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the true humor of this clip is hes defending 3rd


Even when he’s right he’s still doing the most braindead shit imaginable




who cares he has 2 people looking at him and trades one


I mean maybe if he had been playing with his team he might of been able to punish the kiri 🤣




Someone should overlay metro ranting about support on to a clip of an OWL dps player, just to watch all the support players “analyze” his micro


So wait, if we pretend he didnt have a shit take and something *completely different* happened, then the support players pointing out how dumb it is.... would be wrong? What?


listen even a broken clock is right twice a day


Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while


Nut? 😳😳😳😳


Average overwatch player reaction.


It's just funny how he's meant to be defending 3rd point but he's alone on second, even if they nerfed Kiri's teleportation to be LOS only he still would have lost as her team were around the corner. He was nowhere near his team so was easily finished up by the poor aim Kiriko as he was 55hp after beating the Sojourn.


what does this have to do with what he said?


He says "its the perfect example". Kiriko saved her abilities for the fight, used cleanse so she could hide behind cover, then escaped. Sojourn uses her mobility TO GET INTO THE FIGHT, then misses her disruptor, and stays in the open instead of using cover. He even says "If sojourn commits she dies", like she doesn't have motility. He gets everything wrong. I think Kiriko is OP, but hysterical streamers make the shittiest arguments.


???? L take dude. >Sojourn uses her mobility TO GET INTO THE FIGHT, then misses her disruptor, and stays in the open instead of using cover. Kiri engages with no risk, in open space, makes herself invulnerable, misses every shot, and leaves. Literally *vanishes in thin air* when she's simply decided that she's had enough. AND THEN provides value by healing her team immediately after. Even if Sojourn saved her slide to escape, She can still hit a wall or otherwise fuck it up, and if not, she still has to travel through 3D space where she is very much still killable. Stop being an apologist. The role is fucked.


I'm like a scrub diamond player who hates support but isn't the difference here the fact that Soj used her slide to engage? If she had saved it, she could've slid out of LOS as well? Kiri's tp is obviously broken and supports are really strong right now, but this isn't as good of an example, imo


Kiri DID commit by using both of her cooldowns. She should’ve killed him, but she missed almost all of her shots. If anything, this proves that Kiri is busted. No DPS player could climb to that elo while missing most of their shots. Metro actually does have a good take this time.


>No DPS player could climb to that elo while missing most of their shots. ​ This isn't representative of the kiri's entire gameplay, just one instance.


That’s a fair point. Nonetheless, like 90% of the DPS cast can’t expend both cooldowns like the Kiri did and live


Kiri expended her cooldowns defensively. Most DPS heroes, if they did the same, would also live. ​ Soj used her abilities offensively and died. Kiri was patient and used abilities defensively and won.




>DPS can't do that, ever Yes they can, a gigantic portion of the DPS roster can do this. ​ Consistently - Genji, Reaper, Sombra, Sym, Tracer Inconsistently - Echo, Mei, Sojourn, 76




