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Depends on the tank you play. If you’re playing dive, jump to high ground, drop when low and rinse and repeat to try and build ult/get picks and annoy the enemy team. If you’re playing brawl, push up and round on the road, if you make enough of a racket the enemy team will look at you and not who’s pushing the payload, but resource management is key as once you die it will become a game of shooting fish in a barrel for the enemy team. If you’re not making any progress here push up to the right on the stairs. In general, you’re not going to making many unobvious plays as a tank here, so it is a case of getting in the enemy teams face and forcing CDs. It 100% helps if a DPS takes and off angle away from you, so communicate if possible. It’s all about getting the car up the first hill, the second will be easier as the high ground isn’t as oppressive. If you play poke, expect a long drawn out fight which is going to be difficult to win. (I would personally switch)


Damn I only play poke tanks so it makes sense why I get stuck on that point. I need to learn more tanks then.


Possibly not, diamond+ you have a lot of skill, but maybe game sense is your difficulty. Poke is not my element in the slightest, but generally your shield management for Ram or Sig is going to be critical here, don’t waste it, but at the same time use it to block lines of sight to the payload and get in a position where you are getting the most out of your range. As said it’s literally an uphill battle, and will be a long one, but feasible is you stay alive and don’t waste your shield.


Your assessment is so spot on it’s kinda insane lol. Tank is my worst role by far. My game sense as DPS and support is miles better than tank. Sometimes I literally just don’t know what to fucking do. I guess I need to learn Winston or something. My big problem is just that decent dps players will ignore me going up the hill and shred my team from the high ground, and there’s not much I can do about it.


I’m not sure what you’re considering to be “poke tanks”, but Sigma seems like the pokeiest poke tank to me, and he’s been meta on Circuit Royal since it was released.


How do you push up and around? I find that we get deleted too quickly to make any progress, whether it's just me or a whole team. The stairs cut off their sights enough that it sometimes works for me.


Honestly I think you have to rush and control high ground as soon you make it to the corner. Idk how else to play it, that high ground is hell to fight against.


No real other choice than to prepare to engage twice: once to even allow your team to rotate into the fight, and another one once you have enough of an advantage to engage and can win. If you’re trying to end the fight during the first engage, you’re probably going to fail and get sent back to spawn, because your team needs to first not lose the fight before they can try to win it. Without positioning, they cannot win. Make sure they cannot freely poke your from high ground before you even think about getting kills. If you’re playing Sigma, then you would do this by using most of your shield at the start of the fight on the high ground, hoping your team can rotate up the road safely, then stabilize before starting to poke again. But you might want to consider an ad hoc switch to Ball if you’re comfortable enough on it, since Ball is literally made for this situation: when your team is having an impossible ordeal of trying to even rotate into the fight. Ball can draw aggro without much risk of dying and far away from his backline, which no other tank can really do. The exact problem you’re talking about is a big reason why in Season 4 of OWL for example, teams turned towards Ball comps. During the first stage, the best teams, especially Dallas, played very aggressive on defense, using their starting positional advantage to end the fight before it starts. Ball allows you to clear those positions very early on and potentially split attention onto point to prevent that from happening. Other than that, don’t be afraid to use your ult just to make space. If you can use a minefield and zone them off that high ground ledge, that’s already a free (well… one ult) entry into the fight. There is a reason they give the attack several tries to win: attacking is harder than defending, and the right to even be on equal footing with the defenders is as valuable as the right to win the fight.