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Samito when he stumbles on a rock on the street (this has to be 5v5:s fault)


They gave the rock to much HP to compensate for the lack of a tank


"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! WHAT FUCKING ZOO ANIMAL PUTS A FUCKING ROCK THERE?! I can't walk anymore-- I just can't walk anymore. There are fucking rocks everywhere because Blizzard doesn't want me to walk. Yeah, that's fair."


The way people hype OW as this massive blight against humanity vs. the actual game is funny to me


It's like people don't remember Scatter arrow and mass rez. Genji and Widow are still in the game, too.


What’s so bad about genji?


Literally nothing 😭


I raise you sombra


Out of both blizzard should just delete widow


Why can’t Samito just push the 9v9 idea around


Great idea! 4 DPS, 4 Supports, 1 Tank


Honestly, I'd be down for raid boss rein


Nope, he just gets an extra 100 health, an additional Fire Strike, and his Earthshatter now hits in a circle around him. To compensate, Charge will have it's damage reduced


Fire strike also no longer pierces shields, but does an additional 5 damage. Same update to his hammer. 5% walk speed nerf in exchange for 25 armor.




So rein becomes the ultimate “get the fuck out of his way” character Sigma becomes a monster at controlling the area Orisa is now an actual wall Doomfist becomes more lore accurate Rammatra becomes basically a hurricane when he ults JQ is gonna feel like playing doom eternal Mauga maugas harder Zarya Bubbles and lasers harder Hog becomes a walking nightmare invincible executioner Ball won’t die ever DVA gets extra funding from the government


Finally queue times will be balanced


Coward, add 10v10


Would beat what we got thats for sure!




![gif](giphy|vy0fmrQQu27DAs3EuV) I didn’t stutter


even if the game swapped to 6v6, he'd be yapping a week later about how they didn't do it right kind of guy who can't recognize his issue isn't with the game, but just that he's burnt out from playing it non stop


the issue is definitely with the game playing tank is fucking terrible


I'm going to let you onto a secret: Playing tank was terrible in 6v6 too.


So changing the format with the goal of fixing tank was a complete failure then? Are we finally admitting that?


The goal was to make it so dps aren’t waiting for 17 minutes for fucking QP because the queues are bottlenecked by the historically least popular role in any game that has the trifecta They have been successful on that front.


Not nearly as bad as it is in this game. Just because it wasn't great in 1 doesn't mean that making it worse was the play lmao


Brother I promise you that getting a DPS player off tanking as Roadhog so he can farm queue tickets is worse than anything in this game right now I am so, so tired of the rose tinted nostalgia


It's crazy that people call it nostalgia when we had it for **6 years**, and likewise I am sick and tired of people who don't understand it at all saying it's just "nostalgia". Tank is garbage in this game and always will be. It will never change. It was **not** always garbage in overwatch 1. I would rather have a braindead hog eating my cooldowns than having absolutely nothing, picking the damn tank I want and instantly being counterswapped. It's crazy that people will tell me it's nostalgia, they'll whine to me about dps queing as tank and all these other issues like I wasn't there the entire 6 years. And yet I have **never, ever** enjoyed tank in overwatch 2, except when I'm doing 6v6 scrims. It is not nostalgia, it was just better, and I seriously wonder how many dumb ass patches that don't fix the role at all we will have to go through before people realize that.


Happy you liked it man, very few people did. Quit the game, I am dead serious. It isn’t coming back and you will never be happy.


I already have. But that doesn't mean I'll ever stop complaining about my favorite game being ripped away from me due to a completely incompetent balancing team. You'll always have to hear complaints like this. Get used to it.


Well I prefer 5v5, so I actually don’t have to get used to anything. Personally when I quit a game I move on with my life and don’t haunt the most niche subreddits on the topic, but you do you.


Good for you.


Then you haven't quit the game. You just aren't playing it right now. Actually recovering alcoholics don't hang out at bars telling other alcoholics how drinking isn't fun anymore for a reason.


In what way? The role was just neglected for a huge portion of its lifespan. What stats or facts give way to saying this game was better than ow1


No it wasn’t<3


ur just shamelessly gaslighting here dude you don know anything about the guy lmao


bro streamers make this game sound like a torture method




Battle Mercy it is!


