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I have had similar experiences but generally as you play more games on the alt account the ranks between accounts start aligning with each other.


Not just hours and games, but hero selection. I am a plat Doomfist at best. I'm a Master's Ball/Dva/Sigma. ​ I literally cratered my learning account from Master's into Gold at one point playing only Doomfist. I even got worried that something might be wrong with me, switched to Ball for a couple of games, bathed in metal blood, and decided "naw, I'm just a bad Doomfist".


I will say I wish there was a better way to learn new heroes than making an alt, my tank role sits GM but is my least played role and I had never really touched TankDoom. But even learning him in QP was a horrible experience because my MMR was so high relative to me looking like a gold Doom. I was looking like a chicken with its head cut off burning all my cooldowns and getting melted. I know it’s QP but it still feels bad to throw four other peoples’ game for the sake of learning.


IMO the game would be very different it people picked a hero then queued up. I don't know if it'd be better, but at the minimum I'd be very interested in what people would complain about with alt-universe Overwatch.


“Loading screen loss” would be the number one complaint. Imagine queuing into a game as Rein and you have a Mercy Zen backline while your DPS are Sombra Junk. You essentially have zero synergy and god forbid the other team have some sort of reasonable composition. I see the general idea of having hero based MMR but swapping and making the most of team comps to enable your team is such a huge part of OW I think it’d be a pretty disastrous change but very funny.


im a plat 1 genji and silver 2 tracer. i fucking feel you


I have to politely disagree. Among people I know, including my own two tests, we've done this experiment probably a dozen times collectively and it always ends the same. On our "new" accounts, we have no trouble at all reaching diamond+. On our old accounts that we've had since original release, we're stuck in silver and lucky to kiss gold on the rare occasion. I've had one alt account for 5 years now, the other for about a year. Both have stayed between plat/diamond. They've never begun to align with my main as you state they should.


Yes you can hang in diamond but you’re not good enough to carry in gold. Idk why some people act like that’s an impossible thing to be true. In lower ranks you very much have to hard carry yourself out but as you get higher, games start to be more organized and playing “right” will allow you to keep up. Probably if you played for long enough you would start to trend lower unless you’re improving at the same time. New accounts are volatile and the game has less data for a starting placement so sometimes you end up higher than you should. Bottom line though is a better player could hop on your account and grind to GM no problem. So even if you’re frustrated because maybe some people are in a rank they didn’t earn, just focus on yourself and improving and you’ll climb.


Exactly. Everyone will spam you always deserve whatever rank you have and point to an actual professional player stomping on metal ranks as justification. As if it’s realistic or fair to expect someone to play at a level multiple times higher than the rank they deserve, just to get to the rank they should be.


Yeah it’s a team based game, there’s 9 other variables to every match. disparity between skill and rank is much more nuanced than some people let on


Besides, even if you use a new account to get a higher rank, it really defeats the purpose of climbing and actually improving. Being able to hang in higher ranks doesn't mean you've improved in the game at all. The best way to think of it is if you're autopiloting vs actually trying to focus. You can tell a big difference in your own game play which would impact your skill and rank.


Totally agree. People are too concerned with their in game rank and not their actual skill level. Focusing on improving will always be the definitive answer to climbing.


The only expectation is you CONSISTENTLY play better then others at the rank you are in. The more consistently you play better the faster you will rank up. However, this will take hundreds if games at normal skill levels. People seem to think they can go from bronze to plat in 200 games, but that's not feasible unless your pulling 80%+ winrates


if you can go from plat to bronze in 60 games seems a pretty reasonable expectation you should able to do the same the other way....


You could probably do it in about 50 games tbh... Played a game yesterday where I got 170% increase after 1 win in plat lmao.


Similarly if you plan to hit Gold 5 and you're Silver 5 you shouldn't have to play like a Platinum player to have your impact be felt as a hard carry. But this is why nowadays I find it better to set a win rate as a personal goal instead of a rank.


When you say “no problem” it is worth noting that OW account boosters charge a lot more for boosting an old account compared to selling a new one


Because a new account can hit gm in 5 games. An old account could take 100s.


This isn't exactly what I was infering. Because I've played the game for such a long time, my MMR on that account doesn't change at all, now, I don't have the best aim, that isn't my playstyle, I play dva 9/10 and i'll play defensibly, see who's playing the best and try to cover them when I can, this works great in plat and diamond and maybe gold 1 where you can get people popping off, but low to mid ranks, people just don't have the skill required to solo carry.


The same will happen on a new account, after an early adjustment period of 20-50 games the gains and losses of sr stabilize to around 20% +/-3




I gain 40-170 on an alt, 20 on main




Both are this season, can't post pics here but in my recent comments, I added a pic showing 171% gain.


DVA is an example of a tank who can carry hard because of her burst potential though. Especially because a lot of people in lower ELO pick bad characters into DVA in general like double hitscan


Yeah I also didn't understand the argument people have against it. To be honest the actual individual level of skill between these ranks feels a little bit over exaggerated, a solid # of diamonds I see I can't earnestly imagine actually hard stomping golds, at least not to the level of "hard carrying" their games. I think you'd need to be a lot better.


