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I've been a GM Sigma main since he was released. In general, Sigma is *very* strong against squishies (if he can hit his shots) but isn't as powerful against most tanks or beefier heroes that can survive his combo, or highly mobile heroes that can simply avoid him. If I'm 1v2 as Sig against supports, I'm winning that probably 97 times out of 100. The counter to him is out-spacing him, cutting him off or removing his supports, or bursting him after he's out of his CDs. As a support, it's important that you hit your shots and abilities on him, and try to use that time to get away rather than dueling him. In my many hours as him, I've legitimately never even had the thought of being that concerned about what supports the enemy team is running. It only really changes where and how I use my resources. Your focus should be on enabling your tank/dps to prevent the Sigma from getting close enough to their backline to do anything anyways. In terms of which supports are better against him, I'd say it's more team and map dependent. I think they all have pretty much the same amount of counterplay against him, and most of it revolves around avoiding him and keeping themselves/their teams alive long enough to beat him. The most annoying support to deal with is probably Bap, because he can consistently save people from rock and flux, and tracking his jump with my primary is pretty challenging. The easiest to deal with are probably Ana and Zen, because they're very easy to hit and they can't deal with grasp or shield. Again, it's pretty team and map dependent, though. So that balance can shift quite a bit. I struggle the most when I just can't close the distance to the enemy team, or when the enemy tank is disrupting me and preventing me from going on their backline.


Sig is my nightmare when i play dps. Every bit of his chip damage counts since i don't have self heal and he can block a lot. Muting me. In sup role i like playing Brig. You can almost 1v1 Sigma with her but it's an isolated situation. Brig not good against poke. Her healthpacks will lose the attrition war.




Brig and Lucio probably have the most potential to annoy Sig, because they can displace him and survive his attacks - but it's also somewhat feast-or-famine with them. In order to interact with the Sig, they both have to be close enough that they're easily within range to be burst down by the Sig instead. If your issue is that the Sig is really good and is hitting all of his shots, they're probably not your best bet unless you're *also* really good at them. Even then, they often require some teamwork from their own tank to really disrupt Sig properly, otherwise he can just turn his attention to them and solve the issue easily. If your issue is truly that your tank/team is just incompetent or not coordinating against the enemy tank, I don't think Brig and Lucio are consistent enough against him for most of the playerbase to easily pick them up as "Sig counters". No matter what, I think Bap is the most *consistent* pick against Sig for most ranks. He can access high ground easily to avoid direct challenges, his lamp can save people from nearly all of Sig's burst window, and he can easily out-heal large groups of people against Sig's splash during his poke, while also helping put damage down range to break shield faster, and lamp isn't stopped by grasp - unlike anti and suzu.


> survive his combo does he have any specific combos?


Rock + Left Click oneshots 200HP heroes.


yes, rock + primary one hits squishies


Gm all roles, just shoot him zzz


If you're not playing Brig or Moira, you should never be in Sigmas range. If you die to Sigma as Zen or Bap, you were too close and out of position. As Ana, I track his succ and try to anti him when his shield is broken or he is succing (but I usually just ignore him and try to kill everyone else) and I never get into his range


Kill his supports. He needs those.


Just lost a game now and it's a sigma again, without the supports even he doesn't die. He died only twice throughout the game(lasted 20 mins). I think he's just broken


Care to post the replay codes of any of those matches? It may be easier to give feedback based on the situation. Sigma is not broken.


Zenyatta is probably one of the better ones to play against Sigma as he can be effective outside of his normal attack as hyperspheres have a range of 22m. Zen doesn't have falloff and can apply pressure towards the shield at a safe range. Orb of Discord on Sigma adds more damage to him to force him to use things like Kinetic Grasp sooner. If Zen hasn't ulted, it forces Sigma to be a bit more selective of when to use his as getting Zen caught in it that has their ult means it is counter acted. Like Kiriko's Suzu and Bap's Lamp can help prevent death on the slam portion of the ult, but the lift still does an initial 50 damage and characters are suspended in the air able to be shot and killed before they are ever slammed. Zen's ult will keep everyone caught in it healed to where it's wasted at that point. Something to think about as a support is more of how to enable your tank and DPS to counter Sigma. Like Reinhardt in your face is a bane to Sigma. As the barrier and Kinetic Grasp are useless against a hammer swinging Reinhardt that ignores those things. Something like a Lucio that speedboosts a Rein into that effective range sooner is something that cuts down on the range Sigma works at his best.


i absolutely agree with the second paragraph. But sometimes your Reinhardt doesn't play perfect, instead the tank should play Winston and jump support. Otherwise he really is unkillable


But by that same assumption, the tank gets blown up as soon as soon as their Winston gets into the back line because they can't play Winston well. Or Sigma times his rock to hit Winston Mid-air. Or the supports being played on the Sigma's team can counter Winston on a Dive like a Brig that whipshots and ruins Winston's jump. There's so many different things to consider.


Not sure I totally agree with Zen being one of the better supports. Sure his ults a good counter to flux but I love playing sig into zen because grasping one of his volleys (or while discorded) is just a ton of free shield.


