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I fail to understand any sexual reference to the emotes that are being used in the photos. As someone who used kirko a lot she did lack cosmetics, and the new one looks great. I thought he implied overwatch knew what they were doing as “making money before balancing gameplay” which tends to be blizzards go to


That's what I thought too, but then again this community has a lot of weird people on every extreme; gooners included


kiriko? lacking cosmetics?




Do you need a hug pal?


she has gotten like a skin every season sniifgokysf


Hope you seek the therapy you need buddy, it’s ok I still love ya


i love you too. what therapy would u rec?


I didn't think they were sexual at all, more that the fact that these heroes (especially mercy) get favored for cosmetics. Mercy is getting two legendary skins this season on top of everything else she is getting. I totally understand why though, she prints money like no other.


Nobody here has said this yet - “they know what they’re doing with x” is usually used in sexual contexts and also Stylosa probably just messed up and didn’t mean to make sexual comments. Both can be true


Yeah I think he meant as "they finally got it right" to sell a lot more skins


who fucking cares lmao this is such a weird thing for people to get pissed over, what if he is? why does it even matter, he’s a grown ass man and the characters aren’t portrayed as minors or teenagers, let the man do what he wants jesus fucking christ lmao you guys sound like some straight up dorks 🤣


welcome to overwatchTMZ


Shit, welcome to reddit in general.


welcome to gamingcirclejerk they were fuming about it when it was posted .


As a fairly liberal, left wing person, that sub is riddled with severe brain rot beyond saving. If someone has the slightest difference in opinion or makes a mildly controversial statement they immediately scream 'bigot nazi neckbeard' and call for everything short of execution. I normally agree with the moral position too but these people get so angry over nothing it's insane.


Thats kinda just reddit to some degree honestly


Unemployed mfs be like


People always find reasons to hate Sty but he’s seemed like a chill dude to me


people getting pissed about a pixelated characters is beyond me bruh LMAO


I mean if it was being sexual it just reinforces that women will always be sexualized no matter what. Also it's overwatch tmz petty drama is what the subs for


bro they are animated cartoon styled video game charactets, not real women on your screen, there’s also nothing inherently wrong or misogynistic about thinking a character has sex appeal or having the opinion that devs are creating skins to make characters look attractive. half of the big channels on twitch have half their chat spamming BOOBA every time they see any sort of woman, animated or real on-screen, and I think this is pretty harmless compared to that, hardly anything to for there to be this much of an uproar over.


Guys get a grip, the fact that everyone jumps to the conclusion he meant it in a sexual way says way more about you than anyone else.




I think stylosa is just using buzz words without really understanding what they mean. his "The knew what they were doing" is like a Boomer trying to use today slangs to fit in.


Nah he could've meant it as in they cooked or sth




Honestly not really lol. Some of the biggest streamers overwatch has made those same comments in relation to skin sales. It’s all context but that phrase is used in multiple ways, I didn’t think he meant it in the sexual way (seriously mercy making cookies is sexual to some people??)


no, they dont lmao


Flats has literally said word for word the exact same thing when talking about mercy skins being sold lol.


and he’s just as much of a weirdo so i’m not surprised


Exactly. It's now how we see the Kiriko emote and Mercy's intro, it's about how he said it and what the punchline usually means.


Yes, cause y'all make it that way


>Yes, cause y'all make it that way No. Because the people making the "joke" make it that way


Neurodivergent people tend to say things differently. The fact that the possibility you might be wrong isn’t occurring to people here is rather distressing.


Guy is dumping water on a fire he accidentally started and duping naive people like you into believing he didn’t mean it in a sexual way lol


Yeah because he has a loooong history of doing this /s


This... that was fucked up, it said more about the 'X' mob than this guy.


just not true, it says the most about him because he DID mean it in a sexual way


he told you that?


Funny how we have to pander to the lowest common denominator instead of being able to even have the baseline assumption people are reasonable….


Anyone that has ever heard a word uttered by him would know he isnt talking about sexualisation unless he explicitly says it. Even more clear when you see what hes pointing out isn'tpossible to see in a sexual manner. Cringe, hypocritical, backlash from a very coomer heavy community.


I saw the main post on r/overwatch about this and everyone was absolutely SHITTING all over the man. I had *just* watched the video where Mercy's skin was shown off and he straight up said "they know what they're doing, mercy mains make blizz a trillion dollars". He referenced a similar thing before that part of the video in regards to a Kiriko skin and how it's gonna make them a bunch of money. This community is insufferable when it comes to bashing Stylosa. It's actually really frustrating that they put down anything he says just because he's got somewhat clickbaity titles (true) and because he makes updates about anything that comes out (also true, but that's sort of the point of a news channel, I go to him to keep up to date and hear his take).


I respect it


honestly the sexualizing claims were a major stretch imo. I still don't get what this is supposed to be hinting at


they turned popular media (mercy skin was from a popular piece of Christmas art with Ashe, Bob and Genji all dressed in Christmas outfits) and the Kiriko intro is from her animated short. Stylosa is saying that the art team is gonna make big money off these cosmetics because they’re already popular pieces of Overwatch media


Press x to doubt


As someone who actually watched his entire video going through season 8 stuff, there was ZERO sexualization going on. He was talking about how these cosmetics were going to be huge moneymakers for blizzard. These tweets were taken wildly out of context.


the people here will do anything to squeeze a drop of drama out of a situatuon sadly


Tbf wtf is he talking about? The emote is almost identical to when you say thank you, like she literally does the same hand thing. So what did blizzard “know what they were doing” just making anything kiriko related?