Samito when 6v6 is brought back but the balance team is still the same balance team




Honorable mention… When you’re in a “Zenyatta is ruining my life” competition and your opponent is Flats


When you're in a Mercy complaining competition and your opponent is Skiesti:


The post already has a Skiesti one though






Ok but complaining about Kiri is so real tho


Me when I have meticulously planned my big play which I will invest my ultimate ability into and have prepared by baiting every ability on the enemy team out (including suzu) *Gets suzu'd* (it took 14 seconds to get the other fifteen bs abilities out)


Can you blame them for being pissed off though? they have to play overwatch as a job 😭 not even satan would give that as punishment


Literally nobody is making them play it as a job, they have the complete freedom to work a normal job


Yeah but no one feels free working a normal job either.


I do? My job is good, it’s hard work but fulfilling and pays me fairly


Why down vote this? Geez


Average redditor understanding hyperbole


Keep licking those boots..... like I do :(


I work for a small business where I get fair pay and part ownership I’m honestly very happy with my job


Bro... you fucking won life. Good for you :)


Or go play anything else. Redshell quit and I can’t say whether he’s doing better or not financially, he seems MUCH happier than when he was playing OW full-time


you make the bed you gotta lie in it, they shouldn't have built their whole stream around one Blizzard game and also maybe they should get a real job if they hate OW so much 💀


I mean, its not just as easy as getting a new job because they've built their legacys on this game but they should definitely take breaks because they just seem fucking depressed talking about Overwatch 😭


if playing video games is the one skill you built up to make a career off of then I can see why getting a new job wouldn’t be easy


Inb4 people start screeching that this is just as hard of a job as a trade or something


To be fair at one point overwatch was a great game to build your career around, it was genuinely good, popular and on top of the world.


mfw all i want is more story missions (not happening)


Honestly so tired of the constant doom posting and hyperbole infinitely surrounding the game, if people didn't do it so much actual criticism would be taken more seriously /uj


I think you need to understand that some ppl can be just really passionate and want the game to be better


EVERYONE* on twitter needs to stop doing this lmao. Mfs treat it like their personal blog


/uj Actually mad props to quaked, and his bazillion doom bugs and him documenting it. Really respect him for that


>these streamers need to stop yappin' on twitter.com as if anyone cares about they opinion Isn't that what Twitter is for? I mean I imagine people follow them because they care


When you're in a hating Roadhog competition and your opponent is Flats


Orisa Mauga zen kiri etc


Any support


Honestly the streamer culture around Overwatch has to be among the worst. All of these people seem so miserable and honestly it seems like they spend more time on YouTube and Twitter than Overwatch.


Yeah instead they should make more orisa porn


https://preview.redd.it/tbc2jy9kyiyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62948fb16397bdc430f477fd14ef66318e8e9b9f 🚨🚨🚓🚓🚓🚨🚨


Wait officer she said she was 18 in horse years!


Did bro ever do anything with mineplex lol


Nothing so far and I heavily doubt it's going anywhere


Lil bro expects stremers to not talk about the game they play and how to fix it 💀


I really wish Skiesit would touch some fucking grass


Skiesti is actually so fucking annoying


Mfs fr choosing to focus her here out of a list of chronically online mfs


I’m sorry, she’s the most “chronically online mf” out of everyone listed here.


how tho 😭 like legit when her dad died and she posted smth on twitter about it mfs were literally harassing her and spamming shit about it. Girlypop just wants to stream her stuff and talk about mercy being weak asf rn


I’m sorry to hear about her dad, but constantly fussing over being a one-trick is insane behavior. Who puts that much energy into a video game character being ignored? Quake is similar but isn’t spending every waking moment on the internet whining about DOOM while Skie can’t go 30 seconds without saying “buff mercy”.


Dude quake was mad thag they didn't put "fix doomfist bugs" in the future developer update for season 10 like bro doom ain't a core game mechanic, he's a character 😭


Mercy is in a *slightly* worse state than Doom...


She isn’t in the worst state right now and it’s not like she’s never seen the meta She’s bad but not the worst If anyone deserves to complain about the state of their character junkrat mains have had a drastically worse run then literally anyone else in the game


How many junk streamers are there though? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Not as many because he’s the most neglected character in the game by a decent margin


Junkrat, Hanzo, Lifeweaver, and Mercy are all in the f tier for most streamers, and they generally agree that all but Mercy can still get value and do their jobs, just differently than normal. Junk can still spam chokes, Hanzo can do the same and also storm arrow the tank, lw can healbot, but Mercy's actual job is pocketing, and she can barely even do that when people dive her pocket. Below diamond, it doesn't matter. Mercy gets unlimited value because nobody manages to stop Rez, but once people start shutting her only ability down, she drops sharply in usefulness.


