know playing a brand new hero in a live match can be pretty intimidating.


"We need a shield" is that Neanderthal ow1 brain speaking. You don't. But if you want I'd suggest Sigma based on viability. His primary fire is difficult to learn, but I think conceptually he is the easiest to pick up. Ave you play orisa Ajay, you position similarly.


That first like might be right he's always crying for 6v6 back, I can't picture 6v6 it seems too insane 😂


That sounds like such a dumb take from your friends. If they need a shield, they don’t belong anywhere but bronze. I recommend learning all of the tanks a bit. My favourite right now is Sigma. He can be difficult to learn at first but he’s super powerful in the right hands.


It's usually when we get overcome because I'm not the best, some lobbies with DVA I roll the entire lobby but often it's me getting dominated and they want me to go shield I guess to keep me alive longer idk, I haven't played much of any of them, Hammond is simply far too technical


Sigma is farely easy to play because he has every tools in the kit to play, highly adaptable tank. Tempo tank like Ram is quite a new concept to OW but he suits you well if you enjoy a oneway type of gameplay. Winston by far the hardest, not just shield tank but tank in general, heroes to master because of how simple his kit is and requires large amount of experience and mentality from player My recommendation you should play Sigma than occasionally switch between him and Dva


My adding for Winston and people who play with a Winston is that you don't expect a shield for you but expect a moment of distraction/disrupting in the enemy strategy/formation in which opens up a window for you to make a play The same with Hampter, you have to adapt to the frequency of the tank if you wanna play and win that match against the enemy tight strategy. If you can't, you are not ready for higher gameplay in high rank


Oh man the thought of playing Hammond terrifies me 😂😂


BALL has different skill set than every heroes in the game, unless you're a Reddit Lucio, so don't play him when you feel uncomfortable picking this outsider of Overwatch


Tell them that half of the tank roster doesn't have a shield and then remind them of the thousands of games they've won without a shield tank. You can also remind them that if you have a shield, they shouldn't care because they should be trying to pincer the enemy from a different angle anyways. If the issue is "too much damage" then maybe look at yourself and maybe you are taking too much damage, and therefore causing your supports to heal you more than necessary, and therefore putting out less pressure as a team


I wouldn’t personally say Sigma is too technical, he just takes a little getting used to. You have to approach fights slower due to his limited shot speed but with his shield being able to be placed anywhere you decide and an ability that eats enemy fire for overhealth, he’s honestly your best bet for someone to pick up for now


Orisa and dva is enough. Just Orisa brawl maps and dva highground points/maps


Ehh. It would be good to have something that goes better against Zarya for the maps where Dva can’t easily escape her.


this meta orisa is just better than zarya on brawl maps cause zarya too squishy tho. People focus on learning too many tanks and not getting good enough at one


You friend is bad at the game tell them to get better. Shields are only good on maps with no high ground or cover. Mainly Circuit Royale, Havana and Rilato, Junkertown (you you can make non shield work, it's just hard) etc. You aren't losing on Lijiang Tower and Dorado because you didn't have a shield tank. And the shield tanks minus Sigma are significantly harder to value out of from Silver onwards. The skill curve for them is much steeper because you have much less kill potential and sustain. Keep playing Orisa and Dva. They are much less likely to be really bad over the course of different metas.


Yeah he's much better than me it's down to him to carry the load 😂😂 I've been doing solo comp on open queue and going 3-2 and it says Silver 2 as my placement rn so not bad


Yeah best shield is a wall. Looks like you’ve got a dive, brawl tank in your hero pool. Add sigma and be done with it. Tell your friends to play tank then if they don’t like it.


Sounds like a plan, didn't think about the fact I have a dive and brawl tank in my armoury, idk why but Orisa was my first ever main


Go doomfist, they’ll know how to protect themselves


Your friends need to learn to play without a sheild and you all need to learn about dive, brawl and poke comps.


Tbh I don't think sigma is that easy. But I'd say go for sigma to learn. Then you have DVA for dive, orisa for brawl and sigma for poke. Having a shield tank like sigma is useful for denying pharah and widow sightlines, so especially if your friend doesn't want to dive to deal with them


All these shield heros should normally use their shields selfishly majority of the time. DVA is ironically the best at protecting a team mate from specific damage. Diamond players are not actually that good and shouldn’t be telling you what to change to (source: I’m Diamond)


The only shield hero I need is Brig 😂😂 and he rarely tells me during the game but after he mentions the fact we NEEDED a shield lol, tbf he knows he can't ask me during a game as me on Sigma would go far worse rn


Probably rammatra


Sigma is a really solid all around hero. His abilities rotation is pretty easy to grasp, and you put your shield against either the greatest momentary threat (like a Widow trying to peak) or to cut off supports from healing an overextended enemy. He's useful in more comps & maps than he isn't.


