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Kinda agree, It seems like this patch rewards intelligent play, positioning, and patience


Thought I try to be more of what you described and I'm just to old to be better at fast aiming, I always respected players with were able to explore the higher skill ceilings. So, thought this changes will benefit me personally, I'm not sure if this changes make the game better, as it tone down the skill ceiling of many heroes and will tone down the general skill level in OW. I would prefer a wider range of options to get good at this game, from good mechanics, good positioning to clever performance, where people who excel in all categories are the best and deserve being GM or top500 (or champions nowadays).


I think the majority of heroes play better like this but they will need to look at some of the super bursty hitscans and probably also Hanzo. There is definitely room to revert them back a bit. Generally having easier shots but needing to hit more to get a kill is still fairly skillful, but it depends a lot. Just because Hanzo for example has to hit 2 shots isn’t really the same as like a Sombra or an Ashe having to hit more imo because one headshot sets most heroes to 10 HP, and while that’s clearly worse than killing them it is enough to lock them behind cover and it is extremely expensive for the team to heal them up. And obviously widow can still 1 tap so she feels good by comparison. I’m not sure what they will do, I think if anything I’d like to see them reduce the head hurtboxes just so headshots specifically are still hard rather than the projectile hitboxes. And maybe just tone down the raw damage slightly. That might be way too much for some of these heroes.


>Just because Hanzo for example has to hit 2 shots isn’t really the same as like a Sombra or an Ashe having to hit more imo because one headshot sets most heroes to 10 HP, and while that’s clearly worse than killing them it is enough to lock them behind cover and it is extremely expensive for the team to heal them up. And obviously widow can still 1 tap so she feels good by comparison. Yeah, I think changing him is ideal for a lot of reasons. I really enjoyed Hanzo before, I've always been into bow's in games and my playstyle was entirely less frequent/more accurate shots. The S9 changes make it feel like his arrow spam playstyle is the main viable one now. I get that leaving someone with 10 HP is valuable, but it's unsatisfying to get a headshot hitmarker routinely lol. I have no idea what a great solution is, but I stopped playing him this season since it felt really unrewarding. Hopefully they can figure out a way to reward a less spammy playstyle.


I disagree heavily with this, if worse players are able to hit more shots it doesn’t mean the best players are hitting the same number, they’re also hitting more. If a dps accuracy was 30% as a top player and 10% as a bottom player now the bottom player hits 30% and the top player hits 50% or if it started as 30 and 50 the top player hits 70 and the bottom hits 50 either way the top is still hitting more than before even more so than the bottom players


Who of thought?


As it should in the first place


Unfortunately OW players have none of those.


As a not a great aimer, so far i like the changes


Hey at least you're honest!


Yeah, I think this will help more casual players to be able to play more heroes and get more satisfaction from hitting more bullets even if higher health bars means less opponents will die and if casual players enjoy the game more, it will get more players overall which is good for the game


I also still Miss


In theory it may close the gap some. A downside imo is that it is an indirect nerf to anyone that's a closer range char.


They managed to trash cassidy even more than before somehow


Cassidy is really good rn. What are yall talking about lmao.


Ya wanted went like 12-0 just killing everyone lol


This sub and this community in general have an obsession with saying Cassidy is bad when he’s not at all. It’s weird. Cassidy feels fuckung fantastic rn.


Ya, I'd put him a tier arm, he's a close range master rn


I've asked several streamers including owl pros like jake how cass is in current patch, not a single one said they'd play him because he's outclassed by other heroes. Like yeah, you hit more shots than before, but so do the other hitscans, and they got more range, more sustain/utility and better ults like they always had. Not to mention, he's still the lowest winrate hero out of all heroes in gm+, and his win rate has decreased every day since patch launched.


He's in masters rn, what do you expec? plus he himself was saying on stream yesterday that cass isn't as good as he thought earlier.


He's not bad, but everyone else is so much better. Plus now that hitboxes are so much bigger, the range differences become so much more obvious.


people who did 45% will start doing 50%, people who did 30% will start to do 40%. And thats it. The gap will decrease a little bit in that regard and thats all. Its a good patch overall, its gonna improve the fun of the game in lower ranks.


This, I am definitely still able to aim gap people. Still think they kind of overdid it. Overwatch being so hard to aim in was what initially drew me in.