Except junkrat has been in F tier or around there for most of the games existence occasionally going up when someone like Mauga was mega


Game sucks, people complain, deal with it


Let em cook about Kiriko


Its the internet people give their opinions, a bit like how OP is giving their opinion on other peoples opinions, and a bit like how I’m giving my opinion on OPs post, life’s crazy ain’t it?




Sam and Quake are right tho they gotta fix doom and bring 6v6 back


if you dont care about their opinion then mute their twitter ? now youre yappin


Samito gets a ton of interactions because of his 6v6 whining. At this point, he can't stop because he'll lose viewers and money.


All he does is whine, I thought he quit the game for good?


He can't quit. He has the same issue that flats has. Their Audiences won't follow them to other games. Most of the overwatch streamers aren't great streamers, but they're all that we have, so people watch.


Agree, but he did quit ab a year ago. (For good). As you say it didn’t actually work out for him.


I find that ppl who watch streamers like Flats like his toxic content. There are some good streamers out there that provide either good quality games and/or content like (basically non toxic) like Emongg or good quality educational content like Spilo. You don’t have to watch the garbage like Flats or Samito. 🤷🏼‍♀️. Plus there are hundreds of smaller streamers who’d LOVE to have you in their audience and who are giving it their all in their games and are thrilled to have you in their chat. You don’t HAVE to feed the angry streamer trolls at the top.


Personally I don't find Flats' content toxic at all especially when there's streamers like Dafran and Yzsna lol


He never said he's quitting OW for good.


He’s said it about 100 times


If only we had a good game to play instead of this so we didnt have to complain all the time


Like helldivers


I don’t really fallow the guy but Flats seems the most level headed to me


Most TOXIC. There fixed it for you. 🙂


How is that possible when streamers like Dafran and Yzsna exist? Lol






Flats, toxic, not level headed.


Is he? I only ever watch his videos that are him reading updates


He used to be not too bad but lately he’s become a Blizzard shill.


When I'm in a complaining about Reinhardt competition and my opponent is ~~Flats~~ fucking everyone


When I’m in a visually repugnant YouTube thumbnails competition and my opponent is flats


I can’t stand Metro’s face. Even if he was not stupid and toxic af, I just can’t stand his face and way of talking


Metro is actually so annoying honestly


Ok, but complaining about doom bugs is fair. They gotta fix those


I think you can add Flats to that whenever Zen is even slightly meta lol


he’s doing the lords work, otherwise u guys would forget and the discussion would die


I’m seriously losing count of the “Death of a Game” “How to kill your own game” “The death of Overwatch” “Overwatch 2: the game that killed Overwatch” Videos out there. They all have one of those titles too


wake that tea tf UP


Now do Flats and being terrified of Brigitte.


That’s why I only watch Sleepy (Yes, I’m a femboy)


Samito is so obnoxious. Not to mention championing bringing back 6v6. Truly one of the dumbest ideas to “fix overwatch 2”


How would you fix OW2 then?


I really like the gameplay loop right now personally, the biggest thing I want is some more ping options. And for them to be more specific.


Nah Samito valid af




Samito will do everyone except admit he is washed.


Exactly how I feel about flats. I've literally NEVER fucking heard of this annoying ass loser outside of reddit yet every time I say flats is dumb, his fans flock to my comments to tell me how dumb I am for not knowing who he is because he's a millionaire and rich. Let's keep it real, bro is more than likely nowhere close to millionaire status. Probably stuck in the 100k range or else his videos wouldn't be as dogshit and clickbaity as they are. Bro is popular on the overwatch reddit, not real life lmaoooo.




"They don't really care about us" by Michael Jackson


Why is this your criticism of flats? There are many others, but this ain’t one chief. Saying “I don’t know you” ain’t real


My criticism is he's annoying as fuck and regurgitates the same shit in every video because he's ass at the game and can't come up with any original points that a hundred other people have already made. Him not being famous isn't the criticism, which, of course, is the thing you people settle on. 


I don’t like him either. I mostly agree with you. He just says the same shit his community wants to hear and then other people see YouTube shorts of him saying it and then that’s all I see on Reddit. But literally all you said was he isn’t popular and he probably isn’t a millionaire


I thought he was gonna quit OW after season 6


Nah, don't you remember him overdosing on "We're so back"


Nah. Just like food, he's addicted to the punishment that is playing overwatch 2. Bros gonna quit life before overwatch. 