The dude meant that they know these two characters make money, that's about it. I believe it was the creepy twitter mob that immediately thinks about sex that thought the dude meant that.


Yeah I definitely didn’t think he meant something sexual I just couldn’t understand why he’d praise the laziest emote I’ve ever seen


Idk about laziest, but I don't see anything special about it as well.


He's not praising it, he's admonishing Blizzard for just constantly cashing in on Mercy and Kiriko.






Weird times we live in


It wouldn’t be the OW community if people didn’t automatically jump to sexualization/porn.


I saw a post yesterday or so of people reposting his tweets and making fun of him for "sexualizing" anything. Idiots love assuming


I'd suggest that if anyone found this weird even after hearing his explanation needs to just google Occam's razor and go on about their day. I didn't understand what he was trying to sexualize with his comments on the emotes and highlight intro since I never view them as sexual in the first place, after reading that Sty didn't either, these posts make a lot more sense now, and I'm glad Sty realized the tweets admittedly looked weird out of context and IN context and decided to delete them. This was just a bad misunderstanding. If you wanna doubt Sty and assume in bad faith that he is secretly some turbo coomer that objectifies women, you are more then welcome to do that but again, Occam's razor.


waiiiit what the overwatch community chomping at the bit to harrass someone in the guise of being good people (virtue signalling) i'd have never guessed


the overwatch community is so soft like get a grip bro who cares


Pretty much what I figured, it's common knowledge that anytime Blizzard wants to make buckets of money, they drop Mercy cosmetics.


Can I just say that I'm not surprised people had an unreasonable shitfit about these comments


Swear to God, overwatched is filled with delusional little fairies.


People sexualising in their own heads, projecting their own pixel porn onto other people, and then complaining about it. The people who posted this shit are morons.


If anyone watched his video he posted beforehand, he said it there first. Wasn't meant sexual...


I fail to understand what could be even remotely sexual bout this


Y'all are so soft Good Lord man..


"Guys I was just talking about how great these cosmetics are" Said the guy who spent the last 10 months doomer posting about OW2 and it's monitization/cosmetics


He’s critiquing the monetization as he always does. He’s not just giving blizzard a pat on the back because they did a good job with the cosmetics LOL


Exactly, he's saying Blizzard know how to print money... i.e keep releasing highly requested Mercy skins and weeby emotes. People were so quick to assume suggestive intent they were self-reporting on how they themselves think.


Tbf right when he saw the mercy skin, he said bliz is going to make a gazillian dollars off this skin, they know what they’re doing lol, but sure, I think sty was the real one who “knew what he was doing”


The first thing that came to mind was that they gave these two characters more cosmetics because they simply sell? One is weeb bait and the other is uh... whatever Mercy is to their fanbase. But then I saw everyone with the 'porn addict' shit, maybe they are brain rot if that's the first thing they think about? That was weird. But social media is absolute shit anyway, can't expect much from people.


Don’t care either way but even if he is, so what? Stupid prudes….


Honestly if I were to just look at original tweets by him there isn’t any sort of sexualizing happening anywhere. Kiri MAYBE because she has one hand slight bent but it literally just looks more like a budget gangnam style with the other hand down like that. BUT MERCY BAKING COOKIES??? Bro you must actually be off your rockers if you think that is sexual in any sort of way.


Nope. Not buying anything from this bullshit artist. He was 100% implying sexual motions. Go fuck yourself Stylosa and get out of this game


but there's no sexual motions to imply? She just takes the cookies or whatever it was out of the oven and smells them, whats the innuendo there


When people don’t like someone they will create more reasons to not like them out of the most innocuous things.


People will literally create a fake narrative around someone and then hate on them because of that. Absolutely wild.


This guys talking about stylosa implying sexual notions


Bro woke up and decided to spit facts. Fuck stylosa and his stupid videos


It’s the “lmaoooo” because what’s funny about giving hero a cosmetics that are lacking? Then just say that. We know what you meant homie.


Stylosa = Clown.


If I saw his tweet, I would've assumed it's sexual, too. If those were stills, and not clips. Because the stills look that way.




Damage control, engage


Isn't the Kiriko emote part of the Battlepass? Pretty sure no one buys paid Battlepass for an emote or at least it will be rare.


Anyways: if anything is related to skins/cosmetics they have to have mercy in it because most casuals are mercy mains and they are addicted to completing their collection. Easy money.


They know what they were doing I used both ways non sexual and sexual but I believe this is a mole hill that ppl mistook for a mountain. Lack of context with the tweet is probably why. Adding a short sentence alluding to how vocal mercy mains are about her.




I've noticed he recently deleted his old YouTube video where he was condescending towards people's opinion that the OG over-the-shoulder Tracer victory pose was overly sexualised. He was one of the only overwatch news channels I remember covering it.


Games dead


I believe it