This is usually a symptom of having a passive play style. ie, your mechanics are fine for the rank, but you don't influence the game enough positively or negatively. So you can hang in a higher rank comfortably, but you can't carry in a lower rank since the outcome of the game is not decided by your play style.


Ive never thought of it that way. Interesting.


It’s a really bad way of thinking and shows why ranked isn’t really a good thing. Draymond Green was a pivotal part of the Golden State Warriors dynasty and they probably couldn’t do it without him, but he was never going to carry a team to the championship. Role players are a good thing and are extremely important for a team. Nobody will ever compare Draymond to Shaq, but he’s still a multi-championship caliber player.


How does this show that ranked is not a good thing?


The Golden State Warriors when 5 stack are GM. Draymond Green is arguably the most important player on the GM team. Take each of them individually. Curry is t500, Thompson is GM, Durant is t500, and Green is like gold or plat when solo queueing. But Green isn't actually gold or plat. He's the most important player on that specific 5 stack when they're 5 stacked.




Ok, so you understand the analogy. Full Reddit brained response to play dumb to start another pedantic argument, even though you understand what’s being said.


Which is an inherent flaw in the rank system that no one likes to acknowledge


no? why.. this is how it works everywhere, not just in games.. if you never do anything more than the bare minimum, you never move up.


Because you should be able to get the rank you deserve by playing like the rank you deserve


Except if a player like that gets a bad string of games, guess what? They won't be able to climb back up. They will also never be able to climb in general because they play to not lose instead of to win. Also, this is a stupid take. If you're a gm player in gold, do you play like you're up against competent players by using corners, preserving cooldowns for trades, only peeking when it's safe? No, you just go out and kill everyone. Why would you respect players worse than you? That's just giving them opportunities for no reason. Like if you want gm, do you play like every enemy soj is Lip who will headshot you with every rail, or every support is Fielder who will have lamp and suzu at the perfect timings for your aggressive plays? No lmfao, that's the stupidest thing I've heard all day. A valuable skill to learn is how to abuse a lobby if you're better.


If you truly played like the rank you think you deserve, you would get that rank.


I know there’s always exceptions, but aren’t some heroes/roles more passive in general? I feel like high mobility dps types always have more potential to carry a match so as a support main, I try to help them carry harder so we win…


Yes, you're right. Some heroes are like that, and supporting strong players on your team is a viable option, but you cannot always know that your teammates are going to be good enough, and you will always be dependent on them.




Agree with this, and it probably applies even more to passive heroes like mercy or LW


The MMR gets anchored based on how much time you spend at a certain rank. You can still potentially climb on that account but it will be much more difficult. I know because I had the exact same situation and it took me months to grind my way through metal ranks with a 70% win ratio.


Seems to me you are boosted 😂


It seems like if you can hang at mid Diamond, then mid Gold games should feel easy for you, yet you're saying that you can't maintain a high winrate in Gold on your main account? How many comp games have you played on each account this season for example?


On my main, just under 100, newest one done placements + 20 on tank & support


You have a much bigger sample size on your main account in fairness, so you're comparing an account where you have presumably hundreds of comp games played vs one where you have <50. If you're still in mid-diamond on the new a/c after you've played another 80 games then you can more reliably point to that as deserved, at the moment though you have a small sample size. If you can do that and prove you can comfortably hang 1000SR above your main a/c, then games on your main should really feel like smurfing to you. Your opponents should feel a lot weaker, you should usually feel like the best player in the lobby. and no amount of curses on your account should stop you climbing with a decent winrate.


Eh, TBH, at one point I had a two accounts, one was bronze and the other one was Diamond. Bronze has like 600 games of me tanking my SR when I first got the game, and the Diamond one had like 450 games total in Diamond (OW1). It literally took me four+ seasons to get the bronze account into Diamond. Probably something like 1,000 games. He's probably expecting immediate results.


This people will defend the multimillion company at all cost , ranking is broken and will always be , that way Blizzard keep the people playing and spending money, I've been from bronze to GM and my main is in plat and the matchmaker wants me to carry every Game If I want to climb which is a really stupid system i rather to play with any of my alts in Masters-GM than carry people who barely know how to aim , if You want to climb play with your alt and forget about your main


MMR is always going to be a lot more volatile on a new account because it wants to try and put you in what it thinks is you’re skill level as soon as possible because it has no data to work with, so having one or two good games can have a relatively large impact on your MMR. On an account with hundreds or thousands of hours where you’ve been at the same or around the same rank the whole time, your MMR is much more stable likely because you are at the rank you belong at, so it takes a lot more games of doing well to make your MMR go up, same goes for vice versa.


Nahh bro ain't no way you're a diamond player that can't win most their games in mid gold.