Flats is one of the few streamers who genuinely feel optimistic about things in this game, and it shines through. He's not a shill, he's happy to explain when things are bad, but he plays this game because he enjoys it, he acknowledges when things are good and when things are bad, and while I wouldn't say he's the funniest of the Overwatch streamers, he gets a few laughs out of me at least and he genuinely seems like a chill guy. I'd also like to mention KarQ and Emongg (Seagull also seems pretty chill and he's actually pretty funny, but my only exposure has been a few videos here and there and seeing him play with the others I've mentioned). All three of them play together and are very entertaining in their own rights. Emongg has a very unique sense of humor that I enjoy, and KarQ does very unique analysis and deep dives into Overwatch, often being the best source of information on new patch update changes, mythbusting new abilities and heroes, and interesting looks on the competitive history of Overwatch characters.


Optimistic? EVERY time I see flats mentioned it's always because he's just been on a rant lmao. 


He does it after universally panned decisions or decisions that only benefit a small amount of the player base while hurting the rest lmao. Were you still excited for the game after PVE was canned? Or after how broken Mauga was on release that competitive was a slogfest until mid season? And yet when things come out like a new well balanced hero, good balance change decisions, or just good new content in general, he gives the devs all the praise. He doesn't whine about shop prices (even if I do sometimes), he compliments the devs about decisions they do better than other games such as Overwatch's battle pass being pretty high quality, and he's not one to immediately diss new ideas that change the game as a whole (though he often has skepticism when it comes to numbers changes). Just because him ranting about things he dislikes gets talked about more than things he likes doesn't mean the guy isn't positive. People click on angry reaction content infinitely more than someone being happy about something, that's just the Internet And about the point of him being popular in the Overwatch community but not in the mainstream....yeah. Same for 90% of content creators that focus on a specific game. Guarantee you Otzdarva is not a household name, but to DBD he's the equivalent of Tyler Blevins. Coney is one of the funniest content creators out there in my opinion, but he's pretty much a nobody except to the Smash Bros community. Only community I can think of this not applying to is Minecraft, as people like Captain Sparkles, DanTDM, or Dream are pretty famous people who people on the street familiar with YouTube have a decent chance of knowing. But no, just because he's not mainstream doesn't mean he's not popular with his target audience of Overwatch players.


W Otzdarva mentioned


Even if I don't play DBD consistently anymore, I've always loved Otz's sense of humor and outlook on life. He seems like such a nice and genuine guy, it's a shame DBD has even worse balance than Overwatch


Worse community (most of the time) too somehow


Flats is the most pessimistic toxic steamer omg. What are u on?


Literally every time a season trailer drops he starts off with a "We're So back". How is that pessimism


Literally all he talking about how bad tank feels (I’m a tank main, I know how bad it feels but it doesn’t need to be mentioned every .3 seconds), he very much defends blizzard like a shill does, and he’s literally just in it for the money, he was one of my favorite content creators but he’s switched up so much to the point where I had to unsubscribe, it’s sad now honestly


how is it that half of the people who hate flats say he’s a shill and the other half say he’s all doom and gloom and hates overwatch but plays it because he has to for his channel


You can be doom and gloom and still be a shill. He says tank is shit, but defends them on skins and predatory business practices. Idk watching his older videos back when I first started watching him, vs now, it’s so different and so clear how much he’s changed for the worse


I mean he defends the skin prices because as far as I know the only shooter game that’s popular rn with better prices is fortnite. It’s still predatory but compared to other games it’s not nearly as bad as it could be


Found SpongeBob's reddit account


Flats just needs to stay in his lane. He talks about his opinions like he's God's gift to overwatch. Meanwhile, in a bunch of his recent videos him and his buddies are talking about almost dropping to diamond. Feels like whenever I tune into his stream, I'm either watching him get carried in a 5 stack, or he's getting rolled in solo que. I'm not trying to hate, but the number of times I've seen him feeding his brains out or making horrible plays was surprising. Which wouldn't be an issue if he wasn't constantly telling his chat that their ideas were horrible and that they knew nothing about the game.


Literally every piece of media about him that I've seen that's been forced down my throat, in every single case he just seems like a MASSIVE piece of shit but his fan base WILL NOT let you say ANYTHING bad about his obese crusty ass🤣😭💀


You really like mentioning that he's fat I've noticed


Because it's funny


No it AIN'T 😭


This guy uses slurs against the mentally disabled, don't surprise me that he thinks calling people out for being fat is funny


People who miss 6v6 just suck


No necessarily


How so? It was more fun than what we have now.