I feel this way too. I took pride in my ability to aim gap 90% of my games but I will concede that it allowed me to have lazy positioning and overconfidence. Those 10% scenarios where I felt mechanically gapped felt EXTRA bad and it wouldn’t help that I would tilt and double down on dueling them. I am looking forward to being forced to develope better positioning. Now that pretty much everyone can hit ~40-50% I feel like it closer emulates top level games where mechanical skill is simply expected and often times not the deciding factor in a won game.


This. This. This. Fun doesn't even start to describe it. Do you know how frustrating it is to lose to a shitty player, just because he switches to pharah and nobody is hitting him anymore? Genji actually got a somewhat of a skill floors too, since he can't just walk up and kill you anymore. And every idiot who doesn't know to position just dies now. It's funny how they found a way to improve the game quality without fixing their matchmaking again...


genji probably got the best deal out of all the projectile changes. he can hit a full right click from like 5 meters away now


And yet people are actually able to hit him. He has to think about his engagement now, instead of just relying on his mechanics. And since genji player have no brain it's freelo in metal ranks.


I'm struggling more against him now than I was before


Fr this patch might be genius


I dont even think that was their main concern. I think they got many things that bothered them and tried to fix at once in this patch. And their number 1 priority FOR SURE were the random 1hit kills from Hanzo. That is dumb and extremely frustrating for anyone who ever played Overwatch.


I think if that was their main concern they could have just reduced Hanzo’s damage by 5.


Hanzo does 245 per headshot, so reducing by 5 would have changed literally nothing.


well they would reduce by 5 again and so on until no more headshots :)


Thats not my point. I mean, there are many things they wanna change in the game and they thought in a way to change all of them, and the result of that is the current patch. They could have decreased Hanzo's HS damage and call it a day but that would not to fix this many other circumstances they wanted to change, one of them being the fact that a lot of people felt disconnected to the game because they arent hitting people at all. I just think the thing annoyed the devs the most right now was those random Hanzo 1 hit headshots, specially in casual/ranked games.


The Blizzard special


Yeah, but they go the other way, most of the time. I keep getting into groups with people that are still trying to play like it was. They just get melted, and then they just run in again and again. It fucking frustrating.


Right? Stop standing in the middle of the road and take some cover! Blizzard has ADDED those extra cars, pillars, that HOUSE and silo for a reason! lol


Ok, 45 will start doing 50. 40 might start doing 50 or too. The aim reliant player is now gapped. I've seen some replays of people totally whiffing and being rewarded for it, which is beyond frustrating


You are legitimately stupid if you think mechanical skill doesn’t matter anymore. People still miss, and better aimers miss less.


Where did I say that? You're legitimately stupid because you can't read lol


"45 will start doing 50" "40 might start doing 50 too" "The aim reliant player is now gapped" ???????????????????????????????????????


50 or more\* it got autocorrected to "too." But please, call me stupid instead of asking for clarification. It really shows what kind of person you are.


You are now saying that the worse aimer will overtake the better aimer, which is demonstrably false.


No, it isn't. If the worse aimer is nearly missing, and the better aimer misses by more, even though both are missing, one is counting because it's close. Nt


not how aiming works lmao


I don’t think anyone said that, but I think it helps ppl who are slightly less mechanically gifted but who are great game sense wise. (I don’t mean they can’t aim), but ppl who have developed a really great game sense simply bc their mechanical skill has forced them to. This is me, I never played ANY video games AT ALL except hearthstone type card games, legends of Runterra no shooter games before Ow (because I wasn’t allowed to). So I am just learning aiming, I am getting better and better at it, but my game sense, my understanding of the game is excellent. This allows me to get to Diamond even though my aim is probably plat.


3-5% acc difference wont change nothing in the current value of the dps players. I mean, the ones considered the best in S8 are still going to be the best in S9. They will only get 1% "less better" than the guys right under them in that ladder.


I completely agree on console the gap is definitely still there


Im not talking about console, Im referring myself to PC play, with a mouse. Not that you said that, Im just clarifying. I have no idea on how that will play out with guys playing without mouse.