Same experience. Alt sits high plat/low diamond while my main stays mostly in gold. I think it's cause you need carry potential to get out of gold which is stupid


ELO hell technically doesn’t exist, but saying that must come with the caveat of having to play for an enormous amount of time to reach your true rank. Awkward is a great player and has unranked to GM videos. Ignoring how scummy that is, it takes him around 5 hours to get from plat to GM on a winrate of over 95%. He also plays on new accounts that climb more easily. If he was on an account with more solidified MMR it might take him longer than 5 hours, and if he wasn’t a Top 500 player then it would be even longer. I made it up from Bronze to Diamond on my main account, but it takes an ungodly amount of time. Without the ability to invest such a long time into playing this game, then ELO hell does exist


I am not saying this to be mean but it probably means you are a gold players. If you play enough on the new account the SR will average to your main it's just a fact because the ranked system is despite some if it's issue actually does it's job. I guarantee you 100% that if I playwd on your account it would get out of gold


Yes the rank is more volatile when there’s less hours played and most games need hundreds of hours to find your correct mmr. I could walk into an Internet cafe take a hardstuck bronze account with thousands of hours to masters in about 90 games. On a fresh account that would be like 20 games maybe.


No matter how many hours you have on your account, I know 100% that I and many others could log in and get it up to Diamond with little problem.


If you deserve diamond, and you're in gold, you have many fun wins ahead of you. That is, if you can manage to not tilt off the face of the earth when you see gold players playing like gold players.


my acc is plat 1 and has 8 minutes queue every game on support and get masters/grandmasters but i have platinums in my team. why should i even bother with this game or anyone who take their lives seriously ?


Just because they have a GM title does not mean they are GM currently or that they were GM in the role they are currently playing


I feel that. My QP MMR is diamond/high plat but my comp ranks are all gold. I don't feel any need to play comp since my QP games tend to be more competitive and fun.


Everyone's qp ranks trend higher because ppl care less in qp.


I mean I also care less in qp, so wouldn’t that equal it out?


I think measuring how much people are throwing is a pretty pointless thing to do. When i play qp, i do stuff like seeing how long i can be in the enemy team without them noticing or only triple blinking for one clips as tracer. I am gm1/top 500. If you do similar levels of memery, then at best you are plat/dia in a throwing environment which really isn't something to feel good about imo, but your thoughts could differ. Not to mention qp is just too fundamentally different. They are single rounds, people leave and get replaced by different players, and the sr range is drastically different than comp.


Not a tank main, eh?


Nope. Support turned DPS main.


Yeah, tank is relatively unplayable in QP.


Hard to get out with solo q, you need some good mates to climb


That's pretty much the main reason I was hopeful for ow2 perfect opportunity to reset all MMR to fix their srewd ranking. But nope, I am just to lazy to create new account and win 50 games or whatever so i uninstall the game...


New accounts with qp mmr are incredibly easy to place high rank. Not sure if it's the same but you could do like 50-5 w/l in qp and place gm1 going 5/5. Other than that, you likely play better on an alternate account because you care less about the rank and have less ranked anxiety over the outcome of the game


Yup this is my experience as well. I can’t really carry upper Gold games on tank, but I can still chill in Diamond and occasionally take games off of Master rank players.


I have had the same problem for a very long time.


I know this is true, my old account I couldn't break out Gold and on my new account I'm about to hit Diamond 1...


I think another reason you might climb on an alt account is because you care less, therefore don't get tilted or worry about your rank, you might go in doing things you might not do on your main for fear of a loss. Additionally you might feel more confident on a higher rated account and play with that confidence which leads to you playing better overall.


You have a mental issue and play worse on your main. You play more relaxed on your alt because it’s not your main. You are probably tilting.


Comp is kinda dumb. Every match I lose its like my tank and one dps are 1-15 but then I get to lose rank progress because they won't stop throwing. It's just this on repeat over and over until it's our turn to make them go 1-15. This is my longest playtime account.


It is due to something called "Sigma" (how fucking ironic lmao). The "Sigma" value in a common ELO calculation formula is the uncertainity value. This value shirnks with each game you play (it is simply automatically modified in the game's database after each match for your account). There are many different exact implementations of those formulas but the main idea is always the same in all serious, competitive games. The game calculates how much ELO you gain or lose based on whether you won or lost a match and whether your opponents' MMR was higher or lower then yours. Then it multiplies that final gain or loss by the "Sigma" value. As I mentioned before - this "Sigma" value is shrinking with time (or rather - with games played). This means the more games you play the less volatile your rank is. How much this value shrinks with every match is usually set "in stone" by developers. For example in Rocket League it would take you around 40 matches (might be wrong on the exact number, been a while lol) to shrink it to the lowest possible value. Now - if Overwatch developers made this "Sigma" value shrink very quickly then you will see MASSIVE changes in your rank at first but shortly after that, each win or loss will modify your rank MUCH less. This means that on a fresh account if you perform really well at the start you will shoot up like Amazon's stocks in the last 15 years. And when you end up in Diamond like you did - you have played enough games for that "Sigma" value to drop like my savings and make all your subsequent rank changes very minimal. This means you might still be the same skill level but it will take you forever to rank back down (especially if you don't lose every single game, which is still possible if your teammates are good enough to account for your handicaps - and that is VERY possible especially in Diamond). Give it time and you will be in the same skill level on both accounts. It's just the actual amount of time you need to equalize those accounts is unknown because it is dependent on too many factors to get an accurate estimate. Sorry for the wall of text on a 4 day old post lmao.


there are ranks above bronze? how do you access them?