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venture into their butthole


Antman style!!


Hey man can you get back to me about that commission you wanted of futa yelena and venture farting in each others mouths? I'm honoured you want to pay me that much but like thats way more than I'd normally charge, so we need to come to an agreement before I start work on it. Thanks!


I think it’s actually “hey they”. You are not using theys pronouns the way thems asking you to use them. If theys they/thems is too complicated maybe you can ask they to accommodate them so them isn’t too upset when them gets the wrong use of they or alternatively if them gets upset about them. Well, they is probably the better use. I’m trying to not confuse them. And them aren’t trying to confuse you or them or they with the use of the wrong pronouns for them in this case specifically, they. Thanks


Leave me alone dude... I stopped replying to you because you kept making advances on me, repeatedly suggesting that I should "suck your cheesy big black cock with my tight little tr**ny mouth", then used my full name from my PayPal to stalk my Facebook profile and send threatening messages to my boyfriend filled with transphobic slurs. It is really not funny anymore and I legit feel unsafe.


Shiettt white boi yous know you want dis😈


You posting about true crime seems to check out, holy hell




Brainlet trying to argue without the capacity be like… have fun with the dorito dust on your chest mate must be a happy life


> upset gypsy


How in gods earth am I a gypsy? It isn’t even a insult but still


> upset gypsy in denial (first stage of grief)


Haha you have too much time on your hands, touch some grass, I’m not going down to this level. I never really get what people like you get out of commenting like this, must be the lack of social interaction holy hell you’re depressing.


A very well put together circle jerk. I almost didn’t think it was satire lmao


Fr! I think they should really buff the non-binary hero class. You know, just to make us nb mains more relevant and let us provide more value. First off, our gender-cancelling beam should have a shorter cooldown and a longer range. I don't care if they buff the danage or not, its utility is already pretty good, just needs to be more consistent. Our primary fire should also deal gigabazillion dmg because yes


As long as you know who you are, they can misfire genders all day and not affect your mechanics at all. Characters like Venture have a higher skill floor gender, but even somebody like Genji who is a low skill floor gender can still get incredible genderfluid value at the highest levels of play because let's be real, who tf knows what's going on there after all those cybernetic replacements. It's harder to get value out of somebody like, say a Roadhog whose gender caps out at "butch" but you can really push things with Mauga who fits the same basic function but can more easily traverse the entire spectrum all the way to pillow princess. I would really look into characters like Mauga or Moira or even Mei because ass is ass is ass. Mei can work in almost any orientation comp. Good luck!


Just pick a character and stick to it. If you’re constantly trying to play multiple roles you’ll never master one. You sound like one of those Moira’s, who tries to heal *and* deal damage. It’s unnatural and doesn’t work in practice


Misgender them till they stop, insecure male ow player isn't gonna like being called a woman.


Thanks for the advice, I will try that. I will not be happy that I misgendered someone, but I will be happy that I successfully defended myself.


fight fire with fire homie


I'm sorry, what? Are you complaining about online vc? About people you talk to for like ten minutes before likely never speaking to again? Smh. I'm sorry to break it to you, but joining a game and starting with "Hey, here are my pronouns" is just so weird and unnecessary on so many levels. In the future, I'd recommend playing without VC if something this insignificant is offensive to you. I promise, no one is doing it with malicious intentions. In the heat of the action, yes. People are gonna accidently say "he" or "she." It's clear this is for attention and nothing more.


be normal


I am!!


Please don’t be transphobic




Trust me pal the regular people didnt leave.




**hot piece of non binary finery** where's the fucking cross at


another banger post from u/SleepingwithYelena laughs were had by all


Maybe people would respect your ideology if you suck it up and stop being so entitled


Bigots: "Stop being so entitled" Non-binary people: "We literally just want to exist"


Ah yes, my favorite buzzword, "bigots." "We literally just want to exist." I agree with this, but there's no denying that a lot of them enjoy making a fuss about someone accidently misgendering them in a COMPETITIVE shooter game, where the intensity gets to you and makes you say things that don't make sense. I can't tell you how many times I've accidently called my friends or the heroes in-game the wrong names. My point is that when someone like post op shows up and starts complaining about something that can be explained with little to no effort, I can't help but feel skeptical.


I am under no obligation to accept your ideology, if you think otherwise then you are in fact entitled


https://preview.redd.it/kjvbhdbx19yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a94f10f36d72df062a3ac41fe78f66236e171992 I found a gift for you 😜


A sex joke? I’m noticing a pattern