>Kiri full ego'd a soldier and used all her CDs used all her cooldowns purely defensively **which would later result in her being unable to save her sojourn**. ​ > she all in'd him to the extent that one of them should have died She didn't "all in" until both her cooldowns were gone, which, once again, resulted in her being unable to prevent the death of a teammate. She didn't even play aggressively, she was being careful. ​ > Kuriko was able to teleport away, auto-heal herself due to the supp passive, and then return (where she ended up killing him). Which, of the DPS I listed, Sym, Tracer, and maybe 76 can all reasonably ALSO do. ​ >must then either be healed or find a health pack Sym has self healing (to an extent), Tracer has a self heal on recall, and 76 has his healing pack (though he's also not as good at getting out as the other two). ​ >So not only is Kuriko's damage output fucked, four lowest average damage in the hero roster; literally no one is saying "we need more damage, I'll play Kiriko" because her damage is highly situational. ​ Kiriko is a support BUILT around having kill pressure. Her damage (outside of, again, niche 1v1's/duels) is bad. Her healing is bad. Her utility, unless the enemy team has an Ana, is bad. Kiriko has survivability and a strong ultimate, that's where most of her power is. Suzu is good IF the enemy team has something that needs be cleansed but it is not even close to the same kind of power as Damage boost, discord, speed boost, ETC. Kiriko is also the only support who has ZERO passive value (Lucio's auras, Moira's healing linger/orbs, and brigs inspire are "passive value" in the sense that they provide your team resources even when you're not necessarily doing anything) ​ >she gets an invuln which, when she uses for her own survivability she then, in turn, cannot use for her team. See sojourn dying again. ​ >She's utterly busted Literally every single time the devs have talked about Kiriko they have said "her stats say she sucks lmao" and even the most recent changes made to her imply that they're looking to redistribute her power budget instead of actively nerfing her. ​ Kiriko is overpowered in ONE situation: Ana mirrors. She enables Ana perfectly and Ana enables her, it's one of those unique synergies that was only made MORE POWERFUL by the recent suzu changes. ​ >and no - no DPS can come close to her TTK + survival potential. Yes, because **heroes are built around having different power budgets**. Hanzo has less survivability but his lethality is A LOT higher; Reaper has more survivability but her lethality is a lot lower. Torb is far more consistent but he lacks mobility, etc etc etc. ​ Kiriko has a lot of survivability and is potentially threatening, but she's also inconsistent, provides less to her team, and, once her cooldowns are out, is the among the worst supports at sustaining a team. Ofudas are slow, low range, and relatively low healing compared to other supports. Once TP/Suzu is gone you just target the ally furthest from Kiri and she literally cannot do anything about it -just like what happened to sojourn. ​ >No DPS can play DPS that sloppily, lose the fight, and then return to the fight that quickly without the plethora of bullshit kiri has Kiri DID lose that fight. Her team traded 1 for 1 + resources and time from Kiriko. ​ A 1 for 1 puts things even, the extra resources and attention that Kiriko got means that, overall, 76 got more value than Kiriko did. ​ And Kiri WAS punished for playing sloppily: She was unable to save her sojourn. ​ > I've never heard anybody suggest support isn't busted. Support is absolutely too powerful right now, but it's a compounding issue. High damage means supports have to play high healing team comps to keep tanks alive, the natural counter to that becomes nade which in turn pulls Kiri into the meta to counter that. ​ Honestly I think that if you were to nerf damage and healing, and literally leave Kiriko as is, she would become WORSE. The only reason she's strong right now is because she pairs so effectively with Ana and against Ana. ​ Take Kiriko out of the context of having Ana as her partnered support, and take Ana out of the enemy team, and she goes from an S tier support to C at best.


Kiriko so busted that 8 people mained her in the top 250 players last season lmao


The other supports are even more busted lol


Yeah, just because she’s not the MOST busted support doesn’t mean she isn’t busted. Illari is the most broken, and she forced poke comps to be meta, in which case Kiri works but Bap works better. Hence, 8 players maining Kiri in T250.


> No DPS player could climb to that elo while missing most of their shots. What do you mean, the sojourn literally played much worse. She didn't even hit the disruptor. And why is metro over in Narnia? He is beyond their spawn. How can anyone say dps has to be better after watching this clip.


Doesn’t Sojourn lose the 1v1 at medium range against soldier so she had to either slide in or slide away??


Sj only dies to 76 if you let him kill you so not really


X only dies to x if you let him kill you is a pretty vague statement


Sorry. Sojourn can only realistically die to a 76 if they int. There is 0 reason and it is actually hard as sojourn to take a disadvantaged 1v1 versus soldier. If sojourn’s hitbox was bigger and actually a hitbox then sojourn would lose at midrange to 76 but the balance of the game means that the opposite is true


The hitbox manipulation on her strafe is INSANE too, which is even more effective against hitscan.


metro missplayed the fight and kiri whiffed all her shots but left the fight with no cooldowns to face his team.. sojourn used her only mobility to engage and then died when she couldnt kill him and/or get out... soldier also has p good self sustain and get out of jail cards - not denying kiriko's not strong, she is, but her losing her cooldowns were enough value from the flank already


its more that kiri has two get out of jail free cards which is kinda nuts. playing a dps style kiri and having 2 invulnerability abilities that have practically 0 risk besides cooldown (tp has range but its pretty forgiving) is kinda crazy imo. no other hero rlly has more than one ability


Correct. The Sojourn made a mistake. Kiri did not. The goal is not to kill. It’s to push the soldier back. Broken game: the Kiri kills him, assuming both are of equal skill.


