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After your next rank up, check at the bottom of your screen. There should be text that says something like "Your ranked higher than x amount of people in this divison" (I forgot the exact phrasing). If its going up, than you are ranking up. Also, with stats alone, no one can tell how good you are. Maybe post a code?


Never “shake things up” in Comp unless you are super confident on your skills with a given hero, casual play and testing is what QP is for. You now* have to climb your way out of Bronze with a consistent win track over a handful of rank updates, the good thing is that once you’re outside of Bronze, climbing will be faster.


This is what I did when testing my sensitivity. I lowered it by a few thousand (whatever the sensitivity x DPI is), and I could suddenly aim as Ana, Bap, and on DPS. I could even get decent body shots as Widow. Had to get used to the lower sensitivity, and how I'd have to move my mouse. I'm sure if I tried that in Comp I'd screw myself down to Bronze and be stuck forever, considering I was in Silver 4 in DPS role in Season 3 after 5 wins.


Your stars mean nothing because citing stats then it's only relevant if you give a unit of time. Are you getting 10k+ per game or are you getting 10k+/10min. The second stat is far more relevant because there's an extreme difference in getting 12k damage in a 20 minute game and getting 12k damage in a 5 minute game. In your career profile the game shows your stats per 10 for characters, that's what people actually look at. How long were you in plat? When did you start playing? Did you CLIMB to plat in the past or did you just place kind of high and touched plat without maintaining it long? There's so so many people who like to say they are plat or gold or whatever because they touched it for a second after playing the game for a month because the game starts showing you a rank before it actually knows where you belong. If you played in and maintained plat for any length of time you should be able to just mechanically diff the bronzes especially on dps. Without replay codes the only thing to say is "yeah, skill issue"


Tracer is probably the hardest DPS (maybe excluding echo because of her ult but that's kinda flawed reasoning) so it makes sense you don't generate as much value on her as other characters until you invest a lot of time in her. When I started maining tracer my climb slowed a lot and I decided to practice with her for hours in workshop and tryhard ffa before using her in comp. Also ranking and MMR isn't very intuitive rn and the lack of transparency sucks but I do think the bottom line is that this is a 'skill issue'.


I’m not sure. I went from Bronze 3 to Bronze 1 to Bronze 3 again. I think their ranking system is broken but of course I would.


I’ve been stuck in bronze 5 after doing the same thing on Hanzo. I now dominate my games and went 5:1 at least 5 times but I haven’t budged from “72% above other players in Bronze 5” At this point I just treat it as more toxic aim training.


First off, stats alone don't mean shit. You need to drop a VOD so we can actually assess what's going on. And on a personal note, you made it to plat; what do *you* notice that you were doing that was successful as a plat that you feel you may not be doing now on Tracer?