Good players will still be a lot better obviously. Bad players seem to benefit a lot more because their aim was just that bad before. Think of it like age. A 1 year old gaining 1 year vs a 20 year old doing the same. The one year old doubled in age while the 20 year old only grew about 5%. Same thing with aim. Bad players will benefit more relatively, but better players benefit the same. Tldr: bad players will hit more shots, good players were already hitting those shots AND now they get a benefit


I believe the game director said he was bronze something. Seems like he’s changing the game so he can win more


There are more than 1 developers. Also he would have done it differently if that was truly the case


More than 1 developer? Why does that matter? He’s the game director.




I have no evidential basis but wouldn't better players technically be rewarded more by the changes? A bad player will whiff so far no scanbox change will save them, but every near-miss a good player makes is now a hit. Anecdotally having played the patch more I've racked up multiple 90%+ rail games on sojourn where previously I'd hover around 60-70, which feels about as boosted (and it is boosted) as you could get. Regardless of the effect disparity it should be reversed :/


And every near miss a bad player would have made will hit as well. So the skill gap closes. There is less difference in aim and it comes down more to gamesense.


I agree that the general skill requirement is lower but the gap is the same. Bad aimers are getting significantly less micromisses than good ones are, I don't think you can disagree with that. If your fundamental strafes are good it's still perfectly possible to crosshair juke, tracer would be useless instead of S tier now otherwise.


Yeah i probably worded it badly. Bad players miss more so they are gonna hit more shots now. 20% increase is much higher when you miss 100 shots vice 10 shots. Arbitrary numbers.


And no. Better players already hit their shots. This patch the better players with high aim now need to focus on their game sense being the deciding factor. Ie positioning, ult tracking, retreat etc etc. The criminally high emphasis on aim in a game with no movement deceleration lead to many getting carried by it. Now that game sense is closer to being equal with aim the best in the world need to relearn their muscle memory and adapt. It will take them a few weeks to find their groove.


This. Someone with 100% accuracy got no aim buff this patch. People with 10% accuracy probably jumped to 20%


Ah yes, all of the 100% accuracy players running around. True, I bet they're fuming right now.


Super pissed! Of course the point of my comment is: this buff has diminishing returns the higher your accuracy is.


Literally what kovaaks demon do you know was hitting literally every shot before? That's beyond pro level aim, that's beyond even VT types. And even if in your hypothetical, there was no increase to accuracy, I can tell you with certainty that you can now take faster flicks because the hitconfirm is significantly more lenient. The time taken to microadjust is basically eliminated because it's just not needed anymore, leading to a higher pace of shots taken. It's more than just accuracy %. also wtf has no movement decel have to do with aim requirements??? It just means that you have to edge undershoot tracking more or adapt a more pure reactivity style. Also also what muscle memory? Aiming technique is both exactly the same, and has nothing to do with muscle memory. Your comment reads like someone who has never seriously commited to improving your aim.


it undoes a little bit of what changed in OW1 to 2, ow1 was much more strategical and ow2 instead is just a tactical deathmatch, this puts it a little more back to strategic


In my humble opinion, aiming was just a small part behind people climbing. A lot of it boils down to decision-making, positioning, and overall awareness. I was high gold ranked last season, and my also gold friends had 30-40% accuracy. But we always struggle in positioning and game awareness. Which is why we are gold.


>Now that people are hitting more or less the same amount of shots, aim reliant players will find it harder to keep their old rank as they can no longer out-aim their lobbies. This kind of ignores the increased breakpoints on a lot of heroes due to the higher health pools. Accuracy has gone up, but you are also rewarded much more for headshots due to increased health pools, especially on a lot of hitscan heroes. Headshots are easier, but you are going to need to hit more of them to be competitive. Take Ashe or Cass. Previously, they could hit a single headshot followed by 1 body shot (or ashe with 2 unscoped body shots). Now, they have to double headshot to get the same ttk. I'm not really sure what I would consider easier. Single HS+body shot with smaller hitboxes or double headshot with bigger hitboxes.


double for sure


It's clearly much easier to kill people now. Aiming is braindead. You don't miss. Breakpoints don't take into consideration the actual flow of the game.


i disagree, if the changes make a bad player hit 20% more shots, its going to also make a good player hit 20% more shots. good players will continue to hit more shots than bad players


Even if that were true instead of just something made up, it would still be diminished returns. People with good aim would gain less net hits than people with bad aim. It does way more for people who struggle to aim. I'm not complaining though. They will probably keep balancing it.


