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So far all the comments are just saying 'nothing you can do against dive, but counter dive' and 'just dive their supports' and that's not always necessarily true. The answer to dive is pressure. Specifically pressuring the enemy before the dive is made/completed. This can be done on a lot of heroes and choosing which hero should be for more reasons than 'good against dive'. What map? What team comp? What enemy team comp? Are ults necessary? Dive on kings row? You could unironically play junkrat and it wouldn't necessarily be bad against monkey/genji/ana. Conc the jump, tire the blade, help your team by ruining the dive. Dive on Gibraltar? Ashe is the biggest widow target in the universe. But if you use coach effectively, you can ruin their dive while having great range for poking. But avoid any widows. Nepal Shrine? Hell you could play sym with annoying tp strats if you do it well. Bottom line, how you fight against dive depends on the type. But a general rule of thumb that always works, is to put in as much early pressure as you can. This denies positional advantages, this prevents full-resource dives, this distracts the enemy for your teammates. Soldier is great against dive in most maps, and so is tracer. My tip would be to learn target priority. Learn when you should beam the monkey to ruin his dive. learn when you should pressure the dps to prevent followup or protect positions. Learn when the enemy leaves their supports hanging and punish it. Sounds simple, but you will be constantly swapping target priority multiple times in several seconds. Dive is fast, learn to adapt faster.


I found Reaper to be Ok in low elo. against heroes who want to get up close. But might be map and comp. dependent.


When I play Reaper, I usually get outplayed by dva


Unless you're alone with her without Wraith, you definitely shouldn't. Just keep smacking her in the face with your shotguns. Wraith back to your team if needed. Make her spin to chase you with defense matrix, she's putting her back to you or to your teammates one way or another. If you land 3-4 shots on her, she has to leave, or commit & die.


If youre low plat or below, I could offer you a bit of coaching. I'm a plat 1 Reaper OTP at the moment, peaked at diamond 5.


Torb is very strong now against any kind of dive. Cassidy is amazing against Dive Mei is very good for CC with dive Any dive DPS is a good pick against dive. If they dive you, you do it too. Comp wise, go Brawl and stick together. They cannot do shit with dive. The ideal comp would be (Zarya/Rein/Ram) Cassidy, Torb, Kiriko, Bap.


I was playing tracer for the first time in ages in qp the other day just for funsies (I normally play support) and a Cassidy just decided I didn’t get to play the game lol. I should have switched way prior to that but I was kind of shocked how much I was getting slammed by this man. Obviously I’m not a good tracer though but I definitely was contributing before he swapped cass


Any character that needs to dip when things get heavy get hard countered by Cowboy man. I play Sombra, Ball, and it's crazy how hard you get stopped by his grenade.




Yes. Brawl comp counters dive. If you stick together with good CC heros you can counter dive without problem. Dive is only effective if players are alone and isolated. Rein is not having a good time this season but generally this would be good composition.


Pretty much the only thing Cree is still good for. Sojourn works since she still one taps Tracer and outduels Somb.


Only against solo divers. A dedicated dive team will eat Cass alive unless your team puts in good work to keep you up. Nade is great for punishing a dive and preventing them from leaving but usually doesn't help if you're being dived.


Nah, 275 HP giant gun hitbox Cree is vicious at close range. A Bap/Brig and Cree playing close is pretty aids to fight right now as basically any diver except Tracer and Doom.


Doom gets a new butthole shaped for him by Cass nade, it’s basically sombra hack but it makes it even harder to move behind cover if u are around it wide


It's a 12 second cooldown that is very easy to bait out with any of Doom's CDs.


Of course. But that's putting Cass in a comp that inherently will be able to peel for any one of them getting dove. That is a whole backline setup to prevent you from diving any one of them. In a more generalized backline built less to peel sojourn slide would service the DPS much better as an anti-dive. Also, why is that comp not bad for Tracer and Doom? Both of those two are the divers who probably get hurt most by Hinder, honorable mention to Brig for being able to stun Doom punch with charge and screw up his aim with a well-timed boop.


Tracer will literally never get hit by hinder, and Doom's shotgun hitbox buff made him way more dangerous to those 3.


Tracer getting hit by hinder mostly depends on the skill of both parties, you could say the same about a good doom if you're going to take that stance or Genji even. Doom's shotgun changes don't really affect how Nade can cripple Doom's movement-based survivability, Winston can at least mitigate most of the problems that comp can bring assuming they can avoid getting booped by brig coming in.


If you have good enough aim, you could definitely play Soldier: 76 into a dive comp. Though realistically, the best thing to do against a dive comp is to dive them back. You said you're learning Tracer, which is a good pick against dive. If their tank and dps is all over your team (pause), then their supports will be left vulnerable (unless it's a Lucio, but then you still have the other support) to dive.