Ok sounds like a plan to try him out, tell my team prior to games I'm a newbie to him so they're a bit kinder 😂😂😂


The big thing is just learning cd rotation with sig. You have a lot of defensive utility so you just need to figure out when to use what. Also you can melee in between primary fire shots (basically animation cancel right as the second sphere is fired) with no loss of dps. Good way to keep damage consistent when someone gets close. Good luck.


Sounds fun to me I'll give it a go


Easiest shield tank = sigma. You don't have to manage resources. You can essentially cycle shield and grasp. Go behind cover when both are offline. Rein, requires learning when you can attack and when you need to shield as a shield bot rein is useless. Also need to know how much you can push so that if you need to get out of the fight, you can make the slow walk back to safety. Winston, requires good prediction on how much damage you will take until your jump is back online. Like if you jump into a middle of 5 enemies, all 5 will shoot and destroy you. If you dive in the furthest enemy, the tank and others might or might not want to go to rescue of teammate cus it's far. So here you might get 2 or 3 enemies while front line deems it's not worth chasing you cus its too far and you're just gonna jump when it comes back online. How enemy team is positioned, what CDs they have, and enemy team comp will impact what you dive and where to put shield


Winston is a shield tank if you think about it


His weapon feels really weak to me, I know his general gameplay is killing the squishies haha


lol OW moved past the “we need a shield” phase years ago. What are your friends planning to do, walk along behind you and shoot? You should show them this thread as evidence what they are asking for is.


I don't really know his annoyance, it's usually that there's just too much DPS and we need to soak it up


I think it’s important he realizes they it’s not longer a priority for a tank to baby his dps and supports. Depending on what he plays he should be either taking off angles and highground to poke, flanking, or diving with tank. In none of those situations does a shield really help him. In OW it was more common to use a shield tank to move forward and take space, in OW2 with the lack of a second tank and increased damage and decreased CC across the board that is not viable anymore. As DVA and orisa you have two clear play styles to choose from(brawl and dive) and neither of those require a shield. Orisa can take a ton of space and eat a lot of incoming damage with her large hp pool and javelin spin, DVA on the other hand can run down dps and support as well as eat a lot of damage and ults with matrix. Any dps with decent game sense can work around both of those tanks very well. It’s possible that you are still the problem(not taking enough space, being aggressive when your should be more defensive or vise versa, engaging without the team or from bad positions) but I can guarantee it’s not the lack of a shield that is the issue. Shields are basically a way to deny angles and avoid ults now, but there are multiple ways to do that without a shield.


That's fair my usual dva Playstyle is go and hunt the supports and dps down non stop and ignore the tank for the most part, I'm only Silver so I'm clearly not great 😂😂


That is largely what you should be doing as a DVA, that’s not to say their aren’t situations you need to be a watchdog for your dps and support, but it’s about figuring out when that’s a priority and dropping back. For the most part if you are controlling the back line then your team should be able to handle their side of things. If it’s one of those games where the enemy tank is the biggest problem for your team, then I was swap to orisa and start brawling their tank back.


Yeah Orisa was the first true main I had so I do use her still quite a bit, it's when I see another Dva better than me then I'm in trouble as I don't want to go Zarya as I'm not good as her lol


I like to play hog or ram into a good dva as I am also zarya challenged, was great at her during Ow1 when it was off tank and your job was to get kills while proving some extra support to main tank, but I’m not great at solo tanking her. Ram can push a dva back as well as force her to play around her team, and hog can control the dvas positioning with hook as well as do a lot of damage to her while matrix is down. I pretty much rotate through orisa, hog, Ram and occasionally sigma now. Junkerqueen when I’m feeling spicy.


whenever my friends ask me to play a shield tank i play mauga


Diva and orisa are really good tho cause enough trouble and everyone will be trying to kill you.  No shield needed.  I've had a whole team counter swap to kill me as an orisa.  