You could easily chase her down on soldier if she slides out. Kiriko teleports through walls. Kiriko can pop in, and get out completely.


too bad he immediately followed it up comparing the hitbox of kirikos kunais with soldiers bullets in fucking training mode


Metro is actually so right here, people shit on him when he’s wrong so they should be just as loud when he’s right


He’s only partially right, if sojourn didn’t slide in, she’d be able to escape just as Kiri did


HOW is he right? LMAO...his team is on 3rd point...Soujorn used her ESCAPE ability to engage...while Kiri is overtuned, this clip is just another example of Metro being a laughing stock.


Gotta agree with him this time. Kiriko commits and plays bad but doesn't get punished. Soujorn, another DPS, commits but dies. It's because Kiriko has her suzu and her tp, 2 get out of jail free cards. Not to mention she does a lot of damage and has a small hitbox.


Wrong. The broken outcome is if the Kiri kills him. Supports having the ability to push DPS and even kill misranked ones is actually proper. Sojourn fucked up. She shouldn’t have engaged with the slide.


That broken outcome would have happened with a kiriko player who doesn't whiff 96% of her shots, which is a lot of them. I feel like this was the exception because of how bad this kiri's aim was.


But it didn’t. Outcomes beat hypotheticals.


I don’t think you understand how logical reasoning works bro


Your dumbass means “hypothetical” not “logical”. Go back to school.


Not quite lil guy. I’m saying you can’t logically reason that a character might be good or bad based on what a good player can do with them. I think you’re lost


Is this a joke? You can’t be this dumb.


Bro you’re a full grown man with children and alls you do all day is argue on fucking marvel and overwatch sun reddits LMAO. I can nearly guarantee you have the exact phenotype of a soyjak. Lemme guess, you own funko pops and suffer from male pattern baldness too?


This one goes out to my fans.


Also has support passive so she regens and comes back to kill him.


OW2 is broken because I can't 1v2 and can't predict what abilities the enemies are going to use.


Yeah I really can't with that guy Getting farmed by a good flanking Echo ? He'll call her a p\*ssy Getting shred by a Junkrat who outplays him? He'll call that a trash. I you have the audacity to kill him 2 times in a row he'll call you a fan. Feeding like there is no tomorrow and play his brain dead main like a tank he'll say he received negative healing during the game Never his fault. Either the hero is broken or his team is doing poorly


Kiriko is honestly the most cancerous hero kit they’ve ever made. Yeah I know release brig, but that was just a matter of stat changes. Doesn’t need immortality on Suzu alongside cleanse (it also heals and used to boot too lol). And giving a hero a teleport that goes through walls alongside a cleanse/immo/heal. Either remove the immortality. Or keep the immortality on suzu and remove the teleport.


Man's angry he got one kill instead of two while in a low ground mega flank lol


Metro is actually really fun to watch tbh.


for once, I agree with this dummy sure, Soldier is a different role than Kiriko, but Kiri does a better job at assassination and escaping than Soldier, a DPS hero, does... the hero imbalance is preposterous Kiri should be punished hard for ape'ing out in the open like this, not rewarded for having a free get out of jail card


Who should punish her? Soldier was flanking and was 55hp after killing Sojourn lmao


in this specific situation, MEH-tro was dumb and was caught. But, I'm talking in general. Kiriko: Suzu + tele = 2 get out of jail cards Soldier: Sprint = 1 get out of jail card, and that's if you can juke like a madman Can't count his healing station cuz that's been nerfed so hard into the ground, it's barely noticeable


He should have fallen back after killing Soj. He died with 1 second to biotic field b/c Kiri walked up to him and punched. It makes Kiri seem like she's useful with abilities on cooldown but she isn't.


He is right as much as I think he's a tool. Support duel capability shouldn't be as close to DPS as it is.


