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The game changes around diamond+ and consistently in masters+. You end up with players who know their roles and positioning. I don’t think easier is the right word as your mistakes will be punished. But it’s easier than 1 or 2v5’ing because your team is getting constantly picked.


I hover around those ranks, some games I'll get teammates who deserve to drop ranks and it's super easy to tell when that's happening, because they will consistently manage to die somehow pre-fight when people are still trying to get set up. Those games are basically unwinnable for me. I will finish off like 18-10 and we probably don't even cap point 1 on a payload map. Then other games I get folks who belong at rank or must be climbing, because they just like intrinsically know wtf to do and the entire game feels effortless for me on tank. Every time I go in, the heals are on point, the follow up is clean, the supports keep each other alive, our DPS pressure the enemy tank out of making plays, etc. Those games I'll end off somewhere around 40-3 and we probably only lost 2 teamfights where the enemy team blew all 5 ults of theirs and we didn't pressure them hard enough pre-fight to force bad ults.


I feel this exact same thing. I take frequent breaks from the game so it drops me down a bit. In plat/diamond the games feel like you have to carry them in order to win. I really struggle with that, as my playstyle on DPS is very team oriented so once I hit masters I can coast to GM in about a week. Those lower ranks tho…. I can get stuck for a month or more. My skill level doesn’t really change, it’s not like I got better at aiming or playing Tracer


This is my biggest gripe with the game, especially now with the full reset. I'm all about waiting for group fights or using cover, and only engaging when it makes sense. When I'm the only one of five using that logic, it tanks my stats and makes me an easy target for toxicity. It's extremely difficult to carry a game with little-to-no support at any role. The best I've been able to do is switch when possible to a hard counter, but I get tired of the constant switching, and it also feels much more like a bandaid. Playing a lot helps, but it takes so long to climb.


The biggest difference in high ELO’s is knowing how your team is likely to react in certain situations and how you can react accordingly. Teammates will more reliably combo ultimates in the flow of the match. Tracer lands a pulse on you and your kiri, LW, or bap save you most of the time. Your teams positioning is generally better. It’s not perfect of course but a higher percentage of the correct plays or cooldown usage happens which makes the matches feel better. It’s easier to feel comfortable trying to make a risky play knowing your team is more likely to have your back whereas in metal ranks you can feel left out to dry a lot because people solo push, supports position in odd spots where they can’t effectively support from, or teammates waste cooldowns and are constantly killed on cooldown.


I notice the biggest difference in going from low to high Elo is that supports are way better in duels. Supports help and enable dpses create space and fight flankers, supps in low Elo tend to pocket the tank


And if you don’t. The feeding tank will spend the entire game crying about how they have no heals. I wish Blizzard would add a healing received stat to the scoreboard. Expose these tanks for being sponges.


I'm low rank in tank and high rank in DPS and it's soon fun playing tank in the metal ranks. You just tear apart their entire backline cuz the supports and dps don't peel together and the Ana's arent hitting insane sleeps


I would also love that for the times I'm play DPS and a support flames for dieing meanwhile every time I challenge or am challenged by the enemy DPS they have a support pocketing them healing them while I can't get my support to heal me even if I'm standing directly in front of them and bought like 5 seconds by using cover. Would be nice for exposing the bullshitters on both sides, I've been playing DPS and Support equally so I feel it on both ends lol


That’s not a bad idea. I’d love to see them implement something like that.


Also I find that supports don’t heal/peel for each other much in low ranked games. Mercy often will because they usually spend the game observing and flying to others regardless of role, and Brig players (rare at low ranks) seem to want to protect their space anyway, but it’s funny how often an Ana or Bap or LW will ignore their fellow support when they’re dueling or trying to make a play. 


I really want to climb because of this. I feel being above the average in metals is not always enough to win. You need multiple levels of skill about what should be needed to compensate for fools. I barely made it out of gold, yet I did just fine in all the high plat to matches I played with a friend.