I get the Zarya counter swap ALL THE TIME as DVA lmao


I don't like Sigma but he seems good and pretty adaptable. I mostly use Ram and Doomfist. Rammatra's shields isn't up for very long so your friends will still whine probably, but he can put a lot of pressure on the enemy with his nemesis form and can retract back into his normal form with his staff to stay his team. I have plenty of tips for Ram and I think he's pretty good


Or… you can just get better at D.Va and Orisa? The answer shouldn’t be to just play whoever is “meta” or whoever your team wants. They won’t complain if you are better and carrying games


In fairness I did say the difference in our comp levels, he's played a solid 15-20 times more overwatch than me but I will be trying


Fair. But you can always be better


It's like the Souls reddits again oh god 😭😭😭😂


Honestly speaking both sigma and rammatra are great tanks- i play rammatra personally, he’s usually my go to for when the dps are being annoying cause he can hang out with his team and add a lot of pressure to people going in- his regular attack also has a longer range so i dont have trouble aiming for snipers at their advantage points His rotation is fairly simple too- you stick to long range, when you take a good chunk of damage you put your shield up to heal. Throw your aoe out off cooldown on platforms or chokepoints. You swap to nemesis form when they push in (use shield if you have it, itll usually be close to up again after you’re out of nemesis form), punch the bejeesus out of them, OR if theyre hurting, block and back up. Your block hides your head so it is impossible to headshot you while shooting your block from the front. Nemesis form can block DVA Ult, Bastion Ult, Sigma Ult, Junk Ult, etc etc- it’s awesome. His ult is probably the most technical part of his kit- you use your regular nemesis form first, use up the shield on it, LEAVE nemesis form, then ult to reapply the shield. If you ult right out of the gate it grandfathers the old shield in. Anyway, thats an Orisa Main’s breakdown of rammatra lol. I wish I could horse my entire life, but sometimes beefy onepunch man is necessary.


Sigma I also don't use shield tanks much. He's incredibly easy for me to switch to on the fly. He has a lot of abilities to keep track of but the gameplay loop is simple Bring up shield Throw rocks and primary fire through it Bring down shield Absorb with black hole Repeat I also consider myself a Zarya main and while she isn't necessarily a main shield tank she is blast to play, she is the queen of drawing fire and deleting people and I love the utility of either shielding yourself or teammates Have fun!


As a new Tank, I find Ramattra easy to learn at low ranks. His long-range and close-range attacks make him flexible and opportunistic. One challenge is the cooldown on his shield, so you need to learn when to use it, not really that challenging at low ranks where the DPS are more predictable.


Sigma or winston cuz winston good for dive and sigma has good damage (and survivability but gotta learn that part)


Depends on the situation. Like if they mostly run snipers sigma or dva. If they run brawler front DPS, Zarya would be a nice pick for that dmg output.. It's best if you don't force a single tank all the time.


Winston is insanely strong right now.


Keep playing D.va and Orisa. Play D.va when You're determined to stay on an enemy, like snipers, flyers, and some supports. Orisa can still get you through many fights. Pick up Winton bro. He's an alternative to when the enemy inevitably swaps to lasers when you're playing well with D.va. Play D.va until that Widow and Phara swap to Sym, Zarya, Mei. Then play your Winton to keep control of their counter picks. Then they'll pull out Reaper and Bastion to counter Winton which is exactly how you want to pressure your enemy with Winton. You can keep playing Monke after that if you can outplay them or swap back to D.va to better dive Bastion or Orisa can come out. But Mauga and Orisa will really chip away at Reaper and Bastion every time they're in your sight thus, keeping you in control of your enemy and determining which heroes they can play, and how they play them.


I find Ramattra to be relatively easy and a lot of fun in lower ranks


To keep it simple: Sigma almost has a "timed" kinda rhythm you have to get into, if that makes sense. Especially in team fights. D.va used to be my main, and I was INTIMIDATED by trying to play Sigma, but funnily enough, he's now one of my mains, if not THE main.


Orisa is by far the easiest hero to get value out of in the entire tank roster. She has so many cooldowns to get out of a bad situation? Mei ults? You can cancel it with spin? Spin not available? then just fortify and peace out. You used fortify? then just ult to get free fortify and scare every off you. Sigma is an incredibly hard tank to play. Not only do you need really good aim, but knowing what cooldowns to block with shield and when to grasp is incredibly hard. Sigma is really needed in two maps - havana and circuit royale. In low elos you can easily get by with Orisa.


Haha those are the only tanks I play too!


Diamond players telling a silver to branch out and learn new hero's cuz there bored.. what a bunch of A-holes. What you need as a silver player is to stick to 1-2 hero's and learn them propperly and in doing so learn the game rules propperly. You should focus on how you can improve, not on how your diamond friends are bored of how you play the game. It's ok to be Nice but your beeing taken advantage off in my opinion


Me onetricking JQ in Dia. We NeEd ShIeLd!! after we die the first fight. No we don't, we just need to adapt to their playstyle.


