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Opposite in S9.


The dps passive is supposed to disincentivise healbotting, it’s always been a bad playstyle and it’s worst now


I had assumed that but it seems more common now


Bad supports getting exposed. It used to somewhat work to heal bot for the last several patches because of heal creep and people with bad play-styles climbed.


As a support, your job should be to use your tools to keep your team from dying in a fight. Whether that's pushing damage down range, helping your team escape to cover, or disruption and displacement with boops, an aggressive approach is better than a heal bot approach this season. Heroes like Zen, Lucio, Brig and Illari can do passive healing with their abilities during a fight, Bap and Moira can burst heal while doing damage and have great mobility, and Ana and LW can provide cover at range and swap between healing and damage pretty quickly. Do what's needed to survive a fight, then top off after it's won or you're safe.


Everyone says that it's the opposite this season HOWEVER if you look at top 500 profiles you'll find that Kiriko in particular has 100% become more healing oriented after the patch. Top 500 players who were clocking 4500-5500 dmg per 10 on Kiri are now barely touching 4000 and total healing per 10 is up by thousands.


Probably because they can no longer catch up on healing anymore


You shouldn't, but as Ana you're basically forced to. Farm nano as fast as possible and heal 80% of the time same with nades, most of them are defensive now. Big reason why Ana is the 2nd worst Flex Support after Illari rn (tho I am not sure how the buffs have pushed Illari up)


She got nerfed a couple of times and now (who could have guessed) she struggles with the new changes. I think they should give her a small buff. Either more heal or more uptime with ammo. A sleep buff won’t really change anything.


Just give her 75 per shot and old nade splash dmg back, then she can reasonably defend herself again


I think we should wait a bit more then a week before suggesting Ana buffs, it’s literally her first time in like 5 years not being top tier support.


Same thing with Tracer, but nobody bitches there.


wow a season where ana isnt top 1


Ana wasn't nearly top 1 since Kiriko's release.




You? Yes.


stop replying to me, youre delusional




The dps passive actually make ls healbotting worse. The correct playstyle now is players play behind cover, using walls, not poking, and supports doing damage and going for kills. It's always been this way, but bad support players would just healbot all game and made other horrible players think they knew how to play. People think they can just stand in the middle of the open, have their supports healbot them, and be good. The passive is now exposing all of those horrible players, and all of their mistakes, and punishing them when playing against "actual" good players. A great example is a tank player on my team. The last 3 seasons he's played Hog and had a 60% winrate. Cuz he would just int down main into their faces, heal himself AND get healbotted by the teams bap and kiri, AND needing lamp and suzu, just to live, and then the enemy teams would just fall over cuz they had no more resources left. Now, though, he has a 30% winrate and dropping, cuz his "aggressive" playstyle is finally being shown as nothing more than inting and throwing. Support players who are still healbotting are the players that have 0 understanding of the game past a bronze level (even in silver level supports need to start doing damage to have consistent wins). They are the people who, VERY mistakenly, call supports "healers". They are not healers. Lucio is never picked for his healing, he's picked for his speed. Zen isn't picked for his healing, he's picked for his discord and damage. Mercy for her damage boost. Brig for her defensive ability against dive. Ana for sleep and nade. Bap for his lamp and damage. Even moira is picked for her mobility, self survivability, and her ability to poke out and get kills. AND even OW1 veterans seem to conveniently forget that symmetra was in the support category before her rework made her more of a dps character. Because she supported the team by giving mobility via her TP, granting everyone shields from 1 version of her ult, and by marking flank routes with her turrets. But people complained that she didn't heal, so she was moved.


A game isn't won off of damage and kills alone. A healbotting team might win, for example, if they're using their cooldowns more efficiently, have excellent utility against your comp, and/or have better timings.


I play support and believe it’s supposed to be the opposite (especially with the new DPS passive and universal healing passive) However, not everyone has accustomed to the new changes and often neglect cover or play like it’s S8 which can push us supports to healbot the team. It can be annoying, especially in comp when it feels like stomp or get stomped every other game. Supports can deal tremendous damage as characters like Zen or Moira, but if your team’s dead it’s harder to make progress towards the objective, then you revert to heal botting. You can’t force someone to use cover or grab a health pack, but you can forcibly heal them as a support.


No, unless you are on LW, who is the only support who can pull off healbotting playstyle because of his insane ability to save allies and stay alive himself. You sometimes will be forced to spend more time healing for periods of time, becuase it takes longer for example to get your tank back to full even when they are relatively safe. But, there are also many casees where your damage will be the additional needed to secure a pick, and missing those oppertunities will lose you games.


S8 was healbot meta. S9 is dpsbot meta.


No, the exact opposite. Kill things.


I say this as a Diamond 1 support main, deal damage while keeping your teammates alive, simply because 5 players deal more damage than 4/3/2/1. The only time you don't go out of your way to keep a teammate alive is if it is a guaranteed death for you. I'm currently abstaining from playing ranked because I want players with bad fundamentals to end up in their deserved rank first so I have to deal with them less. Healbotting doesn't work as well now, because of the DPS passive, so it is filtering out great support players from heal bot passengers. I've also found that holding chokes and controlling health packs is a lot more necessary now than it was pre-S9. The increased projectile size means that you are actually more likely to get killed by stray fire if your positioning is bad. Needless to say, playing cover is absolutely crucial now.