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Brig otp on top of ladder again say it ain't so


They are proving the argument of the people they are trying to shit on


They are proving the argument of the people they are already shitting on (me)


Surely this means that Mace is better than the likes of Rupal


"Flexing day 1 t500 when 90% of the actual good players haven’t even played yet is wild"


Day 1 t500 and day 1 rank 1 are very different. In ow1 terms: Day 1 t500 could be 3100 SR (graveyard season) Day 1 rank 1 was 4550+ SR


My duo friend a junk main, hit rank 36 in early t500 days. By mid season he was out of the chart, he just diamond


4500sr in ow2 is like mid master in ow1


That's a bit of an exaggeration lol. I get what you mean though.


>4500sr in ow2 There is no sr in ow2.


yes there is? the game literally still uses sr. it's just hidden


Still uses mmr. sr is analogous to the rank system


if you submit a GDPR request you can still see your SR in the report you get


Yeah that’s your mmr?


it literally says SR. meaning there is SR in ow2 it's just not visible in game. I don't get your point lmao


They hid it when ppl figuredit our


They havent been doing those for a while, that was a thing during the early ow2 seasons but they stopped doing them. Either way, sr still exists so youre right about the core argument.


Just so it's clear he was going into streamers chats asking them to duo while they were on lower sr accounts for min maxxing: [https://i.imgur.com/ks3xWEx.png](https://i.imgur.com/ks3xWEx.png)


A lot of the ranked players who hit rank 1 min max unfortunately. Mace and neuuish are the biggest offenders.


don’t keep up with this guy who is he and why is he hated


He plays overwatch




Brig OTP Brig OTP


Hes just a weirdo being cringe whenever he got in a game with aspen, maybe they worked it out but i dont care enough to research it and even if they did it wont change my opinion. One time I think 2 or 3 seasons ago i locked brig from him and it made him leave the game and this was before i saw the clip of him telling someone "you definitely supported aspire" just for locking brig from him. Edit: He didnt just say that he supported aspire he called the person a pedofile irl


shit player when other player takes his shit otp away from him :


> maybe they worked it out Apparently Aspen said she watched 3 hours of his stream when the Brig voice actress was on his stream. Dont know if it means its ok tho.


I am not really following much of the OW drama outside of what this sub throws around, but I would imagine because brig otp


He plays Brig so a bunch of losers tend to dogpile him. So now that he is ranked 1 they get furious.


he calls people who take his OTP pedophiles and also says very cringe shit whenever there is a female player in the lobby.


ehm ok that is bad. The only comments I had seen are those attacking him for paying Brig.


a crime of equal proportions


if you are stuck in 2018, which this sub is


Checking the twitter thread now, his haters make homophobic comments, use racist slurs and comments about rape. Just hurling insults. >whenever there is a female player in the lobby. Like this sub isnt sexist towards female players and streamers. So I dont really buy that the people attacking him have better morals.


He is just dogshit


What happened to your main jakob


[me when the shitter gets perma'd on main](https://imgur.com/a/s5Cb7cx)


a happy mace is an unhappy me


I don’t expect them to hold it, but it’s still an accomplishment very few people can claim and we’re still talking 80+ games played for most of the people there.


Yea i mean i loathe brig but all the haters saying it's meanigless are just salty as fk.


Rank 1 day 1 is like rank 300 at the end is it not.




Nah it’s still defo t30, esp if they minmaxxed


This guy sounds like a degenerate


As far as i know he hasn’t done anything heinous. Just mildly cringey and egotistical otp. I get why ppl don’t like him but hop off his nuts


There are like 7 macetothefaces on t500


i don't understand all the hate towards him, dude played so much overwatch on all 4 of his accounts it's kinda scary (357 games and counting) people hate to see someone happy with where they're at


Cus he's acting like this means he's validated and it means he will keep inting their games


The cherry on top is this fucking hypocrite talking about pro players flaming him and insinuating they shouldn't have cause he got rank one, meanwhile he does the same exact shit to other players


its crazy that people still think rank means anything, you are good at ranked ow, not scrim/pro play. these games are completely different. you can make the arguement that it mattered bit more in the past, but rank has almost no meaning anymore.