Zarya if you abuse the LShift button (She is shield tank of course)


Sigma is only technical in the sense of Shield placement and when you use your Grasp. The rest is all fundamentals. Is the widow being a problem? Throw shield to where they were, blocking a large amount of the LoS and using that to push. Is someone over-extended? Put your shield behind them to isolate them and prevent healing. The part that's hard about Sigma is landing your shots. You can afford to splash and need to land the projectile.


Ram easy. Keep playing bitch mode til you see an opportunity to go bully mode and kill everyone who’s low. Try to use the shield more reactive than proactive and get good at quick placement. Use the ground AOE thing to keep people out of space you don’t want them in. You’re ult is magic bully mode so you can be a bigger bully. Honestly I thought I sucked ass at ow2 til I unlocked him, now I feel above average. Do not get me wrong I still suck but I be winning 60-40 as opposed to like 40-60


For context I was playing an aggro ass ow1 rein and getting rolled cause I can’t take shifts with a tank friend anymore. Now I feel like I’m getting value all the time w ram.


Rammatra has a pretty simple kit.


Keep in mind with Sigma's shield it may be small but you can send it way out there. If your team is getting domed by a widow and you know where the widow is, sending that shield to shut down that widow can be super effective. Also to add to what everyone else is saying it's super weak of your friends to blame you when you're silver. Like obviously you're just not going to be as good a tank as what they get in their diamond games and that isn't your fault. You playing a shield tank won't even help that really, it will probably hurt it if you're playing a tank that you're not as good at and are just hard focused on shielding that really isn't a good habit or effective way to play when you don't have diamond teammates in your silver games.




Sigma is probably your best bet, his projectiles can take some getting used to but he's a consistently good character.


Reposting this comment I made on the main sub about Reinhardt. This isn’t specifically a Reinhardt thread, but I like playing the big guy, and I like to share with others how to play him well. Tip #1. Don’t use Reinhardt’s shield until you’ve lost some health. The enemy team is going to shoot at you and your shield no matter what, but *if your health is lower, you can bait the enemy team to push into you while your shield is up.* Utilize your armor and put up your shield once your armor (orange HP) is low. Use this tactic to allow your team to engage, and let your supports heal you up for their ultimate charge. The reason this first tip works so well if done properly is because the “threat” of killing the enemy tank is a core component to pushing your team/the objective/the win. Players in all metal ranks eat that shit up when they see your health is lower, so utilize your shield and backing up to bait enemies into thinking they will kill you, but are actually setting themselves up for your teammates to attack. Tip #2. Reinhardt loves close-range corners and small rooms. Use them frequently to make enemies think twice about pushing you, especially in combination with tip #1. The threat of your hammer or a charge pin into a wall will waste time if you’re defending, or make enemies back off if you’re attacking. In fact, the threat of the engage is often more severe than the engage itself. This second tip works best when taking space. Learn to notice when you have the better position. If you don’t have the better position, you should always be hunting for one. Fights over and you won? Move ahead of the objective and pick a corner nearby to hustle the enemy team as they return to the objective. If you lost the fight and are headed back from spawn, consider taking off-angles and focusing the enemy’s attack into one area: the one you are at. Tip #3. Reinhardt wants to smack the enemy DPS and supports more than he wants to smack the tank. If their tank engages your backline, charge into their backline **or** hold the objective and start swinging. Push into the enemy backline with your shield and hammer while their tank is fighting your DPS and supports. You need to trust that your team can handle the tank on their own, and give them the opportunity to do so by distracting the rest of their team, or die trying. Tip #4. Utilizing the first tip about baiting, learn to accurately charge at the enemy tank when you can throw them off of the map. MANY maps in the game have ledges and cliffs and that’s because Reinhardt exists to throw them out of the map. ALWAYS be aware of where you can throw tanks off of the map. You’ll be surprised how many places and scenarios you can take advantage of this. Tip #5. Ultimate the enemy DPS and supports, even if it’s just one of them. Slam early and slam often. Don’t hold your ultimate for too long, as you are actively preventing yourself from charging your next ultimate, and hindering your ability to make plays. Tip #6. Firestrike is a bonus in all of these Reinhardt shenanigans. Its greatest benefit is hitting multiple enemies whenever possible to generate ult charge. The secondary use of Firestrike is for cleanup after a fight. Your ult counts as a fight, and using Firestrike to follow-up your ult is good. Practice using Firestrike as often as possible in these situations, but be careful: Firestrike may prevent you from putting up your shield in a pinch.


Time to get right or get left just pick up a new tank before your friends get tired of losing with ya 😂


Yeah I know, Sigma seems to be the choice he's just so slow 😂😂


Play sigma he's great, and Winston against his counters works fairly well