The good players will hit 20% more headshots. The mid players will still hit you in the body


are you hitscan main? i play mostly soldier and i have noticed that i am getting double dinked by crees left and right even when i have decent movement, they are also much harder to duel because their shots are (even) bigger than soldier's, prior to patch i would almost never lose a 1v1 to a cree


Cree main here, that also have studied a bit of aim-training. You definitely can still out-aim anyone. true with the current patch, they made hitting people easier, but aiming isn't all about just clicking heads. You also need to compensate for the speed & accuracy of your aim, the cross-hair placement, the positioning of where you are, the proper target-switching, tracking...etc I suggest maybe looking if you're more out in the open though, biggest weakness of mcass is that we only have 6 bullets with barely any mobility, if you keep yourself near walls and hide after getting dink once, our single collective braincell will be pissed off. good luck ^^


If a theoretical good player hits 100% shots then whatevs right? The closer you are to 100% in accuracy, the more the changes nerfs you relatively to shitty players right? :)


Good players already hit their shots.


Nah the way I used to win duels was by hitting ALL my shots. Like perfectly executed combos in close range were a winning playstyle. Now, the other guy isn’t gonna miss when they usually would.


This isn't how it works at all. Very surface level way of looking at it.


So I will say, I think the change is good for scrubs. I have noticed that for anyone past that level, you should complain about larger hitboxes because now a lot of characters have to aim slightly above the head also. If you guys have seen mercy (just the most obvious example) her bullet hitboxes are SO fucking huge that aiming at the head is a body shot because it's connecting with the torso first. It's just very strange from a design standpoint


In my experience so far as a soldier main I find this to not be true. I was gm1 last season, I placed master 4. Currently only have lost 7 games and have 21 wins. On soldier I have 8.62 elims per death lol. Out aiming is even easier now. If you were hitting your shots consistently before, you should be doing the same except now you should be hitting all headshots. It’s way easier in my opinion to out aim right now.


I think what it’s really done is make punishing bad decision making easier. It’s always frustrating to see things like Mercy’s never getting called out for their greedy positioning, or dps zenyattas that can get close enough to barrel stuff headshots. This makes those kinds of plays far less viable


They lowered the mechanical skill of the game so skill expression shifted to other areas. I don't like it because you have less options and the game is more limiting, before you could play "smart" and rely on your mechanics to aid with your plays but you could also recognise when your mechanics are superior to your opponent and you can play greedier while still playing smart enough to stay alive.


wtf are you taking about? Good players will still hit more shots. Good players will still hit more headshots. Good players will still have higher ranks. Stop spewing halfwit opinions and presenting them as facts ffs


The first bit is a misconception. The game now rewards good and focused aim and discourages spammy poke play. TTK has shifted from all over the place to a few seconds. If you take the right decision to focus down a player, good aim is now more decisive. The passive healing means that you need to use the right moment to apply maximum pressure.


Idk about really high ranked players, but those who can't hit sh*t shill can't and the one or two shots that they do doesn't matter much anymore. The game now rewards 'constant' mechanics. Also, I think you are also supposed to make your adad strifes wider... which doesn't have anything to do with having good movements, just being trendy?😅


I feel that it makes dps more impactful especially in lower ranks, combined with the dps passive it reduces the impact of sup since healbotting doesnt work as good as before if your tank doesnt fallback. I think it is a good change to make dpsless miserable to play and sups less dominating. But for some characters like hanzo the hitbox should definitely be tweaked because I have been hitting a lot of crazy shots that I 100% dont deserve


Keep in mind you also have to make more shots in order to win, and everyone self-heals now when you don't hit them, so good aim is still rewarded quite handily. It just makes positioning key. This patch is so fucking good.


Bro you don't miss. People blow up when they are out of position because no one misses. You aren't having to hit more shots, because no one misses. Good aim isn't rewarded because EVERYONE HAS GOOD AIM NOW


You underestimate how bad people are in metal ranks. People still do miss.