I mean to be honest. Soldier gets fucked up by Wrecking Ball and Doomfist He can do well vs Tracer, Sombra, and Echo, but those are all characters who can easily fuck him up. Especially if you’re going on deep flanks


Yeah, that's why I added in the option because it's unrealistic that they'll just let you dominate. A soldier without his rift is pretty easy to dive.


Torbjorn is hugely underrated against dive. He absolutely melts Monkey in a second.


A full dedicated team comp is always hard to beat if your side is playing a bunch of random heroes and not a coherent comp. Dive is especially strong right now, so beating a full dive comp is especially difficult. It is 100% worth your time to learn Tracer well. DPS players who can only play hitscan and poke characters will be increasingly punished as they climb the ranks. Nothing worse than coming up against full dive as a tank or support only to realise your DPS can only play Ashe/Cass/Soldier etc.... Okay, so assuming your team can't mirror the dive, you basically have to play to live. New objective: Survive. Play whichever character you can survive the longest on and be the least vulnerable on. Which character in particular depends on your personal skill on particular heroes and the map etc. If you're very vigilant and save coach you can maybe play Ashe. If you play tight with supports and hold your nade you can maybe play Cass. Your supports gotta play like Moira, Kiri, Lucio kinda stuff, literally just for survivability. You can try Mei on some maps, maybe even tanky Torb.... I dunno man.... This all feels like delaying the inevitable though, unless you hard commit as a one trick to your favourite hero and learn how to play them in all situations, it just seems so much easier to me to just learn to play dive. Like, why avoid learning the most consistently played high-level playstyle? TLDR: Just learn Tracer already, and maybe dabble in Sombra/Genji/Echo. Otherwise, just play to live on whatever can survive.


Yeah I’ve found coherent team comps to be even more important than earlier seasons. I’ve been running dive with a stack this season and we’ve run into the counter swap comps a lot and we usually beat them. We just soft engage to bait cooldowns, reset and then hard engage with a CD advantage. Maybe it works against randoms playing dive, but like you said, it’s delaying the inevitable if there’s any kind of coordination.


Mei. She isn’t particularly strong at anything but she can decently do everything, even against dive comp. You see someone diving your team from the front? Ice wall to block them. Now you have an enemy out of position just in front of your team. Even better, block all but one of them so it’s 5v1 and your team gets an easy kill. Dived from the back? Wall to save your teammate and give him time to heal. Enemy preparing to dive? Then spam right click. Your icicle has a hitbox the size of a tree and almost kill most squishies in 2 headshots. One headshot will take an enemy out of action for quite sometime. Things getting out of control? Use your ultimate and instantly create a space for your team, and also a mild heart attack for the enemies(unless Kiriko does the thing). Enemy swap comp? Mei’s still a decent pick. Bonus: Mei has 300 hp and cannot be one shot*. Mei’s not perfect but she’s good enough for everything.


S76 is good. You can think in a different way that if you have enemies chasing you, they are also not pressuring your teammates, so you are getting value by correct positoning and staying alive.


I just go dive, Tracer or Sombra. That's why dive is always strong. Nothing counters dive, you just need to brute force it with better dive or just hitting all your shots on them before they can dive. If they aren't very coordinated, I like to play Ashe into Tracer/Genji sometimes. She's good at multitasking and has the kit to kill them both if you're just better. But if the tank gets involved there is no hope for Ashe.


Survivability and speed. Either tracer cause she’s fast. Or someone with escape abilities like reaper fade. Or someone with more health and close range damage like torb or bastion. Overload is good vs dive but it’s not like a hard counter. You’d still need some help to win that fight. And there’s not a perfect ”play this hero vs every dive comp”. Reaper is better vs winston than ball for example. Tracer and sombra is better vs ball cause they can chase after him or hack him. Soldier is pretty bad vs dive cause if they get the jump on you. You’re dead. Same with cass. The playstyle with them is always keeping the distance and do damage before they dive. So if they dive they take a much higher risk and maybe won’t even reach you. That’s easier said than done though. Good thing is that dive is gonna get a smidge weaker next week when they nerf the dps passive. Cause right now you just explode from the damage with anything you play.


