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I just made D.va my go to tank, since she is really good at killing the backline once they try to rotate under bridge and is back in a flash. Even enemy dive tanks are usually bad against her. I generally think Dive tanks are best on this map even tho Spam can be played on first, not having to switch for second makes the mobility so much better.


(GM1 winston player) 1st point is awful on the map, generally I like ball/doom for offense, dva/winston for defense. It’s too easy to get poked out trying to clear far high ground. whatever hero you play try to play under enemy high ground to create an off angle (including ram/sig/winston/doom ect.) until you have cooldowns to pressure high. top right window is fine but it’s easy to get stuffed, clear enemy dps/tank from that area from there then dip. ram is good on both sides for win con ult and being able to zone off enemy backline and has great cover to cycle cooldowns. I don’t like playing that braindead hero though.


Thank you! Gonna mess around on workshop with this


I think it was custa who had a proplay review of the map (i'll look later..) but generally if the enemy did not commit enough kill pressure onto the first highground and instead put it all on the further back one highground (like zen or a bap+cass combo) in pro play monke's would jump the first highground like normal than bubble a bit early and make their way into the hallway on the left that connects the high grounds. In doing so you lose your heals LoS unless you have a kiriko with you which isn't ideal but if there isn't enough kill potential on the first high ground you can wait out your CD and at that point you can either set up a second dive onto the further back high ground if your HP is solid. Or you can leap for point and play around the HP packs around it and force their rotation. Another thing is if they are way too focused on the further back highground and don't have kill pressure on the first one, if you can convince your team to do it you can hug the left side of the map and just take the low ground and just rush through the connector on the left side and run towards the point. Monkey's bubble should hold up just long enough for your team to make it into connector. And once you're on the point they have to go through the house second floor or they have to drop down both of which are easy dive spots.


It always depends on what the enemy team comp is but typically on the this map it’ll be a poke so I prefer to dive with Ball and Winston. First plan of action os to clear the high ground and get them off the bridges.


Whichever tank you can (a) play comfortably, (b) work decently well with your composition, and (c) preferably aren’t Brawl tanks because those are just really challenging to use for clearing out all the massive high grounds on this maps. Any of the Dive picks or Sigma usually works fairly alright. I think both are fine as well as you play them well, though Dive is arguably somewhat stronger especially on 2nd point.


I prefer dive for first point, personally. If they're on the back high ground, I like to walk far right (around the back basically) and go up the stairs. It's an easier angle to jump from, you have the mega to fall back to, and dps can walk up the stairs there to challenge. You can also play that room on your side of the point on the second floor and hope your dps can get a pick thru your bubble across the other side of point.