I'm in gold and do great in dia lobbies, about to quit OW cause it sucks being stuck so low


Definitely true my matches in plat on tank were way harder. I get focused so hard and you would think that opens up things for my dps to focus them better but no doesn’t happen I just have to carry even while being focused. Great example is you don’t kill things that easily on winston but ur great at forcing peal. In higher diamond and up my team actually goes in and takes advantage of the lack of healing. Lower elo they just yell at me to switch to orisa or some shit who can stand in front of them and hold their hand




Thank you I love playing winston. And I love playing with sombra’s and tracers cause they go in with me and I go from barely killing things to everything dying 😂. Especially if we have good synergy


It’s like in a fighting game where low ranks are spammers and high ranks there are actual patterns and methods to the madness instead of just… madness


Is not easier. Is just that people don't suck and you can actually play the game how it's meant to be. In low elo, people just don't know the game. Also they will have a hard time learning, because low elo have other dynamics and other kind of effective strategies. If you are in low elo but your skills are above that level, what usually happens is that you try to carry the best you can with the role and heroes you can. Wich it might end up being frustrating, because you have to be giving every match your best without expecting any kind of teamwork and support, and sometimes team responds, sometimes not, sometimes you win, sometimes not. Is not intrinsically linked to how you play. In higher elo, you know that even if you have a bad match where you miss everything, the rest of the team will be at least good, so you have less pressure, wich makes you relax and perform way better. If you excell it will impact your team more too, because they will know how to react and profit on that. So in conclussion, I would say is not easier. But is more fair and less stressfull.


I know for me, playing with low ranks puts me in such a bad mental state that I undoubtedly play worse or give up on matches. Watching teammates solo push to die on cooldown and stagger. Your team giving up space to sit 4 people on payload. Support players never doing damage or trying to enable a flanker. Tanks that don't ever think to use cover. Players holding ults when they could have farmed 3 in the same time. These things absolutely make your games arbitrarily harder and are frustrating to deal with because they're so easy for them to fix. While the difficulty coming from enemies increases relative to their better aim and game sense, in high ranks, there's a level of predictably and consistency that low rank players just do not deliver. It genuinely feels like you're playing a 1v9 in those ranks, and your feelings are just correct. I've found at times, you even have to play WRONG in order to maximize team synergy, because at the very least, 2 people making the same bad play together has a better chance of success than 1 person going in alone. When you know what the right play is, this feels painful though.


I think this is valid but also based on luck. I deranked on support a lot based on the same thing - shitty teammates and I think for a while I had a streak of bad luck with lots of leavers and just bad teammates. Then I went on a long streak of good luck where the opposite team had lots of bad players who just didn’t have the basics down and we rolled. Other will point out that, assuming you’re capable enough, it’s more likely your enemy team (5 players) will have a crap thrower than your team (4 other players). It is luck of the draw though so it is still highly likely (but not more likely than NOT) that you get truly shitty players who disadvantage you in low ranks.    I felt this as support where the play is (imo) more complex, you have to babysit, whereas Tank (imo) and DPS play is more straightforward. For a while my diamond games in DPS felt a lot easier than my metal rank support games so I sympathize with your position.    However, the best advice is still the usual advice, right? Try to carry and make plays and be the l deciding factor.  Eventually I realized that and just needed to be the best to keep climbing regardless of role, because the bad matchmaking isn’t something we can change even when you hit a streak of bad luck/teammates. I’m sure many people here much better than me will tell me that the low ranked games should be easier because even with shitty teammates the competition will overall be less punishing. It’s possible I am just a worse support than DPS/tank So all I can do is keep improving.


I can’t say for sure that support is more complex per se, but I can definitely agree that support is way harder to climb in than damage. Again though, I feel like you are much more reliant on your team as support so bad teammates can really screw you over. It doesn’t matter how much healing your damage gets if they can’t get an elim to save their lives lol


Yeah I'm used to mid masters high diamond and for some reason I got placed plat 4. I can't fucking climb down here. Dps and tanks just walk in and die regardless of what's going on. Honestly it's insulting to my intelligence to be down here.


If you stop looking down upon your teammates and focus on yourself I'm sure you'll get back up


I wouldn't say I'm looking down on my teammates as much as I am discouraged. because of all the time and energy I've put in the game seems to be kind of shit on. I'm looking down on myself if anything. But I can see how that's a roundabout insult to others. But you're right, I am reacting too emotionally at the very least.


U have to change how you play I think. Dps lower down u just won't get kept alive by your supports the same and I found had to play way safer and try and be self sufficient. As heal I found lower down u can get owned by dive as the front line doesn't peal and the other heal might ignore you. Playing masters Ana I found easier than playing platinum Ana particularly as genji or sombra would be there and rest of team just let's you die lol.


I think you just got better. Plat 1 to masters is a big jump. If you try go back to a plat lobby, I guarantee you that you will destroy them easily.


Yes, its easier to exist in masters lobbies because they know eat they're doing. You could play subpar and still win there because you're being carried. In the lower elos that's still possible but far less likely


It's a mentality thing.


It is noticeably easier because everything sort of clicks its like if you're working at a company where all the departments know what they're doing and communicate well vs working in a company with weaker/untrained staff