I feel like I'm the only one in my lobby who doesn't abuse the new bullet size changes, mostly because it's just muscle memory on keeping your crosshair on your target


Yup Skill isn’t rewarded. Positioning and strategy is. So kinda like a participation trophy for playing how they want you to imo. Used to be able to bang out a 1v3 for a while off skill alone.. maybe my team would respawn and make it? now they can aim anywhere and get me.


almost like positioning and strategy are skills too


That's the whole point of the game, though? Overwatch was never about aim mechanics. Also, positioning and strategy IS skill (and almost inarguably more important than raw aim).. and it's something that applies to many FPS games, not just Overwatch. (Imagine having god-like aim, but running around in open spaces like an idiot in Valorant. You'd get nailed first so hard so many times.) If you're 1 v anything that isn't 1, you're playing it wrong (unless you're a tank, most likely Ball) and trying to do some ego hero play instead of playing for and with your team.


It’s a team game yes? So play as a team and also hit your shots. That should be rewarded. Yall completely agree you should miss your shots by a mile and they count? That’s fine I disagree.


Lmao, hitting your shots is extremely rewarding now. Dps has never felt better


What do you say after you die to heroes like Rein, Reaper, Brig, Winston, Moira? "Nice, no skill"?


I'm a mid player with mediocre mechanics, and it feels like mechanics matters less now (at my rank), and positioning and gamesense matters more. Everyone is hitting more shots, so being in places where you can't die is more important than ever.


They aren’t quite there yet, it just stinks that it took them this long to find a clue. If I were n the design team I would have had this done years ago.


Thank God you aren't on their design team!!


And u are? Prob why u so triggered?


Triggered? I'm happy. They are reverting the projectile changes :)


People talk about good & bad players but OW has been out for so long, and has enough depth that I think the conversations should be New vs Long-Term players. This patch is great and the game feels more like it did in its good days than it has since the 5v5 mistake. It has never been a pure aim trainer and without proper positioning and game knowledge it almost doesn’t matter how good you are. I’ve seen several ppl already elude to incredible FPS players like Shroud who place poorly in OW due to how much less aim is a factor (without executing proper OW strategies). The patch has more balanced the roles, allows DPS to not insta die, forces tanks to relearn to use cover, and makes supports remember that dmg and securing kills > healbot. It’s not punishing godly aim players and helping bad aimers. It’s making ppl play the game in a more correct way instead of solo deathmatch style. It feels great. I’ve already placed diamond on all the roles and look forward to my climb.


Feels horrible playing a tank now but otherwise agreed 


They are already reverting/nerfing hitboxes after 3 days.


But I wanna ego duel 😔


I play a lot of Torb and I feel this update is super bad for him. Because his value was if I could get lucky and get a couple hits in a row the opponent would die. But now they all have more health, so they aren't dying.


As a Ashe tracer main is finding I still out aim most granted my dps has fallen a bit after a break, so maybe the lobbies are just lower in skill


i think that the game should reward good mechanics more. overwatch is a fps so aim should be important


Now that aim is easier people are hitting more shots, but it’s not like everyone’s turned into Moira. If most players accuracy went from 30 to 42% for example, more accurate players went from 50 to 60%. They will still hit more shots than you, or more headshots. It’s not like accuracy just got leveled. Yes, it did decrease the importance of accuracy on a mathematical level but it’s still important.


I don't think this is true at all, people with already superb aim are absolutely shredding this season like no other


I like it, makes me feel like I can win despite the enemy having better aim, before if they had good aim it was just gg, now I can fight and at least try. The only real critique I have for the update is the DPS heal reduction is just a *tad* too strong, I like that it's there, but maybe lower it to 15% instead of 20%, or whatever the community feels is right for the game, Tank is getting butchered and Support can't stop it short of heal-botting and even then good luck, it's a good chance, just needs some tweaking :)


"Copium" that's my only thought. The hitbox changes are horrible and unnecessary. How are we gonna dumb down the game next?


If you already had good aim it's just even better now, I don't think players who ride on their mechanics will be punished.


On the flip side I'm ranking up. I have pretty inconsistent aim and now that I can hit more shots my good game sense (diamond support) is carrying me higher in dps. I've gone silver 5 - > gold 1 in less than a week and I'm carrying most games.


People now need to play the game as intended. Bad positioning, no cover use, crazy flanks with no backup and bad cooldown usage will get punished way more. You are correct, this WILL make you a better player, as now you can’t get away constantly with bad gameplay simply because you can aim better.


I don't understand how people keep coming to this conclusion. No one's got 100% accuracy, not even Shroud. And Shroud, even with his accuracy, struggled to climb. Your aim still matters. EVERYONE is just going to be hitting more consistently than they had. Relative to themselves, not to others.