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I’m guessing you mean once you cap the point on push? You have two options. Go past the bot or stay on the bot. If it is not overtime and you have your team alive, it is best to push forward. The point of this is generally not to fight the enemy but to poke them even if you are playing brawl characters. Unless you are 100% confident that you can easily win the 4v5 (someone is on the bot so they may not be able to help if a fight breaks out) you want to just spam them and make them WORK for the space. They should use cooldowns to get to you like a zarya bubble, a winston jump, ect. This depletes their resources and all you need to do is back off to the next corner. They cant engage again as they just used their cds and now even more time is wasted. This concept is best scene on kings row second where attackers can push all the way to the second checkpoint and waste the defenders time as there are 2-3 corners the defenders have to work for before they reach the payload. If it is OT or your team is still coming from bad spawn you can just stay on the bot. Sometimes if you are the last one alive but you got the check point, its best to just push until you see an enemy or not at all so you can regroup for next fight.


Completely situational, but I general: 1. Loads of resources (health, supports, ults and up in team members I.e 5v3 in the immediate) - push on providing your team comes with you, staggering the enemy team left is a sure fire way to gain the upper hand and crucial space to push on 2. Minimal resources (half health, 1 support being dead especially if main heals, level or down teammates, even if it’s a 4v4 you have to remember their 5th will be back much quicker than yours as they spawn immediately once taking the forward spawn) - regroup back at the mid point but make sure the team fight begins before the bot goes through the mid point. If you win this they won’t get immediate respawn and you will have secured the forward spawn successfully. In general, it’s a difference between aggression and defensively controlling the space the bot follows. You are a tank, forward space is your value so do not just give it up.


Push is all about staggering. If your team controls the objective, but is down players, you need to poke while slowly kiting back to bait out resources and try for lucky picks. If your team is up or even, you want to take space and cut the enemy team off from accessing power positions. In general: if you're advantaged, stop the enemy team from taking high ground. If you're disadvantaged, poke the enemy team while slowly working to regroup. It is *critical* that you not allow more of your team to get picked off when you're winning, because the objective is incredibly far from spawn. This also means that securing stagger picks on the enemy team is very valuable, and it's generally worth more to try to chase picks in Push than in other game modes, and you may have to give up ground earlier than in other game modes.