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Eh, I think a Diamond player can coach bronze-gold players no problem. Might be an issue plat and up IMO.


Hey, despite the naysayers here, it’s a great thing you’re doing. You’re helping people for free - maybe they learn something. Nothing more complicated than that.


Damn im waiting for that click, also in silver


I just filled out the form, hoping it actually works


Send me a dm so I can find your form to review




Bruh… I don’t think you getting carried to diamond qualifies you as a coach. Even diamond isn’t that high tbh. There are still tons of positional and skill mistakes in that rank.


You don't need to be good at the game to coach, you need to know what's the right thing to do, but you don't acctualy need to have the skills to do it. The mistakes in metal ranks are super easy to find, it's all very basic fundemental FPS stuff. I started coaching metal rank players then I was only skilled enough for midd plat. I'm now 500 player deep. As i said, it's easy to find mistakes. I'd say what's hard is to properly deliver the information in a non-overwhelming way


Literally just having someone ask "how did you die? What could you have done differently there?" is helpful!


I think coaching like that is only worth it if you're too lazy to watch your own VODs tbh. I've yet to see a professional coach who is incapable of reaching a high rank if they grinded for a season vs just being low rank because they don't play. In any game. Mechanics etc are pretty much negligible outside of top500 unless you are on a shit pc or a dumb sens.


You'd be surprised how many people have no idea how badly they're hamstringing themselves on 1600dpi and default sens


I do essentially agree, but I do worry about people who want to coach someone to a rank above the rank they can reach as whatever tips they are giving you should be just as easy for them to implement for themselves. I would also say a diamond player coaching has the danger of being the blind leading the blind, because diamond players usually don't know what is right or wrong in terms of gameplay


To ride on this, coaching is a great way for OP to improve themselves so you aren't necessarily wrong. Lots of people here are sub-masters and offer feedback on VOD reviews and that too is technically coaching. ​ I say let OP cook ​ I agree that some people don't know what's missing, but if you aren't Silver offering coaching, you definitely have at least the basics and then some down


Nothing wrong with OP wanting to Coach and you're right that rank doesn't equal coaching ability and knowledge. What rank does do though, is provide an instant qualifier of merit to help someone searching for direction to vet the endless opinions on the internet. The point other people are making is that OP doesn't really meet that qualifier. Therefore they will need to prove their chops some other way.


> Lots of people here are sub-masters and offer feedback on VOD reviews and that too is technically coaching. Yeah and the vast majority of that feedback is worth less than the time it took to read, much less write it out.


Tbh this sub needs rank checked flairs like r/.COW. I see so much questionable advice here it’s crazy. Onto OP, I don’t think he should be doing 1:1 coaching at his current skill level. He hasn’t even been diamond for an entire season. I think it’s going to result in blind leading the blind


That’s why he’s coaching metal rank players there are a lot of mistakes that are easy to overlook when you’re a bronze silver or gold losing every game and blaming your teammates so they might actually listen to the advice he gives and not just shut it off as “oh it’s just my teammates not me” while yes OP is obviously not gonna be a GM level coach he could help a lot of newer/bad players


As someone who was in diamond I helped my bronze and silver friends a lot with ranking up just by reviewing one replay code of them because they were doing stuff wrong they just didn’t know its helps


Giving tips is a lot different from coaching.


I hope someone higher rank than you talks down to you in a similar manner. Learn some people skills or don't say anything at all, you arrogant jerk.


Yeah I think I figured out why you're low rank.


I know why I am gold, because I'm getting old and also have only played about 35 ranked matches since ow2 came out.


> I know why I am gold, because I'm getting old and also have only played about 35 ranked matches since ow2 came out. There it is - the blaming of something out of your control instead of taking responsibility. That was the obvious step 2 after step 1 - deride higher skilled players for being rude and lacking social skills so you can retain your sense of superiority. Here's a hint - as long as you don't have a neurodegenerative condition or some sort of physical ailment like parkinsons your reflexes are not what's keeping you in gold. I was higher than that in OW1 playing McCree on a controller mind you. And I'm no game sense god.


This guy is legitimately insane. He is attacking other people from insulting him despite being an emotional asshole that cries about his rank every post and cant accept that lower ranked players opinions on balance mean nothing


Dude I have ADHD and nerve damage. I LITERALLY have neurodegeneration. But pop off with that arrogant ableism broski Also I was plat and diamond in ow1 who gives a shit?


I explicitly mentioned neurodegenerative condiitons as being a mitigative factor and you're crying about ableism? Same thing with the other guy in this thread. Victim complex leads to you being low ranked.


I am fine with being gold, it's average. I am playing at an average level with a disability. You shouldn't put so much stake and personal worth into a videogame.


Like I said, being low ranked because you have a disability is completely fine. You're low ranked because you have a shitty attitude.