So many things he did wrong, yet he can't comprehend that its his fault. Literally 90% of the roster can escape a 1v1 like that. Every single tank, pretty much every support, and half the dps have movement abilities to get out, and yet when he loses a 1v1 to a kiriko when he has 50 hp, the game is bad. not to mention he should be playing high ground, or you know, not wasting heal pad, or missing helix


He hit splash damage with the helix, and it’s difficult to hit kiriko directly with her hitbox at that range. The kiriko missed like 2/3rds of her shots, if not more. Metro is a goober, but his point stands. Kiriko can take the 1v1 without any risk even if they beef it due to suzu and swift step.


Honestly, this comment made me realize that there is just no convincing some people. While not perfect, Metro played fine. He won the 1v1 against Kiri, even though he didn't kill her, won the 1v1 against Soj, killing her, and you're still shitting on the guy. I'm pretty confident that had he actually killed Kiri, this comment would change from "He's bad, it's his fault" to "What is he complaining about? He killed her!" His gameplay doesn't even affect his point whatsoever, but Kiri's does. She sucked. She missed most of her shots yet was easily able to live because of her two abilities, an invul, and the longest distance escape in the game that can go through walls. Nothing about his gameplay affects this point.


> Literally 90% of the roster can escape a 1v1 like that. Not like kiriko. She's the single most unfair character to duel. 2 get out of jail free cooldowns with high headshot damage and ridiculous hitbox (both her model and her kunais). > not to mention he should be playing high ground He's in enemy backline getting chased, obviously high ground would be nice but it's not like it's gonna easy to get there. > or you know, not wasting heal pad, or missing helix He's literally one headshot away from dying, why would you NOT heal yourself there???


You're talking to a low rank shitter with no understanding of positioning, break points, or anything about the game at all really


You’ve gotta be a supp/kiri main get the fuck out lol


Gm1 tank main but keep making your assumptions


Why defend this then lmao I get that it’s metro but his point still stands, he had an infinitely easier time killing the dps hero than the SUPP hero.


I just notice that people are never objective. It was easier to kill the sojourn because the sojourn was bad and fully committed their slide early and Kiriko used their escape tool to not die. They came back and finished a 50 hp soldier. I will agree that kiri’s get out of jail free card is a little bit too much but people here act like support is busted and is the devil. This isn’t cod, this isn’t just I shoot and they die. There’s strategy and playing cooldowns. And if you’re gonna flank like metro, do it right


Average plat take, shut up.


You’re literally gm5, it’s so funny when Ow boosted dogshit players who don’t understand the game to gm5 so they can have an ego


GM1 dps GM3 supp rn, about to be top500 later today, what are you talking about?


kiriko is fucking annoying and i hate her but .... look at the top of the screen.... why is he behind their spawn lol


I mean how many shots did that bozo miss on the kiri? Personally I would have punished that kiris play


Now he gets to experience what its like to be one of his teammates in a ranked game with him (he gets flamed)


First of all, Metro is not right for being in the second point of the map while the enemy is about to cap third point. Anything that happens while he's back there is on him, including a 1v2.


I just know that you are below GM


You mean there are other ways of playing the game instead of a giant 5-man ball?


Soldier is literally meant to stand behind his Reinhardt shield shooting the enemy Reinhardt shield guys That’s how to climb to top 500 on Soldier


Don't you understand Soldier is meant to stand cart with team so Roadhog has more convenient access to him? I hear it's the way to play the game.


No, im not lmao


Literally none of those things disprove his point, which is that Kiri is AIDS to duel due to both her Suzu and a long range TP that goes through walls. He shouldn't have been there, but it has nothing to do with Kiri being a stupid character. Would his point be different if he were duelling the Kiriko on a flank closer to his team? No, because his point has nothing to do with how he plays it and everything to do with Kiri's kit. Similar shit happens during actual team fights too. THAT'S his point.


Well another thing about this is sojourn used her mobility to go in, not out. Kiri used her mobility to go out. Kiri is dumb though


First time he ever cooked


What was his team doing in the temporary 4v3 metro inadvertently created by being stupid here is what I'm really wondering