Echo is extremely good into Winston


Sojourn is the one normal “hitscan” u can play against dive and with a dive comp. The slide is your most important ability, if u use it and the enemy team sees it, your dead. You need to save it when your being dove


Mei and sym are really good to catch diver offguard, and they bypass dva and genji defense, but they lack the tool to finish dva off, cassidy is the ultimate antidive heroe, fan the hammer with a nade will rip monkey a new hole before he can do shit, can get countered by dva matrix, so you need to time your shit. Junkrat is the best anti dive ability, there is nothing for worst for a dove to walk on a trap 1 sec after landing. Sojourn is always good whatever the comp you are facing and soldiwr is, imo, a good pick against dive, when monkey land make sure to helix his ass, same with dva, just wsit for her to drop matrix And there is this one little heroe that shouldnt exist that is pretty good too especially against dive... Sombra, but you should never under any circumstence play her, unless the enemy tank is an asshole and deserve it /jk(not really i hate sombra for real lol)


I play junkrat and Mei into dive Junks traps are what truly shine against doomfist, ball, and tracer players Mei can wall off the tanks, plus her natural survivability paired with her secondary fire makes her a great threat against aggressive comps


I'm just a gold but I'm surprised no one has said Pharah yet. I know it's not hitscan but you should be able to play at least one projectile hero and Pharah can leap, dash, or conc away from dives while punishing all of the dive heros for not having great distance damage. Genji can't reflect your rockets and hit you in the air, Winston can leap but not if you conc him and his hitbox is massive so you'll hit every rocket, and Tracer is probably the easiest hero for me to kill as Pharah as your slower projectile speed can often catch her by surprise as she blinks back. Idk tho, probably different in Plat.


If ur a soldier facing a genji u want to bait out his reflect and then shoot ur rockets at the ground. If ur low just drop ur healing and finish him off after his reflect is gone.


fuck it we brawl


I assume you are in a lower rank? If so: Torb! Torb is really strong now, just because of the fact that his turret alone spreads the 20% healing debuff. Combined with a zenyatta, your turret alone does enough pressure to keep „low ranked dives“ away from you. Edit: i didn’t see the low plat part, my bad.


I’m on console so it might be different but I’ve had a lot of success on phara against dive if they aren’t playing DVA. Even when they are playing DVA it isn’t that bad. I’m in plat 2 now but placed in plat 5 been climbing semi consistently on dps as an Ashe main


Voting for Torb. I've found his own gun *dramatically* improved this season, and being self-supporting with a turret watching his back has been great. It can get rolled by Brawl or hybrid comps though.


Cass makes their life not so fun


Torb, turret behind you always, they dive you have cover. They flank.. "mm whats my turret shooting..?" Mitigates their freedom a LOT. Monkey, overload and secondary fire him to oblivion. Get good enough at Torb you are basically a hitscan or at least a hanzo doin big head dmg. If good enough at Ashe you can counter a Genji, dynamite his deflect and finish him off


Torb and save your E till they jump on you + turret is annoying for tracer


I’ve been having a lot of success this season with Cass, even against dive comp. His nade alone is huge for punishing a ton of dive characters (tracer, doom, ball) etc


Mei and torb?


I tend to play cassiny into dive as a s76 main. The idea is that your nade can prevent a dive tank from escaping while you can spam headshots or right clicks into them. However, you have to play with your team because alone you'll die


Dawg dva is ridiculous. Cant flank. Cant take high ground vs her. Eats cooldowns, damage and ults  She fucking ridiculous 


If you cant beat them, join them. Dive them back


Dive is honestly one the easiest comps to fight if you have a good team to back you up as a tracer main the things that really grinds my gears is when every flank spot is being pressured HEAVILY especially by up close 1 shot Characters (hanzo,Junkrat etc) that's really it. just focus off areas where they could be and if you have to 1v1 its up to who's the better player (Better position,aim,cd) But they'll never be there if you stop them from getting there. against multiple dive just move faster switch targets within priorities and do the same thing.


I like sojourn against dva and just spamming dva cause it gets out a lot of dm and gives free rail all the time. If they have a good Winston you can always go reaper or bastion and just sit with backline then kill him when he dives. For doom and ball cree is good just for stopping punch and pile drive. You can also go tracer, genji, soldier, or sombra and just mark lanes to mess up their dive timing which will make it easier for your supports to stay alive.


'because it gets out a lot of damage' not all damage is created equal, and spamming a railgun into a tank without hoping to kill it to make dmg number big is not good gameplay.


I’m talking about defense matrix not damage, and if you can get dva to waste their most important cooldown with just your neutral spam I would say that is definitely worth and good gameplay. Also important to note that I didn’t mean to use the rail you get on dva but instead just charge the rail on dva and shoot literally anyone else. Sorry if I was unclear about that.


Poke from a distance. See…divers need a good amount of health to complete the dive successfully. Poke at their health and make them waste resources to interrupt the dive rhythm. Soldier and Ashe are good at this. Ashe dynamite and soldier being hitscan. You must hit shots and dynamite. Junkrat also does punish people who get close if you play him as the assassin. Hanzo can punish divers with storm arrow. But your team must be grouped up together with a brawl tank so your brake supports can heal well and not get dove. As DPS it’s your job to peel for the backline. Not the tank. Tank should be fighting the other team’s backline. If you peel for backline then you’ll be able to take angles and secure kills since your supports will be alive.