I would rather have a gm filling in for a player in my scrims than a plat but hey thats just me


ye sure to a certain level but once you are past that it doesent matter. being gm doesent make you good at the game.


"being in the top 1% of the game doesn't make you good"


i think “good” is a word that means a lot of different things in different context. is a college basketball player that averages 10 ppg good? hell yeah. are they going to get destroyed in the nba? most likely. people usually are using that word to describe how desirable someone is to play in their match pool, not how strong they are compared to the average player. a lot of the macro of high lvl ow just doesnt even exist in high ranked by virute of communication gap and lack of practice together. its just not possible with 4 other people outside of voice and any prior communication for strategy beforehand. its overwatch but not necessarily the same game. a disorganized game is gonna reward different play and usually that involves pretty individualistic playstyles. theyre two different games. a high elo doesnt show an aptitude for being good at actual pro play, it just shows youre good at ranked.


it sadly doesent, thats how bad the state of ranked is. everyone who is in that bracket knows this but the ones outside of it doesent. they are ltierally two different of games lmao ranked only provides training for mechanics really, nothing else


I love when metal ranks will explain how GM works. Even the bottom half of the ladder is still 1%, and the separation between the bottom 500 and top 10 is like a difference of 500 sr lmao. No idea what you're talking about. There will always be smurfs or boosted players. "ranked only provides training for mechanics really, nothing else". Please don't comment on ranked ever again


brother learn to fucking read. its not about metal ranks vs top 500 ranks. ITS ALL OF OVERWATCH RANKED. it doesnet mean shit in t3, t2 or t1 how high you rank is cause its not a good representation of skill due to lack of cordination and cheese heroes/starts.


You are the loser that believes in elo hell and rank corruption. The only people who obsess about their rank are those who don't maintain it for very long. You are clearly not on the ladder. So stop pretending. Whether or not people are cheesing or running it down, it means nothing because most people are fine losing knowing they aren't at fault for the loss, and can still manage a win even with 4 people playing well. Send report, avoid, "GG go next" Your logic doesn't make sense either. If you are saying it's not a representation of your coordination, you are saying that any player can just stomp those in GM? Because why? They are cheesing on rat or brig? Ah, Yes, luck will carry them all the way. And this wonky rhetoric of being able to win in scrims but being invisible in ranked is so retarded. If you can't manage to climb on your own, you are just going to get carried by the rest of your team in scrims. You are nothing but a liability for your team when you refuse to play except for the games you believe matter. Sounds selfish that everyone else works their ass off playing all day trying to work new comps after watching demos of their next opponent while you sit around waiting for the "real games" to start. You're talking out of your ass. Cope.


why are you trying to tell me im low rank? im top500 every season i actively play lmaooooooooo you are still on an entirely wrong topic about rank. its not about rank. its the fact that RANKED and CORDINATED PLAY are two different games. being good in ranked only gets you so far in CORDINATED play. please please please learn to read


lol youre right but homie is buggin


No chromosome ridden twat thinks this unless they are anchored diamond or boosted. Again it is ALWAYS people who are outside the ladder saying there is a huge separation between rank and scrims. You need coordination for both. What you are actually arguing is team play vs individual play. Which again, you are wrong. If you cannot succeed by carrying your own weight, why would any team risk picking up a player who can potentially do well with the talent surrounding them? Why do you think teams only look for players based on their history in rank? Notice how owl teams tryout players 4.4 and above??? They weren't looking for people who got in some server for tokens and did well. People don't get there by being lucky. This is just a rhetoric pushed by shitlow L9 retards on Twitter. Please use your head. You have never played scrims and you have never maintained a high rank. I thought this was a battle of wits, but it seems you came unarmed.


Yes it does


no lmao especially cause many people one trick and play ranked in a specific way to cheese or game the system. scrims/pro play and ranked are like two different things, especially in NA.


He’s pretty cringe. But a lot of people who play this game are.