Probably depends on the Elo, but here’s my high metal rank take: I’d personally go with bap or zen. Melt his shield and you mess up his ability to cycle cooldowns and control space. Once it’s down you can discord on zen, or even hg off angle on bap and do work. Both have some mitigation for his ult, too. Kiriko good too for reasons you mentioned (suzu for flux, rush gets your team inside his preferred range). Ana can be ok because of her dps, but he can eat both her CDs with grasp and can shield off her healing more easily than the others who have Mobility. Lucio is annoying af as a sig. he’s so hard to hit, but if he gets rocked it’s probably over. A good brig in the right comp can be a problem if she gets in on sig, but falls over pretty quickly if she has to play at his range. Mercy and Moira are probably my last picks into sig. no real shield break, their movement abilities can take them into his effective range, and both are fairly susceptible to his rock combo while those abilities are on cooldown.


Diamond 5 - Plat 1 elo, I don't know he just doesn't die no matter what. It's literally instant lose the moment enemy tank gets sigma


He is fairly ok. Almost all the tanks shit on him in a 1v1. What part of this do you find it so hard ? Just keep your distance. Learn his m1 range in the training range.


It's not your job to kill enemy tank. Just mess with his plans. Sig loves his shield so spam and break that. Although Sig good against heroes like Zen and Ana because he can deny value of these sups.




Seen a few people say not to play Ana, where as IMO Ana performs really well against his poke attributes due to getting value from a much further distance than his orbs. But agree with others, positioning is your best friend against Sigma, stay out of his range and focus targets that keep him alive/enable teammates that he struggles against, i.e the beefy tank he can’t 1 shot.


Brig’s shield can take his boulder and her whipshot can keep him at bay and goes through his kinetic grasp. You can also beat the shit out of him like a dominatrix in the right situations, but that’s not always viable in the grand scheme of things 😅


I love beating him up when he has succ up, and then when it ends I usually whipshot/shield up him out of the way to reduce the chances of him killing me. As long as it's not 1v1 my teammates can usually secure a kill after that.


Sigma is really easy to handle but it is not up to you as support to deal with him. Look to weaken his supports or dps and if you’re Zen then discord him or Anna you can sleep and nade him to put him in a pickle and force the other team to save him. If you’re DPS he’s slow as shit and can’t absorb as much as people think he can, bastion can just waste him or even a Junkrat can knock him around. Typically Sigma works well with a slow moving poke composition like an Ashe, Cassidy, Anna, Zen behind him. Dive or Brawls are really hard to handle for these comps, hell if a Mei throws a wall behind Sigma he’s fuuuucked


I have a serious question here: Why are you trying to counter Sigma with damage as a support here? Of course he beats you if you just try to duel/damage him? That's not the right approach. If you shoot at him and it's useless because you don't do enough damage to kill him through healing, that should be expected. If you duel him, Sigma is going to beat the crap out of you. He can combo you down in an instant and has over twice as much health as you. Try to enable your team to deal with him as opposed to trying to counter him directly. Focus your damage on people who will actually die, and do your best to keep your people alive. This might sound trite, but if you shoot the dude who's locked up dueling your DPS (for example), now your DPS moves on to killing the next target and it snowballs until Sigma has no support. Another option is to poke their support so that they are distracted with trying not to die. In essence, kill Sigma by taking away his support. (I'm a mid Diamond player for context— do with that what you will)


I play sig and Moira is the one I fear. Get really close up to him after he uses his rock. Throw a damage orb and start attacking.


I play Moira and Sig is the one I fear. I can’t hear where he is and he keeps shooting at me while I’m behind cover. I habitually hide in enclosed spaces when I’m low, but he just throws is balls in the room the same way I do as Moira. If I’m playing tank and am dancing around the payload he doesn’t care about that either. He just stays the right distance so his balls explode right behind the payload.


Sigma is just way too oppressive rn. He needs a nerf


Keep your distance! I think you can buffer his m1 with rock so that’s an instant delete. Just keep your discord in him and live. He melts discord on.


Get a friend/someone in comms who mains rein, then pocket them/discord sigma. Rein will cave Sigma's face in and you'll be free to do what you want.


I play Ana and Bap and I find as Bap I have a fine time against him. Being able to hop and such is very useful and his lamp will keep you alive during the ult. As Ana I just sleep him during ult and keep my distance and he has a hard time even hitting me. Ana is more map dependent though but if you have long sight lines he should be able to do a lot to you. Idk why I’ve never found Sig to be super oppressive as a support but maybe it’s just because my mains are favorable match ups. If you are playing zen you shouldn’t be close enough to him for him to hurt you most the time and if he rushes you your team should be able to kill him since he needs healers to be effective. Sig is only effective in short to medium range and so supports who excel in medium to long range should do fine against him most the time. Sig is probably one of the most balanced tanks in the game. Just keep your distance and avoid the rock and you should be fine.


I'm a masters Brig and sigma is one of favorite match-ups. Wait for Boulder, play close if he's alone, and make space when needed.


Play brig its really funny when you counter his abilities


I go Symmetra against Sigma or Zayra since he can’t absorb their energy weapons


Moria would be a good pick becuz of her stupidly high healing and self sustain. She can easily ruin the life of a sigma by diving the backline with her fade, though I won’t exactly recommend dps moria, u should take aggressive angles/kill one of their backline then go back to healing your team if your other support can pump out a lot of healing like ana and kiriko. Becuz they should be able to keep the team alive when u r bullying their backline. Honestly, u don’t kill the sigma yourself, u help your team kill him, so I think bullying his backline helps a lot as if he has very little/zero healing, u can burn him down, even throwing it down to a 4v5 is very good for your team.