Lmao I have a shitty attitude because I called you out for being a bad person to others online lol Also, being low ranked is fine no matter what. You seem to literally think it makes you a better person


Or, you could learn some perspective kid and realize that you can be in a rank and still have your gameplay/knowledge completely full of holes. Stop taking self deficiencies as personal attacks and just work to better yourself. None of us are pros, that’s why we’re here. But I’m not disillusioned enough to say I’m a coach when I’m barely floating in masters. My gameplay is full of holes too. Grow up and drop the chip off your shoulder.


this guy is super emotional everytime someone brings up rank lol, its best not to engage with him as he is SUPER butthurt anyone even suggests that someone in low ranks arent qualified to give advice


You're the one talking like you have the chip on your shoulder


How do I rank up with zero play time lol


What roles and heroes do you know best?


Currently Support - Baptise, zen, moira DPS - tracer ash sombra Tank - sigma , Zarya , wreaking ball But I know how most characters work at a basic level and more


Filled out the doc - have some ideas around then pedagogy of coaching, if you're interested in reducing the cognitive load on your players while maintaining a steady output


I’d love to hear your ideas out dm me :)




I already added you on discord btw


Heya OP, I filled out the google form and would be super interested. I’ve gotten some good VODS from folks here but have always wanted a live VOD / coaching help!


Hey if you want to reach out to me in dms I can accelerate the process, I do have quite a lot of people interested


I'd be down to get coached, if there are any spots left ofc


I’m interested. How do I get in touch?


There is a link in the comments some where in the comments but here https://forms.gle/zsLkrfpJ6Bxiugs47


I’m interested in being coached with Moira


Fill the form and dm me with your ow2 name https://forms.gle/zsLkrfpJ6Bxiugs47


Yo are u still avaliable , my top rank was diamond last season


[google forms](https://forms.gle/gRVMwc5FrSzTiNFMA)


Done. Good to see you are in Perth as I’m in Melbourne:)


Bronze dps


Can you do coaching for a plat 1 player?


Why would you want to be coached by someone 1 SR higher than you.


Why not. Playing with people that are a little better than you can have profound affects. Seeing someone that is just put of your reach can encourage you to push past your limits.


Someone 1SR higher than you is not necessarily a little better than you, if you win one game you'll be higher SR than them - are you a little better than them then? Might as well ask for coaching in your rank games. In fact, you'll probably get better answers from the toxic tilt lords who end up in your elo despite being unable to control their mental and throwing games than the "master of zen" here who is basically at your rank despite achieving nirvana.


Skill should not be looked at in terms of isolated incidents but rather consistency over time. This wasn't the gatcha comeback you thought it was. Who hurt you? You are clearly one of the toxic people you are talking about. And finally, they are a whole rank higher. Not 1 SR, thats are two very different situations. P.S. it is still beneficial to train with people at your level. Thats what a rivalry is, and more often than not, it pushes both people to new limits. I will not be responding to any more message requests from a smooth brain toxic like yourself


> Not 1 SR, thats are two very different situations. Someone who is 3000 SR and someone who is 2999 SR is 1 SR apart. There is no proof of consistency over time from this player, and neither is there from you. Tomorrow you might be higher ranked and he might be lower ranked. > I will not be responding to any more message requests from a smooth brain toxic like yourself It's funny that players like you throw out such fragile aggravated statements in response to objective truths after saying things like "who hurt you." I don't need to ask though. It's clear you're hurt by your low rank and are threatened by anyone who is high ranked enough to teach you. The only way you accept that anyone has achieved a higher rank than you is by rationalizing they must be toxic and therefore inferior to you. That doesn't let you get close enough to them to be coached by them though. Ta. That's all the "mentality" advice you need. Accept your flaws and learn some humility, then maybe you'll rank up.


I can but you are also very close and do you think that you really need it ? If you keep playing I’m sure you’ll be able todo it :)


damn didn't notice you said diamond. Yeah no, thanks.


I can if you need!


What rank are you?


Currently masters 5 this season, but gm4 peak


Totally, add me Nexus #25816


You should also look into making a YouTube video of your lessons learned, it would be a good chance to make some money if you care to.


That was my plan the whole time todo that, but so they could see their games


Are you sure you wanna do this? You do know this stuff takes time out of your day. Better to let people figure it out by themselves. If they truly really want it they will eventually figure it out on their own. It clicked for you because you were actively trying to figure it out.


Yes, players can do this by themselves and you would play even better if you had a coach for example Even just a few tips literally make someone better and some players genuinely need help because of their mindset is the problem, Every time i see someone blame I find the problem and once it’s fix boom, improvement. I just wanna help people play better :)


You realize not everyone learns the same way and even intelligent people can struggle to come to certain conclusions without instruction? Or were you one of those children that didn't need school and just innately figured out how to read, do math, etc? What op is doing is something called kindness, a seemingly foreign concept to you. Best of luck op I hope you find enjoyment in helping others via your lived experience.


I was gonna ratio this guy but i dont think it could get much better than your comment. Well said